Futures without violence training. Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence.

Futures without violence training This webinar will provide participants with a deeper understanding of how Part II of the training reviews DV prevalence and impacts, and introduces Futures Without Violence’s CUES intervention for staff to use with participants. Futures Without Violence, formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund, has been working with home visitation programs and providing domestic violence training and education for more than a decade. Keeping guns away from those with protective orders against them for domestic violence is a life-saving violence prevention policy and a cornerstone of Futures Without Violence’s gun violence prevention agenda. This six week peer learning series will bring together victim service providers to share knowledge and expertise, identify economic empowerment best practices, and explore trauma-informed work readiness In 2001, Futures Without Violence produced the first State by State Legislative Report Card on Health Care Laws and Domestic Violence. This was a scaled up continuation of USAID-funded ACHIEVE Project, (Adolescents and Children, HIV Incidence … Coaching Boys Mar 25, 2024 · Increase employer responsiveness to the safety needs of women through training and technical assistance and address common limitations to low-wage employment. Authorizing HHS to provide training and technical assistance to providers of mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence prevention services for prevention, assessment, identification, and treatment of child maltreatment, and to provide information on training resources to domestic violence personnel on interacting with child abuse and neglect investigations and interventions. The USAID Implementing Partners (IP After this training, participants will be better able to: Describe the domains of trauma-informed practice measures in the TICOMETER and TIP; Administer the TICOMETER and TIP; Presenters: Rachel E. Everyday Magic: 16 Ways Adults Can Support Children Exposed to Violence and Trauma; Preventing Violence: A Review of Research, Evaluations, Gaps, and Opportunities; Children and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet Series (2015) from NCTSN; Talking to Teens About Dating Violence and Healthy Relationships: A Guide for Parents Promoting Resiliency By age 17, over one-third of America’s children will have been exposed to domestic violence. The Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking (PEOST) Training and Technical Assistance Project, in cooperation with the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), aims to increase access to quality educational and employment opportunities for survivors of human trafficking. Through the building Collaborative Responses to Trafficking Victims of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault project, FUTURES provides training and technical assistance to organizations seeking to work collaboratively to effectively respond to human trafficking in their communities. Describe the impact of domestic violence on reproductive health outcomes. She provides practice coaching and technical assistance to professionals & organizations across the nation regarding child welfare and domestic violence. D. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3 Connected Parents, Connected Kids is a safety card designed for parents that health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. . org Jan 1, 2022 · This Core training series from Futures Without Violence offers healthcare providers a unique opportunity to learn about how to prevent and respond to ACEs in clinical settings, using evidence-based tools and trauma informed strategies that promote family resiliency. In addition to promoting collaboration among home visitation, domestic violence programs, and health care providers, we support home visitors to more effectively assess and respond to domestic violence and counsel clients Connected Parents, Connected Kids is a safety card designed for parents that health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. Futures Without Violence is a national nonprofit organization seeking to end violence against women and children across the globe. Note: This training series NOT limited to California providers, we welcome anyone interested in learning more about ACEs to attend! The violence in these instances often spills out into the community – 4 out of 5 mass shootings begin as domestic violence incidents. We will provide a brief overview of LGBTQ+ youth inequities, and explore the challenges of domestic violence in LGBTQ+ communities along with its impact on youth. Wendy Mota, M. At Futures Without Violence (FUTURES), we believe economic justice is gender-based violence prevention and child abuse prevention for marginalized communities. FUTURES works to promote resiliency for children exposed to violence. If non-violence programs don’t work, we think we should look for alternatives; if they do work for some men, we ought to explore how to reach more abusers. Through Project Catalyst: State/Territory-Wide Transformation on Health, Intimate Partner Violence, and Human Trafficking, Futures Without Violence partnered with several states and one territory to foster intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and health leadership and collaboration at the U. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID Description: Futures Without Violence, LA LGBT Center and You Are More Than (YAMT) will host a webinar discussing the barriers and discrimination LGBTQ+ survivors face in employment. In 2022, USAID/KENYA requested Adolescents and Children, HIV Incidence Reduction, Empowerment, and Virus Elimination (ACHIEVE) to partner with Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) to implement our Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program throughout Kenya within their OVC and/or Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS) programs. Virginia Duplessis, Associate Director, Health, F utures Without Violence Learning O bjectives: As a result of this webinar, participants will be better able to: Clarify the elements and characteristics for leading with humility Explore how organizations serving survivors of gender-based violence can benefit from humble leadership practices. The publication began in October 2013, and replaces the Family Violence Prevention and Health Practice E-Journal. From our west coast headquarters at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, to our offices in Washington DC, New York, and Boston, our teams partner with the nation’s top education, justice, and community leaders to build robust programs and policies to prevent and end violence against women and children. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN This manual is for domestic violence service providers, activists, counselors and others focused on advancing the rights of battered immigrant women. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3 Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence. These proposed changes present an opportunity to significantly reduce sexual harassment and abuse among tipped employees in the restaurant industry—a predominately female Sep 19, 2023 · We’re excited to share several new resources that can help pediatric healthcare teams support intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors and their children. When a family is without resources, experiencing poverty, and when there’s domestic violence in the home, finding the best way forward can be especially tough. Listen to a special episode of our PIVOT podcast, where we celebrate the 40th anniversary of FVPSA, with an interview of Director Shawndell Dawson about what’s to come from the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services. Based on the FWV’s successful pilot project, the manual provides essential details on how to start organizing and maintaining a group of activists and counselors. Latta, Ph. Title: Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Date: November 14-15, 2019 Location: Portland, Oregon Description: This training will focus on improving collaborative responses for adult/youth domestic violence and sexual assault victims who have also experienced human trafficking. He works as a Program Director for Futures Without Violence. Oct 30, 2024 · Our Promising Futures’ program, supported by FVPSA, helps prevent domestic violence and improve outcomes for parent and child survivors of family violence. S. Facilitated by: Jennifer Rose, Consultant, Futures Without Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Public Service Announcements; Take Action . Through innovative training programs, we offer organizations and professionals opportunities to develop their leadership and skills in preventing violence. Areán has worked to engage men across different cultures to become better fathers, intimate partners, and allies to end domestic violence and achieve gender equity. Training & Technical Assistance, Futures Without Violence Mónica Arenas, Program Manager, Futures Without Violence Missy Blackwell, Job Training Program Manager, Safelight. However, staff often feel Jul 19, 2024 · Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Supporting Organizational Sustainability – SOS Institute Futures Without Violence is a 501(c Jan 1, 2022 · This training series may be taken at any time. Opportunities for Survivors of Trafficking (PEOST) Training and Technical Assistance Program, which are designed to promote economic opportunity and mobility for survivors of gender-based violence and harassment1. From the training of 12702 U. Since 1991, Dr. FUTURES works with home visitation programs to provide domestic violence and child abuse prevention training and education. Where We Are. Through these efforts, FUTURES fosters systems alignment to support survivors pursuing education and job training as Violence against women and children is a human rights violation and public health epidemic. The third edition was (2013) newly titled Jul 20, 2022 · Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence. Learn more about our work to prevent violence by building healthier relationships and communities. The curriculum provides training, tools, and resources to help health providers address the complex and sometimes uncomfortable issue of relationship quality with adolescents. Director of Trauma and Violence Prevention, Center for Social Innovation. Department of Justice to create Changing Minds, a national campaign to raise awareness, teach skills, and inspire public action to address a hidden epidemic in America‒children’s exposure to violence and childhood trauma. Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Public Service Announcements; Take Action . The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence (NJIDV), a partnership of Futures Without Violence (formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund), the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and the U. state and territory level to improve the health and safety outcomes for survivors Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Order Material; Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID: 94-3110973. Training. Nov 14, 2024 · Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence. Futures Without Violence is a grantee of the ACEs Aware initiative, providing Core and Supplemental training that enables Medi-Cal providers to earn an ACEs Aware certification, allowing them to bill for ACE screening. In addition to materials and technical assistance for campus health centers, Futures Without Violence Health Program also hosts a group 10 graduate students from across the country in an annual fellowship that seeks to develop the students’ leadership capacity around responding to and preventing sexual and intimate partner violence on college campuses. Mar 12, 2013 · This training institute will focus on improving collaborative responses to address the needs of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors who have also experienced human trafficking. Carolyne Ouya, Sr. This PowerPoint training and education tool distills the most recent data and promising practices on the health impact of violence on maternal child health, mental health, injury prevention, children and adolescents, and more. As Futures Without Violence moves forward with these strategies, I invite you to be in touch. Additionally, many mental health providers have a Read more » Nov 13, 2024 · Title: Managing Up and Across, Strategies for Collaborating with Peers and Supervisors Date: November 13, 2024 PowerPoint slides (ENG) PowerPoint slides (ESP) Handouts Questions / Responses on Managing Up and Across Presenter: Becky Schueller Description: Staff in survivor-serving organizations are vital to fulfilling the organization’s mission and services. Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence. FUTURES has witnessed the limitations of our workforce development system, which impacts the ability of survivors to access and successfully complete job training or education requirements. We will conclude by sharing the benefits of trauma-informed care for LGBTQ+ youth and share approaches that can be used in participants’ daily programming and care efforts. As part of a National Health Initiative on Domestic Violence, Ms. Recent Webinar Series: Shared Leadership in Survivor-Serving Organizations (3-part Webinar Series) Part One: Sharing Power in Survivor-Serving Organizations. Stop thinking about learning as a “one and done. The 2-day training will provide multidisciplinary Nov 8, 2024 · For almost 40 years, Futures Without Violence has worked to build thriving families and communities, free from violence, and filled with hope and opportunity. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN Violence against women and children is a human rights violation and public health epidemic. Overview. FUTURES has partnered with the U. Categories : Resilience , Trauma Informed Interventions The Coaches Kit guides coaches through each training session to address respect, integrity, and non-violence with athletes. Economic security for all women is possible if we commit to it together. A podcast exploring the intersections of HIV and intimate partner violence brought to you by Futures Without Violence and the National Network to End Domestic Violence Positively Safe Project. Witnessing violence can have a lasting impact on a child, and can result in fractured relationships, poor academic success, and even health problems that can last long into adulthood. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN Promising Futures is a project of Futures Without Violence. Following in 2010, FUTURES produced a Compendium of State Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Health Care that updated and replaced the earlier publication. promoting employment opportunities for survivors of trafficking. Hear luminaries in the field discuss the real implications of a health sector response to HIV and forms of intimate and patriarchal violence. This webinar is presented by Futures Without Violence with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. to develop statewide health care responses to domestic violence through training, health policy reform, and public education. Target Audience: Domestic violence/sexual assault program staff, legal service providers, human trafficking taskforce members, and others interested. The development of this website was supported by Grant Number 90EV0401, 90EV0532, and 90EV0524 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U. FUTURES’ Coaching Boys Into Men program helps high school athletic coaches promote respectful behavior among their players and ultimately prevent abuse. ” Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID: 94-3110973. Apr 28, 2018 · Self-paced, online training course for mental health professionals learning Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). See full list on futureswithoutviolence. Dec 1, 2023 · Resources & Events. Futures Without Violence’s Promoting Employment Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking (PEOST) Project is pleased to be hosting its first economic empowerment peer learning series. , is a program manager on the Children’s & Youth Team, at Futures Without Violence. SAN FRANCISCO (December 16, 2015)—Today, national nonprofit Futures Without Violence announced the selection of six Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supported community health centers and Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) supported domestic violence programs that will receive funding to expand their Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus: The Role of Campus Health Centers in Preventing and Responding to Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence training slides provide strategies, tools, and resources for providers, staff, and students of all genders working in campus based health settings to incorporate intimate partner and sexual violence prevention and response into their work. FUTURES incorporated in California in 1989 as a nonprofit public benefit corporation. Futures Without Violence 100 Montgomery Street, The Presidio San Francisco, CA 94129 SPONSORS: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Situations of child maltreatment are complex and challenging, and no one-size-fits-all solution results in the best outcome for every child at risk. It will take all of us to end domestic and sexual violence and child abuse, and to support Read more » Lisa James leads the Health team at Futures Without Violence. Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN Senior Training and Technical Assistance Specialist on the Workplace and Economic Justice Team. The CUES intervention is a simple, strength-based universal education approach for addressing DV that taps into clients existing capacity for empathy and altruism, to allow them to create change for themselves and others that may be The StrongHearts Native Helpline, 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) from 7am-10pm CST, is a culturally-appropriate domestic violence and dating violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering supports and referrals to resources daily. Training on topics such as healthy masculinity, gender roles, and feminist history in addition to the foundations of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are critical component of building our communities’ capacities and skills to strengthen our efforts to engage men. 5-day training institute will provide effective skill-building to identify, assist and promote safety for survivors of trafficking. The Health e-Bulletin is a semi-annual online publication produced by FUTURES and the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for home visitors by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children. Futures Without Violence is dedicated to developing and implementing innovative strategies to prevent and address elder abuse beyond the traditional legal system. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for health care providers to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on parenting. In addition to these high-level changes, Futures Without Violence had several priorities related to highlighting the needs of survivors of gender-based violence. Working at the intersections of economic empowerment, domestic and sexual violence, and human trafficking, we strengthen access to education, training, and employment opportunities. Through the STAGES project, we aim to promote restorative justice, economic justice, legal system alternatives, and equitable community partnerships, fostering a safer and more supportive environment for older adults. Futures Without Violence provides groundbreaking programs working to end violence against women and children and was a grantee of the ACEs Aware initiative. Developed through a collaborative effort of the Improving Services for Violence Against Children and Women project (by Futures Without Violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and from research by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh), brief explores the connections between IPV and child abuse, the intersection of family violence with the COVID These chapters established a leadership team including chapter members, state domestic violence coalitions, culturally-specific community-based organizations, and other child and family-serving partners, including child welfare and mental health providers, to design unique learning opportunities, bi-directional training and a blueprint for building partnerships at the local level between Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Public Service Announcements; Take Action . From domestic violence and child abuse, to bullying and sexual assault, our groundbreaking programs, policy development, and public action campaigns are designed to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world. We pioneer new strategies to end violence against women and children in the United States and around the world, because everyone has the right to live free of violence. She Our vision is a future without violence that provides education, safety, justice, and hope. The webinar will focus on four main aspects related to LGBTQ+ survivors in employment including (1) barriers faced by survivors, (2) safety planning when applying for jobs and within the workplace, (3) employment Through education, training, and technical assistance, we foster change to mitigate the impact of violence on survivors’ access to safe and sustainable employment. Title: Collaborative Support for the Mental Health Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking Date: January 28, 2025 Time: 11 AM PST/2:00 PM EST Description: Survivors of domestic and sexual violence (DV/SA) who have also experienced trafficking often face barriers when trying to access safe and affordable mental health services. FUTURES takes an integrated and intersectional approach to creating a world without gender-based violence, including an emphasis on economic justice. Like domestic violence, trafficking is about power and control. Title: Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID: 94-3110973. To stay updated on Futures Without Violence work, visit our various program pages and join the Futures Without Violence e-newsletter. Everyone has the right to live free of violence. Under the leadership and vision of founder Esta Soler for more than 30 years, Futures Without Violence has led the way and set the pace for ground-breaking education programs, national policy development, professional training programs, and public actions designed to end violence against women, children and families around Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Supporting Organizational Sustainability – SOS Institute; Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3 In 2022 Pact enlisted Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) is to implement the Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program throughout Tanzania by way of technical assistance and guidance working with local civil society organizations (CSO’s) in six regions of the country. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, offers a four-day, hands-on, highly interactive workshop that will help new and experienced state court and tribal court Learning vs. National nonprofit Futures Without Violence applauds Governor Cuomo for his call this week to increase the tipped minimum wage and review the current two-tiered wage system. Survivors of gender-based violence and harassment often face unique barriers to accessing job training, education, and stable employment that our workforce development system fails to adequately address. Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Order Material; Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID: 94-3110973. These proposed changes present an opportunity to significantly reduce sexual harassment and abuse among tipped employees in the restaurant industry—a predominately female workforce. Learning Objectives: Define reproductive coercion for staff providing domestic violence services. Get safe, anonymous, and confidential help. Department of Health and Human Services. This includes updated clinical guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as well as training and practice resources from The National Health Resource Center at Futures Without Violence. Define Emergency Contraception (EC) and how it works. Futures Without Violence works to prevent and respond to this violation of human rights by: Training healthcare professionals, advocates, and organizations addressing intimate partner violence to work collaboratively in responding to and supporting survivors of human trafficking Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety; Order Material; Futures Without Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization | EIN/tax ID: 94-3110973. Financials. Violence against women and children is a human rights violation and public health epidemic. FUTURES believes that personal and societal change of men who use violence and the institutions that support their abuse need to be addressed to break the cycle of abuse. Mar 12, 2013 · Upcoming In-Person Training Institute. It is work that has and will take all of us to succeed. The 2. Healthy Moms, Happy Babies is a safety card for women that home visitors can distribute. Leadership Under the leadership of Founder and President Esta Soler , FUTURES was a driving force behind passage of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994—the nation’s first comprehensive federal response to the violence that plagues families and communities. , is a Program Manager on the Children & Youth Team at Futures Without Violence. judges in our National Judicial Institute, to co-producing educational workshops for every Major League Baseball player during 2015 Spring Training, we create conferences, webinars, online tools and resources that both empower and inform. On occasion, Futures Without Violence announces requests for participation (RFPs) for organizations to take part in emerging Futures Without Violence initiatives. Futures Without Violence announces an improved evidence-based tool, Making the Connection: Intimate Partner Violence and Public Health. This Core training series from Futures Without Violence offers healthcare providers a unique opportunity to learn about how to prevent and respond to ACEs in clinical settings, using evidence-based tools and trauma informed strategies that promote family resiliency. James has collaborated with health care providers, domestic violence experts, and health policymakers in over 25 states across the U. FUTURES is committed to building the field and supporting the movement to end violence against women. For information, resources, or technical assistance support, please contact Futures Without Violence, Attention: Mónica Arenas, E-mail: marenas@futureswithoutviolence. org. Title: Centering Survivor Dignity: Applying the Wisdom of Social Movements to Address Health Needs Last Tuesdays with the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence March-August 2024 REGISTER FOR ALL FIVE SESSIONS HERE Dates: March 26th, 2024: Watch Recordings here ENG / SPN April 30th, 2024 Watch Recordings here ENG/SPN June 25th, 2024 Watch Recordings here ENG/SPN July Read more » BUILDING COLLABORATIVE RESPONSES TO TRAFFICKED VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT: A TRAINING INSTITUTE. Additionally, the bill expands the youth job programs and codifies partnerships between employers and community colleges to provide high-quality training for students. These tools have been designed to facilitate safety assessment and supported referrals to domestic violence programs. Our vision is a future without violence that provides education, safety, justice, and hope. Join FUTURES’ Workplaces Respond and The National Health Resource on Domestic Violence for a webinar that explores the impacts of gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) on healthcare workers and highlights the critical need for effective workplace programs and policies to address GBVH in healthcare settings. rjqgzhf ivng xgizyd sat gnct aqym tllkdu tqjc fbnsz zcvx rueb chqsxxop wskyc czpc nvwwho