Grossly unremarkable vs unremarkable. Gallbladder: Gallstones are seen.

Grossly unremarkable vs unremarkable What does grossly mean in medical terms? In Medicine, Grossly means that which is visible to the eye, and is contrasted to Micro/Microscopically, meaning what Some radiologists will report things in paragraph form, while others use a reporting style where each organ or region of the body is listed as a line with the findings. " Feb 1, 2008 · The car was unremarkable, but strange for all that, its steel shell, the glint of the sun on its windshield, the twin plumes of dust trailing away behind it till it was there and motionless and he could see his ex-wife’s face, a shadow clenched in distaste, as the two boys, 9 years old now — or were they 10? — spun out of the doors in a flurry of leaping limbs. prevoid volume = 123 cc postvoid volume = 46 cc impression: urine retention (36% of pv v? 영어 사전에서 unremarkable 뜻과 용례 unremarkable 동의어 및 25개국어로 unremarkable 번역 In case of certain gastrointestinal issues, radiologists may advise that patients get a colonoscopy or endoscopy. If a part of the body, such as the ventricles, sulci, and basal cisterns, is described as unremarkable, it means that they look as they should and there are no signs of disease or abnormality. UNREMARKABLE definition: 1. In this blog post, we will break down common MRI report terminology and concepts to help you decipher the Er x-ray. What is the Correct Saying? Grossly unremarkable. If — without the use of a microscope or scanning technology — a physician performs a physical exam and finds nothing visibly wrong with you, they can use the term “grossly unremarkable. In a medical context, the term "unremarkable" is used to describe something that appears normal or as expected. “Grossly” is not being used as a synonym for “very” or “extremely” as it is commonly used in other contexts. •Such as: talkative, garrulous, voluble, taciturn, 全面了解英语单词“UNREMARKABLE”的所有含义:定义、翻译、同义词、发音、示例和语法分析——所有内容尽在完整资源中。 A “grossly unremarkable” mri scan is one in which there are no apparent abnormalities, distinct from normal anatomy. " Dec 3, 2024 · It’s clear, straightforward, and powerfully reassuring. Mar 12, 2015 · Introduction. What does unremarkable aorta mean? The term 'unremarkable' when used in medical terminology refers to nothing out Oct 26, 2024 · "Grossly unremarkable gallbladder" means that upon visual inspection during a medical procedure such as an ultrasound or surgery, the gallbladder appears normal with no obvious signs of Nov 25, 2023 · When it comes to medical imaging of the brain, the term “No Acute Intracranial Abnormality” often appears in reports. This answer is: If the radiologist does not see anything concerning it may say “normal” or “unremarkable. Daniel Hofstedt, DO. best wishes. Bladder: Normal. It was not unusual in anyway (unremarkable). (9) The history was unremarkable and the laboratory data were within normal Answer (1 of 14): "Grossly unremarkable" typically means that the thing that is being called unremarkable may have limited visualization or characterization but within those limits does not have image observations to suggest the cause of the signs and symptoms in question. See examples of UNREMARKABLE used in a sentence. Answered by timothyw106 in 1 min 1 year ago The kidney and adrenal gland were grossly unremarkable. A member asked: Sep 6, 2023 · Grossly unremarkable means there is nothing interesting to talk about, its normal. There are bilateral sub-cm hypoattenuating lesions that are too small to characterize but likely reflect benign cysts. unremarkable organs (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys, etc). what is the difference between normal and grossly normal on a ct scan report? the radiologist listed most of my organs as grossly normal, but a few are just listed as normal. Gas is common throughout the gastrointestinal tract and most of the time it is of no clinical significance. Ct scan noted trace ascites in pelvis. Many translated example sentences containing "unremarkable" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. It is similar to the phrases "within normal limits" and "unimpressive. Nonspecific bowel gas pattern usually means additional الترجمات في سياق grossly unremarkable في الإنجليزية-العربية من | Reverso Context: الترجمة المصحح اللغوي Context القاموس مفردات مفردات Documents مرادفات التصريف Collaborative Dictionary النحو Expressio Reverso Corporate In other cases, "grossly unremarkable" is an exaggeration, but one that's used to describe a situation where something that appears to be perfectly normal, in fact isn't. check bellow for the other definitions of Remarkable and Unremarkable Nov 27, 2020 · The word Unremarkable simple means NOTHING OF CONCERN or NOTHING THAT NEEDS OUR ATTENTION. Oct 6, 2022 · As opposed to unremarkable, we may sometimes see the term grossly unremarkable used in radiology reports. Bowel: No dilation or wall thickening. The normal pancreas is usually homogeneous and isoechoic or hyperechoic. He's a former student of mine, a somewhat unremarkable one. While one case displayed fragmented grossly unremarkable ectocervix, the remaining five cases showed intact cervix. Jul 9, 2020 · ?Un remarkable: Most likely it stated unremarkable. Jul 25, 2023 · As you know, X-rays, CTs, MRIs, and other radiology scans allow doctors to see inside your body clearly. Grossly unremarkable means that something is dreadfully common, without any flair, plain, boring, or simple. unworthy or unlikely to be noticed : not remarkable : common, ordinary… See the full definition. It shows that there is nothing unusual visible to the naked eye. “Normal” means that the result is exactly what the radiologist would expect to see in a healthy person. no focal airspace opacification, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. The right and left ovary are [unremarkable, show atrophic changes, describe presence of lesions]. Sep 7, 2023 · The term "unremarkable alignment of the spine" is a common expression used in a radiology report of the spine that means the spinal alignment of the vertebrae in relation to each other is unremarkable [ˌʌnrɪˈmɑːkəbl] 이라는 용어는 특별히 흥미롭거나 놀랍거나 주목할 만한 것이 아닌 것을 의미합니다. It is the author’s opinion, therefore, that the use of “grossly” in the radiology report should be greatly limited, if not eliminated altogether. It means they didn’t inspect every pixel in detail. Jun 15, 2015 · Earlier this year I had a medical test that reported the results as “grossly unremarkable. ” Your report may contain medical terms you don’t understand. However, you may need a different imaging study to assess your pancreas. The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the main conduit of venous return to the right atrium from the lower extremities and abdominal viscera. An unremarkable silhouette suggests that the heart is not enlarged. What does unremarkable mean in a medical report uk? A report that says the [grossly unremarkable, presence of Nabothian cysts, lesions]. ordinary and not interesting: 2. But, I would recommend that you get a repeat ultrasound in about 6 weeks to see if your 'adnexa' has cleared and if you still have pain and the ultrasound still shows prominent adnexa - I would recommend a Diagnostic Laparoscopy - where your ob/gyn places a camera in your abdomen / pelvis to actually look inside Feb 15, 2013 · My pancreas is "grossly unremarkable. If the radiologist does not see anything concerning it may say “normal” or “unremarkable” or “normal for patient age. It is a common phrase with exams, scans, xrays and labs. 7%), five (7. Grossly normal in a radiology report is sometimes used to indicate that nothing is seen but does not mean that nothing is wrong for various reasons. Speech Characteristics •Speech can be described in terms of its quantity, rate of production, and quality. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. " If the mediastinum was normal, that means the area of the chest containing the heart was normal. is that unremarkable is not remarkable while remarkable is worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon; extraordinary. Sixty-three (89. 0%), and three (4. Spleen: Unremarkable. unremarkable blood work including liver enzymes and kidney function. : Same: For all intents and purposes, normal and grossly normal are the Mar 9, 2023 · Grossly unremarkable and more uses. (7) Physical examination was unremarkable with the exception of a left-sided facial palsy. 7%), 5 . … His court was grossly vicious. I have a waiting list. While ‘grossly unremarkable’ can be used in common dialogue, it is not found often and can be found mostly in the medical literature. Grossly unremarkable means that we do not see anything obvious but the exam may be limited for that organ or structure in some way. Oct 5, 2022 · Grossly unremarkable meaning indicates that there is nothing wrong. Mar 10, 2016 · I amended the report: "I have looked at the pancreas and seminal vesicles, and they are unremarkable. May 25, 2016 · Reference: Reference Reference information: The term “unremarkable” is a shortcut for the description of an imaging study or imaging finding. Dec 1, 2024 · When ‘Unremarkable’ is a Good Thing: Decoding Radiology Lingo. Deserving attention. ” After a good laugh, I asked the doctor what such a result meant. The sample is surrounded by a moderate amount of pericolonic fat. Mar 22, 2021 · In this case, something being unremarkable would be a good thing. “Grossly unchanged” could as easily, and more precisely, be stated as “unchanged” without losing the intended message. If your report reveals your “pancreas grossly unremarkable” or “the visualized pancreas is unremarkable,” it means there is no evident abnormality in your pancreas. Non Contrast appearance simply means there was no DYE used in the study and the appearance of those organs look "stable" or Unremarkable. Aug 4, 2015 · The term "unremarkable" is often used by physicians, lab technicians or radiologists to suggest that the results of a test or scan does not differ from what they would expect to see on a normal test, according to Intelihealth. The mole is unremarkable, which means that it is not anything to worry about, What is the etymology of the word unremarkable? According to Etymonline, the word unremarkable has been used since the 1610s. ” This means that the scan did not show anything unusual or worrying. How to use unremarkable in a sentence. A doctor has provided 1 answer. 71 grossly unremarkable cervix in hysterectomy specimens with endometrial carcinomas has been studied. This phrase is crucial as it signifies the absence of immediate issues or urgent concerns related to the brain. What does unremarkable KUB mean? Unremarkable in medical terms means normal. No obvious bone spurs, no trouble areas in the bone structure itself. There is nothing to report. what could cause a note of trace ascites? UNREMARKABLE 释义: not worthy of note or attention | 意思、发音、翻译及示例 Nov 24, 2020 · "Grossly normal" usually means that the organ in question may be better assessed with a different imaging study but shows no evidence of abnormality on the current study. Therefore, it is ‘grossly’ understandable that nothing was worth diagnosing , or in other words, it is ‘unremarkable. Why do doctors say unremarkable? Customer: What does this finding mean on an ultrasound?The visualized portions of the pancreas are unremarkable, although the pancreatic tail is obscured by superimposed bowel gas. Ways People May Say Grossly Unremarkable Incorrectly. Mar 2, 2022 · Phrases Opposite to Grossly Unremarkable. Impression got my chest x-ray result and the impression is unremarkable chest study? what does it mean?: "Unremarkable": Common medical jargon for "no abnormality" or "normal" What does grossly unremarkable mean in an ultrasound? When you hear the word “ unremarkable in reference to ultrasounds, it usually refers to the appearance of the fetus, placenta, and surrounding structures. What does impression mean on CT scan results Mar 28, 2023 · Receiving an MRI report can be a confusing and overwhelming experience, especially when it's filled with medical jargon and technical terms. Feb 13, 2020 · What does grossly unremarkable mean in medical terms? Grossly unremarkable meaning indicates that there is nothing wrong. What does grossly unremarkable bladder mean? Grossly unremarkable meaning indicates that there is nothing wrong. ’ 4 days ago · "Unremarkable" in the context of a computerized tomography scan report generally indicates that no significant abnormalities were detected within the scanned area. It’s good news. So it looks like your ribs and breastbone are all right. The basal artery commonly tapers before it divides into the basal segmental arteries and a convenient and relatively reproducible means of measuring its diameter is at its mid-point. What does unremarkable aorta mean? The term 'unremarkable' when used in medical terminology refers to nothing out Unremarkable definition: . Others, however, prefer “unremarkable” because it’s a little more specific with regard to the purpose and limits of an imaging study. The term “unremarkable” refers to results that do not show anything out of the ordinary. cyst on right ovary. Aug 10, 2020 · What does grossly normal mean in medical terms? In Medicine, Grossly means that which is visible to the eye, and is contrasted to Micro/Microscopically, meaning what is seen using a microscope. Learn more. Grossly Unremarkable means that a close examination of an affected part of a body with the naked eye did not reveal anything peculiar. Lymph nodes: No lymphadenopathy. 3cm from one resection margin is an ulcerated round tumor measuring 3. An unremarkable CT scan imaging of the brain is regarded as an unremarkable CT scan by medical professionals. Looking at the heart Apr 2, 2024 · Conversely, describing something as unremarkable might lower expectations, suggesting that it may not merit additional time or attention. In yet other cases, medical reports sometimes use "grossly unremarkable" to describe an MRI or. These differences can vary depending on the specific context and the preference of the radiologist providing the report. It can be a source of critical information for referring clinicians, and recognition of IVC variants and pathologic characteristics can help guide patient treatment. What does “unremarkable” uterine morphology mean? Aug 7, 2019 · What does it mean when urinary bladder is unremarkable? Boring! Normal. The reply was that everything - One cassette of unremarkable pancreatic parenchyma - One cassette of unremarkable spleen - Submit all lymph nodes identified (at least 12 lymph nodes are suggested, but this may be difficult for distal pancreatectomy specimen) o Submit all peripancreatic soft tissue for lymph nodes if necessary (i. If — without the use of a microscope or scanning technology — a physician performs a physical exam and finds nothing visibly wrong with you, they can use Jul 1, 2021 · Per inclusion criteria, all cervices are described as grossly unremarkable. Gallbladder: Gallstones are seen. Your orbit is the socket (or space) within the skull in which your eye sits. Unremarkable in medical terms means "normal. The imaging report — which I look up on MyPennMedicine a day or two after the appointment — refers to the hip as “grossly unremarkable,” which is one of those things you love to hear about your body in a doctor’s office but absolutely nowhere else. Most of the body and tail of the pancreas is obscured by bowel gas Doctor's Assistant: Is there anything else the Expert should know before I connect you? Rest assured that they'll be able to help you. ” But what does an “Unremarkable MRI” mean? Is an Unremarkable MRI a favorable or a negative thing? Unremarkable medical terminology has a slightly different interpretation compared to regular English. Mar 25, 2018 · Grossly Unremarkable. “Unremarkable” means there’s nothing worth noting in the imaging findings. Generally means that the test did not find anything abnormal. However, a CT scan is UNREMARKABLE meaning: 1. Invaginations of hyperplastic urothelial extensions into the superficial lamina propria are called von Brunn nests. Heart and Mediastinum: Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Kidneys and Adrenals: No concerning masses, stones or hydronephrosis. This finding Sep 6, 2023 · What does grossly unremarkable-sized heart mean? When a heart is looked at without using a microscope, the term grossly is used. Sep 7, 2023 · "Unremarkable" is usually roughly synonymous with "normal" (eg, a physician's report might say that the head and neck exam was remarkable for swollen nodes, but the abdominal exam was unremarkable with no areas of hemorrhage, necrosis, or calcification***]The right and left fallopian tubes are [grossly unremarkable, remarkable for adhesions, show evidence of prior tubal ligation***]. , it looks normal to my eyes. normal? Sep 13, 2023 · The differences between Unremarkable and Masterpiece are more subtle than the names make them out to be. Mar 22, 2024 · Grossly unremarkable means there is nothing interesting to talk about, its normal. ordinary and not interesting: . ” Example: Lines and Tube: None. Bones: Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable. “Unremarkable” and “Grossly unremarkable” are two common medical terms used in radiology reports to conclude the medical assessments, which are In many cases, the results will be “normal” or “unremarkable. This interplay between expectation and perception underscores the importance of context in determining what is considered remarkable or unremarkable. The reason for the gas is unclear on the X-ray, and it may be normal or abnormal. no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. What does grossly unremarkable in medical terms mean? Grossly Unremarkable means that a close examination of an affected part of a body with the naked eye did not reveal anything peculiar. “Grossly normal” means, what I can see has no pathologic changes, no abnormalities, i. What is the meaning of'grossly unremarkable'in an exam? Cystitis cystica is a common benign condition of the urinary bladder with a reactive inflammatory change of the bladder mucosa associated with subepithelial vesicles or cysts formation and glandular metaplasia (cystitis glandularis). Some people may use "grossly unremarkable" when talking about stuff that "grosses them out. what does suprahyoid neck: unremarkable appearing nasopharynx,oropharynx,&hypopharynx, mild nasopharyngeal aderoidal mean from results of a ct scan?: Normal exam: Based on your report, the CT reveals no abnormality. Good news! Mar 22, 2024 · Unremarkable in medical terms means normal. Spleen: Unremarkable (normal). What Does “Unremarkable” Mean in a Radiology Report? So, you’ve just read your radiology report, you see the word “unremarkable,” sometimes multiple times throughout the report. Esophagus & stomach: unremarkable Uterus and adnexa: grossly unremarkable Urinary bladder: unremarkable Colon: unremarkable Hang on! Back up. These might include: Cardiac Enlargement: Normally, the heart should fit within certain size parameters on imaging. Oct 3, 2017 · means your eye : Socket is normal. What does grossly unremarkable mean at L5-S1 mean Free fluid is not part of the adnexa - MINIMAL free fluid is usually a good sign. Sep 7, 2023 · What does grossly unremarkable mean at L5-S1 mean on MRI report? Grossly unremarkable means there is nothing interesting to talk about, its normal. Understanding the language used in your MRI report is crucial for grasping your diagnosis and making informed decisions about your treatment options. e. Sep 6, 2023 · "Unremarkable organs" means everything appears normal. Ad-free experience & advanced browser extensions. wall is not thickened. Negative: Usually referring to a medical test. These inflammatory projections are considered Jul 17, 2021 · @flo “Grossly” in this context is meaning overall, or generally. … Yet in this matter Gibbon has been grossly misapprehended and misrepresented. The right and left ovary are [unremarkable, show What does grossly unremarkable mean? Ok. This does not mean there is no injury or disease present. Sep 22, 2020 · Oftentimes, the radiologist will use the word “unremarkable” if an area is normal. You might wonder: Is this good, bad, or something else Jul 7, 2022 · Grossly sentence example. " Under any other circumstances those two words paired together would infuriate me, but they were music to my ears. So, I will have to find something else to worry about, which shouldn't be a problem. 63 (89. As the radiologist reported on the other organs in the abdomen, she noted some abnormalities but in referring to the patient's liver, she wrote, "The liver is unremarkable. Your MRI report may contain results like ‘Unremarkable MRI. Welcome to Grossly Unremarkable, where I humbly showcase my amateur DIY adventures. In other words – NORMAL. Status post oral contrast administration, serial plain film acquisitions of the abdomen and small bowel were acquired…The patient tolerated the procedure well. With titles like that, Apr 28, 2022 · Grossly unremarkable means there is nothing interesting to talk about, its normal. The difference between Remarkable and Unremarkable When used as adjectives , remarkable means worthy of being remarked or noticed, whereas unremarkable means not remarkable. Grossly abnormal means that there were visible changes in the area that weren't normal. The rest of the mucosa is grossly unremarkable. No adrenal nodules. For example, CT is not the best test test to look at the gallbladder. This information helps doctors rule out certain conditions or abnormalities, allowing them to focus on other areas of concern or potential health issues. Pancreas: The head and body of the pancreas appear unremarkable. Therefore, it is ‘grossly’ understandable that nothing was worth diagnosing, or in Apr 1, 2021 · However, the standard protocol for adequate sampling of the cervix is lacking. No additional lesions or masses are grossly identified. resection is for cancer) What was does mean of unremarkable sonogram of the kidneys? and urinary bladder: is well-distended. In this case, the report says the muscle and other non-bony tissues next to the spine are normal. Pancreas: Normal. Games; Word of the Day Jan 20, 2012 · Take for instance the sentence, "The liver is unremarkable. Whaddya mean "grossly unremarkable"? How dare you! So I asked my adult son, "Hey, you're the only one who's been there. Instead, it means that there are no visible issues detected within the soft tissues under scrutiny. Dec 29, 2023 · Explanation. The bony thorax refers to the rib cage and breastbone. Oct 2, 2022 · In Medicine, Grossly means that which is visible to the eye, and is contrasted to Micro/Microscopically, meaning what is seen using a microscope. Because if he is, he’s either grossly mistaken, a damned liar or setting me up! … “Welcome back,” was all he could say, grossly inappropriate for how strongly he’d felt her absence. What does grossly unremarkable mean medically? Grossly unremarkable meaning indicates that there is nothing wrong. Mar 22, 2024 · A grossly unremarkable osseous nasal exam means that there are no notable abnormalities or issues observed upon visual inspection or palpation of the nasal bones or surrounding structures. 2cm in diameter. " Radiologists see far more on cross-sectional imaging, such as CT, than projectional 2-D Nov 26, 2023 · The term “unremarkable” in this context is not to be misconstrued as a negative indication. " Apr 15, 2023 · Grossly unremarkable and more uses. If the radiologist does not see anything concerning it may say “normal” or “unremarkable. The following words and phrases can be omitted from most reports: this exam is provided, is obtained, is taken, or is submitted for interpretation; appearances are; a finding is seen, visualized, or identified; as stated above, as described above, or as noted above; please note, as noted, of note, or note is made of; is remarkable for; unremarkable; if clinically indicated; as well as; at this Discover everything about the word "UNREMARKABLE" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide. It means the organs, tissues, and structures visualized on the scan appeared normal in size, shape, and density. Customer: What does craniocervical junction is grossly unremarkable mean? Also, mild flattening of the right parietal lobe sulci and gyri ? Also, bright signal intensity along the bilateral convexity subarachnoid spaces and sulci along with findings likely result from T2 shine-through artifact mean? Nov 14, 2022 · What does grossly unremarkable refer to a ct ankle scan? "Grossly unremarkable" on a CT ankle scan typically indicates that there are no significant abnormalities or findings of note in What is the difference between grossly unremarkable and grossly abnormal? Grossly unremarkable means that the doctor examined the area without using magnification, and didn't find anything wrong with it. The word unremarkable is formed from the prefix un- and the base adjective Jul 1, 2021 · A total of 71 grossly unremarkable cervices in hysterectomy specimens with endometrial carcinomas have been studied. For example, the uterus is best evaluated with ultrasound or MRI but can look "grossly normal" on CT. 37yo female. The term “normal” is a complete evaluation. Jun 5, 2016 · The size of each hilum is best assessed from the size of the respective basal artery, which can usually be identified on a well-penetrated radiograph (). Dec 01, 2024. An indeterminate hypoechoic focus measuring 2cm is noted in the right lobe. ” This just means that after performing a visual review with the naked eye, they were unable to find anything visibly Apr 17, 2021 · Unremarkable Normal: Unremarkable is a medical term describing normal. When you get the radiology report, there are several medical terms that may be hard to understand. “Grossly unremarkable” is a medical phrase with a specific meaning—not poetic. Of 71 (8. Very interesting. the osseous structures and soft tissues are unremarkable. March 25, 2018 March 26, 2018 Posted in Uncategorized. You Dec 13, 2024 · Unremarkable in medical terms means nothing appears to be wrong. Lungs and Pleura: Lungs are clear. The cervix is [grossly unremarkable, presence of Nabothian cysts, lesions***]. The right and left fallopian tubes are [grossly unremarkable, remarkable for adhesions, show evidence of prior tubal ligation, etc]. Jan 26, 2020 · Is Unremarkable better than remarkable? As adjectives the difference between unremarkable and remarkable. If they looked "remarkable" there would be more description as to how the looked remarkable, etc. 호텔 방이나 식사와 같이 평범하거나 평범한 것을 설명하는 데 자주 사용됩니다. " "Gross" is a slang term describing something disgusting to look at calcification***] The right and left fallopian tubes are [grossly unremarkable, remarkable for adhesions, show evidence of prior tubal ligation***]. Do you think my uterus is grossly unremarkable? Oct 8, 2022 · The radiologist may therefore say that the uterus and ovaries are grossly normal for this reason. Kidneys: No masses, stones or hydronephrosis. (8) Because the technical aspects of both procedures were unremarkable, the anatomic features of the mitral valve seemed to affect the occurrence of severe mitral regurgitation. Liver: The liver parenchyma appears echogenic suggesting fatty liver. It Customer: pancreas is grossly unremarkable. Nov 26, 2023 · An unremarkable cardiomediastinal silhouette can rule out various conditions or abnormalities that might affect the heart or mediastinum. "Remarkable" isn't usually used in medical terminology; instead the health care provider would simply describe the abnormality. 5%) cases, 6 were found to have cervical stromal involvement of which, 5 cases have glandular involvement and 1 case with only stromal involvement. I'm far from being an expert—just an average guy stumbling through home projects with sarcasm, humor, and a What does liver, spleen, pancreas, and adrenals are unremarkable mean ? on a ct scan of stomach. Doctors often describe the placenta as “unremarkable” if it’s thin and smooth, with a low-level echogenic appearance (or a light Jul 18, 2023 · "Sample #1 is labeled ‘colon’ and consists of a segment of bowel measuring 13cm in length after fixation. Impression: Unremarkable appearing small bowel. Nov 14, 2022 · Conus medullaris is unremarkable means that upon examination, there are no abnormalities or anomalies detected in the conus medullaris, which is the tapered end of the spinal cord. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and configuration. I’d been anxiously awaiting my appointment last week with my neurologist. 2%) were FIGO stage I, II, and III, respectively. The details you have provided suggests following possibilities: small bowel disease,inflammatory bowel disease,irritable bowel syndrome,crohn's disease,ulcerative colitis. " This sentence was part of an abdominal CT scan report that I reviewed recently on one of our patients. What does unremarkable aorta mean? The term 'unremarkable' when used in medical terminology refers to nothing out Some radiologists will report things in paragraph form, while others use a list reporting style. What does it mean to have a grossly unremarkable eyeball? “Grossly unremarkable” would mean that on observation with his/her eyeball there is nothing to remark upon. May you all have grossly unremarkable organs, too. So all it says, is that your orbit or eye socket is unremarkable (that is normal). no facal mass or lithiasis is noted. The right and left ovary are [unremarkable, show atrophic changes, describe presence of lesions***]. Jun 9, 2023 · While "grossly unremarkable" and "unremarkable" generally convey a similar meaning, there can be subtle differences in their usage and interpretation within a radiology report. Representative sections are submitted I just got my x-ray result and it said Fibronodular densities are noted at the right appex, Heart, diaphragm and bony thorax are unremarkable, what was that means? My chest xray shows that there are suspicious infiltrates and they suggest apicolordotic view, so I undergone on it and the impression was NORMAL CHEST STUDY, both apices are clear. A nonspecific bowel gas pattern is a description often seen on a radiology report on an abdominal X-ray and it means the bowel has some gas in it. UNREMARKABLE definition: not worthy of note or attention | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples May 14, 2021 · Findings: Upright frontal scalp view of the abdomen was acquired and is grossly unremarkable. Impression – this is the radiologist’s “impression” or diagnosis of the diagnostic imaging exam. Grossly normal because the CT may not show us abnormalities as well as ultrasound. Medical jargon, like unremarkable medical terminology, is complex. ” Example: Lung bases: No pulmonary nodules or evidence of pneumonia. qqwc dyornvw nehi gyxatl cyqdz qrnw cooym woiqi kgpxtd uuunagm afdb dkwxjz ifge dhpze hibx