Gonerby hill foot school. , there are quiet settling activities in the classroom.
Gonerby hill foot school They have also enjoyed another visit from Paralympian Sam Ruddock this week and listened well when he talked to them about perseverance and staying healthy. What is it like to attend this school? ‘Learning, Loving and Living’ is the school’s vision and the experience of all To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. The school has an ambitious curriculum and makes sure that all pupils learn the curriculum well. This is a splendid semi-detached house in Grantham, South Kesteven. Parent Governors: If you are a parent of a pupil(s) at the School or the primary carer, you can stand for election as one of the 2 parent governor positions (once a parent governor post becomes vacant). Rev Sarah Tierney regularly visits school to lead worship and Kay Sutherland, our Bishop's Visitor is a true friend to the school supporting with visits, displays, leading worship and working with pupil groups. It's all about sounds which are called ‘phonemes’. No ads of any description unless very much heart of the community. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, good attendance is crucial. uk. Please enter this information below and click login to Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Home; old website content; old website content. In September 2023 the school was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted. Staff training/Inset days. If more than one parent expresses an interest in filling a vacancy, elections are held in which all parents can vote. stsebastiangtgonerby. , there are quiet settling activities in the classroom. 3% on last year. Church School Distinctiveness We are very proud of our vision which promotes opportunity for everyone in our school to flourish and be able to enjoy 'life in all it's fullness'. Assistant Head and KS1 teacher. At our school, we aim to be the sort of people that God would want us to be and to treat others in the way we would want them to treat us. Please enter this information below and click login to All adults are role models for children and all adults who enter our school are expected to behave with courtesy and kindness and to treat others with respect. To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. Please enter a description for this photo album. Sebastian’s Church: The parish church of St. Voluntary controlled school. In this section Equality Information Children of primary school age (and below) without symptoms are not being asked to take a test. Allocation and use at Gonerby Hill Foot Our Pupil Premium Allocation for the financial year 2022-23 is £102,490 with an additional £10,875 from the Recovery premium funding allocation. NULL Library Launch and Arts Week 2018. Staff login; © 2025 Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School • School Website Design by Be self-aware and empathise with the experience of others in the school and the wider community. At Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School we are dedicated to providing children with the opportunity to take part in sport and lead healthy lifestyles. There were lots of other local church schools that attended the festival and we all got involved in a range of activities. IMG_1616. Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. EYFS teacher and SENDCo The Friends of the School Association (FSA) has been active in its support to school for a number of years and includes parents and friends from the local community. Gonerby Hill Foot Gonerby Hill Foot is a neighborhood in South Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England. 2 and 3 September, 28 October. The property offers fabulous access to education: minutes away from The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School (rated good by Ofsted) and a bus ride away from The King's School, Grantham (among the top 2% of secondary schools nationally). Head Teacher. uk The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School is a Primary, Co-Ed, Church of England school located in Lincolnshire, East Midlands. Please enter this information below and click login to The following Information Report is Gonerby Hill Foot Primary School’s response to specifically devised questions and gives an overview to parents/carers of all the services normally available at school to support children with SEN and those with a disability. Grantham. Reception pupils perform 'Christmas Eve in the Toy Shop'. For the rest of the day, the Year 6 children worked with Darren from Roots to Food to prepare and serve a fantastic three-course dinner for 70 parents and teachers. Telephone 01476 400851. Rationale Gonerby Hill Foot Primary School is committed to the provision of a safe and secure learning environment The following Information Report is Gonerby Hill Foot Primary School’s response to specifically devised questions and gives an overview to parents/carers of all the services normally available at school to support children with SEN and those with a disability. Download establishment data The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School is a Church of England primary school maintained by the local authority (Lincolnshire). All schools should ensure they teach pupils about democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs and we do this throughout our curriculum and collective worship. The village is situated on the outskirts of Grantham and is home to a population of around 1,000 people. Let me introduce you to our team: Mrs Watson. Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Parents; Calendar; Calendar. Here you will find all of the approved uniform items, both badged and plain that we offer. School Application Form . Testing is voluntary, but strongly recommended to all who are eligible. We focus on developing healthy relationships with peers and adults and ensuring that our policy of Ready, Respectful, Safe, which is underpinned by our vision of Learning, Loving, Living, is Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Home; News & Events; Newsletters; Newsletters. Based on data published on 14 August 2024, on average a detached house costs £378,008, which is up 1. School Attendance At the start of each short term the whole school will also have a focus text for 1 week which will link to ‘Protected Characteristics’. In the case of infant and junior schools, the associated school will be considered as 'attending the school' for the purposes of this category. See the report to see how this is being spent along with the impact our previous allocation has made. Places will be allocated to those living nearest the school first. We teach the children about how to look after their own wellbeing and support those around them. Gonerby Hill Foot is situated nearby to the neighborhood Green Hill, as well as near the village Great Gonerby. IMG_2655. Dec 2, 2024 · Located within the popular Gonerby Hill Foot area, this home benefits from proximity to local amenities including a shop, primary school, parks, gymnasium, and the Tennis Centre. At Gonerby Hill Foot School, we work very closely with individuals and other groups from the Community. The core subjects are: Dec 24, 2024 · Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School Attendance Policy Attendance Policy To be reviewed: Dec 25 Policy reviewed: Dec 24 GHF School is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience for all pupils. Children for whom this school is the nearest school to their home address. Outcome The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Please consider buying a lottery ticket from Lottery SK and choose FSA Gonerby Hill Foot as your chosen charity. Any visitor who is rude or discourteous to pupils or members of staff will be asked to leave the site immediately. The decision to close is an emergency closure and will only be taken if it is not practicable or safe to open the school or keep the school open. " Welcome to Gonerby Hill Foot. Here is the Year 6 version of Shotgun. Distance of the home address to the school. lincs. Please enter this information below and click login to To support their topic on Crime and Punishment, Y5/6 recently visited the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham. The following Information Report is Gonerby Hill Foot Primary School’s response to specifically devised questions and gives an overview to parents/carers of all the services normally available at school to support children with SEN and those with a disability. Please enter this information below and click login to To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. Dec 25, 2024 · The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School. Disputes about the cost of the school uniform will be: Resolved locally Dealt with in accordance with our school’s complaints policy The school will work closely with parents to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome. Once pupils have put their belongings away in cloakrooms etc. The inspector said ‘‘Learning, Loving and Living is the school's vision and the experience of all pupils at this School. There is always lots happening in our school and lots to report on. Teaching assistant and FunFields Manager. Children suffering from short-term ailments, who are clearly unwell, should not be sent to school. uk Click here for the School Calendar. The Year 6’s did a great job with their acting and the audience really seemed to enjoy it. Music Intent Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Our Learning; Subjects; Computing; Computing. Nearby postcodes are: NG31 8HH , NG31 8HD , NG31 8HG , NG31 8HQ , NG31 8GF , NG31 8HL , NG31 8GH , NG31 8GE , NG31 8HS . We also enjoyed it when the Year 6 children sang their version of ‘big school’ version of George Ezra’s Shotgun. gov. Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School Gonerby Road Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 8HQ Tel: 01476 565800 Email: enquiries@gonerbyhillfoot. Finally, they’ll see a page of advice about the topic, presented in child-friendly bite-sized chunks they can read then or save for later. As a school, we continually seek ways to evaluate our provision and the services which we offer through our school improvement work. Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home Our School; Our Staff; Our Staff. Community page to discuss local issues. To compare all schools near Gonerby Hill Foot in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more. School Transport - If your child is starting primary school or transferring to the first year of junior school in September 2025 they may be eligible for school transport. lotterysk. The pages in this section provide all the key documents, policies and information you will need to find out about our school. Did you know that the school receives a Pupil Premium payment for the year in which families are eligible for free school meals and automatically for the following five years? For 2020/21 it is £1,345 per free school meal pupil. JPG Phonics is one method we use to teach children how to read and write. We believe that the local primary school should be the heart of the community and through our vision of Learning, Loving, Living we are always finding ways to serve our community. Assistant Head and KS2 teacher. It is directly to the northwest of Grantham town centre, and near the border with Great Gonerby. Term Dates for 2024-25 Gonerby Hill Foot (previously Gonerby Hillfoot) is an area of Grantham in South Kesteven in Lincolnshire, England. There are 44 phonemes in the English language, which we put together to form words. Our pupils are encouraged and praised so they feel confident in their abilities, know how to succeed and have inspirational goals, aiming for high standards to be the best they can be. In this section. The purpose of this association is to help the children at the school and also to foster broader links with the local community. 26 August, 25 and 26 December, 1 January, 18 and 21 April, 5 and 26 May. It has about 300 boys and girls aged between 4 and 11. 28/03/18. We also want to foster a spirit of self-worth, compassion and respect across our community. Some children are taught in mixed age classes and organised into phases. . Please note there are specific rules for pupils who bring mobile phones to school. Inspection report: The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School, 17–18 May 2011 5 of 14 Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory, and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms What does the school need to do to improve further? Primary School Gonerby Road, Gonerby Hill Foot, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 8HQ Inspection dates: 26 and 27 September 2023 Outcome The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School continues to be a good school. Through the expertise, care and love of the EYFS staff we provide learning experiences of the highest quality. Please enter this information below and click login to The teaching of PSHE at Gonerby Hill Foot School has two distinct elements: The PSHE curriculum (Dimensions 3D PSHE lessons) PSHE Circles; Our PSHE curriculum is woven through our Dimensions curriculum to make meaningful links between personal development and our wider curriculum. The best and quickest way to apply for Free School Meals is to do it online by following this link. Along with our Year 6 House Captains, the School Council is made up of representatives from across the school. School Attendance Inspection report: The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School, 17–18 September 2014 4 of 10 Inspection judgements The leadership and management are good The school is led well by a determined and effective headteacher, ably supported by an equally effective senior leadership team, and a revitalised and energetic governing body. Schools data or record keeping policy should also cover the requirements of this Act. The council is divided into three subcommittees under the headings Learning, Loving, Living and each meets with Mrs Garland to discuss and sort out areas that interest or concern pupils. We have raised over £1000 in 18 months which is incredible, www. All LCC term dates can be found here: https://www. This page is currently awaiting content The official school uniform supplier to Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School. Developing a positive attitude towards sport and activity from an early age will encourage children to remain fit and healthy into adulthood. This can be because of snow/ice which makes travelling to the school difficult or impossible, or if the school site is not safe for pupils and staff. Children of primary school age (and below) without symptoms are not being asked to take a test. These are the top primary and secondary schools near Gonerby Hill Foot ordered by their Ofsted inspection rating then name. 02/06/18. Pupils’ progress is closely monitored at GHF so that we can provide the best possible opportunities and most appropriate levels of support for all pupils. NULL Mrs Geraghty. This page is currently awaiting content We will, where possible, support individual children with medical needs and assist with the administration of prescribed medication. 5. Before selecting any items, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the school's uniform policy. The children have had a super first week back after the Easter break and have really thrown themselves into their learning. reasonable manner preferably via email to the school office. If you think your child is eligible, please apply for transport as soon as you have your offer of a school place. uk/school-attendance/school-term-times. www. Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Home; Contact Us; Contact Us. At this school, 57% of pupils achieved higher standard in reading, writing & maths at key stage 2. Please enter this information below and click login to The property market in Gonerby Hill Foot has had a steady increase over the last few years but a recent decline. Mental Health and Wellbeing; Admissions During Key Stage 2, all pupils will learn French. At the start of each short term the whole school will also have a focus text for 1 week which will link to ‘Protected Characteristics’. Alongside the vaccine, washing hands, wearing face coverings, and maintaining social distancing, rapid testing plays a vital role in reducing transmission rates. Gonerby Hill Foot is a happy and friendly school where everyone is valued and respected. Alongside teaching our core values of friendship, respect, forgiveness, love, compassion, fairness, resilience, honesty, we also promote British Values. Our pupils are part of a community which promotes Learning, Loving, Living as we educate for wisdom, hope, community and dignity. Please enter this information below and click login to Inspection report:The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School, 24–25 January 2013 3 of 9 Full report Information about this school This school is larger than the average-sized primary school. The school gate is open from 8:40am and pupils must come straight into school to be ready for registration at 8:50am. Mrs Garland. As a School we do Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy GHF June 25 As a school we are following the NHS 5 ways to wellbeing. January 2018 Wow Days. Please enter this information below and click login to At Gonerby Hill Foot Church, we aim to offer an ambitious educational experience, developing a lifelong love of learning for all. Mrs Field. We have a vacancy for an MSA in the dining room. Bank holidays. Love themselves, care for themselves, believe in their potential to achieve, and find inner strength and resilience when facing challenges. Headteacher: Mrs Jayne Watson. Parents must contact the school office to inform us if their child is bringing a mobile phone. This work extends beyond the work of our governors and senior leadership team and we also work in partnership with other local schools. Let me introduce you to our team: Our governors are drawn from a variety of backgrounds and are appointed from a number of different sources including elected from parents of children at the school, members of staff, appointees of Lincolnshire County Council and appointees from the Church. JPG StreetScan combines information about Gonerby Road, Gonerby Hill Foot, Grantham, NG31 8HE and displays a report on the quality of life in this place and its surroundings. URN: 120524 . It was a packed day and the children had a fantastic time investigating a Victorian murder, playing out a courtroom drama (having to decide on the punishment for an 11-year-old thief) and meeting some important historical characters in the museum. Our local church is St Sebastian's in Great Gonerby. Through the appropriate balance of spoken and written language, pupils will lay the foundations for entry to Key Stage 3. This page is currently awaiting content At Gonerby Hill Foot School, we work very closely with individuals and other groups from the Community. Gonerby Hill Foot is a happy and friendly school where everyone is valued and respected. Primary School Gonerby Road, Gonerby Hill Foot, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 8HQ Inspection dates: 26 and 27 September 2023 Outcome The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School Jun 13, 2018 · Address: Gonerby Road, Gonerby Hill Foot, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 8HQ; Region: East Midlands Establishment The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School. Our school is organised into eleven classes according to age and number of children on roll. Wulfram’s Church in Grantham. The proportion of pupils for whom the school receives the pupil premium (additional government funding) is well below the national average. At GHF we believe that parents, carers and families have a vital role to play in helping their children achieve their full potential at school and in life as a whole. Please enter this information below and click login to At Gonerby Hill Foot it is our intention to enable all children to be able to live life to its fullness and become global citizens by providing pupils with a high-quality education in English. We will talk to you about various things that you will need to know about starting school; for example, the date your child will be starting school, the routines, lunch arrangements, school uniform, assessments and what your child will be learning. Gonerby Road Gonerby Hill Foot Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 8HQ. uk You could win £25,000 !!! and many of our parents have won £25 or 3 free tickets whilst supporting us. The responsibility for educating pupils falls primarily on the staff and the day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, but it is the Governing Body that is ultimately responsible for the school's performance. It has 283 students from age 4-11 yr with a student-teacher ratio of 21 : 1. Each class teacher plans work for their children according to their age, ability and stage of development with due regard to the programmes of study of the National Curriculum. One of our students, Amelia Rose, said that, ” Pudsey Bear is a bear for Charity. docx At Gonerby Hill Foot Primary school we ensure that all children have the ability to build on the range of the experiences they have had before starting school and go onto become lifelong learners and educated citizens. Feb 5, 2018 · Bank holidays. Our pupils are passionate about learning and have a real thirst for knowledge. The church dates back to the 13th century and features interesting architectural details. While we deliver much of our curriculum through topics, we do teach all the subjects covered by the National Curriculum. Whilst our school seeks to reflect many Christian values, the following have been chosen as our 'Core Values'. Sebastian is a notable landmark in Great Gonerby. Tel: 01476 565 800 URN: 120524 Welcome to Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School. Gonerby Hill Foot: This area, sometimes considered part of the village, offers picturesque views and is a popular spot for walking and enjoying the Jun 13, 2018 · Gonerby Road, Gonerby Hill Foot, Grantham, NG31 8HQ: Phone Number: 01476565800: Phase: Primary : Type: Voluntary controlled school: Age Range: 4-11: Religious Character: Church of England: Gender: Mixed: Number of Pupils: 299: Local Authority: Lincolnshire: Highlights from Latest Inspection. Mrs Geraghty. Our school has adopted the Government definition of extremism as: “Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs; and/or calls for the death of members in our armed forces, whether in this country or oversees. EYFS teacher and SENDCo. The Year 5’s sang the songs and the Year 6’s had the acting roles as it was their last school play. A school may withhold information it has if it is considered the information may damage the recipient, if disclosed. lincolnshire. Staff login; © 2025 Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School • School Website To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. You can find out all about our curriculum and the things they are learning about on the pages in this section. Staff login Pudsey day at Gonerby Hill Foot School was amazing! Everyone was dressed up in their best spotty outfits. Please enter this information below and click login to Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Our Learning; Subjects; Music; Music . Contact Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School for any inquiries or information. Next, they can choose from a list of topics – for instance, a child who was worried about school might be able to select ‘I haven’t done my homework’ as the cause of their worry. Accelerated Reader; GHF Facebook page; GHF Newsletter October 2024; Home; Our Learning; Subjects; History; History. Lincolnshire NG31 8HQ. Gonerby Hill Foot also provides direct access to the village of Great Gonerby and the A1, offering convenience for commuters and residents alike. We all had a lot of fun joining in with the play and really enjoyed using the props and dressing up in costumes. See also The Schools Guide page for this school (free) Gonerby Hill Foot. Parents’ aspirations, what they do with their children at home, and how they support their child’s learning and development before and during school have a real impact on how The Gonerby Hill Foot Church of England Primary School. On Monday 20th of March, Year 4 attended the Church Schools Festival at St. Gonerby Hill Foot is a small village located in the county of Lincolnshire, England. co. Reading Comprehension In Year 2 and Key Stage 2 our reading comprehension is based on DERIC. We believe children should be empowered to be articulate, honest and confident communicators, whilst understanding the importance of listening to the We received a short inspection in Sept 2023 and can confirm that our school continues to be good. Mrs Gaylard. Below are our latest updates and newsletters To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. sch. 3 Staff As part of their topic on Shakespeare, Y6 have their residential visit in Stratford to see his birthplace. Pupils must hand in their phone to the school office as soon as they arrive at school and collect it at the end of the school day. St. The village is known for its picturesque countryside, which is popular with walkers and cyclists. ” She also quoted that, to raise money you could either go to a charity shop and buy a toy or you could have a sponsored chocolate eating challenge.