Gather goods forge of empires. You have to select the best crew .

Gather goods forge of empires You don Buying Great Building kits means getting the goods you need (once you have all the BPs) from someone else because you can't produce them on your own. Nov 22, 2017 · Goods can be a confusing aspect of the game especially as you progress through to Modern Era, and understanding how the boost system works. Some sell them for two FP per good. Jan 23, 2017 · Unrefined goods = Older era goods required to produce goods in goods buildings in Modern Era and above. I’m pretty new to the game, and made a few friends that said I should camp Bronze Age for a month or so, to gather goods to make GE and Gbg easier. You’ll even want to aim to be able to fight all 48 as best as you can, because the less goods you spend in GE means the more goods you have to work with. Your first goal should be to produce an excess of the 2 boosted goods from the last 2 ages. Jul 5, 2020 · Anything that goods can pay for, can be paid for in diamonds. Producing goods requires goods buildings. The high level Truce Tower is the easy part Lvl 80 provides 109 goods per day Hypothetically 109 titan players on your friends list would mean you'd get the goods in roughly 3 - 5 months depending on which building The Lumbermill is a goods building of the Bronze Age that produces Lumber. So build ME goods buildings based upon your Bronze Age boosts. But, I saw some SAV players with IA goods buildings to help their guilds. So I regularly leave some Event Buildings an Era behind also. For the Postmodern Era Goods (Deposits) from Iron and Industrial Age are needed. From way it looks most on Houndsmoor and other worlds are having same problem. The exciting thing about When it comes to gathering goods you can do circular trades (provided you’re in an active guild). 38. I am unsure if this is intended. Some may get plundered. When you plunder the city you can plunder goods buildings from every age or era of the game except Space Age Mars goods buildings. get lot of ore for SAAB and Venus. Building a Town (Part 3): Farmer Town | Forge of Empires Guides - […] negotiate GE, for example, you will need the goods yourself for that. " Jan 17, 2024 · The question to ask is what would you get out of whatever you put in place of kraken-right now you get fp and you can get some modest utility out of the kraken ability if you do something like fight in GE 5 with kraken chances if your defense isn't that high yet or if you collect after your attrition in GbG is about its regular max-with kraken you could get in a small number of additional By gathering enough goods for 3-4 buildings at a time, you're able to run a couple quests at once, and unlock buildings you want, as opposed to doing them 1-2 at a time. You can get goods as a quest reward, from incidents or from the Guild Expeditions. Oct 21, 2024 · FOE-84494: Space Age Space Hub quests displayed the wrong hint for gathering goods quests. Before you can be flush with goods, you have to have a strong military base. The player will need (stars) to open presents. For most players the goods buildings are the main source of goods. The goods cost to hire them is shown underneath the crew members. I can produce about 3K SAT goods daily but have heard that others are well beyond 4K. Build the Tower of Babel (produces goods and population) and level it to 10. An hour later, I start their production. Since most Great Buildings and Special Buildings only produce unrefined Goods, they will not produce Goods from the current Age, but the double amount of Goods from the previous Ages, needed to produce Goods of the current Age. This changes in Arctic Future, where we see the pattern broken and the introduction of a new good that you cannot trade for, Promethium. They’re also used to negotiate in Guild Expedition (GE), and to unlock more levels. Diane: "Gather some (36 - 468) goods, e. from goods production buildings or by trading Your Grace!I'm free to leave the prison now. Forge of Empires Wiki Jul 20, 2018 · With only 1 progress bar how are you expected to know which goods have you collected so far to reach a total of 250 ?! They've had this kind ( similar ) of quest before, where you get to the stage where you have to keep on trading the 5 goods until you achieve the goal :( This should be changed May 25, 2020 · Hi. You will eventually delete the Oracle but it is a good starter GB - level it to10. Regards. The thing is supply and demand, demand is more than supply. Printable version; Settlement Goods Building Street: 1x1 Size: 3x4 Construction Time: 1h Dec 29, 2022 · I'm a huge fan of a high-level CF (mine's at L98) but there is a time to build it and you are not there yet. 2 for Craftwork in the Bronze Age 16 for Archery in Goods can also be received from Quests, your city production such as from Goods Buildings and Special Buildings (residential and production), though they do take a long time to produce, so it is often better to prioritize to the market to gain goods much faster. New posts Search forums. Even worse was the paper mill (CA) with 2x3 and the fertilizer plant (InA) with 4x5 so i could build 3 paper mills or 1 fertilizer plant and get equal valued goods. Thread starter DeletedUser30886; Start date Aug 27, 2017; DeletedUser30886. So the minute you hit CE, all these GBs start producing PE goods as their Unrefined goods. Guildmate takes both trades, you both wind up where you started (trades cancel each other out) so it costs nothing but satisfies the quest Oct 4, 2023 · The hardest part would be finding enough Titan players for your Friends list. 000 gold and 560 hours or 24 days to conquer 1 sector. The player also requires Medals for production of the good (amount varies with each production option). It's going to take most guilds months of holding sectors before they see any rewards of any value, holding a few sectors will never amount to any useful rewards. You have to select the best crew Jun 11, 2017 · The post is for data gathering purposes to get an idea of how many goods it takes to negotiate GE especially for newer players getting into the game and wanting to know. At my current level of play in the AF I estimate that each time I send my ship out on a (roughly) 24-hour voyage for Promethium I use 125 goods (10 of each AF good for ship repair and 75 for the crew) to Oct 4, 2023 · I have given away lower Era Goods to Guildies, to build GBs as many have done. Aug 31, 2013 · 700 goods at the industrial age cost about 450. Jan 24, 2012 · As time goes by you advance into a new Era, the space available to build new buidlings becomes more and more limited. FOE-84881: The second Space Age Titan Map had a display issue and would display x/57. LOL Between the need for one Era down for Negotiations, and Research, the fact also that a lot of players give high level Goods to lower level players to trade down, and players get high level Goods from Truce Tower too. Recent changes; Special pages; Random page; More. This is also known as making a "circle trade. Here's a chart for your reference: Goods building era-Unrefined goods era Modern-Colonial PostModern-Industrial Contemporary-Progressive. Then start leveling it, higher the better. There are currently 100 types of goods and 8 (As of SASH) types of special goods available which are mostly produced in goods buildings. As much as possible! Gather 900,000 Supplies (Arctic Future) Gather 900,000 Supplies (Oceanic Future) Gather 1,000,000 Supplies (Virtual Future) Gather 2,000,000 Supplies (Space Age Mars) Your Grace! Not bad. You'll need even more if you need to trade for other goods or negotiate in GE, or on the C-Map. They will no longer explain how to get Dark Matter. And as stated, I have three tech paid for and am stuck for the same reason cant get the Modern age goods to open the tech item. If the player controls the good deposit of Spruce Wood (which eventually can be found in the provinces of the Colonial Age, the Modern Era and the Arctic Future) the production is multiplied by five. If the player controls the good deposit of Marble Rock (which eventually can be found in the provinces of the Bronze Age, the Modern Era and the Arctic Future) the production is multiplied by five. Sometimes I'll have 3-4 buildings unlocked at once. go back to step 1 and slow down on spending goods and amass lot of ore. Any questions or complaints are best handled by contacting them. Ask someone to take them (probably in your guild) and that will count towards gathering goods. The same is true with the continent map, the more you can fight on it, the less you need to spend in goods on it. Required: Gather 50 of any good from Space Age Asteroid Belt Reward: 5 Drill Ranger Abortable: Yes You can get any of these quests apart from the ones you have already completed. 2 for Craftwork in the Bronze Age 30 for Agriculture in the May 19, 2022 · I know you need previous age goods for aging up and negs but goods two ages or more back are they good for anything besides trades and treasury donations? Thanx in advance for Your Wisdom. With Alcatraz all you need is 1 troop barrack (generally heavy, or rogue) and the space used up by Alcatraz is covered in the happiness it gives at higher levels, so it only costs you a minimal amount of space (what it would cost you to maintain a defense army). In addition, you will need goods to… So you want to be a Master of Goods | Forge of Empires Guides - […] you need them for GE (both to unlock levels and to possibly negotiate with), you need them for May 15, 2020 · The special goods dont count as productions for gathering quests, although they are now available to produce in your city I doubt the devs would spend time programming in the change for one building. but at the same time I feel I’m missing out on a lot by staying in Bronze. So, yes, I suppose that a player could round up enough goods sellers to get the 3MM goods using FPs. Reactions: Graviton Required: Have a goods building Reward: 200 Coins 200 Supplies Abortable: Yes You can get any of these quests apart from the ones you have already completed. Have a single developer Apr 21, 2021 · Dear Kings and Queens, It is time to gather your shovel, brushes, and dynamite and dust off those boots—as your airship awaits! Channel your inner explorer as there are buried tombs to excavate, ancient wonders to see, mysteries to solve, and potentially a whole host of buried treasure to Your Grace!I was imprisoned for nothing! I was just joking! Please help me! Required: EITHER Defeat this large army OR In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 15 times AND ALSO Gather 500 goods, e. This will solve the problem of lower age goods in any guilds. We are all at the same disadvantage regarding the 48 hours needed to finish the production so a finish goods item or advance notice (which is available to live server players) is helpful. Why is this done? Construction of a Great Building requires goods from For the Postmodern Era Goods (Deposits) from Iron and Industrial Age are needed. Apr 10, 2022 · When I promoted to SAAB I lost the ability to collect Mars Ore from my colony, since the colony goes away when you leave SAM. Build 2 goods buildings from your age OR Gather 120 goods, e. Ami: "Gather (24 - 312) goods, e. Oct 4, 2023 · It takes something like 3 million goods to get all 3 to level 80. I've been playing for 2 weeks now, and still cannot get a lot of supplies. (whre you need the earlier goods to make more current Goods. Nov 18, 2021 · Special goods obtained are not fulfilling the goods count in the gathering goods quest. By gathering enough goods for 3-4 buildings at a time, you're able to run a couple quests at once, and unlock buildings you want, as opposed to doing them 1-2 at a time. Required: Gather 20 of any good from the Modern Era. For the same amount of time and resources you are producing with 400% inefficiency. You can get goods as a quest reward, from incidents or from the Guild Expeditions . Dec Aug 25, 2017 · I can imagine buying goods on a new server can be a bit of an issue so do you power through all ages until you hit Progressive when you can gather your own goods then hit through the missed quests? I'd also be keen to hear if you balance obtaining Chat BP's with Tech or just hit Progressive outright then worry about Chat BP's & Goods? By gathering enough goods for 3-4 buildings at a time, you're able to run a couple quests at once, and unlock buildings you want, as opposed to doing them 1-2 at a time. Collect Coins or Supplies [] Jul 9, 2022 · The 'unrefined goods' are ordinary goods from earlier Eras. In my opinion producing goods you don't have raw materials for, is a waste of town space, population and most of all, time. xivarmy Well-Known Member. Sep 21, 2016 · It costs 25 AF goods to send each crew member to gather Promethium. Inno should have no interest in reducing the Titan Goods cost. Feb 14, 2019 · Glossary: CGs: Cultural Goods Copper: Copper Coins Dip: Diplomacy Overall Strategy: 7 or 8 expansions (purchased with axes or mead) Use only Huts, Shrines, and CG buildings Use only an 8/8/4 hr rotation on all buildings. Feb 6, 2019 · Will trade high value in forge points to gather goods to construct . Goods are needed for researching technologies, building Great For the most part, you’re going to need goods from the two or three previous and current era for each era you’re working on. 36. It is random. Nov 5, 2021 · The Arc's strength is in getting you additional forge points from winning positions in others Great Buildings (which is utilized in a certain manner can increase the amount of forge points you have to level your own GBs), it also greatly helps with getting additional blueprints since the Arc boost applies to the prints you get when you take a winning position in someone else's GB, it also Noble Ruler! Supplies are in high demand. The Paper Mill is a goods building of the Colonial Age that produces Paper. They us the term unrefined only in relation to making Goods from Higher Eras in the regular Goods buildings. The last point I'll give you. Plus, you need coins and supplies to build your armies when you’ve finished sacrificing them to the maps, and for making goods. Goods buildings leverage good deposits on the campaign map to Goods are important resources which will be needed for a couple of different ingame features. Goods Buildings are buildings that produce goods, one of the main resources of the game. One way to earn them is by doing quests for Frosty. Guessing like, long back game halt at Future era only, hence this problem doesn't had the scenario that time. Currently there are 96 different types of goods buildings in the game. Anyone can build a BA Vineyard and use it to complete the quest. Requires 610 diplomacy = 24 Palm Gardens Oct 18, 2012 · I guess goods plundering was added not so long time ago. supply rushes and goods when they're available. These work as follows: If for example you need to gather 150 goods, you would first divide that by 2 (75), and then make two trades that are trading 75 of Good A for 75 of Good B, and 75 of Good B for 75 of Good A. Hope that answers your question. However, purchase of goods with diamonds is not possible by direct action. There is nothing more discouraging that to go to the marketplace and see 40 pages of offers, all from the system merchant and to ratio 1:10 (see added picture) Nov 19, 2024 · If you can't fight then Goods needed for negotiations can be done by building synthesizers The Research tree has no fights. 37. Almost impossible to acquire and been stuck for weeks. Coins are easy for me but again, the problems are supplies. Feb 6, 2019 #2 @harbinger956 sweet offer - word of advice. In the quest, example stated as goods building or by trading. Thank you! Reward: 1 Random Reward Abortable: Yes You can get any of these quests again. As far as research is concerned, the last age that requires Bronze Age goods is High Middle Ages. For example, offer 50 marble for 50 wine, then offer 50 wine for 50 marble. Each era's unrefined goods come from the age 3 back from the age you're in. Thereafter, you can only manufacture Mars Ore. Hence this setup Step 3: later part. 30 copper for 30 gold, and 30 gold for 30 copper, set to "Guild only". I make the goods I need to unlock as I go, multiple goods buildings at a time. Wiki Dec 13, 2024 · The provinces with a goods deposit will show the goods deposit with a green "up" arrow. There aren't boosts for goods in this era and beyond. They'll be put to good use. Continue to gather goods for advancements up through flower farms. If you have an encounter by encounter tally of how many goods for each that would be even better. 2 parts - forgot to write first part OR Spend __ Forge Points. I am iron age and 5 daimonds great if always on, but one time click is a rip-off Feb 6, 2019 · Will trade high value in forge points to gather goods to construct . It's all about evolution. As a result, I can hardly produce goods from my highest tier (Late middle age) Whenever I produce some, I get attacked and plundered by stronger players. Feb 2, 2021 · Gather some amount of goods - Make two trades, so that when both are taken, you haven't lost any goods. Aug 27, 2017 #1 Aug 3, 2024 · Finish All Goods Production items are less used but wondering which building produces the fragments or complete item of it. Last but not least: with this update, 50 new attrition levels will be added, raising the total number of levels to 300. from goods production buildings or by trading AND In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 9 times. We need to get more. Not only I cannot get the goods I need, but I also loose 3200 coins and 3200 supplies for each building plundered. you can trade them, use them, donate them to the Treasury. Buying Great Building kits means getting the goods you need (once you have all the BPs) from someone else because you can't produce them on your own. Mar 18, 2023 · 18 = 15 goods when goods are won 38 = 20 goods when goods are won 58 = 25 goods when goods are won 78 = 30 goods when goods are won 98 = 35 goods when goods are won 118 = 40 goods when goods are won That "every 20" from 18 yields +5 more goods has some magic and symmetry to help you remember it without complex tables. Dec Mar 5, 2018 · Producing goods in production buildings is the fastest method, as it allows you to gain 24 units of goods during a single day. I have to stay online to get supplies every 15 minutes. My guild and I were in an intense TE sieges for acquisition of sectors and we needed goods added to the Treasury to continue. While I have Kraken in a couple of older cities, I find that it no longer makes any difference in those cities the way the game has evolved, so if I were doing it over again I wouldn't build it at all. By the time I get to the last goods production needed to unlock Mead Hall, I know it's the last goods production. The few ahead Era Goods postings get grabbed up even by players not wanting them just because they are a Hoard item of late. You need between 10 and 30 units to conquer a sector depending on how proficient you are in the battle, that costs about 5k coins to 12k coins for those units and between 40 to 120 hours. Emberguard Well-Known Member. Possible but pretty unlikely. Thanks Breezus Refined Goods: Modern Era and Beyond | Forge of Empires Guides - […] you hover over the goods buildings for ME and beyond, they’re going to look a little different. I tear down any extra goods buildings rebuild any missing. Dec 11, 2024 · Do they just linger around and gather dust for Forums. The player will also get 10 stars for pressing the "Start" button, and the player can also find stars hidden in some presents. Apr 19, 2015 · Summary: I have a task to collect 200 goods each of post-modern era and hav so far collected 993/1000. I went from Bronze Era to Iron Age. That is absolutely bad luck for some. also u can plunder goods from your neighbors but get in a good guild to trade what u need in a loop, 10 of good A for 10 of goods B then another of B for A, but as others have said only build good buildings based on what your map has Jan 19, 2020 · one advice: gather next age goods via trades before ageing up; same for troops, get the next age troops By completing next age’s main quests. The other option if you rarely fight same era troops would be neither, imho. It will be an interesting addition and Jun 24, 2018 · Just to unlock tech, from ME through the end of TE requires over 18,000 ME goods. And Titan Goods at a1:1 for Forge points is dirt cheap. All three of these items are used to unlock your tech tree, which is how you advance in age. or be helped by. If I pick 8 hours, the supplies given is not worth the time. I need 2000 silver crystals and 500 dark energy Batteries for the catalyst and will need all goods for warship later. So how can this be fixed Dec 3, 2022 · Gather goods - use "rotating/circular/loop" trades with guildmates: set up paired trades, e. Since nearly everyone is asking for previous Era Goods in the Market. For the types of goods buildings and their boosts you can click here. So if a trade is completed, the goods you receive is being counted in the quest line, instead of having to actually acquire goods. Generally speaking I personally find it easier to gather goods of… Advanced Eras: The Arctic Harbor and Oceanic Terminal | Forge of Empires Guides - […] Era (PE) we saw the addition of two-lane roads, come Modern Era (ME) we then had to start refining… The Symbolism of FoE | Forge of Empires Guides - […] are in. Jan 23, 2020 · Think of it also as a time savings. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Supply buildings for events but then delete them after. Step 2: since I sell goods on the server, I would like to have 50-100k mars goods before moving on. You don Jul 12, 2021 · Final quest - gather X cultural coins and produce Y cultural goods of each With the final quest proving and securing the conclusion with an functional town, instead of an demolished town with an collection of diplomatic buildings. All I'm asking is for something to be implemented to prevent a huge build up of unspendable supplies. Produce 3 out of 5 goods of post-modern era and daily collect 20 goods each of . Goods are one of the most important resources, along with coins, supplies and forge points. Nov 7, 2024 · 35. Not yet anyway. Jun 27, 2016 · Disagrees with ByeOrDie on this one. The building ratio goal here is 6 hut:11 shrine:4 axe/beast and 5 hut:11 May 21, 2022 · Getting previous era goods have become a real chore. So if the quest says gather 200 of each types, then your overall bar will show 0/1000, and grow as you gather some. Certain Great Buildings and Special Buildings also produce goods. Jul 11, 2014 · Alcatraz is the great leveler that allows you to do it all, gather goods and wage war. If they gonna change at the very least 1 thing of this settlement. So here we will look at them in as much detail as we can. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 - 400) Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Let the players have the benefit of finish items in settlement area too. . How about you add a new "storage" building type where you need to build this storage building in order to be able to collect a significant amount of goods. New attrition levels. Sep 1, 2016 · The cost of goods in the Arctic Future Era of FoE is quite expensive and the number of goods required to produce Promethium is even higher. That is not how I have ever played Vikings. Recruit 4 units from your age OR Recruit 5 units from the previous age AND Gather 15K coins. Finally, all Province buildings will receive a visual overhaul as well, further supporting our aim to facilitate a clean and modern look for Forge of Empires. Apr 19, 2017 · So i can build more than two textile mills and have room to spare - i get the goods via market 1:2 which is suggested by the system. Nov 17, 2019 · Proposal On the final quest in a player's Settlement (Viking and/or Japanese) it would be pretty helpful to know which goods have already been collected and which goods are still needed. Those 10 IA goods traded down to BA, becomes 20 goods, a 24 hour production. Please post data below Dec 24, 2024 · The "finish 48hr goods production" works with any goods building. 855. 1 Random Reward Abortable: Yes May 10, 2018 · Right now when you collect goods they are collected and that's it. Nov 15, 2012 · If you need goods you don't have a deposit for, you should trade with your guild and/or neighbourhood. Dear Players! Every new bit of information you gather in the Arctic suggests you're in the right place, but you're not there yet! You must progress even further into the harsh, frosty territories, but it will be worth Dec 11, 2024 · Do they just linger around and gather dust for Forums. 8M Coins Takeover – Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players – 2 Turturret Required: Gather 5 Asteroid Ice Reward: 1 Random Reward Abortable: No Quest sequence: Jun 29, 2024 · Finish Item Settlement Menu Option Finish Item Inventory View (Menu option clicked) An improvement to settlement section by using the finish special and goods productions items. When you start the game you have 100 basic storage, basically every city would have basic storage space from the Town Hall. Sep 18, 2018 · From Bronze through Progressive, you will find 2 deposits from each era on the map. Other quests Jan 19, 2021 · Is the auto collect a one click use or pay 5 diamonds and it always auto-collects as coins and supplies made. Reason On occasions it has not always been apparent which set of 10 goods has been collected Details It Dec 14, 2022 · You know when in game you those quests, either a side quest or a recurring quest, to gather a specific amount of goods of each type for the era you’re in… Every time you get a single bar showing the overall progress. I replaced my warrior building for a solider building, In the Forge of Empires - Wiki EN. The Mars Ore Synthesizer is a goods building of the Space Age Asteroid Belt that produces Mars Ore. One of our fighters in Guild Chat said he would donate in exchange for forge points. Boosts As you conquer Apr 14, 2018 · I am having a major problem on this game with getting arctic future goods. Nov 11, 2024 · Hiya, I need some goods to build the catalyst and warship 2 to 1 your favor also if you can take all of my trades I'll throw in forge points. Reward: Random Reward Abortable: Yes You can get any of these quests apart from the ones you have already completed. The Marble Mason is a goods building of the Bronze Age that produces Marble. Or you can go to your build menu and either hover over each goods building, which will show a green check mark in the "Boosted By" frame, or you can just click on each goods building in the build menu and if you get the message above, you know you don't have Mar 28, 2017 · In quest #7 "Gather 40 goods" is capable of being completed through trade. I've Jun 7, 2013 · +1 Nice proposal. Related articles Apr 20, 2022 · Knowing nothing about how you actually play, I'd say AO. The only way you can get those goods is by producing them or by trade. The common situation is being several (or many) ages away from the GB in question, like lower age players wishing to boost their game through having a Chateau or an Alcatraz. Reactions: Tiamat88 and Super Catanian Super Catanian Apr 13, 2021 · Build 3 of the goods buildings you need to get to flowers. is it worth camping out and getting 1-2k+ of each good to make the jump easier? Aug 27, 2017 · Gathering goods for Advanced GBs. Once you reach Modern, the game changes. Some players may produce the max 30 goods per day from one building whilst others may set theirs to 20 goods from one day productions or 30 from two days. I am pretty new to this game. Wiki Mar 13, 2019 · It's no different than buying forge points with coins or spending resources on quests. Why is this done? Construction of a Great Building requires goods from Mar 28, 2017 · In quest #7 "Gather 40 goods" is capable of being completed through trade. Unlike earlier… Power Leveling: Château Frontenac | Forge of Empires Guides - […] incredible! For those who are avid questers too, raising Chat up means no longer having a Sep 8, 2017 · Strike Three – Acquire Capsize Lagoon – 6 Forge points Greedy – Pay 3500000 – Manta x2 Ryan – Scout Typhoon Peninsula – 1. Jan 20, 2020 · Tried to find if anyone asked about Mars Age goods but couldn't find. Then there are times when players may miss collections and pick up only 5 goods in a day. Its easier to just play in the knowledge that special goods don't count. Otherwise, you can just use that building for goods but note that it will be significantly less. But Titan Goods? no. Feb 27, 2014 · The goods/unit/effort costs will never come even close to being made up for by the limited gvg reward system. g. i think, this issue will be solved with this proposal. Each time you do the Settlement, the total number of goods needed for each Quest will be the same; but the mix of goods required will change each time. Jan 18, 2014 · Especially with the quests and tech tree needing 100's of the items in order to complete them, ie, gather 200 of each of the Modern Age goods. Goods are important resources which will be needed for a couple of different ingame features. If the player controls the good deposit of Tree (which eventually can be found in the provinces of the Bronze Age, the Modern Era and the Arctic Future) the production is multiplied by five. Important: Please note that this information is second-hand information issued by InnoGames - the game developer. Apr 6, 2023 · As a new player it is almost impossible to get started in Forge of Empires because there are no active neighbours with whom one can trade. May 4, 2019 · 1- If you don't have it already, get the Lighthouse of Alexandria (LOA) -- an Iron Age Great Building (GB), whose goods requirement to build & forge point cost to level are both relatively inexpensive (compared to other GBs). the average is one and a half Forge Points per Titan Good. 00 Supplies Control – Win 5 battles without losing – 265 Diamonds Retreat – Gather 500 goods – 1. Jun 8, 2013 · If you have the corresponding goods deposit on the continental map, then you will produce more goods. So my question if for more advanced players. I don't know 100% if this is true, but I do not have all of the goods deposits from previous ages The 2014 Winter Event was an event that ran from December 1, 2014 to January 4, 2015. During this period, if you have reasonable GB's you will be stockpiling colonial goods on the way through and won't even need to build a colonial goods building, so not even worth checking. 5 EMA goods, which take 4 hours to produce becomes 10 IA goods, and 8 hour production run had they been produced in IA buildings. Unrefined goods for each specific goods building are from the third era previous to the goods building's era. Since I got the task I have collected more than 200 of the ones I dont produce and have been trading 10 each to see if the task can be competed with no success. But wishing well, (normal goods)GBs, incidents etc are considered. Goods buildings need population. It is now corrected to x/20. May 16, 2015 · Of course there are aspects of exploitation in the game. Research requires all sort of goods coins and Supplies. If you stay enough in each era you will save goods for 3 next eras, also trade goods 2:1 helps you to get lower or higher goods, but it can take time. Numbers within parentheses indicate good deposit boosted production. I am a bit mystified how you worked your way to at least SAT into SASH and not know what you are doing between Special Goods, getting regular Goods, Research and C-Map Jun 12, 2019 · No. Is the same thing true in SAV? Do I lose the ability to collect Ice from asteroids when I move up to SAV, or can I always Oct 22, 2022 · When the game gives a quest to collect say 200 goods from the future (era) it aggregates the progress feedback to give total needed to reach 1000 goods but players have no idea whatever, whether they have reached a certain good's goal amount or which goods they still need to gather. Nov 20, 2014 · Knowing how many goods buildings a guild has is actually not all that useful. That GB significantly boosts supply productions. To access the presents window, click the Winter Event Button at the left side of the FOE-84494: Space Age Space Hub quests displayed the wrong hint for gathering goods quests. Nov 25, 2021 · Trading ups are so rare they seem to be snached up by players not needing those Goods. Nevertheless, the method has its limitations - you should produce only those goods to which you have access to, as otherwise the amount of the produced resources will be small. I also know that using coins for forge points means 'trading' them, but that is a perfectly accepted and implemented game feature. I have seen that many people are not producing the lower age goods since it's not so beneficial for them and when a player actually requires those goods for a lower age GB, he needs to produce those goods manually or to trade with a disadvantage.