Bash check if date is today. Bash compare two dates.

Bash check if date is today txt does not exist" fi Below function checks if date selected is within 5 days from today. So as not today's date and/or before today's date would like to echo a message, else just show the date. 7}; do date +%A --date=+${i}day; done Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Share Improve this answer Second Update: New requirement - Using 222 Working days instead of 222 Regular days: (Assumption: Not considering statutory holidays, because that just gets far beyond the scope of what I can help you with in a shell script:)Consider 222 working days: 5 working days per week, that is floor(222/5) == 44 weeks; 44 weeks * 7 days per week == 308 days; Extra days Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Similarly below written code can be used in place of d to find out year,month etc. path. Given an input date, I want to write a bash function that will output the previous business day. Improve this question Sometime we want to check if file modified in n minutes and do something with each file, we can easily use some commands. I thought I would use find . bash; shell; unix; Share. Compare time using date date. sh 1992-08-08 The input 1992-08-08 is a valid date string in the yyyy-mm-dd format. hhmm. txt touch empty. split('-')[1] order and split character. ; I don't need to find all files dated after a specific date, just need to test one specific file at a time. Check if the result date has the same month as the original date, and move the date one day backward from the first day of the month. NES NES. I have a directory with a few TB of files. -mtime +13 -delete. So in the winter date +%Z reports CET and in the summer CEST. Dec 31, 2024 · So, as you can see we need to simply check if the next day is “less” than today. SELECT CASE WHEN DATE_FORMAT(a. It is built for a Heroku and Python application, but it needs little change for any other application. 30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013; 2. echo Today is a working day. 9,774 Useful also to note that in Linux, the various options for date format can be found with man date, whereas in FreeBSD and other BSDs including OSX, you can see them with man strftime. e. set(Calendar. newsStory == DateTime. Learn more. now(). Here is sample script, that stores today’s date in TODAY and hostname in HOST variable: Using date in your script works because date is a command that returns a date/time (by default it is the current date/time) and uses various arguments, such as +%a to format it differently. Date format used is "DD-MM-YYYY", you can use any format by changing value. Use $() to execute a command and return the output as a string: Better make that command "LC_ALL=C date +'%a'" or that shell script will cease to work as soon as someone runs it with a non-English locale set. -mtime -1 -iname ????* . sh Thats’s it. I'm confused how you managed to get stuck at the exact point that you did. MILLISECOND, 0); Date today = c. You can do this using the select function to filter to matching entries, and the strftime function to get the current date in the correct format. How can I check if that specific date is on the weekend or not? String date is in the format of mm/dd/yyyy but can easily be changed How to check if today is a weekend in bash? 108. How can I check if this date is older than two minutes? I have a files named with YYYYMMDD in the file name, such as. date() If you want to check that they're the same date. I tried date +%s and passing in the desired dates but every time it showed the crrent time. Follow asked Dec 4, 2010 at 14:01. 51 (centos 7) and 4. file (e. So there is two options: Just use Parse and catch exceptions in Main();. 1 1 1 silver badge. “this was at least 3 days ago?”)). date -v +1d This will give (current date +1) means 1 day after. Today's date and finding any day before today in shell script Check the week day from calculated day in shell script. You can pass in a second optional variable of a time() object to use in lieu of the current date/time. Different Formatting Options. I tried below but those are somehow failing. if [ what? ] then echo "old enough" fi linux Detect if a file was created with todays date and then remove older files. date() Or, obviously, yourdatetime. If that fails it tries the OSX style. Problem with using time check with if statments - BASH. I am trying something like this . 4k 2 2 I need to run a command when something is entered in BASH with a certain time-frame, and if it's not that time run another command. -mtime +1 -iname ????* $ echo $? 0 Here's a bash function which checks all your servers, assuming you're using DNS round-robin. We can use the date command in Bash to display the current date: We can see that the current date is Friday, August 23, 2024. 6 (fedora 24 beta). csv" since the double-quotes " as such expand the value of variables in bash and you don't have to single quote again. If they are equal execute a procedure below but if (4 Replies) Check date of a file in unix. AG1> date +%s 1495427876 AG1> (date +%s -ud '2003-08-02 17:24:33' ) 1495427877 AG1> Note: This is a bash-specific answer, depending on features specific to bash (and ksh) not specified in POSIX, and so may not work with /bin/sh or the default shell on some systems. Here is a nice set of Bash script functions that check if there is a diff, prints it to the user and prompts the user if they would like to commit changes before deployment. Example 1: Checking If a Particular Date Has Already Passed. I'm sure it would be similar for creation date or access date, but for modification date, if I have: file=path-name-to-some-file N=100 # for example, N is number of days How would I do: if file modification time is older than N days then fi Example: How to Check if Date is on a Weekend. Here's what I have. Date comparison in To use the find command inside an if condition, you can try this one liner : [[ ! -z `find 'YOUR_DIR/' -name 'something'` ]] && echo "found" || echo "not found Note: This is a bash-specific answer, depending on features specific to bash (and ksh) not specified in POSIX, and so may not work with /bin/sh or the default shell on some systems. NET is smart enough to determine you want to compare based on Date only and uses that for the internal Compare. How to find day difference between a date with `YYYY-MM-DD` format and today's date in Unix shell script? 0. Commented Apr 30, 2019 at 16:27. Note that invoking a subshell has performance problems in Cygwin due to a slow fork() call on Windows. Many of the bash solutions here are broken for date ranges which span the date when daylight savings time begins (where applicable). This allows us to build the following In order to get 1 day back date using date command: date -v -1d It will give (current date -1) means 1 day before . To check if a particular from_date="2015-01-02" date_today="2015-03-10" diff=$(mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASSWORD} -N -e"SELECT DATEDIFF('${date_today}','${from_date}');") Just insert To check the current date and time in Bash, you can use the date command. date -d "today - $(date -d today +"%u") days" Where you would pass whatever date you like as today (which is used as an example) and it will give the date of the previous Sunday. Without using GNU date, in bash release 4. I am writing shell where I am going to need dates from last week irrespective of the day I am running on. if [ -f diff. We can use the following syntax to check if today is a weekend or not: if [[ $(date +%u) -gt 5 ]]; then echo "Date is on a weekend" else echo "Date is not on a weekend" fi now i wanna use a if condition to check if the date of today exists in this file and if that's the case i want stop the bash script. The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Bash: Bash: How to Compare Two Files Bash: How to Count Number of Unique Lines in File Bash: How to Count Files in Directory Matching a Pattern. if the date is not in this file. That’s where this tutorial helps you out by walking you through a way to check whether a given date is “today”. The latter should return nothing, since files that were created/modified today should not be found by find using -mtime Since you have time in the filename then use that to time the deletion heres some code that does that : This script gets the current time in seconds since epoch and then calculates the timestamp 7 days ago. i386:. txt. find / -mtime -1 -print Find files modified today (likely what you want) find / -newerct 'yesterday' -print or, using Spotlight. How can I pretty In a bash script I want to check if a file has been changed within the last 2 minutes. getInstance(); // set the calendar to start of today c. “earlier than”) today’s date: my_date=2024-10-30 [[ "$my_date" < "$(date +%F)" ]] && echo "date is before today" || echo "date is after today" It basically uses grep to search for the value of $DATE in file, and branches depending on whether it was found or not (the exit codes of grep indicate this, see man grep "EXIT STATUS" Use the YYYY-mm-dd date format, and then it's a simple string comparision today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) enddate="2022-08-29" if [[ "$today" > "$enddate" ]]; then exit fi the second part checks that it is a valid date; You need the two checks because : if you don't do the first check, date will exit with code 0 even if your variable is a valid date in another format; if you don't do the second check, then you can end up with a 0 even for variables such as 2016-13-45 I want to check in linux bash whether a file was created more than x time ago. where newsStory is a DateTime object. BASH check if today is 1st day of month. 4. 2) it is preferable to use printf's built-in date formatter (part of bash) rather than the external date (usually GNU date). If today is 4th day of the week. bash script to But keep in mind (see help test in bash): == is not officially mentioned, you should use = for string compare-eq is intended for decimal arithmetic tests (won't make a difference here for date +%u but would for date +%d for instance when it comes to comparing 04 and 4 which are numerically the same but lexically different). txt ] then rm -f empty. In my first implementation I threw exception, but it is useless, because Parse or ParseExact will throw it automatically if fails. Kiwy Kiwy. Use date's '--date=' option to specify that next day's window: date --date="Today HH:MM" +"%s" date --date="+1 day HH:MM" +"%s" Also, for simplicity's sake, call the current time once and use it for comparison :) NOW=$(date +"%s") Examples: Hello All, I need a bash shell script to find out a day from the date. It is also usually the first google result for python thing_i_have_a_question_about. $ get_previous_busday today Fri, Nov 30, 2018 1:52:15 AM $ get_previous_busday "$(date)" Fri, Nov 30, 2018 1:52:51 I'm developing a bash script that needs to search out files within a single directory that are "old" based off a variable that specifies how many days need to pass before the threshold is exceeded You can do that simply with the date command itself using the date -d option where:. getctime('so_test/' + file)). 0-1. To check if a particular date has already passed, use the date in UNIX timestamp format and then compare it with the present date using the single square brackets [ ] within an if statement. linux; bash; find; How to find all the files created today and modified anytime before 5 minutes? 0. file-name-20151002. if you want it with days just divide it with 86400. In the following section, you will see 4 different examples to compare dates in Bash. Not sure why, and actually having trouble finding documentation for this behaviour. Node. To Objective: Check for presence of backup . Unix check how many days ago a date was from today. Use TryParse and do something useful in IsDateBeforeOrToday() if For example, type the following at shell prompt to display today’s date: $ echo "Today is $(date)" Output: Today is Sat Jan 28 15:48:11 IST 2006. bash v4, Ubuntu Linux 18. tgz file containing today's date; output 1 for OK, 0 for no file. I am trying to run an infinite loop to check the time now, and to do something if the time range is between 11pm and 6:30 am. 109. txt fi else echo "File diff. I already found out that I can access the date of the last modification with stat file. You managed to retrieve the date using a specified format -- but not the format you want. sh ; else echo "error"; fi EDIT: Actually, for the purpose of this usage, the While the other answers are correct, using the "-s" option will also show the file is empty even if the file does not exist. Checking if date is weekend I am currently working on a shell script to run some hive queries I have. lastLogin, 'W') END AS lastlogin FROM authors a I am pretty sure I want to create an array of dates and compare it to today's date if it matches then execute test. 488+11:00. BASH: How to find no What (Linux) scripts can find the files that have been changed during the last 24 hours? Please list the file names, file sizes, and modified time. Ok, let's put all together, I am having trouble grasping how to properly check from a bash script if the current time is between 23:00 and 06:30. let's say the file is called text. Hot Network Questions Adjoint functor theorem for I've written a bash shell script and part of it is checks if a file is over 30 days old using the find command, sadly when I uploaded it to my host it did not work as the find command is locked down. MINUTE, 0); c. 3+: This bash function will work on both Linux and OSX. Since Bash 4. 4508. For example, if the user enters 2022/03/28 (before current i want to check if the passed argument in command line is the last day of month like below: . the PHP code will check that the date is in the last 24 hours, not today ! – Christophe Le Besnerais. mdfind date:today This can also be done from the GUI with Spotlight. lastLogin, 'W') END AS lastlogin FROM authors a I am pretty sure Is there a bash or Linux command that can compare these files based on the modification time? -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1577 Sep 7 22:55 stack -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 626 Sep 7 23:10 perl For example, you as a user want to see if something is due today and be notified about the event. Or better yet, use %w so that it gives you a number. How to determine if date is weekend in JavaScript. php; Share. Or does bash have another w I have a Bash shell script which checks to see if a shell variable contains a number I need to do a similar check to see if a variable contains the date in the required format which is YYYY-MM-DD (example: today is 2013 I would suggest passing the string to date -d, then check the return value. Hey there! I'm Zach Bobbitt. Thanks for any guidance! Jan 16, 2014 · There are several ways to do this in bash from the terminal - depending on exactly what you want to find: Find files modified in the last 24 hours. You can use date and environment-var TZ to help you. How do I check if a directory exists or not in a Bash shell script? 3708. 33. Today's date and finding any day before today in shell script. Use test to check if condition, find with -mmin to check if older than n minutes, and for-do-done loop to enumerate each file in *. date('m',strtotime('2018-06-30' )) == date('m'); Using the date() function, if you pass in only the format, it'll assume the current date/time. It gives you the day of the month as a two digit (possibly zero-filled) number. This is needed to handle March/Feb transition. Related Tutorials. Demo:-touch abc_2016-12-28-3523424-acsfsc. It does so by subtracting the current day of the week (date -d today +"%u") number of days from Note: We used $(date +%F) to get today’s date in Bash. Alternative approach is to perform the date movement on the first day of the month (which will always work), and then to cap the day part of the date, but the last Are you sure you are using -print0 with a zero, not the letter O? What version of find do you have, and is it aliased to anything (results of find --version, type find, which find). 0, with the variable EPOCHSECONDS: How to compare dates in bash script. If you want to just compare dates, yourdatetime. Date comparison in shell script. getTime(); // I have the following function which works well but would like to check the returned date and compare with the current date if before current date to show something if current or in future show as n Skip to main content. Follow There are several ways to do this in bash from the terminal - depending on exactly what you want to find: Find files modified in the last 24 hours. The date command prints the current date and time in the following format by default: ‘Weekday_name Month_name Day_of_month Hour:Minutes:Seconds AM/PM Timezone(HH) Year’. the script should run. I'm working on a tiny dropbox-like bash script, how can I compare the dates of 2 files and replace the old one(s) Check date of a file in unix. Follow edited Mar 17, 2020 at 13:00. fromtimestamp(os. Jun 2, 2016 · Consider using md5sum, is safer to check real file modifications. For example, Tue Jul 11 12:14:01 PM +06 2023 See the following output, when the date command is run in the Ubuntu terminal:. echo Today is a weekend. I wrote this however it doesn't work . This should work in shell and bash. date() == datetime. echo Hello! echo Today's date is: date DAY=$(date +"%u") if [ "${DZIEN}" -ge 1 && "${DZIEN}" -le 5 ] then echo WORKING DAY; else echo WEEKEND; fi I'm looking for a formula which allows me to look at a cell and check if it greater than or equal to today's date and to return a worded result such as "overdue". Given this data, I need to remove cycle: 10 as the eol date has already passed. Here's what I've got so far, but it doesn't appear to be working. That format string is possibly described in the date manual, but definitely in the manual for the strftime() C function. y-Year, m-Month w-Week d-Day H-Hour M-Minute S-Second I'm trying to get specific dates and times to get three different outcomes from the code below. How to use korn shell get the first/last day of previous month. I don't now if this exactly answers your question, but it gives you some tools to help you better understand and test whats going on. Here's This script compares a target date with the current date to determine if it’s in the future or the past. How to compare timestamp on files in bash scripting. 04+, standard FLOSS tools from apt-get. I would prefer: In bash (>=4. datetime. 2. Date comparison in shell. /check_date. jq has built in support for ISO8601 format dates, so 2021-10-02 > 2021-10-02. How can i do this? bash; Share. There are 10 new files to process. As such: date +%A # let us see in a for loop for i in {1. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If today is 4th day of the week. txt touch full. Let’s say you have a date in cell A2 and you want cell B2 to display the value “done” if it is a date before today’s date. I thought I could simply use find, however it reports success even if it doesn't find a match: $ touch afile $ find . date -d '12:00 today + 1 day' Following @astrofloyd's lead here, and given the fact that today is the one day per year that this is relevant (but that's still a pretty big edge case), you want the above rather than merely date -d tomorrow, as "tomorrow" is implemented as "now + 24 hours" which could actually be two calendar date digits from now if there are 23 hours in the #!/bin/bash today="$(date +%a)" sun="Sun" [ "${today}" = "${sun}" ] && printf "weekend\n" || printf "not weekend\n" exit 0 You can easily use %A setting sun as Sunday instead of Sun (sun="Sunday") If you need to check all the days, you can swap the test with a case statement, like this: I tried with find command but i am not able to check the condition whether the file is with todays date or not – Mani. You could use TryParse of TryParseExact which returns bool, whether parse succeeded or not. js Series Overview Say, I have 4 dates and the date today is 1/7/16: 1/7/16 1:06:02 1/7/16 8:01:24 1/8/16 7:02:23 1/6/16 3:12:34 How can I only pick 1/7/16 1:06:02 and 1/7/16 8:01:24. Hot Network Questions How to handle long-term time-dilation enabled Check if the result date has the same month as the original date, and move the date one day backward from the first day of the month. Note that this requires GNU date and won't work on Mac OS newsStory. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:09. Check for date range with bash scripting. I use bash; modify as necessary. It will be "invisible" to every future -find newer Jan 5, 2025 · IsToday adds `. HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); c. date --date='last Monday' date --date='last week + last Thursday' date - Here's what I have. By this I (base_date) $ get_previous_busday foo date: invalid date ‘foo’ Apparently "foo" was not a valid date. Thanks in advance, Satheesh (5 Replies) Discussion started by: satheesh4093 The best way to get an offset time with GNU date is to use its -d option with an argument describing the date you'd like to use as reference instead of "now" (as shown in Andy's answer). Unless your question is about a function/module named "snake". So for example if the script is run on a Monday, it will print the date for last Friday. date()' – Hi I am very new to scripting, Can someone show me how to (in unix shell script) compare the system's date with a date in a file. By adding this additional check "-f" to see if the file exists first, we ensure the result is correct. Sun 01/25/2015 SET TodayYear=%DATE:~10,4% SET Nearly identical question: How to check if input date is equal to today's date? Share. 4. I need to check the last date in the table before I run it. Call it with an argument of the number of days in the past you want the date. SECOND, 0); c. txt and the time is 2 hours. find -type f -name "*_${date}*. Improve this answer. I'm trying to compare a file with date in its name to the current datetime of the system: Filenames are with the following format: FileName. Bash script that waits until GPU is free When to use cards for You can do it all on one line. The nice thing is that you could specify timezone to check if a date is today's date or not only check for dates not time included with that so make time 00:00:00 and use the code below. Performances should be comparable to any ls which use *(glob), I guess will be slow on directories with many nodes Nearly identical question: How to check if input date is equal to today's date? Share. echo $dataset_date #output is 2013-08-07 echo $date_diff #output is 2 p I need to compare two dates/times using Bash. fc10. Hot Network Questions Prove a random variable to be a martingale Today's date could be read either with (GNU) date with the format %s: todayDate=$(date +'%s') or, in Bash 5. This one worked for me: 'import os import datetime as dt dt. AvatarKava AvatarKava. answered Oct 9, 2018 at 13:16. How to: Add or display today's date from a shell script; Python Get Today's Current Date and Time; Next FAQ: Linux: Check For Memory Leaks In Programs. . Date == DateTime. txt I want to determine if this file was modified after 2015-10-02. For example we give the date(20100227/YYYYMMDD) then we get the day 'Saturday'. Compare two dates in Bash in MAC OSX. date() < datetime. Hot Network Questions Can a ship like Starship roll during re-entry? Shakespeare and his syntax: "we hunt not, we" The following examples will pass the regular expression, but are all invalid dates: 20180231, 20190229, 20190431. -mtime +13 -exec /bin/ls -lh '{}' \; | grep '<today>'. Next script: Shell script to read a character (upper or lower), digit, special symbol and display message according to the character entered Previous script: Shell Script to find out whether file has read, write and execute permission The commands below will check the date provided by the openssl command against the date "7 days from now"; if the openssl date (in seconds since the epoch) is less than 7 days from now (in seconds since the epoch), the if command will succeed and you can do what you need to do: To check if diff is more than 23 days (( new_dt - old_dt > (23*86400) )) && echo Is more than 23 days use it to get your date today and your sec since the date you want. Thanks. 0. After processing the first file there will be 9 seconds until echo >timestamp runs. /validate_date. g. If you additionally want to get the response back in UTC from GNU date, use its -u option. Improve this question. sh file otherwise exit the loop in bash script. In your script past_month_date is a variable that is being used to store the value returned from the date command for a date one month ago, formatted in a So far, all the answers use the external program date. I am doing this as an if statement so if I want to subtract "number of days" from a date in Bash. This is script will return "The files are different" if a file diverge from the other, but when you equalize then, it will say the files are equal again. 4k 2 2 When trying this over a network the date returned is today instead of the file date. POSIX requires a different approach; you can rely on awk to I'm writing a bash shell script one of whose arguments is a datetime. These are some examples of how you can work with dates and times in Learn how to write a Bash function that checks if a given date is today. Get the code and examples to understand how it works. I do not have time to read all the script but here is the idea: with date command get the name of the day in week: we=$(LC_TIME=C date +%A) (LC_TIME=C is used to get English name of the day of week) and then get day in the month. What's the best way to check if that date is in the past (or a certain amount of time in the past (e. Previous FAQ: Linux / UNIX: Run Multiple X Sessions. if return 0, everything I would like to validate the format of the date input (in YYYY/MM/DD format) and only allow the user to enter current date or date after it. I want to check the date and pass it as a result then compare it to my date variable. txt). If today is 6th day of the week. I have came up with the following script: Do you guys have any idea how can I do the check if today is the last day in the Month "January 31th" for example??? Thank you!!!! linux; shell; How can I get the 1st and last date of the previous month in a Bash script? Related. find really does work for the job. This is the time window when a third party program may change the first file and the change will be "invisible" to the next find -newer timestamp. I write articles that make technology and programming easy to understand. How can I check how many days ago this was compared to today's date? I know there's plenty of things I can do with date -d but unsure how to do it with that specific format. The day of the month may be had from the command date +%d, which calls the date command with a format string %d. dm=$(date +%d) and then check if the day is less than 8 and day of week is Monday: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have a date in this format: 2020-02-21T13:47:18. /afile $ echo $? 0 $ find . But not everybody has an SQL server running and not all servers are as fast as I ended up using this variation of the top answer, which starts at today’s date and iterates backwards one day at a time I'm creating a bash script license system. txt ] then if [ -s diff. Alternative approach is to perform the date movement on the first day of the month (which will always work), and then to cap the day part of the date, but the last date in the result Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I don't now if this exactly answers your question, but it gives you some tools to help you better understand and test whats going on. 0958. Input format: 2014-12-01T21:34:03+02:00 I want to convert this format to int and then compare the ints of the two dates. By simply running the date command in your Bash terminal, it will display the current date and time according to your system's settings. So doing this, you end up having the comparison succeed until Next, let’s test the script with some valid and invalid date strings: $ . Learn more Explore Teams Edit: For the finish date, its necessary to use the day after your intended finishing date and compare using -lt. 1. echo Hello! echo Today's date is: date DAY=$(date +"%u") if [ "${DZIEN}" -ge 1 && "${DZIEN}" -le 5 ] then echo WORKING DAY; else echo WEEKEND; fi In order to compare the dates you need to strip out the individual components of the current date and then put them back together into a comparable format (YYYY-MM-DD):@ECHO OFF SET FirstDate=2015-01-24 REM These indexes assume %DATE% is in format: REM Abr MM/DD/YYYY - ex. Comparing file created yesterday with file created today. Community Bot. If you want to compare a date with the current date, you can use the IF function with the TODAY function in the logical test. So for example I live in Sweden so my timezone location is Europe/Stockholm. Share. # Week day: [ $(date +%u) -lt 6 ] && echo "work day" # Example [ $(date -d "2023-03-25" +%u) -lt 6 ] && echo "work day" # out nothing [ $(date -d "2023-03-26" +%u The syntax of this if statement depends on your particular shell, but the date commands don't. ext -c %y. Today. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. csv touch abc_2016-12-29-3523424-acsfsc. Bash compare two dates. To make sure the command works as expected I ran find . In Bash, you can compare dates using the `date` command along with `[[` for conditional expressions, allowing you to check if one date is before, after, or the same as another. Checking If a Particular Date Has Already Passed. Using the IF Function with the TODAY Function. 8. 20220914. sh 20210731. Basically it tries the GNU Linux style first. csv Converting to seconds makes this type of 'arithmetic' much easier and more reliable. lastLogin, 'W') = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), 'W') THEN 'Today' ELSE DATE_FORMAT(a. Hot Network Questions An example to check if a date is between 2 other would be: if $(isBetween 2012 2020 2013) ; then dosomething You can include these functions in your file. We can use the following syntax to check if $my_date is less than (i. 🔥 FEATURED ARTICLES. will return the same compare result as coding. today(). date() == dt. isToday()` API to indicates whether the Day. I want to make a system called End-Date, this system will check if the Today's date has passed the certain date then I want to run commands. compare file's date bash. Sometimes doesn't work correctly so it has been done probably incorrectly. Note however that this will actually list I have nested for loops going through dates and create a date. I am writing a script which needs to check if any of the files in a given directory have been modified recently. This is because date will return the timestamp for the start of the specified date. Consider using md5sum, is safer to check real file modifications. May 24, 2023 · Imagine the script needs one second per new (or modified) file. I've written a bash shell script and part of it is checks if a file is over 30 days old using the find command, convert it to a unix date and then compare it with todays date but I'm very rusty at unix. File156tr. yyyymmdd. As a developer you need to make sure you’re showing the right items for today. I'd like to delete every file in it that is older than 14 days. 2, printf has a new modifier %(dateformat)T that, when used with argument -1 outputs the current date with format given by dateformat, handled by strftime(3) (man 3 I'm having a little trouble trying to write a bash script that would find the date 12 working days later than the current day (ignoring holidays as that would complicate things quite a fair bit). 6k 42 42 On my Fedora 10 system, with findutils-4. Calendar c = Calendar. Shell script to find and copy files from a painfully large unsorted folder. POSIX requires a different approach; you can rely on awk to Using GNU date and bash: start=2014-12-29 end=2015-01 which can return a list of dates and does not need checking. But could not find a way to convert a given date to a format which can be used in to subtract from the current date to get the number of days. Compare time using date command. This question pertains to taking action if a file has a modification date older than so many days. – ghoti Commented Aug 23, 2015 at 0:05. Using find to locate files that haven't been modified since the last time it was 6 AM. If both strings are identical, you have a Apr 16, 2019 · In my use case, I am using a measure in order to calculate a cumulative forecasted total based on an average run rate and need to conditionally format the line based on the date - in other words, I would like to be able to make the line invisible (white) before today's date and colored after today's date. All you need to do is to call this script at the required time each day and it will check if it’s the last day of the current month, like so: 59 23 * * * isLastDayOfMonth. find <path> -daystart -ctime 0 -print The -daystart flag tells it to calculate from the start of today instead of from 24 hours ago. I have this so DATES=" 2016-03-02 2015-01-02 " if [ "${DATES/ ${today} /}" != "${DATES}" ]; then bash test. 15. Can you please help. Basically convert the date in question to a PHP time, and get the month. Notes: I can do this by looking at the output of ls, but I know that parsing the output of ls is a bad idea. So if you want to validate if your date string (let's call it datestr) is in the correct format, it is best to parse it with date and ask date to convert the string to the correct format. js object is today or not. MILLISECOND, 0); Date today = c Assume you don't have a file named * into /any/dir/you/check, it should work on bash dash posh busybox sh and zsh but (for zsh) require unsetopt nomatch. answered Dec 6, 2011 at 0:48. This is because the $ use it to get your date today and your sec since the date you want. The documentation is usually helpful. if [ $(( $(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r <file>) )) -le 180 ]; then # was modified in last three minutes else # was not modified in last three minutes fi The +%s tells date to output a UNIX time (the important bit is that Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site In your find command you can drop the single-quotes around the date variable as. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The requirement is to somehow open this file (which will only have a date in it) and compare it with today's date. sh && yourJob. I am writing a bash script that needs to print the date of the last working day. I just checked that the code runs fine on find version 4. txt else rm -f full. mtdab tscx oms ghmll uqys euacsuf fsw kjbdoc rkeq amof