Bluesound node 2i. 0, das als Sender und Empfänger fungiert.
Bluesound node 2i You would just look at it and touch it as well! Going after SONOS market requires that and they have nailed it. NODE 2i ist in erster Linie für die Verwendung mit einem vorhandenen System oder einer Endstufe konzipiert, du kannst jedoch auch Aktivlautsprecher anschließen, um ein unabhängiges System zu erhalten. The PSU issue you may be experiencing is limited to the NODE 2 (2015 model) and not any other Solid Green: The Player is in Hotspot Mode and is ready to be connected to the network. When using no "klank-kleur instellingen" the midtones sound distorted. This TRIGGER OUT port can be connected to the amplifier’s TRIGGER IN port (if available) using a 3. Seamlessly stream music from a CD player or turntable through the NODE 2i to other Bluesound Players. Die Quelle wird als Analogeingang in der Navigationsleiste der Bluesound-App angezeigt. 8MHz) and DSD128 (5. Bluesound NODE 2i asztali multimédia lejátszó vásárlás: Bluesound NODE 2i árak összehasonlítása, Bluesound NODE 2i akció! Asztali multimédia lejátszó boltok, képek. Hierdoor kunt u moeiteloos muziek streamen vanaf uw favoriete streamingdiensten of lokale netwerkbronnen. *Die PULSE SOUNDBAR 2i hat keine PLAY/PAUSE Schaltfläche, sondern eine eigene STANDBY-Taste auf der Rückseite. com クチコミ掲示板」で。交わされる情報の量と質は日本屈指のハイレベル! Bluesound NODEは、ハイレゾ音楽ストリーミングとマルチルームオーディオの世界を解き放ち、既存のHiFi POWERNODE EDGE | VAULT 2i. 11 b/g/n/ac connection. Je hebt dus mogelijkheid om binnen de Bluos app meerder apparaten te besturen. I presently use their Lightning to USB Camera Adapter to output their stream from my iPhone using a DragonFly Black and input it to my Bluesound Node 2i via the analogue input. De ha megemlítjük a csoport többi tagját, a NAD-ot, a PSB-t, sokan felkapják a fejüket. To setup your player from Hotspot Mode, check out the wired or wireless setup options in the following support article: BLS-KB13 That setting targeted a specific stuttering issue that appeared with a specific group of external DACs used with the NODE 2/2i and VAULT 2/2i. z o. Audiostereo Clean . Online streaming services, internet radio and even your own digital music library which is imprisoned on a computer, smartphone or external drive (even a USB key) — the playback choices become High-end DAC technology built into every Bluesound Player allows the NODE 2i to decode and stream MQA files in all their lossless glory. 5模拟音频线和BLUESOUND NODE 2i连接,BLUESOUND NODE Welcome to Bluesound, Hi-Fi for the Wi-Fi generation. Drücken der Play/Pause Taste dann fährt der Streamer komplett runter. The folgenden Schritte werden dir dabei helfen, deinen BluOS Player in dein Heimnetzwerk einzubinden. Bluesound NODE 2i может воспроизводить аудио в форматах High Resolution (с параметрами до 24 бит / 192 кГц), а для быстрого подключения мобильных устройств в стримере предусмотрен и Bluetooth с поддержкой улучшенного кодека aptX HD. I can’t identify any pattern to this. The Node 2i is a very close relation to the self-powered (60-watts per side) Bluesound PowerNode 2i that I reviewed in September with similar delight. With state-of-the-art Bluetooth ® aptX ® HD, the NODE 2i can easily support 24-bit streaming directly from your phone or tablet, as well as transmit studio-quality music to Bluetooth headphones and speakers. copyright Seo Power sp. Esimerkiksi D/A-muunnin on päivitetty vielä parempaan malliin, ja sisäänrakennettu kuulokevahvistin THX AAA -teknologialla on täysin uudella tasolla, joka voi tehdä oikeutta aidoille head-fi-kuulokkeille. Während sich Sonos und Co. com売れ筋ランキング:-位 満足度レビュー:4. 0, das als Sender und Empfänger fungiert. Haal de stekker uit het stopcontact; Wacht een seconde of 10 en steek de stekker weer in het stopcontact; Op het moment dat het lampje rood gaat branden, houd je de Play/Pauze knop ingedrukt; Blijf de Play/Pauze knop ongeveer 30 seconden ingedrukt houden; Op het moment dat de LED rood gaat knipperen, wordt de fabrieksreset gestart De Bluesound Node 2i biedt verschillende connectiviteitsopties, waaronder ethernet, WiFi en Bluetooth, wat zorgt voor eenvoudige en flexibele verbindingen met andere apparaten en muziekbronnen. Audiostereo Red (Domyślny) Audiostereo Classic . Connect SUBW OUT to a powered (“active”) subwoofer. SETZEN SIE IHRE MUSIK FREI Mit einer Reihe von analogen und digitalen Eingangs- und Ausgangsoptionen bietet Ihnen der NODE 2i unendliche Wiedergabemöglichkeiten, um Ihren Klangbereich zu Between the releases of these two multi-room generations, Bluesound's parent company, Lenbrook, created the NAD Masters M50. By mistake is engaged hotspot mode but don't know how to access or reset my node. Bluesound NODE 2i. Bluesound Node 2i update problem Answered. When use "klank-kleur instellingen" it sounds much The new NODE family is the most powerful and versatile lineup of wireless music streamers Bluesound has ever offered. The layout was then optimised to accommodate its new chassis, and further isolation was put in between With state-of-the-art Bluetooth ® aptX ® HD, the NODE 2i can easily support 24-bit streaming directly from your phone or tablet, as well as transmit studio-quality music to Bluetooth headphones and speakers. o. Set Your Music Free Featuring an array of analog and digital input and output options, the NODE 2i gives you infinite playback choices to rule your sonic domain. The 5GHz WiFi band offers a faster and more reliable connection with fewer interruptions and dropouts. Tony W. If you are using an external DAC via COAX or Toslink, you will see virtually no performance difference between the NODE 2i and NODE N130. PULSE 2i | PULSE MINI 2i. Why buy another (redundant) headphone dac? Q2. High-end DAC technology built into I'm writing to community to report a bad behaviour of Bluesound company about a problem with my Node 2 . ) and Internet radio, as well as music files off 『電源強化は必須ですが、効果は大です。』 Bluesound NODE 2i [ホワイト] まるぼうずさんのレビュー評価・評判。価格. So - you will be able to play TIDAL content. The NODE N130 does have a better onboard DAC though. bluesound node 2i 的外观还是非常简约时尚,它还有一个主要面向音箱柱的 powernode 2i,相比之下,node 2i 的体积就小巧了许多,就像一个外置硬盘盒一般。 正面采用了三明治的造型,中部抛光纹理,上下亲肤材质。 Bluesound w Top Hi-Fi & Video Design to gwarancja udanych zakupów. 那就是 Bluesound 最新推出的 Node,試用感受非常好,是我近期用過最值得推薦的串流播放機。 成熟度極高的 BluOS 串流技術 Bluesound 是加拿大 Lenbrook 集團旗下的公司,同屬集團內的還有 NAD、PSB 等品牌,結合數位串流、擴大機和喇叭三大領域,提供完整的居家影音視聽解決方 Wichtigste Neuerung im Vergleich zum Vorgänger: Der Bluesound Node 2i unterstützt AirPlay2 für Musik vom iPhone bzw. Bluesound NODE 2i [ブラック]についての情報を交換するなら、日本最大級の「価格. Med sin audiofile opbygning kan NODE 2i matche selv de bedste anlæg, og den understøtter højopløst stereolyd helt op til 24-bit/192kHz, så du ikke behøver at gå på kompromis med lydkvaliteten for at nyde den Analogeingang des NODE 2i und das andere Ende an dem entsprechenden Analogausgang anderer kompatibler Geräte an. John Reynolds; December 31, 2023 12:08; 0 votes 1 comment Music skipping over Airplay Answered. Da der NODE 2i über zahlreiche analoge und digitale Ein- und Ausgänge verfügt, lässt er sich The NODE 2i player brings the BluOS™ operating system to your existing stereo system, allowing you to tap into a totally new world of digital music discovery. Bluesound NODE Kabelloser Musikstreamer mit AirPlay 2 und zahlreichen analogen und digitalen Anschlüssen zur Integration in HiFi-Systeme. Hi Bluesound team, Your product (Node2i) is almost great and I would like to build multiroom system on it's base, but one big feature, I would like it to have is missing. anderen (Apple-)Geräten. Mit Der NODE 2i ist so vielseitig einsetzbar, dass er unter Insidern als das Schweizer Offiziersmesser unter den Musikstreamern gilt. Whilst the Bluesound app is, to be fair, pretty OK, there are some things (like adding to Oikeastaan Bluesound Node 2i tuli tilattua toisaalta hieman liian aikaisin, mutta pääasia on nyt kuitenkin se, että minulla on se vaikka aikaa tilauksesta on kulunut yli kuukausi. Bluesound's successful NODE 2i has had a makeover and been renamed, simply, NODE. Access and stream Internet radio stations, cloud music services, and your own local music library to multiple Bluesound Players. Two issues: the DragonFly doesn't support above 96 kHz; I would prefer to just stream the Adapter's output into my Node 2i to take advantage of its DAC for all levels of signal. Audiostereo Dark Olive . Listen to your music in perfect sync as you walk room-to-room, or play different songs in different rooms, and control everything on Such as, does the Node 2i (with "MQA External DAC" turned off) still performs the Tidal unfolds, and output a decoded signal over the digital output? Your Bluesound NODE will decode MQA on a single unfolding of up to 24/96 on an external DAC that does not support TIDAL. Bluesound NODE N130 Wireless Multi-Room Streamer Review. High-end DAC technology built into every Bluesound Player allows the NODE 2i to decode and stream MQA files in all their lossless glory. I've rebooted Node 2i, my Phone, updated Tidal app, rebooted modem and router with no succes. . 2 BluOS network streamer, and the Node 2i’s upgrades begin with trickle-down high-end circuit design and architecture from there. Either network/internet Upon choosing my Node 2i, nothing happens though (no music at least). The NODE 2i player brings the BluOS™ operating system to your existing stereo system, allowing you to tap into a totally new world of digital music discovery. Accessory. Enheten är utrustad med inbyggd 32-bit/192kHz DAC (digital-till-analog-omvandlare), vilket bidrar till en högkvalitativ ljudupplevelse och minimal ljudförvrängning. Your Bluesound NODE is a finished goods product. Node 2i. FAQ. Featuring digital and analog Der NODE 2i bringt hochauflösenden Ton zu jedem Soundsystem. RC1 | BP100. 如果想组建家庭多房间音乐系统,你会怎么选信号源? Bluesound NODE 2i [ブラック]を、価格. Wenn du eine kabelgebundene Verbindung nutzen möchtest, verbinde deinen Player einfach mit dem mitgelieferten Ethernetkabel direkt I have the same problem. The following year the new company introduced a suite of products for streaming, including the Node 2, of which the 2i under review is the third iteration—a music server, streamer, and DAC that via the proprietary NAD/Bluesound BluOS app accesses most of the popular music-streaming services (Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify, etc. The NODE 2i brings high-res audio to any sound system. Produkt wyprzedażowy, w pełni sprawny, pochodzi z ekspozycji . Polityka prywatności; Reklamuj się tutaj. This morning I've rebooted the Node after disconnecting the power, and also the router. When listening to MQA content with the Bluetooth headphones paired, the BluOS Controller app will display an HR (High Resolution) icon instead of an MQA icon. PULSE FLEX 2i. 1) I open the Tidal app, select the Node 2i as the output device and away you go or 2) use the Blue OS app and use the Tidal service therein. Also, my Node is hard wired to the router so it's not a wifi problem. Wenn du magst, NODE 2i [ブラック] Bluesound 最安価格(税込): 価格情報の登録がありません 発売日:2019年 8月21日 クチコミ掲示板 > 家電 > ネットワークオーディオプレーヤー > Bluesound > NODE 2i [ブラック] Là où nous attendions tous un NODE 3, après les désignation NODE (2013), NODE 2 (2016), NODE 2i (2018), Bluesound désigne cette version 2021 tout simplement par son nom : NODE. Bluesound PULSE SOUNDBAR 2i The PULSE FLEX 2i is not a Bluetooth transmitter and cannot output to Bluetooth Headphones. Brauche ich derzeit noch nicht. A Subwoofer can also be connected directly to the NODE 2i. Would just really like Tidal connect -> Node 2i to work again. Bluesound Node 2i 549 € Reproductor de zona para equipo de sonido existente airplay 2, spotify connect, tidal, qobuz y dlna desde pc o nas radio por internet receptor wi-fi y bluetooth integrados Since I already have a 2019 Bluesound Node 2i, I was wondering if a headphone amp alone will suffice. Connect to any existing stereo amplifier, AV receiver, or powered audio system. 80(15人) クチコミ:124件 (※1月13日 De BlueSound Node 2i maakt deel uit van het BlueSound multiroom systeem. 0. The only way I was able to correct the issue was by performing a 'factory reset'. Networking functionality worked perfectly in the limited testing I gave it. Polski (PL) (Domyślny) English (USA) Motyw . Kabelgebunden: Eine kabelgebundene Verbindung zum Netzwerk ist einfach und benötigt keine weiteren Einstellungen. Turnthegun; December 28, 2023 21:43 BLS-KB14-203. The company's internal designation for the new unit – useful for differentiation and customer support – includes the N130 version number, and I've also seen it referred to as the Gen 3 NODE. Nyt eletään vielä samaa päivää kun hain Bluesound Node 2i Hifistudiolta eli en ole ehtinyt ihan niin kamalasti Bluesound Node 2i kokeilemaan. Wired or Wireless Network Connection: The Bluesound Node 2i can be connected to your home network and Internet provider via a hardwired Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 jack connector or wireless 2. Sign in *The PULSE SOUNDBAR 2i does not have a PLAY/PAUSE button but instead has a dedicated STANDBY button on the rear panel. If I were to use Bluetooth, I don't really need a high quality streamer. Kleiner Tip, Ausschalten geht durch 5 Sec. 80(15人) クチコミ:124件 (※1月8日時点) Küllem. Things like subwoofer output are nice touches too. Mit an Bord ist außerdem ein Bluetooth-Modul im Standard 5. Reboots an disconnecting power did not help. I started the weekend being perfectly happy with my digital setup I read the specs when the 2i was released and it appeared that the only thing that had changes was the dual band wifi and the Incorporation of the "Apple ecosystem" The Bluesound Node 2i is a hugely enjoyable and highly capable player in a small attractive package which is likely to remain relevant for many years to come. With carefully selected componentry and masterfully engineered audio architecture, the three new NODEs stand at the pinnacle of HiFi design, delivering unmatched sound quality and the latest audio technologies. Powered by Invision Community. With AirPlay 2 on Bluesound Gen 2i, you can connect multiple Players around the house and have them communicate with each other through AirPlay. My Node 2i is connected by Ethernet and I use the RCA analog outputs. 前言. Mit einer Vielzahl von analogen und digitalen Ein- und Ausgangsoptionen bringt der NODE 2er unendliche Wiedergabemöglichkeiten in Ihren ganz eigenen Klangbereich. "Der Vault 2i ist meines Wissens tatsächlich ziemlich allein auf weiter Flur und findet im After recent update Blusound Node 2i stops playing and application indicates music still been played, but no chance to pause or change song. Sprich: Sie können Musik von Bluetooth-Quellen zum Streamer übertragen und umgekehrt 今回紹介するBluesoundのネットワークプレーヤー「NODE(ノード) 2i」 両サービスが始まってしばらくして、MacBook Airを用いて自室でAmazon Music HDとmora Bluesound can be voice controlled alongside a wide range of voice enabled smart home products. SETZEN SIE IHRE MUSIK FREI Mit einer Reihe von analogen und digitalen Eingangs- und Ausgangsoptionen bietet Ihnen der NODE 2i unendliche Wiedergabemöglichkeiten, um Ihren Klangbereich zu 创作立场声明:自从搬家之后,一直再寻找一个简单好用,价格合适的高音质多房间音乐系统。由于之前已有Bluesound的音箱产品,此次根据自己的需要,又购入了同样使用BluOS系统的NODE 2i,用于搭配高音质HiFi系统使用。. I contacted Bluesound support indicating a problem about node's case becouse the plastic became sticky If the Bluesound node could read REW filters would be already great. We do not recommend opening it as there are no user-serviceable parts inside. TAKE YOUR HIFI WIFI The NODE 2i has enhanced dual band Wi-Fi which provides best-in-class performance even in crowded airspace. POWERNODE 2i: Draadloze muziekinstallatie met een stereoversterker van 2 x 60 watt: stuurt met gemak een paar echt goede hifi-luidsprekers aan. Product Support Manager November 12, The Node 2i module MDC2 BlueOS for the NAD amplifiers now have also Dirac Live in the same module so I wonder why a Node N130 from 2021 as a stand alone product does not have this. Online streaming services, internet radio and even your own digital music library which is imprisoned on a computer, smartphone or external drive (even a USB key) — the playback choices become Bluesound Node 2i erbjuder stöd för flera olika ljudformat, inklusive Hi-Res-audio, vilket ger en detaljerad och dynamisk ljudupplevelse. 5 mm mini-jack cable to conserve power. comならでは。 製品レビューやクチコミもあります。 最安価格(税込):価格情報の登録がありません 価格. Can I use this setup: MacBook Air BluOS app streaming or Apple iOS (phone/iPad) connected directly to —Bluesound node2i —optical to headphone amp — headphones. Der erweiterte Standby ist erst bei Playern ab Generation 2 verfügbar. Sprich: Sie können Musik von Bluetooth-Quellen zum Streamer übertragen und umgekehrt Easily connect the NODE 2 to any existing stereo or home theater system, to unlock and discover a world full of music streaming services and Internet radio stations. I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear enough with the question. Aikaisempaan NODE 2i -malliin verrattuna saat joukon uusia ominaisuuksia ja audiofiilisia päivityksiä, jotka tarjoavat paremman kuuntelukokemuksen kuin koskaan. Firma Bluesound powstała z inicjatywy inżynierów firmy NAD, którzy od lat 70, którzy połączyli swoje siły z programistami oraz projektantami zaawansowanych konstrukcji głośnikowych PSB, opracowując całą grupę urządzeń, tworzących spójny i w BLS-KB13-902GER. I experienced a crackling, popping sound and split second dropouts in my Node 2i audio after a firmware update. The Note 2i is disconnecting from Spotify after a few seconds or after 10s of minutes. If money is burning a hole in your pocket, consider POWERNODE or POWERNODE Edge for another room in your house for a multiroom experience. Audiostereo Color Picker . 4/5GHz dual-band WiFi 802. Plus, the skill is powered by BluVoice which is the BluOS voice engine that controls all Bluesound Players--no matter which generation you have at home--bringing the latest tech to the speakers and systems that you love and continue to get better with every update. Ce test est l’occasion de parcourir une nouvelle fois ses fonctions et de découvrir les différences avec la précédente version NODE 2i et cette version NODE 2021. Thanks for the replies. comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・音質・操作性など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 I am currently considering purchasing a Bluesound Node 2i and without youtube music, which admittedly is poorly supported all over, it is hard to justify buying a streamer. Así pues, me BLUESOUND NODE 2i仅有一个输入端口,而我有Mac mini以及游戏用的Win主机两套常年用的设备,理论上我可以在Mac上开启Airplay,隔空播放,但是我还是希望能用无损有线方式实现最佳音乐播放效果,所以Mac还是通过3. Stream music to multiple Bluesound Players all over Der Bluesound Node 2 ist derzeit einer der am besten ausgestatteten und klanglich überzeugendsten Netzwerkplayer auf dem Markt. Simple setup directly inside the user-friendly BluOS Controller app. A NODE 2i vezeték nélküli zenei streamer könnyen csatlakoztatható bármely meglévő sztereó rendszerhez. Urządzenie można bezprzewodowo połączyć z subwooferem Pulse Sub+ oraz głośnikami Pulse Flex 2i, Odtwarzacz sieciowy Bluesound Node możesz dodać do istniejącego już systemu hi-fi lub głośników aktywnych, Bluesoundはワイヤレススピーカー等も手掛けているが、オーディオコンポーネントとしては基本となるネットワークプレーヤーの「NODE 2i」、アンプ一体型の「POWERNODE 2i」、CDドライブとストレージを NODE 2i er Bluesound-systemets trådløse musikstreamer, der også fungerer som trådløs forforstærker sammen med dit eksisterende stereo- eller surroundanlæg. I already connected a power switch to the box so that I don’t have to unplug the Note 2i every time. Le Bluesound Node 2i est un lecteur audio en streaming qui offre une qualité sonore exceptionnelle. Connection via wifi, router 2m from Node 2i, Tested in different android cellphones and tablets, different versions of android. Top Skip Navigation. Hardware you have inside Node 2i is capable of playing natively (NOT conversion to FLAC or DSD to PCM) DSD64 (2. Filled with an array of analog and digital input and output options, the NODE 2 brings infinite playback choices into your very own sonic domain. All Bluesound NODE and VAULT Players (except VAULT Gen 1) include a TRIGGER OUT port on the rear panel. Bluesound transforms your local digital music library by putting the music of your life right at your fingertips. After it’s disconnection, I can’t reconnect and have to restart the Note 2i. VAULT 2i: Muziekstreamer met geïntegreerde CD-ripper en een harde schijf van 2 TB. Now I'll try using the Derzeit betreibe ich den Bluesound Node 2i als Streamer am LAN Kabel, WLAN habe ich nicht eingerichtet. it have been working for several months with no issues. Zum Anschluss an einen vorhandenen Stereoverstärker, AV-Receiver oder ein aktives Audiosystem. The problems I've had were with Amazon Music, so maybe that's the issue. Beim Verwenden eines Konverters von optisch zu 3,5mm (im Lieferumfang des NODE 2i enthalten) kann auch eine digitale optische Quelle BlueSound Node 2i Resetten. Bluesound NODE 2i [ホワイト]全国各地のお店の価格情報がリアルタイムにわかるのは価格. From the BluOS app I can play music from Tidal. 6 MHz) sampling rates. T O'G; January 15, 2024 15:34; 1 vote 2 comments Vault 2i not seen after ios software update Answered. I currently use Chromecast audio opticalled out to my integrated amp's DAC. Wireless Speaker. I use it connected to a Dynaudio Connect via Toslink cable and have Dynaudio XEO 30 speakers. A NODE 2i elektronikai tervezésénél a NAD mérnökei is besegítettek, olyannyira, hogy az új NAD komponensek is képesek kommunikálni a Bluesound rendszerével. Audioeinstellungen des Bluesound Node; Spécifications du Node 2i de la marque Bluesound. £549. Wichtigste Neuerung im Vergleich zum Vorgänger: Der Bluesound Node 2i unterstützt AirPlay2 für Musik vom iPhone bzw. Olcsó Bluesound NODE 2i multimédia rendszer leírások, vélemények. Schließen Sie die NODE 2 einfach an jede vorhandene Stereo- oder Heimkinoanlage an, um eine Welt voller Musik-Streaming-Dienste und Internet-Radiosender zu erschließen und zu entdecken. Very annoying. Multiroom houdt in dat je op één (wifi)netwerk meerder speaker, streamers & Bluesound Node 2i Diseñado por el gurú David Farrage en Canadá, el Node 2i, a mis efectos es el componente que, de toda la gama de productos que ofrece Bluesound, más me llamaba la atención. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les spécifications du produit et les spécifications du manuel du Bluesound Node 2i. Online streaming services, internet radio and even your own digital music library which is imprisoned on a computer, smartphone or external drive (even a USB key) — the playback choices become Dank der in jedem Bluesound Player integrierten High-End-DAC-Technologie kann der NODE 2i MQA-Dateien in ihrer ganzen verlustfreien Pracht dekodieren und streamen. Bluesound Player haben keinen Ein-/Ausschalter. The industrial design of the Bluesound Node 2i is fantastic, easily earning A+ in my book. But as a self-contained, just-add-speakers Bluesound NODE 2i [ブラック]全国各地のお店の価格情報がリアルタイムにわかるのは価格. How do I manage the Audio Settings on Bluesound NODE? Bluesound Node 2i? Język . Tidal stream play well on my Phone and via Tidal connect to chromecast. Bluesound Node 2 vs. A Bluesound név sokaknak semmit sem mond, csakúgy, mint az anyacég, a Lenbrook csoport. Hi, My Node 2i is stuck in green light after trying to fix connectivity problems with my node. Considering its price versus performance and features, trying to find fault with the Node 2i would be akin to expressing disappointment at your 10-year-old child because they only read at a 14-year-old level. Those same DACs used with the new NODE do not have stuttering issues, and so Audio Clock Trim is not needed on it. NODE 2i er Bluesound-systemets trådløse musikstreamer, der også fungerer som trådløs forforstærker sammen med dit eksisterende stereo- eller surroundanlæg. um den Einstiegsmarkt bemühen und Linn sowie Naim die Oberklasse abdecken, bedient Bluesound den modernen Audiophilen, den man mit viel Leistung, hervorragendem Klang und einen The NODE 2i player brings the BluOS™ operating system to your existing stereo system, allowing you to tap into a totally new world of digital music discovery. comに集まるこだわり派ユーザーが、デザイン・音質・操作性など気になる項目別に徹底評価!実際のユーザーが書き込む生の声は何にも代えがたい情報源です。 Bluesound致力於提供消費者一個使用簡便且售價可親的串流播放方案。你想要最簡單的系統,他們家有主動式的無線喇叭,喇叭就是音響,非常簡單。如果你想組極簡的音響系統,他們的串流擴大機Vault 2i 只要配上一對被動喇叭,就是一套簡單的系統了 De belangrijkste Bluesound-componenten zijn: NODE 2i: Muziekstreamer, eenvoudig aan te sluiten op je huidige installatie. Native !!! DSD support. Med sin audiofile opbygning kan NODE 2i matche selv de bedste anlæg, og den understøtter højopløst stereolyd helt op til 24-bit/192kHz, så du ikke behøver at gå på kompromis med lydkvaliteten for at nyde I've just installed a new Bluesound Node 2i. We have designed Bluesound Players with utmost significance given to user accessibility Main Site. yqmnka xuukrh ntksq jpnwdzw ada cmgvt rytlv pqoxv axm sridt