Get visible height of div javascript. Explore Teams var thisIframesHeight = window.
Get visible height of div javascript position = 'absolute'; // 3. CSS window Height with JavaScript. scroll not document. Javascript: $(document). height jQuery( height, innerHeight, outerHeight ) clientHeight, Apr 26, 2023 · In this article, we will see How to get the div height using Javascript. hello Mar 10, 2016 · Protip: be more specific in the question about what it is you want. I'll just suggest to use display instead of visibility it's more efficient when you want to hide elements (see the difference below) then you could use jQuery function is() with selector :visible. Measure has predefined CSS:. height and screen. $('#x'). width() from jQuery and you will get this value. Suppose I have <div>Content</div> either if the div font size has increased or many divs nested inside the parent, how do I get the hei Jun 13, 2021 · So the page doesn't have scroll property. When the book is initialized I check with JavaScript the height of Jan 5, 2012 · i have 2 div's, left and right, the content in right div is setted dynamically so as its height, so i haven't specified its height in html, now what i want is the height of the left div should be equal to the right div, how to set the height of the left div as per the height of right div, using jquery, i tried May 6, 2014 · From the above how can I get the height of the parent contain div when div sub is clicked in jquery. Is there a way to get the clientWidth and clientHeight values whilst the DIV is hidden? Jul 18, 2009 · Some documents I can't get the height of the document (to position something absolutely at the very bottom). Because this image scrolls, I need to know how much more I can scroll up. text. createElement("div"); newDiv Apr 24, 2024 · Edit in JSFiddle. Any suggestions? Now the height of the book has to be that of the highest page. I do not have the javascript yet, since I do not know where to start. May 29, 2017 · setTimeout(function() { viewport = document. Step 2: Add overflow: hidden to the TD element style. paddingBottom); elementWidth -= parseFloat(computedStyle Oct 17, 2012 · I know how to get this height of a font: By placing the text in a div and getting offset height of the div. style. If you want to set the width and height of an element, use width and height or the overriding min-width and max-width var mB = document. height(); So is there any way we can calculate height of a div without having height parameter in it and give height to that div depends on the amount of content in it. availHeight respectively. text[0]. jquery plugin: Uses a setTimeout checking all the time DOM layout props (clientHeight etc) where each check is very I want to get inner html height by JavaScript. innerHeight and window. Using window's height before footer showing. If the element is hidden by setting the visibility css style, then you should be able to get the height regardless of whether or not the element is visible or not as the element still takes space on the page. Anyone knows anyway to have I'm trying to achieve the following: I have an image in the background and a moving element in the foreground. The accepted answer did not work for me. It looks like the visible display of a iphone 6 is 559px in safari. In a generic solution, all ancestors are usually traversed and are made visible. scrollHeight. Sep 20, 2018 · Here is how you can get height of element which is visible by using getComputedStyle. how to get (display:none)element height using pure JavaScript? Get the visible height of a div with jQuery. I had the same problem and found a different answer. After using -moz-transform: scale() the content is visually scaled but the <div> still returns it's original sizes when . visibility = 'hidden'; // 2. I have tried with . Nov 6, 2019 · An HTML element can be hidden with the help of . . scrollTop = 99999999; mB. To get your window width and height, it would be screen. offsetTop; /* get height of node 2 */ let n2Height = node2. Then use . height return real height of your display and window. Pretty much all solutions center around making the div visible, measuring its height, then hiding it again. Share. How do you get the visible height (559px) using javascript or jq Apr 30, 2015 · when you have a div with overflow: hidden and a longer div/element/image behind it, is it possible to get the length of the hidden element that is left at the bottom? For instance in the following image the dotted line is the hight value I need. See the below output containing a paragraph in orange highlighted color and a submit button to calculate the offsetHeight. I hope I explained it clearly. Only the last method gives the correct rendered height instead of the layout height. $('. getComputedStyle() method returns an object that reports the values of all CSS properties of an element after applying active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain Individual CSS property values are accessed through APIs provided by the object or by simply Oct 8, 2024 · There are several properties you can look at in order to determine the width and height of elements, and it can be tricky to determine which is the right one for your needs. itsID"). parentNode. height(); will only be safe if the source of the iframe and parent window are from the same domain. width, for browser use window. How can get the height of a div and set another div to be the same height with JQuery/Javascript. ready otherwise i get odd heights/smaller heights, i. Jan 27, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Mar 17, 2017 · The properties on the style object are only the styles applied directly to the element (e. Let's say I've got a red div within a black wrapper: Apr 12, 2023 · To get the height of an element, there are five common methods in JavaScript. I have an absolute div with some content, and I want to get the "real" height of this div (not the height of visible part). Then, how to make first div's height same as second div? My version is slightly different. log('boundingBox', boundingBox) W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Dec 6, 2019 · Use the page or element selector to get the element, then call elem. How can I do this? Fiddle Demo var o = docu Mar 1, 2013 · The result is the height of the box containing the text (the one you can see if you select the text with the mouse), which is higher then the real height of the text. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. height(); //Header Height (fixed) var headerHeight = $('#header Sep 25, 2009 · You need to make element's parent visible for that one very short moment while you're getting element's dimensions. So far so good, but now The problem. Oct 11, 2012 · How do I get the height of the div which includes the clipped area of the div ? make sure that you have set your elements to be visible before you do the Feb 15, 2017 · Use the vh unit for this - so 200px becomes 100vh to fill the complete height of the screen. Dec 20, 2011 · You can set display: none style on the div. What I want is to retrieve the first x characters of the currently visible first Jun 12, 2012 · javascript: get height of div and use it in other div. appendChild(clone) // meassure it height = clone. show(); It will automatically use the appropriate display value; you do not have to care about the element type (inline or block). hmm actually JQ version was not the problem: when I refresh to get the height on console, I still get the visible one, but when I go to another page and hit Back on browser, like 50% of the times when I do that I get entire height. I found that getting the height of a div that's height is determined by its contents needs to be initiated on window. We can easily find the height of this hidden element in jQuery. innerWidth. style. I suppose it is a s Aug 22, 2011 · I assign the div a class name I call "measure". Dec 20, 2012 · It is working, But this height is assigning to that div after the rendering get finished. Feb 9, 2009 · function testDistance(node1, node2) { /* get top position of node 1 */ let n1Pos = node1. g. getElementById('hiddenParent'), cd = par. min(windowHeight, footerTop) - 80; console. clientHeight; // height with padding elementWidth = element. A div has elements inside it with the scroll property. Sep 2, 2017 · I have inputs inside div overflow scroll. swap() to set style so element is visible, call callback calculating the width and swap style back. ready( function(){ // alerts the height in pixels alert($('#x'). So, a total 60px height will be returned by this function. Apr 17, 2013 · I want to set the height on a div when the div is more than 100px in height. innerHeightthis worked fine but i cant access the children of my div, i also try document. height; Dec 25, 2015 · I'm trying to get the width and height of a div after it finishes loading by using javascript, but it's getting the width and height of the div BEFORE the image finishes loading. $(window). querySelector('tr'). Note that this is from the VERY LEFT/TOP OF YOUR LEFT/TOP-est SCREEN. After the animation, set div. See the following code: See the following code: const elem = await page. Using footer's top after footer became visible. addEventListener('load', function() { //get the element var elem = document. Is there a way to do it using jQuery? Thanks in advance! Nov 19, 2011 · Set the div. i tried get the whole height by get window. These properties are part of the element interface and are available for all HTML elements. Jun 4, 2015 · The only way I seem to be able to get the dimensions is to make the DIV style. But that's not what I want to get. When the element is higher than the screen height itself, it interprets that as 100% in viewport. availWidth or screen. What we can do is figure out how high the element should be once it's visible at its full height. So is it possible to set the height before rendering or before it gets loaded into the window? Jan 12, 2012 · Setting the width of the first DIV to be 100% should cause it to resize the width to match the second DIV (as the resize will force the parent DIV to increase in width too), but you will have a problem when trying to get the height to match, as with pure CSS the first DIV will have no reference to recalculate its own height to match. Set the row. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. shown { overflow: visible; height: auto; } Akward solutions: Using visibility: hidden is akward because the element still takes up space. JSFIDDLE. ready(function { window. Is it possible to find what the div's height would be if the height was not explicitly set by my style property? In other words, I'd like to find the height of the following div without actually changing the div. clientHeight; /* get top position of node 2 */ let n2Pos = node2. scrollLeft = 99999999; // They will only end up being set as their max mR. Mar 19, 2011 · Step 1: Add table-layout:fixed to the TABLE element style. getComputedStyle but non of this working in attached Aug 4, 2012 · window. I can move it using the top / left style, but for now they are init to top:0;left:0; and so the popup appear on the top left corner of Set the temp div's width to be the same as the textarea. const childern = Both of these will transition between two fixed heights, but we can't animate to or from max-height: none or height: auto. Explore Teams var thisIframesHeight = window. Mar 8, 2024 · Ways to Get Height in JavaScript. Second div contains lots of dynamic data, so height cannot be fixed. 1. childDiv'), len, heights = [], i; function getHeight(){ len = cd. Feb 1, 2015 · What you need to do to get the height that, in your words, the root div 'seems' to have, is to make that div actually have that height, which can easily be achieved by simply clearing the floats at the end of the div. body. we hide the parent par. Here, element height is 50px, padding is 8px and border-width is 2px. Very important else the text will be all on one line in the new temp div!: div. Not getting correct height & width of a div after creation. If I refresh 2-3 times entire height is shown in console, but after that shows the visible heightany solution? Apr 8, 2016 · Your code work fine check the Example Fiddle. we set its position to absolute, so it does not // take space inside the window par. The (elem. Oct 13, 2012 · Say I have a wrapper div with a overflow:hidden on it and a div inside that that spans far below the visible portion. How can I get that true height of the DIV as if it would be in "auto" mode ? Feb 20, 2016 · I have some child elements inside a div that gets the CSS display: none applied to it and I want to find out what the child element dimensions are. Makes sense, but I need to get the width of a table in order to set the width of the parent before I show the parent. length; // 1. querySelector("meta[name=viewport]"); viewport. offsetHeight in order to get fractional height rather than a rounded figure. clientHeight, offsetHeight, . getBoundingClientRect(). 50%). ). I've tried to dancing with getBoundingClientRect() , but nothing has changed. load, or window. getElementById('myBox'); var mR = document. Thanks Mar 3, 2011 · Even if you can technically solve it by using 100% height also on html, body and wrapper divs I think it's sometimes useful to set 100% height on a div based on canvas height minus other known heights, and check again on resize. My div has a styling position:absolute, and as a result, it doesn't expand if the content is higher than it's height. So that first it displays with the height that assigned based on the content inside that after some fraction of second the height get changed to what i assigned. scrollTop = mB. Store the value of div. height(); // returns height of browser viewport $(document). document. The main options available include: offsetHeight – total height including vertical padding and borders; clientHeight – height available for content excluding borders; scrollHeight – total height including scrolling content ; getComputedStyle() – resolved height after calculating padding, borders etc Sep 2, 2022 · On clicking the button, the height of the div element (box) will be displayed. So, we can't animate to an arbitrary sized element. It seems like in jQuery when an element is not visible width() returns 0. hide() jQuery function or we can hide easily by making visibility equals hidden in CSS. getElementById('myDiv'). log(windowHeight +", " + footerTop + ", " + visibleHeight); Here is the updated jsfiddle. For example, when the content of the div makes the div's height fill more than 100px, I want it automatically fit to 20 Jan 7, 2020 · I'm creating a popup component and I want this to be movable. For more information about . getElementById("data_box"). Click on this Calculate offsetHeight button and calculate the offsetHeight of this paragraph. getElementById('myResult'); // Set the top and the left to silly values mB. $("iframe. 4. screenX or Y. First input : height 10px; - clicked tab. paddingTop) + parseFloat(computedStyle. 0 Apr 25, 2014 · screen. getElementById('group-members'). For the duration of the calculation it will use . Here when i click tab i should be able to get the height of that input. getElementById('test'); //get the distance scrolled on body (by default can be changed) var distanceScrolled = document. Jan 22, 2022 · この DOM を介して、後で JavaScript コード内でこれらの値に簡単にアクセスできます。JavaScript 内の CSS プロパティの値を取得するにはさまざまな方法があります。この記事では、JavaScript コードから CSS プロパティ height を取得する方法を紹介します。 Nov 23, 2015 · Many else ifs with scrollTop and /scrollBottom (scrollTop+element. jQuery get the height of an element with display var par = document. outerHeight()); }) You can find a detailed post here. scrollHeight read-only attribute is a measurement of the height of an element's content, including content not visible on the screen due to overflow. Therefore, I thought that a solution would be if I find what the is the actual content's height, and assign the height to the div with the position:absolute styling. Explore Teams Apr 14, 2022 · const clientHeight = document. May 10, 2011 · function getNodeHeight(node) { var height, clone = node. Jun 1, 2012 · Seriously though, it's not accurate to say that - jQuery is a JavaScript library; the two are thus quite different. Nov 5, 2012 · Setting a div height in JavaScript. Nov 23, 2024 · Learn how to accurately retrieve the height of a div element with various JavaScript methods without relying on jQuery. 54. Nov 1, 2018 · Is there an easy way to get the height of a parent div which has a hidden child div inside? If not, what could be the hard way to achieve such a result? PS: I know that this topic might be repetit Aug 30, 2015 · I have a <div> with overflow:auto, variable height/width and some (longer) text in it (users can scroll down). scrollTop You are confuising two CSS styles, the display style and the visibility style. Second input : height 20px; Jan 30, 2014 · Use $(document). Apr 30, 2014 · I have several div inside a div, I need to get the height and width of the empty space inside the main div. In Chrome position: fixed will also make offsetParent return null even the element if visible in the page. height): Two different cases for 0%s, one case when it's fully visible, and two other different cases if it's partially visible top and bottom. hidden { overflow: hidden; height: 0; } . 450px) out of a percentage value (i. Using getBoundingClientRect() Method. Aug 9, 2010 · To get your screenWidth variable, just use screen. So . Using position: absolute; left: -10000px is also akward because it may introduce horizontal scrolling if not clipped correctly with overflow: hidden. Get the visible height of a div with jQuery. text(text); Append it to the DOM: $('body'). You can also use width and height properties to get the actual width and height of an element with units intact. Using width and height properties. HTML: <body&g Feb 2, 2016 · Learn how to get the height of an element in ReactJS with JavaScript. Aug 27, 2024 · The offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties in JavaScript are used to retrieve the actual width and height of an HTML element. scrollHeight property refer to the docs:. display to table-row. log('client Height : ', clientHeight); const offsetHeight = document Oct 12, 2022 · How can I fetch the visible height of div when it scrolled (Visited your profile in October): The full div height - 127px . offsetParent !== null) method works fine in Firefox but not in Chrome. – Abdull Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 14:16 Nov 12, 2021 · I have two divs on left and right. innerHeight. So if you want to get screen resolution you should use screen. querySelectorAll('. clientHeight // cleaup clone. You can't really do that unless you run some math (find the static value of the width of the container and do the math with the percentage). Jun 27, 2011 · css-element-query: uses a real resize event that is triggered everytime the dimension changes. innerHTML = "height: " + innerBox; Jan 7, 2022 · If you are using jQuery, you can do it even easier as long as you want to set the display property: $(elem). Here is an example where the inner DIV is taller than the containing TD, but the TD will stay at 50 and hide the rest: Dec 22, 2014 · There are actually two ways to retrieve the visible width or height of an element. Additionally, a padding-bottom on seems to do nothing on these pages, but do on the pages Feb 2, 2024 · So, to get the height of the element from the object returned by the getBoundingClientRect() method, we have to use the height key to get the height. height(200);, the value of $('div'). clientHeight; console. e. cloneNode(true) // hide the meassured (cloned) element clone. Dec 12, 2016 · If you simply need to calculate the children's width with respect to the parent's width then there is no need to include the window. offsetHeight offsetHeight - Returns the height of an element, including borders and padding if any, b Apr 13, 2016 · It sounds like you're trying to get a static value (i. Sep 12, 2019 · If you want to get an accurate table row height, then you should use Element. scrollTop; //create viewport offset object var elemRect = elem. height(); Oct 4, 2013 · I have hidden element in my webpage, I need to get height of that element. clientHeight − it includes the element’s padding, but not its border, margin or horizontal scrollbar (if present). var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element); elementHeight = element. height to 1px. You can keep its height auto to get content populated properly with the correct height. scrollTop+"<br>maxLeft="+mB. , via a style attribute or in code). Important : The document height is the entire height of the whole document, even what is outside the viewable area. it's a real height of visible part in browser. The first way is to use offsetHeight or offsetWidth: These guys return the VISIBLE height or width of you element including: BORDER, PADDING, SCROLLBAR AND MARGIN. Sep 26, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. removeChild(clone) return height } var newDiv = document. height. getElementById('measureTool'). If not you will get permission denied problems and you will have to take another approach. Run the scroll animation, stopping at div. I just did this very thing where I had some auto height property, but when I add some content via XMLHttpRequest. (If I remove the body CSS, it's working). Use $(window). Jun 20, 2015 · This function will tell you the x,y position of the element relative to the page. I m looking for a pageYOffset equivalent for a div to know its scrolled length. height to auto. Anyways, to get the slide effect in both directions but keeping the "original" height, I merely split the bg from the text, duplicated the text (so I'd have the correct dynamic heights), and animated, using z-index to "remember" the previous bg height. boundingBox() to get the x, y, width, and height of the element. How to get on-screen visible element objects in Jan 30, 2012 · I'm in the midst of making a lightbox style pop-up for a mailing list sign up, but I want the pop-up to position to the center of the visible page, not just the center of the whole document; if the May 28, 2012 · I need the full height of a div, I'm currently using document. Dec 31, 2012 · I know we can calculate height of div by : $("#divid"). height() and. Get width of div with javascript. Is there a way to get the real height with jQuery or plain JS? In the example I tried with. boundingBox(); console. To accomplish this we are going to use a function called getHiddenHeight: Nov 26, 2014 · How do I check if an element is really visible with JavaScript? 95. Even if the content from that div exceeds that height (I use overflow:hidden). offsetTop; /* get height of node 1 */ let n1Height = node1. height() is always 200. hide(); $(elem). How can I get the visible height of the internal div? Aug 10, 2011 · Is there any way to get the visible height of the whole page from inside Get the visible height of a div with jQuery. portal-body'); const boundingBox = await elem. Note that all these properties are read-only. This article is designed to help you make that decision. height There's no general solution for this, because it's not really possible (you could calculate the scroll position of the outer div, calculate heights of inner divs and work it out that way, but that seems a bit over the top). For example, if the screen height is 1000 pixels and the element is 2000 pixels height and it is scrolled fully into view, the function will return 100% instead of the normal 50%. width();,some jQuery users get the full scrollable size, while some jQuery users get the currently visible size. May 21, 2012 · I want have width and height of a full div with scroll using JQuery, but i can only have size of visible content and not size of visible + hidden content of scroll bar. getBoundingClientRect() rather than Element. Aug 8, 2013 · So when I set a fixed height on a div with jquery, like $('div'). e before the images have loaded. scrollLeft; // Now take the max values and divide by 2 to scroll back to middle. [1] or [2] - header's height = your answer. css({ "width":"530px" }); Insert the text into the new temp div: div. The window. innerWidth & window. 557. height = "500px"; If you have a dynamic height you can use height + 'px' This is the very basic JS code required to adjust the height of your object dynamically. For the pageX and pageY variables, use window. height(); to get full height with scrollable area. Since you'd get too many events (for drag'n'drop for example) it added requestAnimationFrame checking for a simple boolean variable to smooth those triggered events down to 1/frame. Jul 16, 2014 · I need to retrieve the visible height of a div within a scrollable area. css width and height not working. marginTop will only have something in it if you have something specifically assigned to that element (not assigned via a style sheet, etc. mB. measure { position: absolute; // doesn't affect layout visibility: hidden; // not visible, but normal size left: -1000px; // won't affect scrollbars top: -1000px; // won't affect scrollbars } You are then free to get the divs height. append(div); Get the height of the div: var divHeight = $('#temp'). getBoundingClientRect() method after casting the NativeElement to HTMLElement . The logic is simple. There are two kinds of height that are defined with the every HTML element i. height; document. Is there a solution for t Jun 23, 2015 · Initially i'd like the div max-height to be about 150px, and then as you scroll from around 200px down the page to 400px down the page, I want the max-height of the document. So I've created an "heightkeeper" div which has "visibility:hidden" so the heightkeeper div is never visible but keeps the height of the book as height as the highest page. display='block;' at 0,0 and then move it to the required position, but that looks jumpy. The address bar and bottom tool bar taking up some real estate. getElementById('masonryParent') i get also the right result but how i can access the div bellow. scrollTop(); //Visible Page Size (fixed) var pageSize = $(window). Year 2020 breakdown. clientWidth; // width with padding elementHeight -= parseFloat(computedStyle. cssText = "position:fixed; top:-9999px; opacity:0;" // add the clone to the DOM document. But make sure you include a min-height, for the times when your content is more than the viewport can display. height(); // returns height of HTML document Aug 8, 2014 · Here's the solution that works for both cases of box-sizing: content-box and border-box. In my layout, all the divs I'm referring to have a height of 1100px. width, same with screenHeight, you would just use screen. The window height is just the viewable area. clientHeight; /* add height of both nodes */ let heightTogether = n1Height Jul 31, 2019 · Just a note in case others have the same problem. parent. getElementById("myDiv"). innerHeight return height value of your browser window without bar and etc. Lets see the differences between each and when they should be used. innerHTML = "maxTop="+mB. The Element. Output. May 24, 2019 · you can get auto values for width and height because browsers does not render till full load is performed. Aug 2, 2013 · The following will give you the visible height, and separates out the variables so the calculation makes sense: $(document). As Dec 9, 2011 · In Firefox, I need to scale a <div> containing text and images. Dec 5, 2016 · There are similar questions but none answers helped. let innerBox = document. e, innerHeight and the outerHeight of the element: Jun 12, 2017 · Hello i will set the height for my div into state. div. we set its display to block so it will gain back its natural From the jQuery docs height() This method is also able to find the height of the window and document. 3. Using the clientHeight property. getBoundingClientRect(); //get the offset from the element to the viewport var elemViewportOffset = elemRect. The clientHeight is a property which returns the height of the element in pixels. javascript; jquery; Get the visible height of a Feb 28, 2015 · Here the total height of all <div>'s are 900 pixels, but the jQuery function returns the height of the body as 577 pixels. I consider myself pretty decent with jQuery, but this is completely throwing me off. on('scroll', function() { //Container var cont = $("#content-container"); //Scroll Position (varies with scroll) var pageTop = $(document). Basically you have to loop up through all the element's parents and add their offsets together. – Chris Morgan Commented Dec 7, 2010 at 6:11 Nov 15, 2012 · The <header> box's height doesn't reflect the child #menu's margins because they are both normal box elements, and if the #page-content had margins, they would overlap the #menu's margins, in which case the header's height would include some part of the content's height, which wouldn't make sense. Aug 2, 2013 · var visibleHeight = Math. Apr 21, 2019 · returns the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin You could use the Element. I'd like the script to get height of the div that is currently visible to the visitor, not its real height. We can do this by following ways: Using the offsetHeight property. I want to show the foreground element only while it's overlapping the background eleme No, I don't know of a way to 'screenshot' an element, but what you could do, is draw the quiz results into a canvas element, then use the HTMLCanvasElement object's toDataURL function to get a data: URI with the image's contents. top; //add them May 7, 2015 · Unfortunately, when the text changes, the actual div is "visible" within the context of its parent and usually its parent's parent - but not within the context of the whole subtree - hence the height is returned as 0. height(), and window. innerWidth has a constant value of say 945px, which you are subtracting from the parent's width using this line below May 13, 2015 · To be safe, you should not set the height of the div to x. Note that this will only work when the element has width and height attribute set using the style attribute. 0. height(); to get only viewable area height. Dec 1, 2009 · It seems to me that with $(window). setAttribute('content', 'height=auto'); }, 300) And then getting the height using jquery shows CORRECT results on Android - aka the visible viewport size WITHOUT the virtual keyboard, but not on iOS. I've tried making the DIV visible outside of the visible screen area but that doesn't work. scrollHeight gives the height of the div's contents, including its overflow. nidbka eilsiij lbcf jcqzhz etfy sqhg camm auayyk qmvkyp arkcoy qgwmv fvwz bqnwzhy haulml ssos