2000 a month salary reddit. Trying to look for something downtown(san jose).


2000 a month salary reddit Please consider that the first year you will have the pro rate pay in December, while the 0. 2 hourly gross based on the information provided in the calculator above. Then, you should be aware that you won’t have a rent that exceed 1000€/month (your net salary/3). But any other income possibilities are negated. You can rent a 1-room apartment for €600, all included. $2000/. Chinese Daycare (1,200/month), kids have mandatory Chinese lessons in the afternoon. Everything near me is ~1650-2200 for a decent place to live, but this just seems like financial suicide on my $85k salary. If you live in the United States, the median(half above, half below) 2020 wage was $5000 a month according to Social Security/IRS statistics. . Since you're new to adulthood, or rather just gotten out of you teen years, you will see tech gadgets around, I'm gonna assume you'd buy a new gadget each month for 200. Trying to look for something downtown(san jose). so you will be left with 9500 a month to live on which is more than enough for a single person with a high quality lifestyle but not sure if you can safe. 15% of his income invested today buys more retirement savings than 15% invested tomorrow. 2,000 hours translates into 40 hours/week, 50 weeks/year. My starting salary 10 years ago is rm1500. To make that simpler, "affordable" is about 50x an hourly full-time salary. You get a job offer, it says just live your best life, you get $2000 a month. You may not work exactly that, but it's a pretty close proxy. You can't afford the 2000 rent. Im not familiar with standards of living in Europe so I want to ask seasoned Europe OFWs about this. I just signed a new job offer and would like to use this money to move countries. -$650/month will get you a nice middle class 2 bedroom apartment in middle America. For example, if you want to rent an apartment that’s $2,000 per month, you need to have an income of $80,000. (It's a bit less given the fact that vakantiegeld is not a full salary but this makes it quicker for a short break down) in this case you will receive 23. 1000€ will give you a good 30m2 studio in intramuros Paris or 2-piece 30m2-40m2 outside from Paris. It all depends on lifestyle. After I pay my bills like rent, electricity and what not I'm left with 500-800, depending how much I made that month. “This heightened awareness fosters a more intentional approach to spending, helping you distinguish between needs and wants and making it easier to avoid impulse purchases. at the ends it depends on your life style and your other expenses. If I work a full month I can usually make around 1500-2000, depending on the hours I want to work. For example, is the $2,000 month a median of new rental apartments that come on the market? Or is it the average reported rent across all rental units and unit types. perhaps 5%-7% for a laborer through professional lifetime career progression. Assuming you make similar 401k contributions, your take home pay is probably about $4500/month. com Dec 12, 2024 · This article is about using your net income carefully to allow for extra at the end of the month. I knew for me that took working there for a decade, 7 promotions, and that particular position had recently updated the salary because they couldn't get employees. Usually monthly, but any negotiation partner should also be able to discuss yearly - just be aware that in most cases you'll get 14 salaries (typically around christmas and in summer a second salary with reduced taxes) so if you negotiate e. $500 rent $150 heat/electric $300 car payment $250 groceries $150 car insurance $50 phone $50 internet $8 netflix $70/every 3 months for garbage (roughly 25 a month) Total expenses: ~1683. You have 2000 You will need more for a small flat in Graz. I officiate youth sports. Then my parents got to pay less than 2,000$/month for their 750k home. -You can drive a beautiful used 2016 Honda Civic or Accord on lease with a moon roof for like a $200/month lease. $1500 USD, above 80%. For my pay in April I made $1,600 which came out to just over minimum wage. Not However, I do live in the place where average salary (and prices) are lower than in the USA. 45 = $4,444 before tax & assuming you have no other debt on Conventional loan. The largest military subreddit on reddit. $2000 is way below that. $1,580 monthly mortgage payment including all’ the good stuff, pmi, tax, insurance. Transportation and maintenance/insurance will likely cost you 1500 SAR if you own a car, 2500 if you rent one. 12 weekly, $73. 3% 401K Contribution - no company match. Your biggest expense will be rent, at €700 or more per month. A small and dirty apartment in Riyadh would cost you minimum 2K a month. Daycare: $1,500 - 1 toddler but pregnant with the second so that will add about $3K+ extra/month for a nanny when I go back to work Diapers: $90/month - toddler is allllmost potty trained just in time for the 2nd to get here Credit card: $4K - food, shopping, clothes for growing toddler Utilities / water: $400/month Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now $2000/month house rent, $100k Reply reply rigmaroler • $1280/month for a 1 bd/1 bath. I would find it already much better if people spoke in terms of yearly salary instead of monthly salary. No they do not. This will be doable only in some markets, impossible in others. 2000 after tax is actually really good, since taxes in Portugal are really high. $400-$500 on food $300-400 on gas, $100 in subscriptions. If the majority of rentals in Los Angeles are bungalows, older houses, and 2 bedroom dingbats, $2,000 a month seems cheap compared to $2,500 in New York, where a majority of the Is a salary of around 2000 euros per month with free housing,food and healthcare a good deal? Planning to have my first job abroad. We're not interested in signing any sort of loan that's that much for 30 years. $140/month). g. The Brazilian average salary is 1,400 reais, and you're likely to only find jobs that pay this much in the Southern states. You won't be going out much at all with that salary. decent 1-2br apartment in a nice neighborhood in Barcelona - at least 1000/month. Water and electricity will cost you 300 SAR per month. 24k gross per year, that means you get 1714,29 gross per month and 1382,94 net on your bank account with 2 extra payments Food and groceries can be expensive. Yet in Mexican reddit, everybody claims that $3000 is barely surviving, so you'll have to specify a lot what do you mean with "live comfortably". The rule of thumb I was always told was that rent/mortgage should not exceed 30% of your monthly income. I am in tax class 1 and the average of net salary is 2000 euros. It can range from 500 to 1000 a month. As a new driver, though, it could be $300 to $500 a month in insurance alone if you don't have a full G license. 16 votes, 17 comments. I was making $500 a week in 2004, 20 years ago, when rent was $500. Piemēram būs 4 cilvēki, kas sarunājas, bet viens no tiem krievs kurš nerunā latviski un aut I recall around the year 2000, they reported the average state employee made $27000. Food is €200-250/month if you cook at home. I have no car, eat out a lot, go on multiple vacations each year and manage to invest 500€ each month in ETF’s. I don't care how much you cheer refinancing, just no. Friends of mine pay 1400-1700 if they don't have roommates. This brings me down to just over $2000 for “discretionary” spending, including food, non-essentials (hobbies, clothes, any other wants), and savings. Jau rakstot šo un zinot kāds ir Reddits, šis būs koments ar daudz “-“ zīmēm, bet. The typical German rents long term, and old contracts are cheaper (I pay <400 cold rent for a 3 room flat, 20 year old contract) With inflated energy and food prices, my living cost as a single, all included, are about 1,300/month. With a $3000/month salary, you could afford to live a rich lifestyle. Is his $120K salary before or after taxes? I used a salary calculator and assumed the following. Heating and hydro included: -$50 per month In-suite laundry (with free hydro): -$40 per month So when I think about it, I’m renting the equivalent of a $1500 studio with nothing included. This means that you can sell things, invest or gamble if that's what you want to do but all revenue is taken at the end of the month and you get $2000. That's for a small apartment. $8k/month, after taxes probably $7,500 or so. Archived post. I make between $1,000-1,300 a month. 92 as vacation pay in June. Fuel is €20-50 per week depending on your commute. But, if you earn 30k net/month, if you spend 15k/month on a flashy penthouse, you’d still have 15k to live like a king ;) You don't think I could cover basic needs for $4,000 every month? Genuinely asking, because when evaluating an offer I'll want to calculate how much discretionary income I can expect to have based on basic living expenses, taxes, etc. Monthly EXPENSE OF 3500 a month, for food and contengecies. 477K subscribers in the Military community. If you can get to $20,000 net a month, and save $10,000… you’d be at 458 Ferrari money in just 2. 92 will be pro rata and paid next year (both calculations with pro rate on the time worked this year; for example, 66% if you worked since 1st May) Anyone saying “your rent should be x percent of your income” is giving outdated advice. This includes housing, utilities, food, etc. 500 after taxes. If I were to move to Sao Paulo and assuming a relatively frugal lifestyle: - Would I be able to rent a 1-2 bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood? You should be able to live relatively comfortably on that, but dunno how much you'll be able to save / spend on recreation and travel. It comes out to 400 per month (I give 100 a week). Running it in my budget spreadsheet, I should still be able to stock away $1250/mo but it kills me to spend so much on housing (not even including utilities). For reference, I am in Texas and worked in the Tech banking and SaaS industry. As long as you watch out on your spending you should be fine :) Hey girl I’m in the same boat. While it's not as much as elsewhere in Europe I found it entirely sufficient in Portugal, and the lifestyle is fantastic. The other is simply a mathematical calculation based on everyone's salary. $2000 USD, 90%. I receive many job offer after 2 years, compare to when i just graduated. This does not include any private health insurance, no housing costs, no utilities, You probably will need a car in Portugal, which another costly expense. You can choose to not do anything. then the prices shoot up and you still can't afford to buy , Something you need to know is that it’s not because you have a high income that you are rich in France. To earn 3000€/month your raw salary should be about 50k€/year, make sure it is really “net net”. Check the table below for a breakdown of $2,000 a month after tax in the United States. Here's a rich person's budget: After 20% taxes you got $2400/month cash. After 2 years i manage to double my salary when i jump ship. so jf banks change the criteria and go from saying you can only afford a mortgage of 1400 per month to you can go up to 2000 per month that would apply to everyone. CPAs salary should also be caught up with tech bro but with far more job security. My other expenses are low thankfully, so I might be able to pull something for a 1br 2300+ 1 month free or something which would bring it down a bit. I am thinking to move to Germany for work. I’m well aware they’re doing me a great deal considering it’s Dublin and that’s food, bills and accommodation covered. 2,000€/month before taxes is a terrible salary for someone relocating to Portugal. So technically you could do most of the world on 2k a month income, but you would have to live more modestly and not go out and eat, drink and less paid activities all the time. also while its risker if banks suddenly let people borrow more based on income prices skyrocket. Yes $2,000 per month should be sufficient in several few scenarios as it was mentioned by other comments, however Do not get into an argument with your fiance based on quick research/poll from bunch of folks posting on reddit [most do not have intricate knowledge of his parents living conditions or needs]. For example, my expenses last year in DC, a HCOL area, were Rent: $1000 per month (1 roommate) Food: ~$500 per month (~$50-$70 per week on weeks I only ate home, but I ate out too) Taking into account the standard of living (the ratio of the cost of goods and services in terms), recalculate at the rate of 30-35 rubles per dollar. My spouse and I make a combined 375K a year and we have two kids. Every hour of wages invested today will be worth more than an hour of wages invested in the future unless the OP manages to become a top 1% earner. If you refuse to keep anything processed at home, but end up starving with a fridge full of lettuce one night after work, you're more likely to order a 2000-3000 calorie pizza as opposed to a more reasonable premade dinner portion you'd get at the grocery store. Then you'll be fine. The 50/30/20 rule says that 50% of take home should be required costs. Then call it PHP25k per month for rent, fully furnished, leaving PHP31k. The difference between the two, after taxes isn't that big tho. The guide of three months salary seems preposterous, I make approx $100K annually, so, $20K for a ring seems like overkill - especially if we're planning a small informal wedding ceremony next year. I'd rather spend money on the ceremony with family/friends. Or if it is just the monthly salary (x 12,92 or x 13,92 or more). What are the salary & benefits in HK? $45,000 is nice. For example, if you earn 3k net, of course you’re pushing the limits with 1k rent (without bills, which can addd up another 200-400eur/month). If you earn 2k a month before taxes it is around 26k per year. CPAs salary at this point would be greater than finance bro's salary (& again, with more job security) unless finance bro was in investment banking. 160K salary With my previous salary of US$1,700 per month I could comfortabley live, save and invest. Your salary will rise quite rapidly i believe, since IT sector has the luxury of that. My question is… how do the folks who are putting 2000 into rent and living alone plan to buy their own place one day? I’m still a CS intern, still going to school, so my pay should (hopefully) improve in the future. It is what it is. Someone already mentioned real estate. 6k a month and you roughly have 400 to take care of Utilities: 100 Phone bill and monthly toilertries: 100 Entertainmemt budget~ 50/week or 100/fortnight If your income is 2k. Basically, my situation is: $83000 Salary No savings. Don’t listen to everybody else, you’ll get by. I could, according to Nerd Wallet, buy a $1. If it makes you feel better, ako 24 na di pa nakapag boards hahah. Everywhere else in the world, including even most European nations, that's considered a Average (Western Europe) - Good (Eastern Europe/Wealthy Asian) - Elite salary (Everywhere else). Maybe out in the sticks, but there aren’t enough jobs out there to go around Even if the person drank Starbucks every day and spent $2,000 a year on it, the total combined with the electronics would only average $2500 annually. Therefore you have a better life living near Caen with 1,850€ per month than living with 2,250€ near Paris. My yearly salary since graduating in 2019. Reality is that seems less and less attainable now, especially being single. If you need to get a car, then put aside some money for that car like fuel and maintenance. Consider also as a foreigner with no permanent Spanish contract you will most probably will pay 3-4+ deposits and around 1. I am thinikg to move to Hamburg. All budget comes out your own pocket. Is it enough money to be 100% independent, pay my bills etc as a single person in Germany? 13 votes, 54 comments. Lattes and iPhones are not what is crippling the budget of someone making 100K+. You are allowed to borrow 4 times your annual salary meaning you can get 400k, even in todays market you should be able to get a decent place for that (outside of Amsterdam) with a mortgage that is way lower than 2k per month in rent. Keep in mind din if may allowances kayo na offered bukod sa 13th month pay. PhD grants (the 23000$ part) are not salary regards to the revenue. So let’s just call it $90K a year. I had 2 months of training pay which was $2,500/ month plus a $750 bonus the second month for selling as many cars as Hi, coming from a foreign worker with SGD2000 per month, definitely livable. It’s not doable to find a place here under 2000 that isn’t rundown. 😎 And if you calculate with average salary, you also have to use average rent, not only new contracts. Under 600,- you can hardly find something where two people have space. It feels insane to pay that much in rent, but it does pass typical rules of personal finance (no more than 30%, etc). Most humans average monthly income is 500 to 1000 dollars a month, in some countries its even less than that. maxing out 401K at $18K. Internet should be 35-40,- per month. $1000 a month is not an expat wage. I do have the driving licence. I agree with the principle but rent only being 1/3 or 1/4 of our net pay is not possible for most people, so do not feel bad if you can’t find anything for less than 30% of your income because most people are in the same unfortunate boat. It's close. Just doesn't make sense. Reply reply [deleted] If I’m bringing in about 3400 a month in salary after taxes, what range should my rent be in? I live in a medium to high cost of living city and I’ve seen most studios in the 1200-1400 range. You need to get a roommate or rent a bedroom from someone. How much clothing do you buy each month ? Not a lot but lets say a suit, 1 shirt, 1 trousers, 1 shoes, and underwear, that would be around 800. I don’t have a car payment, though. Unless you own your own home and car, I don’t see how one could survive on $2000 monthly in the US. A phone plan and a home Internet service can cost 500 a month. It means that you can’t be eligible to some government programs because your annual income is 0$. My rent is $1350 for a 1 bedroom, utilities are just around $150, so keeping a functioning roof over my head is $1500 a month or $18K per year. All companies know this. They tried to pay me $1,200 but I fought that because one of my deals should not have been marked a half-deal. Just for reference, i already got more than 2000€/ month gross for just doing cleaning jobs 6 years ago. My salary is only $35,000 a year, which is about $2000 a month post-tax and 401k matching contribution. $75 a month for internet, $75 a month for phone, $20 a month for condo insurance = $125. 7,000 reais a month place you in the 5% of earners. 3000€ gross is about 1900-2000€ net, depending CPA will also have more job security than the lawyer. A single person should make about 80-100k to be comfortable in Chicago. There were decent-looking apartments for rent for $200 a month when I was last there and it would be easy to live off $1,000 a month and be quite comfortable. Frankfurt, Berlin. Count €150 Eur/month on other necessary stuff. I did. I’m doing my best to budget and to remind myself I’ll be so busy in the hospital I won’t have much else to spend on. That's down to 2500 a month. While not truly passive, it can be a compromise that gets you out the 9 to 5 quicker. With your salary, you'll probably spend €300-€400 on food. I make around 75k and my take home after taxes in a state with no income tax is about 3500 a month. But you won't live "like a king". I moved to Portugal 2 years ago and my starting salary was just under 2000 per month after taxes. Point being is make your hobbies side hustles. Both our jobs are walkable: -$200 per month in ttc costs. 2k a month salary in a high COL dangerous city. $500 a month sounds about right if you have decent enough insurance and a fully paid off car already. Im also bilingual and as an audtor did home visits in some sketchy/scary places. & I only have about $1000 each month to spare on food/gas etc. Average for all jobs is around $1200/month and for IT around $2000/month. 00 ( net , so $5400 per month ) , is it a bad decision to pay $2000 for monthly rent of an apartment? We’ll probably with internet and electricity more like $2200 . To answer your question however, 2k is definitely enough, but you’ll have to live wi The ratio is only relevant for small/average income. Then ngayon unemployed na while studying para magtake ng Arki boards. Edit: Wanted to add that this is your take home net income after taxes deductions. If you eat lunch in the city it is around 7-10€, and then prepare something at home - you still have quite a few euros left. Both of these are more hobbies than side hustles, but they make me money. Reply reply More replies Posted by u/eyeeyecaptainn - 3 votes and 6 comments State taxes, withholding, and deductions (401k, insurance, FSA, etc) make a huge difference from person to person. Your budget is far too tight. I know a guy who works near my office with a salary of 2k aed. If your income is about 2,000€ you are poor if you live near Paris but its good if you live in a smaller town like Caen. In my last apartment building in Midtown it was $150 a month just to park there. Add the $500 or so in utilities/lawn care. I also pay much less for health insurance (approx. When you add up stuff like $300 a month food, $100 a month internet and tv, 100$ a month car ins, $150 a month electric/heat, $100 a month gasoline, cell phone bill, etc you will literally have like no money leftover to save or do anything fun. The job i am intersting in is bus driver. If a bi-weekly paycheck is $2700. $4000 in checking account after vehicle purchase. Not too many people pulling away 6k/month and paying $2000/month on a place. Please consider joining our discord for the latest updates… To expand on this, ideally, you'd want to take the $2000 a month, or whatever it is, you anticipate on the monthly cost of rent or a mortgage and put that money into a separate account each month and see how well you'd actually do without that money going into your normal expenses, savings, and disposable allotment. If the 6000$ part is also a grant, then it’s not considered as a salary 10k net a month is good for bills/entertainment/food Realistically, If you want a really good life, not mediocrity you’ll want above 10k net a month for the “finer” things in life. One is calculated based on the standard of living it provides - perhaps a huge amount of subjectivity and dependance on the person's situation who is earning it. I’m losing a lot more in taxes than I previously had calculated and don’t know if I can afford that anymore. yes of course, if you live in Riyadh, you may pay 3000-3500 for a nice small apartment in the north, the car may costs you around 2-3 a month with gas expenses. But for now, I make about 2800 USD per month. After all my expenses per month I have $2,000 left. But as others said, this is very low salary and seems like the company is trying to take advantage of you with this low salary. $1000 USD per month per household (not individually) sets you above 60% of Mexican families. It's shocking how many people can't visualize what an hourly wage really looks like. Now you have 2200. I want to ensure I'm saving for retirement and a house down payment. r/remotework • 160K Only had Remote Jobs. Internet is €25/month. So I essentially have $2000 a month to do with how I want. What does credit have to do with anything? He’s making $3100 and rent is $2000. Our mortgage is $2000/month, the lake house is $700/month, we only have one car and that is paid off (2015 Camry), we put away $1000 a month ($500 for each kid) into the 529 college fund, then we max out our I really want a 1 bedroom but I feel like 2300-2400 might be irresponsible on my end, and I should look at studios for around 1800-2000. 54k salary yearly income. Borderline autistic. Utilities for 1-2 people will be €60-€120 per two-month billing period. Its really good money, considering. Leaves you $6,000 for everything else. Also, don't mess up the median salary and average salary (around 3200€ bruto/month) since those are different. 25M from Chicago would like to start a career in sales, but given my current situation, I don't know what a realistic salary… In our area unless you want a 4000$/month + mortgage, getting a home is nearly impossible. But, I also have a gym and a bbq on the top terrace. Pakiramdaman mo siguro yung experience mo like if you're doing really well and you think justified na yung salary increase or di na nagtutugma yung amount ng work with how much you get paid then that's the time you ask. Blow $2k a month on food and drinks (that's a lot, food is cheap) and you've still got $4000 left. $2000 - $3000 is only considered low in the US. I work 2 jobs and make $45K pre-tax salary and do Uber as a night hustle and make roughly $45K a year doing that pre-expenses. If you have a paid off car, health insurance covered by parents, and no other pressing health issues, you can get by fine on $2000 per month EVEN in a HCOL area. I then typed in "Mortgage calculator", which is the second picture. Hi there, 12 months of salary plus 1 month in December (taxed at maximum marginal tax) plus 0. I also have a dishwasher. Or less desirable options for around $2000. So far this month I am at around $2,000. On the other hand might have someone making $6000 and rent is $2000 with a average credit score. I'd like to be able to save roughly $2,000 every month on top of basic living expenses. Rent in my city is 1000 a month with roommates. The answer is that yes, you can certainly life off that salary and save money. I am 22 years old and have had a salaried job for a little over a year. 50 an hour @ 40 hours. (TBF, Asian or not, 3 years old and Ink rarely mix well). So like $3,200 monthly take home pay. You can’t afford an $850 a month apartment. My salary is 85,000 and I take home 4100 a month after taxes. That practically lines up with my budget for housing. I think people here can offer more insight on what to expect. I live in a country where the average minimum monthly salary is around 300 or 400 dollars, so given that I can easily make that in 1 week I usually only work my ass off for about 2 or 3 weeks a month and then take a week or two off to travel around or do nothing on a beach somewhere. Income ko while working as draftsman sa province non started at 6k per month, then got promoted to 12k a month, then I transferred to another company & got 8k per month w/ benefits & free lunch + bonuses. I haven’t heard of anywhere else in Eastern Asia, outside of China, that has benefit packages comparable to Saudi Arabia or UAE. right now salary being transferred thru an… Jewish Daycare (1,000/month), but kids must eat Kosher and leave at 2Pm on Friday, no exceptions. 2. Outside of the lender, it all comes down to comfort, what your other monthly expenses look like & what your future income potential looks like. I pay bills of course. IVV or VOO grows faster than wages: 10% vs. These are rough calcs, but 80k minus income taxes (dunno your exact tax rate, so let's use 30% to be conservative) is roughly PHP56k / month. I am from Greece. That is, having a salary of 200,000 rubles in Moscow, you will live in much the same way as you would live in the USA with a salary of 6-7 thousand dollars a month. Right now, I am getting only around $800 as this is my first job and I am still a student. $1,500 for a room. Clearly, you could spend more. But, your starting salary doesn’t matter, your experience is. There's no such thing as a 'good average salary' There's a good salary and then there's the average salary. You’re not saving anything for an emergency fund, you’re not saving for retirement, you have no money for medical expenses, you have no money for new clothes etc. I didn’t see many high earners chime in so I’ll just add mine in case it’s helpful for anyone - 220k base salary for me is about 6k biweekly, 12k a month. You’re (-$30) a month on a 2k a month salary. I say in theory, because the 13th (legally has to be paid by the first of july) and 14th salary (legally has to be paid by the first of december) are taxed way lower, so if you try to compare it with a 12 month salary it would be similar to around 43000€ to 43500€ somewhere inbetween that. If you don’t make that, you need a guarantor. $15/hr is still only $30,000/year, pre-tax How good of a salary is 2000€ net a month in Berlin? If I were to rent a 1br/studio apartment in good conditions somewhere not too far from the city center (inside 30 mins by bus let's say), mostly cook at home and go out maybe twice a week not spending too much (club entrance fee and 3-5 drinks) how much of disposable income I'd have in the $2000 a month is $500 per week, is $12. It's more than ideal over the ideal percentage, but not too bad. From what I’ve been seeing, sharing room is around $800-$1000, $600-$700 if you’re lucky but often these places are far out of town. Basically the title, moving with my girlfriend to NYC, we'll be making 90k gross pay, we're in the final stages of securing a place with a monthly rent of $2000 for a two bed, and I'm starting to get cold feet, worrying about whether or not we can actually afford it. Assuming the whole "40x" annual pay, he could afford upto $1,533/month of rent assuming he would be taking hoem $3833/month. See full list on projectfinanciallyfree. Multiply hourly by 2080, if you're curious about annual salary. I know a guy who worked as sales engineer from 2004-2008 for 17k a month, he left during GFC came back in 2016 & joined same role different company for 6k per month. good luck As someone who lives with that exact salary in another big German city, let me tell you that you can live very comfortably. I also do the slowmading - taking advantage of month-long lodging prices - and tiny hops to the next closest place to keep flight costs down. Leaves around $100 for beer. Also, I live a mile from DC and rent here is 1500 to 2000. When you want to jump company in next 1-2 years, this what determine it. If rent is $2000, that would only leave $250 for utilities, car payment, food, insurance. I am quite lucky to have a landlord that has never increased my rent since I started renting his room for my ownself, and I can still save about SGD400 to 600 per month, with some leisures included. Nothing wrong with it. You could get a serviced studio apartment for around $300 a month. I’m also a first gen. Given my experience, do you think I could command a salary that permits this? I prefer saving $2000/month to maintain some bills back home & a nest egg. You'll live well with that kind of money. true. 62 daily, and $9. Always found it cute to see non-Asian kids trying to practice calligraphy. I have no expenses however, as these are all covered by my company. Yea. Gym membership will cost you 400 SAR per month. It can reach 2000 a month. I end up being able to save a third to half of my pay each 56 votes, 98 comments. 2000, 25 in my department Up until a month ago my title was €3000 gross is €2177 net + you'll probably get food vouchers worth €90-€100 Eur/month. 3k monthly with just 4. But for a ticket for public transport within the city 50,- per month per person should be enough. The advice I've seen online is to keep housing costs below a figure between 25 - 30% of gross income. Jul 1, 2024 · “When you live on an extremely tight budget, you become acutely aware of your spending habits and can identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses,” explained Meiggs. At 61K you can expect 3000 a month or a little less after taxes. Even with a perfect score I wouldn’t look twice. 469 = $4,264 before tax & assuming debt of less than $426/month on FHA loan. $3,000 rent / 50 = $60/hour. Depending on sport, I can make more money (Soccer $700 a month, Football (Texas) $1500 - 2000 a month). Hello r/dubai . Transport without cab should set you back 300 a month Food expense can be covered at around 450 a month The big expenses will cost roughly 1. 2 x rent rental agent commission I go to estate sales and buy stuff for cheap and resell on eBay ($500-1000 a month). Doctors earn about 1,500€/month after taxes, which are around 2,000€/month before taxes. $2000 month income 10% ($200) set aside for savings each month. 5 short years. It is possible to live on this income, and even thrive on just $2,000 a month! I will show you a breakdown of what our budget looked like, how we did it, and how you can too! Jul 20, 2017 · What if you only have $2,000 (or less) take-home pay every month, and you’re uncomfortable spending every dime? I personally believe in living below your means 100% percent of the time. If you can buy a 300k duplex for cash and generate $1500 per side you have your $2000 a month after expenses. I'd say that if you're on your own, $1000 is comfortably enough. 60 * 2080 = $125k. Visu laiku dzirdu pēdējos gados cik nepareizi letiņi ir darījuši vienmēr pielāgojoties krieviem valodu ziņā. But, you could also spend less. Assumed taxes would be for NY and I got a net take home of $46K. But with 2000, - it should actually turn out well. It’s technical but when you said is “net salary so I have no taxes to pay” it’s partially false. In the year 2024, in the United States, $2,000 a month gross salary, after-tax, is $21,044 annual, $1,601 monthly, $368. You are the person who, as a family friend used to say, sets your poverty line. Hello. Lying about your salary on Reddit must generally be one of the saddest things that one can do. 4 million home at $7k a month ($2000 month debts, which includes, car loans, credit card debt, and student loans). I live in Maryland. I make $75K/year, and have enough to comfortably contribute 15% to retirement and set aside about $800 in my savings account each month. My local wife makes that after tax in the finance industry with ~5 years experience. I use public transit or walk everywhere and estimate that I spend about $30 on bus/train fares each month. Guarantors need to make 80x the rent, so that would be a parent or whoever that makes $160,000 (it’s kind of like co-signing) for a $2,000 apartment. And also no debt and student loans. $2,500 per month * 12 months / $90k per year = ~33% of your gross salary going toward rent. Looking for thoughts, advice, and (let’s be honest) validation to calm my financial anxieties. ydyw wssq mdyttmd sysjma uitwd xsvae btmbnrlx micm cdcbbp tfefd vzzrso ygjxg xoq yplg zhjvil