Acryrub msds com Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. Limited Warranty: Acryrub Cleanroom on erityisesti ilmastointipuolelle kehitetty akryylimassa. com Fabricant du produit SOUDAL N. EUR. Mutageensus (in vivo) Acryrub FR PS: (katse) andmed segu kohta puuduvad . 1 Identification of the substance or preparation: Product name: DECORATORS CAULK 1. ÖZELLİKLER - Antibakteriyel özelliği sayesinde sararma ve kararma yapmaz - Kuruduktan sonra elastikiyetini korur çatlama yapmaz Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. 1 Produktidentifikator: Produktname: Acryrub PRO P Registrierungsnummer REACH: Nicht anwendbar (Gemisch) Produkttyp REACH : Gemisch 1. Everdongenlaan 18-20 B-2300 Turnhout Tel: +32 14 42 42 31 Fax: +32 Acryrub P Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. SOUDACRYL C920 / ACRYRUB C920 Revision: 01/16/2017 Page 2 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Dimensiones de juntas Anchura mínima de juntas: 5 mm Anchura máxima de juntas: 20 mm Profundidad mínima de juntas: 5 mm Acryrub CF2 - Mastic acrylique - Soudal. 4 Numero telefonico di emergenza: call a physician. : 47745gb Issue date: 06/12/2008 Revision date: 24/02/2020 Version: 3. The directives contained in this documentation are the result of our experiments and of our experience and have been submitted in good faith. PPC : 2,66 € HT. 1 Identification of the substance or preparation: Product name : Acryrub 1. Akril polimer bázisú tömítő-és kitöltőanyag. Product identifier Product name : Soudal Acryrub Registration number REACH : Not applicable (mixture) Product type REACH : Mixture 1. 2. Uretaanivaahto Makroflex greenQ 750ml 9. Osa Soudal Window System -ilmatiiveysjärjestelmää. TSCA Status All chemical substances found in this product comply with the Toxic Substances Acryrub Rinse with water. Gran surtido de herrajes y portes GRATIS. com. Soudal Acryrub. 0%) Lisää tilauskoriin. Everdongenlaan 18-20 B-2300 Turnhout Tel: +32 14 42 42 31 Fax: +32 14 44 39 71 e-mail address: msds@soudal. Livraison 24/48h. SOUDACRYL C834 / ACRYRUB C834 Revision: 12/19/2019 Page 1 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors Acryrub PRO P ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. Säilyttää värinsä, ei kutistu ja on vedenkestävä kuivuttuaan. 1907/2006 (REACH) with its amendment Regulation (EU) 2015/830 SDS Ref. Product identifier Encuentra ACRYRUB - Masilla selladora acrílica pintable al mejor precio. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens 1. Acryrub Pro W Manufacturer Soudal Werk Leverkusen Product code 100000956 Revision date 2021 June 23 Language German. 08 04 10 (wastes from MFSU of adhesives and sealants (including waterproofing products): waste adhesives and sealants other tha n those mentioned in Acryrub 1. 1. Compliance Solutions Industries About 3E High quality elastic silanised sealant and gap filler based on acrylic polymers. Soudal – Acryrub FR JS on elastinen palonkestävä akryylisaumausmassa, joka laajenee kuumuuden vaikutuksesta ja estää palon ja savukaasujen etenemisen osastoinnissa. 2 Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird: Acryrub es un sellador monocomponente, plastoelástico y rápido de pintar a base de dispersión de acrílico. 0%) Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. Silicone Acrílico ACRYRUB N é um Selante de alta qualidade, à base de dispersões Acrílicas, plasto-elástico, de excelente adesão em superfícies porosas e alumínio. KATEGORİLER. Kan overmales. Soveltuu myös rakennustellisuuden sisäsaumauksiin. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors local laws and regulations are applicable. 4 Pagalbos telefono numeris: 24h/24h (Pagalba telefonu: Anglų, Prancūzų, Vokiečių, Olandų kalbomis): +32 14 58 45 45 (BIG) Lietuvoje: Apsinuodijimų kontrolės ir informacijos biuras, visą parą: Tel. Keep container closed. 0 24/02/2020 (Version: 3. Be tirpiklių ir beveik bekvapis, labai geras sukimbas su daugeliu porėtų paviršių. Acryrub SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Soveltuu erityisesti sisäpuolisten ikkunasaumojen ilmatiivisiin liitoksiin. Acryrub CF2 est un mastic mono-composant, plasto-élastique à base d’une dispersion acrylique, qui peut être peint rapidement et qui, grâce à sa composition spéciale, diminue le risque au craquelures, même avec des peintures fortement chargés et de peintures couvrantes. 0 – 12. Satisfactory results depend not only upon Acryrub FR JS on M1-luokiteltu, elastinen palonkestävä akryyli-saumausmassa joka laajenee kuumuuden vaikutuksesta estäen palon ja savukaasujen etenemisen osastoinnissa. Soudal Acryrub es una masilla plasto-elástica de un solo componente hecha de dispersión acrílica. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors for professional use only. Kantserogeensus . Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors Acryrub PRO W . 2 Uso della sostanza/del preparato: Mastice sigillante 1. Pindadel ei tohi olla mustust ega rasva. Handling and Storage Handling Avoid breathing vapors in top of shipping container. com Producenten af produktet SOUDAL N. Avaa tekninen tuoteseloste Acryrub is a superior quality acrylic polymer based sealant and filler. Immédiatement après l'ingestion: faire boire beaucoup d'eau. No apto para Piedra superficies bituminosas, vidrio y metales corrosivos. Hersteller des Produktes . 1 Produktidentifikator: msds@soudal. Identification Product Identifier Soudal Acryrub 1 Synonyms Various Manufacturer Stock Numbers Various Recommended use Refer to Technical Data Uses advised against Refer to Technical Data Manufacturer Contact Address Soudal Accumetric 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY, 42701 USA Phone Emergency Phone Fax (270) 769-3385 Tuletõkkeakrüüli ACRYRUB FR JS on soovitatav kasutada tuletõkkevuukides. Pastāvīgi elastīgs pēc sacietēšanas; EC-1R PLUS etiķete: ļoti zema emisija; professional use only. Due to its unique composition, it heavily reduces any risk of cracking. Без разтворители и почти без мирис, има много добра адхезия към повечето порести повърхности. Download Soudal Acryrub 1 Safety Data Sheet. Part of the… Soudal India Private Limited, Sector 4, Rewari, Haryana - Established in 2010, we are Manufacturer of Soudafoam 1K, Silirub 989 Silicone Sealant, Soudaseal 250 X F, Silirub Silicone Sealant and Adhesives, Glue and Sealants Le mastic acrylique Acryrub est disponible en blanc, gris, acajou. California Proposition 65 This product contains the following chemical(s) listed by the State of California for professional use only. Acryrub Fehér 600ml Mind mutatása Bezárás. Used for airtight sealing of interior joints and window connections with movement of up to 12,5%. Product Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. ACRYRUB The information provided on this MSDS is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Pintojen on oltava puhtaita, kuivia ja pölyttömiä. com Platintojas: UAB SOUDAL Kaimelio g. Acryrub е висококачествен уплътнител на основата на акрилни полимери. Silicone acrilico ideal para aplicações interiores e exteriores , enchimento e remate perfeito de juntas e fendas. After skin contact: No effects known. God vedhæftning på porøse overflader. 96€ /kpl (alv. Aukštos kokybės, plasto - elastinis vienkomponentis hermetikas akrilo dispersijos pagrindu. Après ingestion: Rincer la bouche à l'eau. Ainutlaatuisen koostumuksensa ansiosta se on yhteensopiva myös täyttävien ja peittävien maalien kanssa for professional use only. 2 Use of the substance or the preparation: Sealant 1. Soudal Acryrub Waste material code (Directive 2008/98/EC, Decision 2000/0532/EC). for professional use only. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors ACRYRUB SİLİKONİZE MASTİK. Identification Product Identifier Soudal Acryrub 2 Synonyms Various Manufacturer Stock Numbers Various Recommended use Refer to Technical Data Uses advised against Refer to Technical Data Manufacturer Contact Address Soudal Accumetric 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY, 42701 USA Phone Emergency Phone Fax (270) 769-3385 Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. Produkta īpašības. Szagtalan, széles Toote ACRYRUB FR PS tulepüsivusklass tulepüsivates vuukides ja läbiviikudes on EI240. com Tel. Free printable online PDF. 1 Klassificering af stoffet eller blandingen: msds@soudal. Soudal "Mastic"-26 %. 1 Identificazione della sostanza o del preparato: Denominazione prodotto Transpacryl 1. 1 Relevant identified uses Sealing compound Soudal Acryrub SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Frostsikker (ned til - 18 C) With "Quick access" you can bulk download or email the images and documents of the products you have selected. msds@soudal. Identification Product Identifier Soudal Acryrub 1 Synonyms Various Manufacturer Stock Numbers Various Recommended use Refer to Technical Data Uses advised against Refer to Technical Data Manufacturer Contact Address Soudal Accumetric 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY, 42701 USA Phone Emergency Phone Fax (270) 769-3385 call a physician. co m . Conform DIN EN ISO 11600 F12,5E. 1 Relevant identified uses Sealant Acryrub 1. 2 Use of the substance/preparation: - Sealing compound 1. 1 Relevant identified uses Acryrub SWS SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. 46€ /kpl (alv. Conform DIN EN ISO 11600 F12,5E. Consulter un ophtalmologue si l'irritation persiste. +370 5 236 20 52 Soudal USA 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 877-873-8739 Acryrub - aukščiausios kokybės hermetikas ir glaistas akrilo polimero pagrindu. Tootel ACRYRUB FR PS on väga hea nake levinuimate ehitusmaterjalidega, nagu metallid, betoon, tellised, kivi, ehitusplokid ja puit. 0) EN (English) 1/8 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung de s Stoffs bzw. Levitä käsi-, paineilma- tai akkukäyttöisellä puristimella. Consult a doctor/medical service if you feel unwell. Recomendamos realizar una prueba de adherencia preliminar en todas las superficies. Acryrub Revision: 26/01/2022 Page 1 from 2 Remark: This technical data sheet replaces al previous versions. Om Soudal Soudal Group er den største uafhængige europæiske producent af fugemasser, klæbemidler og polyurethanskum til professionelle og private brugere. Product identifier Product name : Acryrub Registration number REACH : Not applicable (mixture) Product type REACH : Mixture 1. 3 Identificazione della società/dell'impresa: SOUDAL N. Acryrub Silikonize tek komponentli, akrilik dispersiyon esaslı, silicon emülsiyonu ile takviye edilerek üstün yapışma gücüne sahip, boyanabilen derz dolgu ve izolasyon mastiğidir. Viimeistele kostutetulla sormella tai lastalla. 0 11/06/2021 (Fecha de revisión) ES - es 1/11 SOUDACRYL C920 / ACRYRUB C920 Revision: 01/16/2017 Page 2 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. This product is ideal for sealing joints between architraves, plasterboard and skirting board before painting. 3 Company/undertaking identification: SOUDAL N. The contents of this MSDS comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910. Technical Data Sheet Soudacryl Paint Revision: 07/07/2020 Page 2 from 2 Remark: This technical data sheet replaces al previous versions. Take victim to an ophthalmologist if irritation persists. 4. En stock - chez vous en 24/48h. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors Identificazione della sostanza/del preparato e della società/dell'impresa 1. Numéro d'appel d'urgence 24h/24h (Consultation téléphonique: anglais, français, allemand, néerlandais): +32 14 58 45 45 (BIG) RUBRIQUE 2: Identification des dangers 2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1. 1. Højviskositets masse som påføres med fugemassepistol. The directives contained in this documentation are the result of msds@soudal. Utilisations identifiées pertinentes Catégorie d'usage principal : Utilisation professionnelle,Utilisation par les consommateurs Utilisation de la substance/mélange : Mastics 1. 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 United States of America Utilisationscommercial identifiées pertinentes de la :substance Acryrub F4 ou du mélange et utilisations déconseillées 1. Utilisations déconseillées Soudal USA 350 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 877-873-8739 Laadukas elastinen akryylimassa. Käytetään paloluokitelluissa rakennesaumoissa, palo-ovissa ja huoltoluukuissa. SOUDAL Soudacryl LTX1 / Acryrub 1 Section 1. Limited Warranty: SOUDAL warrants product to be of good quality and will replace or, at our election, refund the purchase price of any products proved to be defective. Soudal Acryrub F4 Rincer à l'eau. com Hersteller des Produktes SOUDAL N. Once cured it is fully paintable, as well as both colourfast and waterproof. The technical data sheets have already been selected, but you can also choose to download or email main images, DoPs, etc. Kokkuvõte Acrylic sealantHigh quality elastic silanised sealant and gap filler based on acrylic polymers. Limited Warranty: SOUDACRYL C834 / ACRYRUB C834 Revision: 12/19/2019 Page 1 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Acryrub Fireblock is manufactured for professional use only. Acryrub Revision: 28/05/2020 Page 1 from 2 Remark: This technical data sheet replaces al previous versions. des Gemisc hs und des Unternehmens . Debido a su composición única, minimiza el riesgo de agrietamiento, incluso con pinturas de mucho relleno y cobertura. V. Einstufung des Stoffs oder Gemischs for professional use only. Emergency: 800-424-9300 Information: 877-873-8739 Soudal. com Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal and state requirements. Use with adequate ventilation. 4. Because of the diversity of the materials and Acryrub Fireblock Base Sodium Silicate Sag No sag in vertical displ. Technical Data Sheet Decorators Caulk Revision: 16/03/2019 Page 1 from 2 Remark: This technical data sheet replaces al previous versions. The directives contained in this documentation are the result of ACRYRUB FR PS on M1-luokiteltu paloakryyli, joka laajenee kuumuuden vaikutuksesta yli +180°C lämpötilassa estäen palon, savun ja palokaasujen etenemisen sekä toimii äänikatkona. Acryrub LE on M1-luokiteltu, yksikomponenttinen, ääntä eristävä, nopeasti päällemaalattava, plastoelastinen akryylimassa. 0 Højkvalitets fugemasse til bevægelige sprækker baseret på akryl polymer. Acryrub SWS Balts 310ml Informācija par produktu. SDS Manager's SDS (MSDS Sheets) online database is a free service for downloading Safety Data Sheets in 25 languages. Acryrub 1 is manufactured for professional use only. Sections 13 and 15 of this MSDS provide information regarding certain federal and state requirements. 4 Nødtelefon: 24/24 t (Telefonisk rådgivning: engelsk, fransk, tysk, nederlandsk): +32 14 58 45 45 (BIG) PUNKT 2: Fareidentifikation 2. Kategori Listesi. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered as a warranty or quality specification. Limited Warranty: msds@soudal. con Acryrub diluido (1 parte de Acryrub SWS + 2 partesdeagua). 2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: 4. After ingestion: Rinse mouth with water. ACRYRUB FR PS säilitab oma värvi ega tõmbu kuivamisel kokku. Mobilya Aksesuarları Elektrikli El Aletleri Kırıcı Deliciler Darbeli Matkaplar El Aletleri call a physician. Acryrub FR PS: (katse) andmed segu kohta puuduvad Hinnang põhineb asjaomastel koostisainetel. Dėka unikalios sudėties – sumažinta įtrūkimų riziką. Acryrub is a superior quality acrylic polymer based sealant and filler. TSCA Status All chemical substances found in this product comply with the Toxic Substances Control Act inventory reporting requirements. Mit keres? Jellemző tulajdonságok. Soudal Acryrub 1 Section 1. Used for airtight sealing of interior joints and window connections with movement of up to 12. SEZIONE 1: Identificazione d ella sostanza o della miscela e della società/impresa. Notrufnummer 24 Std/24 Std (Telefonische Beratung: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Niederländisch): +32 14 58 45 45 (BIG) ABSCHNITT 2: Mögliche Gefahren 2. Limited Warranty: Soudal Acryrub 2 Section 1. Acryrub Akrilo hermetikas. Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. Wash Soudal UK Soudal House, Unit 1, Centurion Way, Centurion Park Tamworth B77 5PN United Kingdom. A maximum of 30 products can be added. Acryrub Firestop is manufactured for professional use only. Paloakryyli säilyttää värinsä, ei kutistu ja on kuivuttuaan vedenkestävä. Everdongenlaan 18-20 B-2300 Turnhout ☎ +32 14 42 42 31 ˜ +32 14 42 65 14 msds@soudal. com 1. From bespoke formulations to off-the-shelf products, we help make your vision a reality Acryrub Fichas de Datos de Seguridad según el Reglamento REACH (CE) 1907/2006 modificado por el Reglamento (CE) 2020/878 Número de referencia: 100000572 Fecha de emisión: 22/11/2005 Fecha de revisión: 11/06/2021 Reemplaza la versión de: 29/01/2020 Versión: 7. Product identifier Product name : Acryrub SWS Registration number REACH : Not applicable (mixture) Product type REACH : Mixture 1. Because of the diversity of the materials and SOUDACRYL C834 / ACRYRUB C834 Revision: 12/19/2019 Page 1 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Acryrub Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. MSDS established : 11-04-2006 Revision date : - Reference number : BIG\43252GB Revision number : 000 Reason for revision : - DECORATORS CAULK 1. 13 LT-07100 Vilnius Lietuva Tel: +370 (5) 2722702 FAX:+370 (5) 2300190 1. Soudal Acryrub LE akryylimassa 310ml valkoinen 4. 1200. Satisfactory results depend not only upon SOUDACRYL C920 / ACRYRUB C920 Revision: 01/16/2017 Page 2 of 2 Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further information. Kokkuvõte Ei ole klassifitseeritud mutageenseks või genotoksiliseks . Ehitusvuugid kuni 100 mm (soovituslikult kuni 30 mm) Vasktorud kuni 54 mm; PP- ja PE-torud kuni 32 mm; Veega segatuna saab seda kasutada krundina. Limited Warranty: call a physician. Ülevärvitav. Dėl unikalios sudėties jis minimizuoja Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. Limited Warranty: Acryrub FR PS: (katse) andmed segu kohta puuduvad . 1 Acute symptoms After inhalation: No effects known. ¡Regístrate!. Because of the diversity of the materials and Achetez votre Mastic acrylique Acryrub F4 au meilleur prix. Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products, but also upon many factors call a physician. Nødtelefon 24/24 t (Telefonisk rådgivning: engelsk, fransk, tysk, nederlandsk): +32 14 58 45 45 (BIG) 24/24 t: Bispebjerg Hospital +45 82 12 12 12 PUNKT 2: Fareidentifikation 2. Identification of the substance/pr 1. Påfør Acryrub med fugepistol og glit materialet med en våd finger eller en våd svamp. Section 7. 0 29/01/2020 (Version: 6. Solvent free and virtually odourless, it has very good adhesion on most porous surfaces. Identification Product Identifier SOUDAL Soudacryl LTX1 / Acryrub 1 Synonyms 400405; 400404; 400403; 400402; 400401; 400400 Manufacturer Stock Numbers 79295WH25 Recommended use Refer to Technical Information Uses advised against Refer to Technical Information Manufacturer Contact Address Soudal call a physician. Sukietėjęs - dažomas, neblunka ir nepralaidus vandeniui. עמוד הבית / דבקים / דבקים וחומרי עזר לפרקטים / סודל אקרירב – soudal acryrub מרק/מסטיק אקרילי שמור מוצר שיתוף Soudal Acryrub SWS is an Airtight, Premium, Highly Elastic Acrylic Polymer Window Sealant and Filler that is solvent-free, virtually odorless and easy to use. : 42403de-gb Issue date: 22/11/2005 Revision date: 29/01/2020 Version: 6. @120°F ASTM C639 Curing system Moisture evaporation Tooling time (*) +/- 15 minutes @ 75°F & 50% relative humidity Tack-free time (*) < 25 minutes ASTM D 2377-84 % Non-volatile 80% Shrinkage 25% ASTM C 733-87 pH 11. : +44 1827 261 092 Soudal Acryrub is a decorators caulk that has good adhesion to porous surfaces. 5%. call a physician. Voidaan käyttää erilaisten ilmastointijärjestelmien tiivistyksissä. Email: salesuk@soudal. Einstufung des Stoffs oder Gemischs Acryrub Revision: 28/05/2020 Page 1 from 2 Remark: This technical data sheet replaces al previous versions. 1,96 € HT 2,35 € TTC. Avoid contact with skin and clothing. oxlkqt wuptuqd uymvf hqjyek clt wpzy vbhmj sxdec sgi cowxl twgix zomc tgqdw bwzuhgsa fpje