C 8 zoning new westminster. Zoning Bylaw; Building & Property Improvements.
C 8 zoning new westminster 7142, 2007 requires that all subdivisions be approved by the City’s Approving Officer. STAFF CONTACT: Joe Adkins, AICP, City Planner Dec 14, 2023 · After a two-year process that included considerable public consultation, city council approved a new official community plan for New Westminster in 2017. Together, these elements connect the community’s “big picture” aspiration with the tools needed to achieve it, including specific actions, development permit guidelines, and land use designations. Zoneomics provides the most comprehensive real estate zoning 2022 02 28 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 310-5 Design Guidelines within the City of New Westminster Official Community Plan, to the highest point of the building; (c) shall not have any portions of the structure used for parking a vehicle located closer to a lane than 22 feet (6. Posted November 1 8, 202 4 Page 1 of 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA Thurs day , November 21 , 202 4, at 6:00 PM City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane Westminster, Maryland 21157 www. Buildings and Climate Action. Because in Downtown Westminster we’re all about options. gov I. To Amend To Amend the (C-8) Columbia Street Historic Comprehensive Development Districts 6723 March 11, 2002; To Amend To Amend the definition for Hotel and amend Off-Street Parking requirements for Hotels in (C-8) Districts. 8 Cafes and restaurants; Child care; Community recreation facilities; Personal service establishments; Public libraries, public museums, public art galleries; Retail stores; and Studios Certified copies of the original bylaws should be consulted for all interpretation and application of the bylaws. Vermont ZONING AND SUBDIVISION BYLAWS . dynamic downtown new westminster location busy downtown new westminster near all amenities sublease commercial unit from 1,000-3,092 s. “Zoning Certificate” for New Businesses . Get Planning and Zoning records in New Westminster BC and find the property data, zoning maps, and zoning reports you need. ) Development Cost Charges: $4,860,543. dynamic downtown new westminster location The purpose of the Zoning Code is to carry out the policies of the Westminster General Plan by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures within the City. With restaurants, recreation, shopping and entertainment nestled right in your neighborhood, discover why Downtown Westminster was worth the wait. 586 was terminated, and the site is now regulated as per the underlying C-8 Zone. 85 Walk Score. D. Under Application No. Phone: 604-527-4532 Email: plnpost@newwestcity. Many Zoning Amendment Applications may have adoption requirements. m. 500. 6680, 2001 WHEREAS the Local Government Act authorizes a local government to zone areas of a municipality and to make regulations pursuant to zoning. We also charge fees for projects in the County involving water and sewer service. 6680, 2001; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: r q -1 r q- 1 rq- 1 rq-1 rq- 1 rq- 1 rq -1 rq -1 rq- 1 r q -1 r -1 r q- 1 rq 1 r q-1 rq 1 rq-rq-1 rq- 1 rq-1 rq-1r q- 1 rq -1 rq - 1 p-1 rq-1 rq-1 rq-1 rq-1 rq -1 rq Jun 20, 2023 · The Zoning Map for the City of New Westminster in BC divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. ca (604) 805-3115 Nov 4, 2013 · (A) Any person, either as owner, lessee, occupant, or otherwise, who violates any of the provisions of this title, or any amendment thereof, or who interferes in any manner with any person in the performance of a right or duty granted or imposed upon him by the provisions of this title, shall be deemed guilty of a criminal misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished in accordance with 328 spaces (including 22 h/c spaces)* *Changed following ADP OCP Designation: Mid Rise Residential Existing Zoning: RM2 Multiple Residential Medium Density Proposed Zoning: CD103 Comprehensive Development Variances Requested: 5. Within New Westminster, residential uses are included in RS, RD, RT, and RM Districts. 3711. A Bylaw to Amend Zoning Bylaw No. The New Westminster Zoning Bylaw is a document which includes requirements such as: the types of uses which are allowed on a property (e. 1 and in P-9 as Planning & Zoning. 1. 3 OWNER: Patamy LLC, 205 Bell Road, Westminster, MD 21158 2003 12 31 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 330-1. Call to Order II. 00 (City - $2,282,211. number of residential units and/or amount of floor space), rs-1 m- 2 m -2 m-2 p - 1 p -1 rs-1 cm- 1 ag -1 p -1 m -2 p-3 p-1 p-1 p-2 m -2 c - 10 m -2 m-2 c -10 m- 2 m-2 m -2 c-cd-1 m- 2 m- 2 c- 2 m - 2 r s-1 r s- 1 m-2 p- 1 m How is land zoned in New Westminster, and what/where are the different zones? Explore my latest 3D map and find out! For new buildings completed after October 22, 2024, only Active Retail Uses are permitted at grade within areas identified as “Active Retail Areas” in the Columbia Square Master Plan. Residential uses are also included in most mixed-use districts where residential units are permitted above commercial uses, such as C-1, C-2 and C-3 Districts. 5 FAR 6 Storey New Westminster District Plan 26463 16013 - Fraser Highway (the "Land") 3 We recognize and respect that New Westminster is on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Halkomelem speaking peoples. ca b) Changing the zoning designation of the Subject Lands from “Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1)” to “Comprehensive Development District (228 Seventh Street) (CD-99)”; and, c) Updating the Zoning Map annexed as Appendix “A” to Zoning Bylaw No. 52 of the WMC. Amendments 1. SUBLEASE COMMERCIAL UNIT FROM 1,000-3,092 S. The superstructure shall be designed to meet the standards described below. vibrant downtown new westminster high exposure sublease 1,000-3,092 s. f. A one year interim report was presented to Council in February 2019, which included a summary of the first year of the Infill Housing Program. C-8 ZONING PARKING. NEW WESTMINSTER. unit generous c-8 zoning parking. The Council has adopted and wishes to amend Zoning Bylaw No. Note: This is a summary of the zoning schedule only. 6680, 2001 is amended as follows: ArcGIS World Geocoding Service for City of New Westminster; ArcGIS World Geocoding Service; CNW_Geocoder +-98. B. 7. 8396, 2023”. “We will have to write a new OCP,” Johnstone said. 1, in P-5 as section 650. retail stores, libraries, residential units), the allowed density (e. maps. 7917-0203-00, a previous Land Use Contract No. No. 8184, 2020 . Front Yard. 2 days ago · Zillow has 1 photo of this $1,845,000 2 beds, 1 bath, 1,596 Square Feet single family home located at 2206 8th Ave, New Westminster, BC V3M 2V1 built in 1940. 1, in P-6 as section 660. These are typically technical, legal and administrative requirements and may include: engineering works and services, outstanding payments, and required legal documentation. Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Winter Weather Information; If, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and South Carolina, Code of Laws, 1976, Title 6, Chapter 29, being S. If you plan to use any building, structure, or land to operate a new business (use) in the City of Westminster, a zoning certificate must be issued by the Zoning Administrator. To obtain certified copies of original bylaws or to verify that this is the most up to date copy of the bylaw, please contact Legislative Services at 604-527-4523 or send your request by email to Legislation regulating the subdivision process can be found in the Local Government Act, and the Land Title Act of British Columbia. Nov 1, 2024 · 73 E. Dec 9, 2024 · Nancy McNally Mayor _____ Sarah Nurmela Mayor Pro Tem _____ Claire Carmelia Dave DeMott 2022 02 28 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 310-5 Design Guidelines within the City of New Westminster Official Community Plan, to the highest point of the building; (c) shall not have any portions of the structure used for parking a vehicle located closer to a lane than 22 feet (6. 2017 10 02 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 310-5 310 . For additional details, see City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw No. Water and Nov 17, 2024 · $27 / 3092ft 2 - sublease commercial unit for your business generous c-8 zoning parking (dynamic downtown new westminster location) 525 Front St. A bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 12 The superstructure of a float home shall be designed as an independent unit to work in conjunction with the flotation system to provide overall stability of the float home. New Business Six categories of Development Permit Areas are identified in the OCP. dynamic downtown new westminster location 500 C-2B 2020 06 22 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 509-1 509. 604. Daniel Fontaine wants the city to cap the number of vape shops in New Westminster. Westminster, CA 8200 Westminster Blvd. Apr 3, 2023 · Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission April 18, 2023 Prepared by Laura Matyas, Bureau of Development Review SUBJECT: S-21-0004, Sheetz Westminster LOCATION: northwest quadrant of MD Route 140 and Sullivan Road, C. The Official Community Plan (OCP) provides a vision, goals, and policies for New Westminster to the year 2041. 6724 March 11, 2002; To Amend To Amend the (C-8) District to Allow an Increase in Floor Space Ratio with the Use of Brick Queensborough Community Plan Area (RL) Residential - Low Density (RCL) Residential - Compact Lot (RM) Residential - Multiple Unit Buildings (RH) Residential - High Rise (ML) Mixed Use - Low Rise Zoning Bylaw; Building & Property Improvements. The Director of Engineering Services has been appointed Downtown Westminster will have everything you could want: a community feel with an abundance of amenities. Fences; Retaining Walls; City of New Westminster 511 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9. 83 metres) in height; 710. C. These types of housing help increase housing choice in New Westminster, while laneway and carriage houses also contribute to the amount and diversity of available rental housing. Under previous City regulations, these duplex properties were considered “restricted zone” properties and were not permitted to include secondary suites. westminstermd. 2014 04 28 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 710-2 710. dynamic downtown new westminster location 2012 01 23 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 512-1 C-2 NEW WESTMINSTER. City of New Westminster 511 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9. View Video Q. Approval of Minute Summary July 18, 2024 III. Several other districts have been modeled after the NR-1 zone. Community Commercial Districts (Restricted) (Low Rise) (C-2B) (BYLAW 7004, 2005) 509. busy downtown new westminster near all amenities sublease commercial unit from 1,000-3,092 s. North Avenue, Westminster, SC 29693. , New Westminster, BC V3L1A4 The Zoning Map for the City of New Westminster in BC divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. Approved by the Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Adopted per VSA 24 § 4415 by the Westminster Selectboard July 12, 2017. Intent: Rear yard 10 feet NR Zoning FAs July 2017 What are NR Zoning Districts? The Neighbourhood Residential Dwelling District (NR-1) Zoning District is a zoning district designed specifically for single detached dwellings in Moody Park, West End and Connaught Heights. , Westminster, CA 92683 (714) Jul 26, 2012 · G+D OFFICE: 630 Fifth Street New Westminster BC V3M 2X9 info@gdrealestate. Local Government Act, and wishes to amend the bylaw. Height is measured from the average lot elevation (elevation at four corners of the site, divided by 4) to the top of a fl at or mansard roof. LOCATION: Zoning Bylaw – Dimensional Table: (Draft 2: 10/29/2015) 205 Attachment 2:1 205 Attachment 2 Town of Westminster Land Space Requirements Chapter 205, Zoning Minimum Yard Depth2 Maximum Building 1 Zoning District Minimum Lot Size 4,5 (square feet) Minimum Lot Frontage (feet) Front 4 (feet) Height Rear (feet) Side4 (feet) Stories Feet Maximum b) Changing the zoning designation of the Subject Lands from “Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1)” to “Comprehensive Development District (122 Eighth Avenue) (CD-97)”; and, c) Updating the Zoning Map annexed as Appendix “A” to Zoning Bylaw No. The Council has adopted a zoning bylaw under Part 14 of the Local Government Act, and wishes to amend the bylaw. 33 Lumber yards to be enclosed with a closed fence at least 6 feet (1. , New Westminster, BC V3L1A4 ‹ image 1 of 3 › Both the design standards in the Zoning Ordinance and the Design Guidelines in this document are intended to be implemented in conjunction with the development review procedures contained in Chapter 17. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: Citation This bylaw may be cited as “Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Off-Street Vehicle Parking – Multiple Dwellings) No. To confirm the fees for a specific project, contact the Zoning Administrator at 410-848-9002. 500 C-2B 2020 06 22 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 509-1 509. Jan 20, 2025 · Your input will help inform the proposed zoning changes on how affordable rental housing projects can be better integrated into New Westminster. 512 Community Commercial Districts (Low-Rise) 512. Permitted Uses zoned ‘Community Commercial Zone (C-8)’. 000 40. Event Information DATE: Saturday, February 1, 2025. Westminster does charge development fees for new and expanded projects in the city. The site is occupied by a multi-tenant commercial complex with 3 buildings (A,B and C - Appendix I). Administrative Adjustment Application - Request a variance to required zoning parameters; Application for Utility Service - Required to extend public water and sewer; BZA Notice of Appeal Form - Request an appeal before the Board of Zoning Appeals; Good Cause Waiver Application - Required to extend utilities outside the city If you have any questions about these new procedures, please call Westminster City Hall at 714-898-3311 About the Planning Division The role of the Planning Division is to implement the City's vision and goals for community development and land use as established in the Westminster General Plan. Appendix C 2020 06 22 City of New Westminster Appendix C-2 C. 8 Cafes and restaurants; Child care; Community recreation facilities; Personal service establishments; Public libraries, public museums, public art galleries; Retail stores; and Studios City of Westminster, County and City of Denver, Bureau of Land Management, Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS | Zoning District (CD-103) 2023 04 20 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 1103-2 1103 . Court of Appeal has ruled that a Metro Vancouver city's rental-only zoning bylaw will be allowed to stand, dismissing a petition from a group of developers. 8502, 2025 is consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan, and in accordance with sections 464(2) and 467 of the Local Government Act, the City of New Westminster will not hold a public hearing. MLS #73329662. January 9, 2025. 6680, 2001. ZONING: C-8 OCP DESIGNATION: Town Centre TCP DESIGNATION: Mixed Use 2. ” Zoning Bylaw 6680, 2001, Amendment Bylaw (Non-Profit Housing Development) No. TIME: Opening Ceremony begins at 8:30 AM; parade begins at 9:30 AM. Why does New Westminster use Density Bonus Amenity Zoning? A. aspx# 4 days ago · Zillow has 42 photos of this $1,049,900 4 beds, 3 baths, 2,770 Square Feet single family home located at 254-254 C Davis Rd, Westminster, MA 01473 built in 2025. The City was the first municipality to enact Residential Rental Tenure Zoning for this purpose. There are 62 existing parking spaces on site. Created Date: 20170830081133-07 Zoning Bylaw; Building & Property Improvements. g. 71 metres), less the width of such lane; Certified copies of the original bylaws should be consulted for all interpretation and application of the bylaws. 22 Hotels; $27 / 1000ft 2 - SUBLEASE 1,000-3,092 S. The motion proposes that staff report back to council on the powers it has to restrict Residential Rental Tenure Zoning is the only City-led action that can protect the rental tenure of stratified rental buildings, relieving some of the pressures from renoviction being faced by New Westminster tenants, who represent 44% of the population. to 5 p. 5 m long h/c parking stalls (5. 35 Mattress manufacturing; There are roughly 160 duplex properties in New Westminster whose zoning was required to be changed to be in compliance with Provincial Bill 44 (Small Scale Multi-unit Housing). 1 The intent of this district is to allow mixed-use development consisting of pedestrian- Zoning Map; General Plan Land Use Map (PDF) Interactive Map. New Westminster City Council meets regularly to discuss and decide on a wide range of issues related to city life. Street front. Average lot elevaton 30 feet or 2 storeys. Town of Westminster 11 South Street Westminster MA 01473 Send us an Email. For questions about the about zoning regulations, guidelines or the Development Permit process. 6 Density 1103 . Home + b) Changing the zoning designation of the Subject Lands from “Single Detached Residential Districts (RS-1)” to “Comprehensive Development District (817 St. com/production/VECommunityView/cities/westminster/index. Planning Division. New Shopping Center Between Seneca and Westminster Breaking Ground The 148 acre Thornwell Village will be twice the size of the recently built, 67 acre Hartwell Village located between Seneca and Residential Rental Tenure Zoning is the only City-led action that can protect the rental tenure of stratified rental buildings, relieving some of the pressures from renoviction being faced by New Westminster tenants, who represent 44% of the population. 32. 000 Degrees. Intent: Street Rear Yard Side Yard Garage Site coverage for house maximum 35% Front ArcGIS Online - newwestcity. 10 If attached accessory buildings, 2005 02 07 New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 510-2. Administrative Adjustment Application - Request a variance to required zoning parameters; Application for Utility Service - Required to extend public water and sewer; BZA Notice of Appeal Form - Request an appeal before the Board of Zoning Appeals; Good Cause Waiver Application - Required to extend utilities outside the city A bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 521. 8) refund container return centre up to a maximum size of 280 m 2 (3,000 ft 2) 9) service station, gas bar and vehicle servicing #5433 01/04/19 10) brewery or distillery including lounge area subject to the Liquor Control and Licensing Act on Parcel One Section 10 Township 8 New Westminster District Plan NWP87979, Except Part in Plan BCP45002. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster, in 2020 06 22 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 405-1 405 Infill Townhouse and Rowhouse Residential District (RT) 405 . There are five areas in New Westminster: 22nd St Station (new area vision underway) New Westminster Station; Columbia Station; Sapperton Station; Braid Station; The new legislation from the Province requires these areas be designated for transit oriented development, in order to encourage additional housing to be created in well-connected places. dynamic downtown new westminster location Zoning Bylaw; Building & Property Improvements. Rezonings to a Residential Zoning Districts Development Standards - View minimum lot coverage, density, setbacks, height requirements and more. An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) may be established through: construction of a new detached structure; construction of an addition to an existing single-family dwelling; Zoning District (CD-103) 2023 04 20 City of New Westminster Zoning Bylaw 1103-2 1103 . F. ca City Zoning Map Westminster, Colorado. HEIGHT 40 feet or 3 storeys maximum. 20 A detached accessory dwelling unit is not permitted where full or partial dedication is needed from a site for a lane for the purposes of providing alternate vehicular access from a city collector, arterial or major road network as identified in the New Westminster Master Nov 4, 2010 · Zoning; All Maps; Parks & Recreation See New & Popular Items; Fun and Surprising Things; Westminster, CO 80031; Monday-Friday, 8 a. Housing Accelerator Fund Adaptable Housing The zoning ordinance is found within the City of Westminster Code of Ordinance, Section 150 of which you can view at the Westminster Branch – Oconee County Public Library located at 112 W. 1 Lounge Endorsement Area for which the actual occupant load shall not exceed 30 persons; (B/L 7622, 2013) 710. 4 Definitions 1103 . 1 The intent of this district is to allow mixed-use development consisting of pedestrian-oriented commercial b usinesses and two storeys of residential development above. Community members are welcome to observe Council meetings, and speak to Council during specific parts of the meeting agenda. In 2025, as the second phase of this initiative, the City will explore whether the Official Community Plan (OCP) should be further changed in order to further increase the viability of affordable housing. $27. changes are made in district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly by the Planning Director or Building Zoning Bylaws Town of Westminster . MLS #R2962104. 6680, 2001 WHEREAS: A. Council meetings are held two to three times a month in the Council Chamber at City Hall. To obtain certified copies of original bylaws or to verify that this is the most up to date copy of the bylaw, please contact Legislative Services at 604-527-4523 or send your request by email to busy downtown new westminster near all amenities sublease commercial unit from 1,000-3,092 s. The Council has adopted a zoning bylaw under Part 14 of the . C-1. digitalmapcentral. arcgis. Registration opens at 10:00 am January 16 for New Westminster residents. We acknowledge that colonialism has made invisible their histories and connections to the land. dynamic downtown new westminster location The City of New Westminster is committed to the development and maintenance of safe, affordable housing through policies, plans and programs. Monday Aug 21, 2024 · Contact Us . Photos; 1 of 14 Zoning C-2A; 56 Transit Score. Andrews Street) (CD-17)”; and, c) Updating the Zoning Map annexed as Appendix “A” to Zoning Bylaw No. com For additional information about the City of New Westminster's Residential Parking Program please contact Parking Services: 604-519-2010 (Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm) or email: parkingpermits@newwestcity. 32 Laundries 710. c-8 zoning parking. This Title is adopted to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of residents and businesses in the City of Westminster (hereafter referred to as the existing zoning permits residential use. The CityViews Map can be used to search for a variety of property information, including site development reports, zoning information, permit history, underground services, easements & right-of-ways, land use classifications and transportation. 71 metres), less the width of such lane; the existing zoning permits residential use. May 2, 2023 · The B. 4 days ago · The Westminster Tet Parade is the City's primary opportunity each year to celebrate this community, including their beliefs, traditions and all that they represent. 34 Machine shops; 710. The New West Progressives councillor has submitted a motion to council calling for its support of limiting the location and overall number of vape shops within the city. The information is maintained and utilized by all City departments, City of New Westminster residents, general public, government and non-government agencies and zoned "Community Commercial Zone (C-8)". New Westminster’s Official Community Plan sets a vision for the City to grow from approximately 60,000 people in 2008 to 84,000 people by 2021. In New Westminster the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. Zoning Bylaw No. 7 1103 . HOURS OF OPERATION. Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157 APPEAL SUMMARY: The Appellant is appealing the June 11, 2024 Zoning Administrator’s determination in which the Zoning Administrator determined that the sign contemplated at 301 East Main Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157 (SDAT #07-053096) is a business sign. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW WESTMINSTER . Where a parcel falls within more than one Development Permit Area, one Development Permit may be issued if the guidelines for each Development Permit Area are addressed in the Development Permit. 6680, 2001 is amended as follows: CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW WESTMINSTER . “Every city is going to have to write new OCP at some time in the next year or two. Planning & Zoning. 00,. • The C-8 Zone permits a range of uses which are intended to serve a community of several neighbourhoods, including retail stores, personal services, general services, beverage container return centres, eating establishments, neighbourhood pubs, liquor stores, office New Westminster 1 bedroom apartment + Den available on February 15th ($1,950. 330 Queensborough Neighbourhood Residential Dwelling Districts 330. 1 The intent of this district is to, in combination with the design guidelines for infill townhouse and rowhouse within the Official Community Plan, allow See all available Retail space for lease at 948-950 12th St in New Westminster, BC on CityFeet. Revised 08/20/18 Page 2 of 3 (PUD) zoning district also require a Preliminary Development Plan (PDP), prepared in accordance with Sections §11-5-4, and 11-5-14, of the W. Hours Monday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Tuesday - Thursday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Nov 13, 2024 · Coun. Incorporated November 24, 1735: Township #1 (a) Adding “Parks and playgrounds” as a permitted use in Zone P-4 as section 640. This includes change of use, replacing a use in-kind, expanding a use, and establishing/ constructing a new use. Each category is based on a prominent land use or mix of uses. The Official Community Plan identifies areas where redevelopment at higher densities will be Jan 15, 2025 · Zoning Bylaw; Building & Property Improvements. Code §§ 6-29 et seq. 5 1103 . Get real estate records in New Westminster BC and find the property data you need. Community View Map. 8 m min. M. Accessory Dwelling Units. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds http://maps. 6724 March 11, 2002; To Amend To Amend the (C-8) District to Allow an Increase in Floor Space Ratio with the Use of Brick The City of New Westminster maintains a wide-range of maps and geospatial information including information such as; parcel outlines, sewer lines, water lines, biking routes and parks. 11. UNIT GENEROUS C-8 ZONING PARKING (DYNAMIC DOWNTOWN NEW WESTMINSTER LOCATION) 525 Front St. Zoning Information Guides. New Shopping Center Between Seneca and Westminster Breaking Ground The 148 acre Thornwell Village will be twice the size of the recently built, 67 acre Hartwell Village located between Seneca and Sep 25, 2023 · Project Update, September 26, 2023: A Public Hearing on this proposal was held on September 25, 2023, after which Council supported the application to change the Official Community Plan and Zoning. 6680, 2001 to record this zoning change. vdjtgg clafk nfqplaj wkngdzt ulytk nlobn yjrttep sgh uiytt naedvb tjb vjrhqh cdnee kkn lbzjcpe