Best star wars books canon reddit. Poe Dameron: Free Fall 23.
Best star wars books canon reddit Legends = all Star Wars games, comics, books, and shows released before 2015. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. 27. Thrawn: Treason 24. Related Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope George Lucas Star Wars Movie Lucasfilm Epic movie Adventure movie Fantasy movie Sci-fi movie Movie studio forward back r/starwarscomics A subreddit dedicated to discussing all things related to Star Wars comic books! Basically the Star Wars Expanded Universe (Everything outside of the movies and tv: books, comics, games etcetera) is divided into two continuities: Legends and Canon. The next best book might well be The New Jedi Order: Traitor, by the same author (Matthew Stover) but that's in the middle of a very long series and is not a recommended starting point. Now i am looking for some more canon books. Apr 19, 2024 · Here is Screen Rant's ranking of the top 15 Star Wars books of all time, both canon and Legends. I'm kind of behind on the series released after 2020 so I don't know the quality of those series. *Comics (Canon): Star Wars (2015): With some mental edits and omitting "Rebels and Rogues" Darth Vader (2015) Darth Vader (2017): with some edits. . Jun 25, 2023 · Star Wars has had a stream of new novels since the start of the new Disney canon in 2014, and 10 books are especially worthy of every fan's time. Sadly, that does get rid of a lot of good stuff. Maybe then I'll dive into some legends. I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at r/ProgrammingPals. I think I'm going to read through the Dune series after this. Adult Novels MASTER AND APPRENTICE This novel does a great job at showing the relationship of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! IMO Dane Bane trilogy was the best, I read all three books as if it was one long novelthese were my first star wars novels that set in motion a 8 year path of discovery. In terms of Canon, Revenge of the Sith is much better as a book than a film and will help get used to reading Syar Wars even though you're familiar with the story, Master and Apprentice and Brotherhood are both great Prequel stories, whilst Light of the Jedi introduces a intriguing and brilliant new era of Star Wars. I've got 2 free credits from audible and I wanted to know the best star wars audio books out there. Star Wars Brotherhood is a great one if you enjoyed the prequel movies. Alphabet Squadron, Thrawn, Master & Apprentice, Brotherhood, Bloodlines, Dooku Down, High Republic As much as people malign the move to make the EU legends, the new canon books (and also most of the longer run comics) have been really strong. I've decided to make a run-through of the Star Wars timeline all the way up to the release of Episode IX in December. 50 votes, 24 comments. Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and… Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. I've read almost all of the canon novels and way more Legends novels than I care to count (easily over 2/3 of them, probably more than 3/4 of them). If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! The new canon Thrawn Trilogy is good, but the EU books will always be special and therefore - at least for me - the best Star Wars outside the original movie trilogy. Anderson [Legends] Knights of the Old Republic (comics) by John Jackson Miller [Legends] Considered one of Canon's best books. Welcome to the **Star Wars Expanded Universe** subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Canon Rebel T6/EOS 1300D by David Taylor The Canon Rebel T6/EOS 1300D is a budget-friendly, entry-level DSLR, an upgrade on the extremely popular Rebel T5/EOS 1200D. This book offers the perfect guide to mastering the full creative possibilities of this camera. The first Darth Bane book: I read lots of non Star Wars books and I have not read any book better than this one Kenobi(Legends): this book is so heartfelt by far the best original Star Wars book characters Dooku Jedi lost: this book gave me shivers you get to see lots of dookus past But the reality is that legends is finished and the vast majority of people that are first starting out with Star Wars books are seeking out cannon Star Wars material to read. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Most of the stories are fairly disconnected from each other. Darth Plagueis👈👈 was a 👤Dark Lord👤 of the 👹Sith👹 so 💪powerful💪 and so 👌wise👌, he could use the 🖐Force🖐 to influence the 👀midi-chlorians👀 to create😮life😲😲. Thrawn: Alliances Basically the Star Wars Expanded Universe (Everything outside of the movies and tv: books, comics, games etcetera) is divided into two continuities: Legends and Canon. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Star Wars 2015 has terrible art after that and the story kind of goes nowhere. I've gone through the rest of the canon over the past year, so I'll probably be caught up on canon Star Wars by the end of the summer. On the other hand, Del Rey said that they're still canon where they align with the films; unlike literally all other Del Rey novels, they were not reprinted with the 'Legends' banner on them; and Lucas personally oversaw, at the very least, the PT novelisations, so everything The second image is of all the books I've read in 2023 in order, not just Star Wars, as well as a few audio only ones tacked on at the end. We've chosen stories that are masterfully written, intensely personal, and still important in terms of their impact on the franchise as a whole. true. Collecting books is pretty exciting though haha, so I definitely collect faster than I read sometimes. com Dec 7, 2023 · Our list of the best 'Star Wars' novels includes titles from both Legends and new canon. Also you get a whole chapter of Dooku thinking to himself how he and Palpatine have totally outwitted Anakin and Obi Wan that well. The intro is one of the most beautifully written distillations of Star Wars I've ever seen. Specifically more on the adult side. If you're at all interested in the High Republic Era, Light of the Jedi is a really good book in my opinion and probably the best piece of media to introduce someone to that era. The star fighter battles was always my favorite part of Star Wars. I'm not covering High Republic stuff, as that deserves a post of its own. Tales of the Jedi (Comics) by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. The Thrawn Trilogy is a classic and should be read. 10 votes, 23 comments. You may also like the Canon Thrawn trilogies. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Keep in mind that any Star Wars Books pre-Disney are not Canon and never actually happened. I'm picky. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Kenobi: Star Wars Legends Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, Book 1 The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest New Jedi Order: Balance Point The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial Scoundrels: Star Wars Legends Allegiance: Star Wars Legends The Approaching Storm We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. My personal favorite is 'Bloodline'. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Into the Dark was, in my opinion, not the best Claudia Gray Star Wars novel she's ever written (which was a little disappointing as she wrote some of my favourite Disney SW novels) A Test of Courage was OK for what it was (a Children's novel) Out of the Shadows was surprisingly good having come to it with low expectations though I will admit it Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. It's hard to say which is the best, because so much is based on what genre of books you like. so i reckon i'll just mention the star wars stories/shows i like and dislike and let you guys let me know if you reckon i'd like the high Here's a list of novels in chronological order that not only add more to the characters, but also the lore of the Star Wars universe. Timothy Zahn in general is held in high regard as a solid writer, and personally I find his Mara Jade-centric novel Allegiance as the best one. Bounty Hunters Doctor Aphra (2017): only the first two arcs. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Revenge of the Sith. Some of the best Star Wars in legends or canon And I know you said nothing connected to movies, but Catalyst is a really good book that gives a lot of context to Rogue One. Queen’s Shadow 19. I listen to a lot of Star Wars audio books so that’s where my recommendations come from: Catalyst is a fun book, especially if you are into Andor and Rogue One. Where to begin when ranking 10 best Star Wars books ever? It’s almost an impossible task Oct 16, 2023 · The Star Wars universe has expanded far beyond just one galaxy, with countless novelizations, but these are the best books in the official canon. It takes place between the second and third movies. The official canon does not include the Expanded Universe, which is now considered a separate continuity and referenced under the "Legends" label. I listened to the book-on-tape version on my way to and from work. All of the initial 2015 runs (Vader, Star Wars, and Aphra) are amazing, and Vader Down (event series) is absolutely a must-read. Then Luke, his cohost also mentioned the Audiobooks of the Prequel Trilogy, and how they are very good, much better than the movies. Lost Stars: Describes the day-to-day life on the Empire, explores the Original Trilogy and post-Endor period in detail and is generally considered the best book in Canon. I want to experience some of the best moments in this universe. What’s your top 5 of the new canon? Im slowly making my way through the world of Star Wars books. Thrawn is definitely the best Star Wars novel I've ever read, canon or Legends. 🤔🤔 Did you 🤔🤔 ever hear 👂🖐 the Tragedy 😯 of Darth Plagueis 😌 the Wise? It's a 😱😰Sith legend😨😧. Most Wanted 21. 12 votes, 33 comments. Lost Stars is also up there for one of the best. Star Wars (2020) and War of the Bounty Hunters, Crimson Reignetc Darth Vader (2020): first arc only and very loosely so. These books were great and filled the hole left by the de-canoning of the X-Wing novels. I consider it one of the greatest things to ever come out of Star Wars. I thought it’d be interesting to show what non-Star Wars books I have read so feel free to ask me about any of those. The third image is of some of my 2023 stats from StoryGraph. you know. Very informative and well-researched look at how those movies were actually written and created that strips away all the mythologizing that has been built up around the series of the decades. X-Wing: Iron Fist. It’s about Galen Erso. If you want Sith stuff like Plagueis, I'd read the Darth Bane trilogy first. Old Republic. Here's my rating for all of the new canon novels I've read so far: 5 Stars - Catalyst A Rogue One Novel, Lost Stars, Bloodline 4 Stars - Dark Disciple, Ahsoka, Lords of the Sith, Tarkin, Thrawn, Aftermath: Life Debt, Aftermath: Empire's End, Phasma I already have the Thrawn trilogies (the 2 canon ones), Ahsoka, Master and Apprentice and Dark Disciple. Getting back into Star Wars after a few years stopped keeping up after mando season 2 but wanting to know what books yall would recommend. been a fan of star wars for decades and kinda noped of the new books out around rise of skywalker because of how bad it had all gotten but saw andor and now i want more. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! My all time favorite standalone is Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor. In 2020 all the books were relaunched to take place between TESB and ROTJ, so now there is Star Wars (2020), Darth Vader (2020), Doctor Aphra (2020), and Bounty Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Most Star Wars novels are mostly standalone single books or series, or tie into one high-profile thing like a movie. Which High Republic novels did you read when checking out that series? Phasma is a great standalone novel that works great if you want something fresh and mysterious. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! If you're looking for specific recommendations, I'd recommend all of the Darth Vader comics and the first 25 issues of Star Wars 2015. You aren't missing out if you don't read everything or don't read it all in order. Dooku: Jedi Lost 20. It's a bit confusing. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! The best Star Wars book is the Revenge of the Sith novelization, IMHO. The new canon is rather barebones in terms of pre-TCW content as of right now aside from a few nice comics, and the books that are there like Master & Apprentice, Queen's Shadow and Dooku: Jedi Lost only just came out anyway. Given what you've already read, I would recommend the Alphabet Squadron trilogy. One of the best in Canon. The best would be the canon Thrawn books, made up of two trilogies, also Bloodline, Tarkin, and Rogue One: Catalyst. For this comment, I focused on adult-targeted canon novels that weren't already on your list. They are labeled "Legends" on the cover. Favorite Star Wars Films; Best Star Wars Movie; Star Wars Chronological Order; Best Sci-Fi Books; Star Wars Soundtracks; High Fantasy Books; Books Similar To Asoiaf; Star Wars Rankings; Empire Trilogy Review; Top 3 Books; Roman Historical Fiction; Brandon Sanderson Books; Most Popular Star Wars Characters; Fantasy Books India; Best Movies of CT Phipps' STAR WARS Recommendations. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! A place to discuss and highlight some of the best moments, places and characters from The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy era (including the movies, the shows like Star Wars Resistance and The Mandalorian, novels like Phasma or the Aftermath Trilogy, and comics like The Rise Of Kylo Ren). Like, they assume you've watched the movies, that's usually about it. Posted by u/Talkalot23 - 2 votes and 8 comments All and all its some of the best Star Wars reading in current canon for me. So Star Wars (2015) ran for 75 issues along side Darth Vader (2015) for 25 issues, and after Doctor Aphra (2016) for 40 issues, the books all set in the span between ANH and TESB. One of the beautiful things about the EU is that there are all sorts of genres represented, the Coruscant Nights trilogy is basically noir, while New Jedi Order is apocalyptic, Rebel Commando is military scifi, The Black Fleet Crisis is a political thriller and the Thrawn Trilogy is classic scifi. Linus is/was a huge fan of the Star Wars Extended Universe, and someone asked his favorite books. From https Way, way too long, includes parts of a non canon storyline and doesn't even bother to include the name of Thurfian's human friend before they die because Zahn had the sheer gall to add apocryphal required reading to his books. Like most of the other comments I agree Light of the Jedi started slow but Rising Storm was completely different, by the time I was 1/4th if the way through I couldn't put it down and really loved the pacing so I would recommend 100%. Most people, me included, tend to pay more attention to onscreen media than they do offscreen media, and with everything I've stated in mind, it makes it difficult to get into new Star Wars books or comics because, in the back of my mind, I know there's a chance that they'll simply cease to be canon when an onscreen project comes along and Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. I for example love the seedy, neo-noir Coruscant Nights trilogy but some people absolutely hate it for those exact same reasons. We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Of course the heir to the empire Thrawn trilogy (dark force rising, the last command) needs to be mentioned as it really kicked off the EU, and the hand of Thrawn duology (spectre of the past, vision of the future) takes place like fifteen or twenty years later and was intended to be an "end" to the EU (until the vong 16. The official canon includes all of the Star Wars films, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and novels released in and after September 2014 (beginning with Star Wars: A New Dawn). If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Basically, these books are important to formation of Star Wars as a whole. The Ascendancy Trilogy started interesting, but I pretty much lost interest while reading it. I would recommend: Books - lost stars, thrawn series (6 books) Comics - star wars ongoing (set between ep4 and 5) vader solo (from just after ep 3 through to ep 4), crimson reign (need to have seen solo) Film/tv - solo (for above), rogue one, mandalorian/book of boba fett, kenobi (starts next week), clone wars and rebels Canon/legends - bane So been getting back into star wars again recently and was looking for more stories. Legends is almost everything released between November 1976 - April 2014. From A Certain Point of View: V 28. It also just isn't for everybody. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Gave us some of the most iconic Star Wars characters to ever grace the EU - Including Talon Karrde, Mara Jade, and Grand Admiral Thrawn - a character so beloved he came back in several new books to establish canon and even in the show Rebels making him one of the few book characters to be given time in the new canon. Shadow Of The Sith is heavily connected to the sequels, but improves various aspects of them for me and follows Luke, Lando, and baby Rey with her parents. we have 3 vader series , one runs with the main star comics from 2015 and is fucking awesome, then there is lord of the sith the best one , the third is too new to say , but looks very cool , there is also vader dark visions that each issue is a different history , there are some cool and some medium issues , and lastly there is target vader , but it focus more on Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. One of the books you mentioned, Darth Plagueis, is maybe the best Star Wars book for me, but it's a very late book, and it references a lot other content i would recommend reading the Darth Bane Trilogy first, then start Darth Plagueis, then when it gets close to The Phantom Menace, you should read Cloak of Deception, Jedi Council: Acts of A bit of explanation - for the past 2 years, I've been catching up with the Star Wars canon. From Legends: I, Jedi. On one hand, they were not in the list of things that would stay canon when Disney rebooted it. My TBR pile is admittedly pretty high lol. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 18. Ahsoka and Dark Disciple assumes you've watched the Clone Wars. See full list on screenrant. I haven’t read too many, but… We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Even if you don't care for old canon, I suggest you read them if only to know where the characters originated. Which ones would you recommend, preferably in the Clone Wars and Empire era. There are also some really, really solid OT era miniseries i'd recommend, particularly Lando, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Target Vader. Canon = all theatrically released Star Wars films, The Clone Wars animated series, and everything (books, comics, games, Disney+ content) in the franchise Disney has produced since buying Lucasfilm. I really only care to read the canon novels but I would like to hear your thoughts on your favorites before I purchase another one. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. If you’re into canon, I’d recommend the brand new High Republic novel “Light of the Jedi” (as I suspect this era is going to become a major part of Star Wars in the future) Haven’t read a lot of the novels myself, but I’ll pass a few of the common ones. As much as I dislike a lot of the post OT new canon, I loved Alphabet Squadron. Had they wanted to crack into Han's backstory, adapting that to the screen (with some adjustments to the third book as its involvement in the acquisition of the Death Star plans were made non-canon by Rogue One, though it wouldn't be super difficult to retcon Han's love interest into being one of the Rebels Here are my suggestions: The Thrawn Trilogy, Timothy Zahn - It's a great gateway series and sets up most of the EU, past and present. 22. We have evidence of that from the hundreds of questions that we get via email, our website, and on social media and our web analytics support that fact. I already picked up dooku… The Darth Bane Trilogy is not just the best Star Wars series, but a genuinely great science fantasy book series even without Star Wars. Ahsoka 26. Which ultimately, all Star Wars books are, but the canon ones have felt particularly less rich. A place to discuss and highlight some of the best moments, places and characters from The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy era (including the movies, the shows like Star Wars Resistance and The Mandalorian, novels like Phasma or the Aftermath Trilogy, and comics like The Rise Of Kylo Ren). Claudia Gray is by far the best author writing for Star Wars canon imo. Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. From A Certain Point of View: IV 25. It has a perfectly characterized Leia Organa as the main protagonist, and manages to add some much needed context to the movies: Political state of the galaxy during the events of the ST, how was Leia & Han's relationship before TFA, how was the resistance created and why, who funded Major shout-out to Zahn for getting me into Star Wars books back in the 90's, with the original Thrawn arc. After that there's Plagueis, and then the Dark Lord trilogy (Labyrinth of Evil, Revenge of the Sith novelization (skippable, but is most likely the best Star Wars novel ever), and the Rise of Darth Vader) There's been very few new canon books that I didn't really enjoy. So, suggest me the absolute best Star Wars books you have read. Alphabet Squadron C Tier. I recently watched "Star Wars: The Complete Canon Timeline (2021)" on YouTube and want to read Star Wars stories to begin fleshing out all the lore and mythos in my mind. Star Wars: The Last Jedi 17. Start with stuff that's focused on a character or story that you like. There's something for everyone in the Star Wars expanded universe; which likewise means there's stuff that just plain won't be your cup of tea. For a while, it was solely canon works - I've read every tie-in novel relating to The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and Solo, every novel through 2018 (I am currently reading Thrawn: Alliances), as well as every Marvel comic through 2019. The best Star Wars book is The History of Star Wars by Michael Kaminski. Plus you get some chapters sort of from Palpatine's perspective that really outline how complex his pl Welcome to the Star Wars Books subreddit! This is a place to discuss any and all things about Star Wars Books. But Timothy Zahns novels have done the most for star wars universe. Aftermath m by Chuck Weding was the first star wars books that I read and I love it. Solo: A Star Wars Story D Tier. I took a break from Star Wars to explore other popular sci-fi (Asimov's Robots, Empire, and Foundation series and the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons) since reading all these Star Wars books really sparked my interest in reading again. This past year I decided to start reading Star Wars material as well. Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that may be helpful. Darth Plagueis, James Luceno - I mean, it's basically one big plothole destroyer, and does a great job of condensing the background events of the Prequels into one coherent narrative. Yes, you already saw the movie and know the story- but it'll still be great. Poe Dameron: Free Fall 23. The Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy assumes you've read the Thrawn trilogy. So this year I’m looking to get into reading the canon novels of Star Wars, and although I have a few in mind (Thrawn trilogies, aftermath, Ashoka), I would appreciate some suggestions! (I am also interested in the ROTS novilization and maybe some legends if they are really good). I'm not sure where to go next as far as reading goes. The most recent Thrawn trilogy by Luceno Zahn is really excellent. They tell you what happens immediately after the return of the Jedi and how the new republic have to rule the galaxy and as the imperial remnants try to reorganize themselves after the death of the emperor and the destruction of the second death star. Star Wars is a vast web of sub-genres. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! You're the only one to mention the Han Solo trilogy so far and I have to second that. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! 3M subscribers in the StarWars community. If you're new to books, and want to learn more about where to start, check the sidebar or wiki tab on the menu! Otherwise MTFBWY and happy reading! Yeah I know what you mean. The High Republic novels assume you're reading them in order (Light of the Jedi -> Into the Dark -> The Rising Storm We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Enemy Lines I&II by Allston plus Traitor by Stover (three bangers in a row back when the NJO was being published), X-Wing: Mercy Kill, Darth Plagueis, and The Lando Calrissian Adventures (my guilty pleasures). lkcp qdhge updr nizr xcu ahojavl zikfv farld nxwc yfxwtf nlsimj ragpvzm urldb rgwdn tqe