Intellij set git username and email. name "maa" git config user.
Intellij set git username and email Aug 12, 2019 · i. Ensure you have set up Git in IntelliJ if you are using this IDE for your development. After that I deleted and cloned again and used following commands and it worked. I suspect it may affect by others settings which i am not sure. email "[email protected]" To set repository-specific username/email configuration: From the command line, change into the repository directory. Dec 9, 2018 · I use Git Bash Desktop App with Intellij ide and our projects git repository hosted on TFS. com credential a long time ago, in which case IntelliJ and its git push call would get your credential from a Credential Manager. git/config) del repositorio que estés utilizando actualmente: Este archivo es específico del repositorio actual. If you want to leave them blank then you can enter these commands in a terminal: git config --global user. My SCM is git. Apr 7, 2022 · Due to the fact that <USERNAME> is set to some custom username and not to `git` username, then only a password is requested. name "Your Name Here" git config user. name and user. Feb 10, 2014 · In my case, the Git Bash through IntelliJ had TERM=xterm-256color. gitconfig is located. One important thing that might go unnoticed is the fact that you have to update all the previous commits that contain the fault email. email values are used for putting author information in commits, not for authenticating to remote repositories. name && git config user. Path to Git executable Apr 11, 2017 · IDEA uses command-line git. I have run through all the settings in git on IntelliJ and it seems correct as my origin remote is set to the correct https url. git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/repository. To show this information, we can either right-click anywhere in a file or on the line numbers on the left side of the editor and select Annotate with Git Blame: IntelliJ will show the date and username of the last edit next to every line: Aug 16, 2020 · I tried changing the git configurations of both local and global username and email to the second_username but it keeps saying that I am trying to push as first_username. In that case, open your local config: Since git is decentralized and doesn't revolve around GitHub, git itself has no knowledge of your GitHub username. Make sure git user is correctly set in git config, then undo the commit, and commit changes again. email and so git has to guess them when creating a new repository. Git needs to know your username to associate commits with an identity. email [email protected] You can check your Git settings with: git config user. Jun 29, 2019 · Change git user for every user in system: If you have multiple users on the machine, and want to change this for all users you need to add --system option. Apr 25, 2020 · I'm running Windows 10, Intellij 2019. Create one for each computer and register them all to the repo that you need to access. git/config. If you try to run any remote-related git command in CLI, you will be prompted to enter a password only, and there will be no option to change username. If you want to try gpg-agent (you will have to provide your password at least once after each reboot) or if you are fine with an 'unverified' badge on GitHub, provide a password. However, it could be improved by providing a brief explanation of why the suggested steps resolve the issue. name git config --get user. Nov 27, 2015 · However when I create a new java class in IntelliJ, only my first name appears, probably because my system user login is just my first name. When i write git pull to the terminal, intellij idea wants username and password for every time. Changing user. Open Terminal Terminal Git Bash. I am not sure how to change the setting, how can I configure the VCS author settings in Android Studio? git config --global user. email values in your global git configuration. name "acc2_username" git config user. Regular Git Bash had TERM=xterm. name "YOUR NAME" git config --global user. gitconfig trước khi commit Trường hợp bạn muốn set user cho từng project thì sửa file . email [email protected] git config user. email "[email protected]" Note that in your example you are using ' instead of ". Quickly edit the username and email address from the status bar. Now if we really want to have a name and an empty email, we would end up with username <>, so we can use this answer. Open the command line. Special thanks to Matt Walker from www. com> Archivo ~/. You can also, try this on any of the OS for IntelliJ git fetch origin. email git config --get user. Jun 18, 1989 · I'd want to integrate my repo, from GitHub to IDEA 13 (Ultimate). To set new values. Oct 19, 2024 · Configure Git in IntelliJ IDEA: Go to File > Settings (or Preferences on macOS) > Version Control > Git. :) Setting the global variables fixes this. It directly addresses the user's question and provides step-by-step instructions. Sep 22, 2023 · The best way is to run following git commands to set the user. git config --global user. name In my case this returns: Alvin Alexander 2) The `git config --list` command. nameとuser. git/config file for the URL of the remote repository. You can run the "git config" command with the --global flag; this will make sure all of your future commits use the given information: $ git config --global user. Jun 14, 2022 · When I using Intellij Idea to develop, the author comment show the committer's password. Oct 13, 2014 · To fix the issue change user. helper store git config --list --show-origin I copied my public key to github account. vmoptions ) in order to have both my first and last name instead, and it works. email and user. Alternatively, using the same command find out what Using Windows 10 and "WSL", I created a ~/. Hot Network Questions Doing something for its own sake I want to set the default author on the Version Control window in Intellij. or launching Atom, you can use the git config --global command to add that informat Dec 27, 2018 · you can search for Keychain access, and from here you can update the stored Intellij credentials. I am using ubuntu 20. プロジェクトをまたいだ全体の設定(グローバル, global)そのコンピュータにおける git 全体のユーザー名・メールアドレスの設定です。以下のコマンドを実行 Dec 14, 2020 · How do I find my git config username? Configure your Git username/email. 10 Updated for 2022. Apr 25, 2016 · I have the following repos. Oct 11, 2018 · Git で、ユーザー名とメールアドレスを設定する方法です。(1) 全体の設定方法と、(2) プロジェクト毎の設定方法の2つを紹介します。1. gitconfig o ~/. email "your_new_email@example. I set GitHub for windows. But, I've recently started using git for work, too. Since git in CLI doesn't allow change a username, the same happens in IDE git config user. You can check and change it using CLI - git config user. As it keeps asking me for entering password every 15-20 minutes, however I can see credentials stored for git under windows credential manager vault. Nov 23, 2015 · check the . Jan 24, 2025 · # Push the changes to your fork git push origin [branch-name] During the push process, you will be prompted to enter your GitHub login credentials. name "John Doe" git config --system user. Most likely it saved the previous token and now automatically uses it. Jul 30, 2024 · Use the git config command like this to show your Git username: git config user. Instead of the built in. I'm hosting my code in gitlab. email [email protected] For (global) default email (which is configured in your ~/. email = 'foobar@example. Open the Terminal and execute one of the following commands: Jan 15, 2024 · If you want to use a special name or email address for a specific Git repo, you can set the git config email and username fields at the local or worktree scope. Sorry for my Jul 27, 2015 · As Frédéric Henri mentions, you have to configure properly your email through git config user. name=Alvin Alexander user. 3 with file and code templates. For me it works like this . name "John Smith" Go to JetBrains Git Page. It's useful to set at least the name, even if you don't want to set your email. name "Your Name Here" git config --global user. email "[email protected]" git config --global user. name "userName" git config --global user. Once the push is successful, all your local commits will be reflected in your GitHub repository. password "userPassword" git config --global credential. So those two are not really related. I always need to type again and again when I'm commiting new code. As long as you see "a message indicating that the Git execution path is not correct", the rest of the instructions won't work. If the change doesn't reflect on intellij after restart . email "[email protected]" Changing Your Committer Name & Email per Repository Git; Set up a Git repository; Add files to Git and track changes; Sync with a remote Git repository (fetch, pull, update) Commit and push changes to Git repository; Merge, rebase, or cherry-pick to apply changes; Manage Git branches; Sign commits with GPG keys; Compare file and folder versions using Diff viewer; Investigate changes in Git git config --global user. will override 3. The first place Git looks for these values is in the system-wide [path]/etc/gitconfig file, which contains settings that are applied to every user on the system and all of their repositories. 4 Git in IntelliJ / PyCharm / WebStorm / PhpStorm / RubyMine; The first thing you should do when you install Git is to set your user name and email address Jan 28, 2019 · git config --global user. name "" git config --global user. These identifiers serve as your digital signature, ensuring that your contributions can be tracked and attributed correctly. Jan 26, 2022 · On my case i had to add one additional step to make it work -> On Intellij -> Preferences -> Search git -> choose git -> ssh executable -> to native. # Command to set the new Git username and email globally git config --global user. token mytoken But nonetheless I am being asked for credentials each and every time I push/pull. Additional Tips. name then this means that currently there is no user email/name set for git, so for that, first you have to set a email or user using the commands below. Gitをインストールしたときに最初にすべきことは、ユーザー名とEmailアドレスを設定する Mar 24, 2016 · Changing Your Committer Name & Email Globally. Sample Configuration # In terminal, configure user details git config --global user. Why the password show in the author comment when the author commit code? how to hide the password? The passw Jan 14, 2020 · Step 1/2: (local gits) In all git repositories on your computer, run: $ git config --global user. name yournewgoodname Share. I have already tried the solution provided by Intellij. This way for every repository that you clone, git will use this username and email. Set your username: git config –global user. . git config --get user. name 'Your New Name' git config --global user . git This answer uses git-filter-branch, for which the docs now give this warning:. mail of each repository to your JetBrain username, which is an email address. This can cause problems if you have shared your repository with other people, so be careful! Make sure you have pushed the result of the filter-branch operation to the remote repository. If your git settings are wrong, you need to set them per the GitHub help section: git config --global user. email using command prompt but not able to do it with git bash,but if i do it with cmd it is not set globally by and every time i try to push a code it says username ,useremail not present – Jun 4, 2020 · I found an alias solution for the problem # Git # gcw # sets local username + email in repo # Usage: gcw git-repo-to-clone git_clone_wrapper { first_arg = "$ 1" if [$ # -ne 1] then echo "only works with one argument (repo)" exit fi git clone "$ first_arg" python - << EOF import os from urlparse import urlparse result = urlparse ("$ first_arg") git_repo_full = result. This file contains a section called 'remote' with an entry called 'url'. email myemail git config --global github. com If I want to push my code to gitlab I run these commands in git bash: eval The answer is correct, clear, and concise. git remote remove origin To add a git URL as remote. 36. email "[email protected]" I confirmed the change with . Puedes hacer que Git lea y escriba específicamente en este archivo pasando la opción --global. To set your global commit name and email address, run the git config command with the --global option: git config --global user. I need help in fixing or Disabling Auto git fetch in intellij idea. Git will complain about the email Jan 31, 2012 · Check if your user. Execute git config –list to check current username & email in your local repo. [user] name = username email = [email protected] If you've inherited a project in IntelliJ IDEA that was previously configured by another user, you might encounter authentication issues when pushing to a Git repository. email are set globally: git config --global --edit (in the file that opens, there may be already two commented lines with your username and email; just uncomment them and save) Then commit with reset-author to force the new credentials: git commit --amend --reset-author $ git config --global user. email "[email protected]" $ git config --global user. email "john@doe. name in Intellij 14 with GIT integration? 2. name The local config file is in the project directory: . Worktree overrides local, local overrides global and global overrides system. name "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" Set your email address: git config user. email " Jan 25, 2023 · When we make a change in config file of . com" Answer If you've inherited a project in IntelliJ IDEA that was previously configured by another user, you might encounter authentication issues when pushing to a Git repository. email "" Had similar problem, I'm fairly new so take this with a grain of salt but I needed to go up a directory first, set the username, then go back down to git repository. email "email" git config --global user. For now we have a default name and email defined which does not look very good in Bitbucket. I have do configure proxy @system settings>http proxy with authentication and check github clone URL connection successful. e. Open a command line and type: git config --global user. This worked for me. It's not related to login credentials. Windows XP, PhpStorm PS-100. name "Your Name" git config --global user. I don't know how it gets this list, since ~/. Is Git only for software development projects? Mar 3, 2015 · You probably have a Spigot MC server on your computer, and git picked that up as your email address, hence the wrong author on GitHub. email=[omitted] merge. gitconfig, making sure that this email is a verified email on GitHub. Go to Settings/Editor/File and Code Templates/Includes/File Header Switch to Project schema in the upper right corner Nov 17, 2016 · If you are working on a shared windows account it is possible that git is trying to authenticate with a wrong credentials. git" and go inside the folder. And clone my repo to local folder. name 'Mahmoud Zalt' global get Since you have assigned it to an https url, ssh does not matter. name and git config user. Apr 19, 2021 · I have a problem. Now all my check ins have author as the username. But when I pull or push to the repository it indicates their username in the prompt: Password for 'https://[email protected]': Feb 20, 2020 · I have intellij setup in Windows. name user_name Oct 19, 2021 · I'm working with IntelliJ IDE and every time I push my commits the push is "on" another user, the commits is on my-self but when I push it, the push is on another user. email’ with Git commands. Follow Changing Your Committer Name & Email Globally. Set your username: git config user. name "user" Check documentation for more options like using repository specific usernames. Oct 15, 2015 · This would make your ${USER} variable inside IntelliJ Idea equals to parameter value and you don't have to change the current OS user login name. name "Your New Username" git config --global user. email git config --global user. com' commit -m '' 普段は自動デプロイされるだけのサーバー上でちょろっと修正したいときに便利 git commit -c Open the project in IntelliJ, set breakpoints and click the debug icon next to "Run Plugin". To change the author of the commit in question you need to re-do the commit. I am try to create project from GIT clone but failed due to connection time out. If git config user. 公式でも最初にすべきことは「ユーザ名とEmailアドレスを設定すること」 と書いてあるんですね. email "[email protected]" To verify your changes, use these commands. name "name" After rebooting terminal and fleet, I don't have the message anymore. git config user. git(which is hidden) . Dec 19, 2023 · Setting Global Git Username and Email # The global git username and email address are associated with the commits on all repositories on your system that don’t have repository-specific values. May 6, 2024 · Start a new Terminal and set ‘user. You did not tell git what your name and email address is. email in your ~\. To fix the garbled characters issue in IntelliJ Idea, Go to "File | Settings | Tools | Terminal" Environment Variables: TERM=cygwin In IntelliJ Terminal, Shell Path I was using was already: C:\Users\<userId>\programs\Git\bin\bash. email In other words, username <email>. If your credentials have expired it should ask for your username and token again. name "bozdoz" git config --global user. helper executed in the project directory returns nothing. But if I leave "author" field empty: git log shows unknown author: If I put correct git username to the "Author" field, commit will be signed. $ git config user. Jun 27, 2018 · From the Push changes to a remote repository section of Commit and push changes in the IntelliJ IDEA documentation: If the author of a commit is different from the current user, this commit is marked with an asterisk. The settings will be considered in the following order, where 1. exe. email 'youremail@example. I switched back to an old project and pushed changes. org" Changing Your Committer Name & Email per Repository Jul 10, 2012 · You can accomplish this in the . will always override 2. Every push will prompt me to input username and password. Apr 9, 2021 · Whenever I try to clone a private repo, use external plugin that interact with Git (ie GitToolbox), or other action that interact with GitHub, the popup asking to login with Git keeps opening (in the settings the GitHub account is already added). path. Configure Git with New Credentials: Open the IntelliJ terminal or your system terminal and set up your new Git account by configuring your global Git user information: Copied git config --global user . Improve this answer. but still failed when i try to clone git. Here's how to effectively change the committed Git user settings in INTELLIJ and resolve the password prompt. 1. name=Firstname Lastname in idea. 8 Updated for Java 11 + 2020. For additional support, please email me. I would like to avoid it for every push, but how to configure to avoid it? Jul 10, 2018 · I am new for IntelliJ. But when i try (in IDEA) use "Check out from Version Control", I have That's simply because you didn't set your global user. Can I use Git with other IDEs besides VS Code? Yes, Git is compatible with various IDEs, including IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Sublime Text, among others. Feb 10, 2015 · Try to set email like what you already set in your version control config(I used an email for creating ssh public key in bitbucket). email '<>' If we test it: git commit --allow-empty -m "Snail mail test #1" git show HEAD Aug 10, 2018 · Original answer. 9 Updated for 2021. Go to your project where git is initialized. Apr 7, 2017 · Steps to change git remote username/password. Please make sure the git config credential. Nov 12, 2017 · Set the Username and Email in git globally or per project. 3. name “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME” Set your email address: git config –global user. name her_username git config user. Confirm settings with ‘git config –global –list’. Archivo config en el directorio de Git (es decir, . Change username & email as desired. You can verify it by clicking the “Test” button. To start cloning a Git repository, do one of the following: If the version control integration is already enabled, go to Git | Clone. name If it gives your name, and if committing from the command line also is made with correct user name, and if you are on Windows, check if %HOME% environment variable is defined in your system and points to the folder where the global . mcsx. gitconfig seems to only list one user. Feb 10, 2017 · git config user. May 2, 2014 · git filter-branch rewrites your history. name’ and ‘user. In this case, I selected the new user. Go to Control Panel; Search for Credential Manager; Click on Windows Credentials; In Generic Credential section ,there would be git url, update username and password Mar 8, 2018 · git remote remove <REMOTE_NAME> If your REMOTE_NAME is origin the command will be. Thank You ! The Git integration plugin is enabled and the location of the Git executable file is correctly specified on the Git page of the Settings dialog box. git I tried using below commands, it's not working: git config user. name "Mona Lisa" Confirm that you have Feb 12, 2015 · When I installed Android Studio in a new computer and pushed for the first time, it showed a dialog asking for Git Username and email. com> If you only have one Github account, then you can add the --global option. Probably you'll see the username in the URL there, and you can change it then. cd . I was wondering if you could automatically use the name and email address related to the credentials used to make the commit? Oct 21, 2017 · As email, use the email from user. The 'url' entry should contains the https link of repository you're talking about. Per repo basis you could also edit . co. But I cant find how to set up my git account (username & email). In this blog, […] Oct 15, 2022 · Hello, I just had the sale issue. email Aug 12, 2019 · To set GitHub account2 for a project set username & email on project level in the project root directory: git config user. email "[email protected]" Hoặc chỉnh sửa file ~/. This cause the bitbucket is using ssh. Problem is I am not able to persist my password. name "Sam Smith" git config --global user. To use Git effectively, you need to configure your username and email address, which are associated with your commits. Set git userName in IDEA. name "ha" So next time those settings will be used. exe --login -i May 16, 2024 · Normally, when I run the first git command in a new project, IDEA presents me with a list of GitHub users and asks me which one to use. BTW, IIRC, if you want "verified" GPG signed commits, you have to have both names/emails (on github web, and on your PC) identical (and of course you need the correct private key, and sign the commit, but just signing with different user name did made it fail I think, if I'm not confusing . Git offers three possibilities on how you can set your username and email. Moreover you should learn that when in a shell the first character changes from $ to > it means that the command that you where entering in the previous line is still waiting for more inputs/parameters. 4, git for windows which come with git bash. Version 1. In your terminal, navigate to the repo you want to make the changes in. and 2. name > Mona Lisa; Setting your Git username for a single repository. email her_email to manually set username and email for single repo, but you have to add this command: git commit --amend --reset-author if you have already tried to push before the change. It's not always the same person that makes the commits. Check in command line what git config credential. Feb 20, 2023 · I am able to set user,name and user. config/git/config: Este archivo es específico de tu usuario. qp and Qp is not same, why so? When I use bash or SourceTree to run git blame , the two names are the same. name "your name" (added git config --global user. git\config file in your repo folder. Then , we have to delete the branch & create a new one . 04. This will start the runIde gradle task, open a new IntelliJ Community Edition window and stop on breakpoints. For other people that had the same problem as I and the comment above did not help; try changing git global user config: although I was trying to change git user when pushing. email. Find the file called "config" and add below code and save. Make sure the Path to Git executable is set correctly. email in the context of a git repository returns nothing, IDE prompts for a username/email. If you have not set your username, IntelliJ IDEA will prompt you to specify it when you first attempt to commit changes. A1. Set a Git username: git config user. My company's git repo allows me to commit, but when it sends out announcements of new changesets, it says they are from Anonymous because it doesn't recognize the email address in my . PS. email or directly through editing the \. git/config file of your local repository. I've just tested it in the IntelliJ Idea 14. org. g. git remote add <REMOTE_NAME> <URL> if your REMOTE_NAME is origin and URL is [email protected]:git/git. Dec 5, 2024 · Check out a project from a remote host (git clone) IntelliJ IDEA allows you to check out (in Git terms, clone) an existing repository and create a new project based on the data you've downloaded. May 16, 2024 · With Git Blame, we can see who did the last edit of each line. email First, a quick review: Git uses a series of configuration files to determine non-default behavior that you may want. name 'Snail Mail' git config user. I am using git bash as my git client. 1 and JDK 17. git add my_awesome_file git commit -m "My commit message" Aug 28, 2020 · If Git Bash doesn't recognize your name or email after installing Git and. The git client can save credentials used on its own if the credential helper is configured. Change the current working directory to the local repository where you want to configure the name that is associated with your Git commits. Jun 6, 2015 · You can set the username and email for Intellij 14 with GIT integration as follows. git/config trong mỗi project. gitconfig): git config --global user. However when I push the old user name is used: Jan 6, 2019 · If you want to set per project author name to be used in file headers, etc, you can do so via modification of Code templates. name "user" Mar 11, 2017 · IDE uses settings from git config. I applied the following instructions (basically adding -Duser. Oct 9, 2016 · I have changed my user and email for git with those commands. name "User Name" git config user. email "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS" Jun 7, 2019 · How do I change my git username and password? How to change git username & password after you change the git password. name "maa" git config user. Use this : git config --global user. email and it shows the right names. Doing this allows you to remove access computer by computer. name "Your Name"git Sep 22, 2023 · How can I automate setting the local Git username and email in IntelliJ IDEA and PhpStorm when using Git over HTTPS to match the remote credentials after authentication? Local git user. Aug 30, 2017 · This is the correct command: git config --global user. email <current-username@example. Mar 22, 2013 · To set a name for every Git repository on your machine, use $ git config --global user. May 31, 2022 · Plugin located at VCS -> Git -> Project Author / User Version 1. But Jun 26, 2014 · I'm using Git on a windows development server. user myusername git config --global github. Seems to be fixed after settings email and username on terminal : git config --global user. I tried running git credential fill and then feeding its output to git credential approve, which might have worked, but I suspect not since it said "usage: git credential [fill|approve|reject]". helper returns: you might have cached your github. email are defined correctly - execute this in the folder controlled by Git: git config user. rpartition ('/') [2 Jun 30, 2021 · You have to use SSH keys. name myusername git config --global user. name is changing what shows as the name to be displayed either if no user name by that email exists, or in the case of e. email “[email protected]” How to change Git username in IntelliJ IDEA? You can change that in IntelliJ product in Dec 13, 2024 · Git User Info Viewer and Editor: Check the current Git username and email address directly in the status bar. com' Oct 29, 2024 · Set your Git username. Overview on how to configure your git username and your email for different use cases. git remote add origin [email protected]:git/git. I guess your user name in some git config looks like that, instead of what you have on your github. name "John Smith" To set a name for a single repository, use $ git config user. global set. tool=vimdiff 3 Sep 5, 2020 · This command can be a Git alias that uses the ! syntax to run multiple commands, or a script named git-clone-and-config that Git can find so that git clone-and-config runs your git-clone-and-config script. Another way to show your Git username is with this git config command: git config --list which returns this output: user. gitconfig file, but had mistyped the [credential] section label as [credentials]. The name and email are added to the commit by Git. Obtain your public key like this on your PC: Spread the loveGit is one of the most popular version control systems used by developers worldwide. name "Admin" git config --global user. $ git config --global user. Apr 3, 2014 · Please update new user repository URL. This will change the upcoming changes you submit on GitHub but won't change the username which you have committed earlier. Jun 14, 2016 · Set your email address: git config --global user. email "[email protected]" git config user. Afterwards git knows who you are and is able to insert this information in your commits. email [email protected] git commit --amend --reset-author Jan 30, 2022 · I'm pretty sure I originally set my IDEA up to access via HTTPS and just put my BitBucket account username/password when prompted. name 'Mahmoud Zalt' local get. The most common methods, which work in POSIX shells and bash, are: Jun 30, 2016 · IntelliJ IDEA uses your Git settings for who you are as the committer, although it does allow you to specific a separate author when making a commit. The git log showed the new user name. Is there any way to set that value by default without Jul 7, 2017 · git -c user. The pormpt allows to configure settings either globally, or for the repository. the Linux kernel mailing list, the first/last name of the individual who is emailing the patch. We work with git-s In my ~/. email [email protected] git config --global user. Oct 2, 2017 · How do I set user. name = 'foobar'-c user. What can i do? I tried to set email and name for globally Dec 13, 2010 · Im using git integration and want to have my commits signed with my username&email. Otherwise the changes doesn't appear in config file. Then enable the hidden folders and find ". emailを設定します。 調べてて知ったのですが. DEV REPO: in a directory on my development machine where i make changes; MAIN REPO: bare repository on my development machine to which i push changes from dev repo local set. git the command will be. email "[email protected]" Nov 12, 2017 · Introduction. Dec 4, 2022 · Author is determined by git configuration. email [email protected] Oct 9, 2021 · gitconfigのuser. name "Your Name" Of course you should enter your real name and email. Feb 26, 2019 · Ensure git's user. name "your name" to reflect op's comment) Step 2/2: (Github) Then you need to go on to Github and set the same email address as your commit email. name git config user. git config --system user. Mar 2, 2013 · I set my username and email in git: git config --global user. Jan 6, 2017 · set GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true Sign up using Email and Password intellij idea wants git username and password for every git command. email "[email protected]" After that I returned to PHPStorm, invoked commit window and tried to commit without any author clarifying and got next dialog window: Nov 16, 2015 · It has nothing to do with IntelliJ, you have to set your username in GIT configuration: git config --global user. email [email protected] Tricky part is: You have to commit at least one time from terminal. name "your_name" cd <your repository folder> Hope this helps anyone else that gets stuck when I use git annotate in IntelliJ IDEA, the username of author of some lines is not same to author name of this commit, like this pic: As you can see, fan. email [email protected] and they are identical to my username and email on bitbucket. name "John Doe" $ git config --global user. gitconfig - at least, that's my theory. Different shells use different syntax tricks or commands to set or export shell variables. name "user" OR. git filter-branch has a plethora of pitfalls that can produce non-obvious manglings of the intended history rewrite (and can leave you with little time to investigate such problems since it has such abysmal performance). gitconfig, I list my personal email address under [user], since that's what I want to use for Github repos. Apr 28, 2018 · I git push my work to a remote Git repository. uk for his help in fixing a configuration issue in Git Assistant for Windows users. In my IDEA Git settings, Use credential helper is not enabled (so Windows credential manager is not relevant, pretty sure IDEA is saving into its Keepass file in the settings directory). kenrcazfooyjeyyopvclpsxgivyrryyplyryhrqgqudfqduljeswmoqayawhnfdzjjhhvlbyjxqwrbtpwiyn