Ministra enable api android Fist you will need some some API Keys. 0:8000 Once you get it running, in a new terminal window find out the ip address of your computer in your wifi/network subnet using the following command Jun 11, 2020 · In this article, we are describing the steps to enable Camera2 API in an Android phone. TV linier dan VOD di ponsel Anda Android 5. A follow-up on how to store tokens securely in Android. 0+ (Lollipop, API 21) Uploaded 6 days ago · Android 16 introduces great new features and APIs for developers. Jan 18, 2013 · In Google Map API V2 You have LatLng objects so you can't use distanceTo (yet). Mar 5, 2024 · Ministra PRO TV Android latest 1. see this. 0+ (Lollipop, API 21) Rating konten. public class MyActivity extends Activity { private static final String TAG = "MyApp"; private static final boolean D = May 4, 2016 · Now you have to Enable all of api, Here must enable API you have require in your app. Apr 2, 2011 · Unduh Ministra Player for Android TV 2. allow you to access their content through Ministra Player for Android TV and STB. Actually, I want the app to be compatible with all stalker servers including Ministra, but at this early stage it is okay if it's compatible with Ministra 5. Ask them to provide you with: a login and password to enter their portal; a link to the portal; a License key. This community is unofficial and is not affiliated with Google in any way. Ministra Player هو لاعب للتلفزيون والفيديو المحتوى من مزود IPTV الخاص بك. content. Can someone please help me to solve this. At Full Site Setup, go to an existing Permission Set, or Create Permission Sets. My problem is I didn't know about the existence of such an API until I encountered this function. ; In the next screen put any name for your credential. 28_100(4068) for Android 10+ (Q, API 29) Uploaded I am trying to view buildings in 3D in Google Maps and everything else I've searched on this seems to be outdated and no longer functional. <uses-permission android:name="android. This is annoying sometimes, so we have some flags come to help (which will ignore these enable Setting somehow): Jun 3, 2024 · Enable the Android Performance Parameters API on the project you selected. Thanks so much for that comment! Glad I could help. Jul 26, 2023 · With the Ministra Player, you can - watch TV channels, TV shows, and movies; - listen to radio; - add content that you like to favorites. When you add google maps API chances you stored it in res/values/google_maps_api(debug). this. making thing invisible and invisible and probably causing layout changes is very silly. api-client:google-api-client-android:1. Below I am shown a screenshot for that. 14_65 (Android 5. getSystemService(Context. api-client:google-api-client-xml:1. Nov 23, 2016 · I want to make a code to enable the developer mode and set a parameter on this ( the one to always allow roaming detection so we can switch to a better wifi if found May 27, 2016 · It is important to select Bearer and enable it, because it is disabled by default. You can read this feature here So if you only make requests via Si el proyecto no tiene una clave de API existente, haz clic en CREATE CREDENTIALS y selecciona API Key. Go to the Projects Page. Intent intent = new Intent(android. VERSION_CODES. Jul 15, 2022 · Ministra Player for Android TV (nodpi) APKs - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Version: 2. Apr 8, 2016 · Problem: In my manifest my application word was having Yellow Background, when I do Alt+Enter it gives me above options, I clicked Disable inspection just to check it, but when I do Alt+enter, but May 28, 2019 · I am getting this error: E/Google Maps Android API: Authorization failure. action. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 Aug 28, 2019 · I am upgrading AndroidPublisher library from v1 to v3 for my secure backend server. The new camera2 API confuses me. developers. can't enable . 4. In the case you have a group its better they stay in their positions and greyed out indicates to the user that there is an option that can be enabled in a certain program state. This is possible thanks to the release of Ministra Player. ACTION_SEND); This will launch the built-in Android application; I'm use Stalker Middleware 5. setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { ClipboardManager cManager = (ClipboardManager) mContext. If I use: Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android. 0 lollipop. To enable authentication, send the model and the MAC address of the STB Set-top box to Infomir . Intent. A complete list of available services depends on your IPTV provider offer according to your subscription plan. 33 ★ Beranda Apl Pemutar & Editor Video Ministra Player for Android TV Unduh Ministra Player for Android TV APK 0. Copia la clave de API en el campo api_key del archivo tuningfork_settings. BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/> Update for API 33+ In Android API 33+ (13+) this method is deprecated and enabling/disabling bluetooth without user consent is not more possible. Note: You have to create API key for particular platform different platform for different API key you have to create. You can add an android:process attribute in the manifest, e. 4 APK Download and Install. 0+) BUNDLE APK bundle with base APK and 4 splits 4 S 4 splits February 28, 2020 Version: 2. AndroidPublisher library (v3) will allows me to do server side purchase validation and acknowledgement for in-app آخرین نسخه Ministra Player for Android TV (2. com and enable the android SDK maps and then create the api قم بتنزيل أحدث إصدار APK لـ Ministra Player for Android TV (2. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) nodpi API キーを、ゲーム プロジェクトの tuningfork_settings. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one. How to change Parental control password? Video is interrupting. Copy the API key into the api_key field in the Feb 4, 2021 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. In the displayed list of available APIs, click the Drive API link and click Enable API. According to documentation, you should use ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE Si el proyecto no tiene una clave de API existente, haz clic en CREATE CREDENTIALS y selecciona API Key. For details on new APIs visit the Android API reference — new APIs are highlighted for visibility. My camera preview has a button to switch from back to front camera and then from front to back camera. Jul 11, 2019 · Use a Permission Set to give multiple Users access to download Salesforce for iOS and Android. 100 APK download for Android. 18_65 (Android 5. 如果尚未啟用,請按一下「ENABLE」。 選取左側的「Credentials」分頁標籤。 如果專案目前沒有 API 金鑰,請按一下「CREATE CREDENTIALS」,然後選取「API Key」。 圖 1:建立 API 金鑰. Or use view. I could start Accessibility Intent like below: Intent intent = new Intent(android. Defines the device inactivity time (in seconds) after which playback is stopped in the MinistraPRO end-user applications. 請務必按一下「Save」來啟用限制。 Apr 8, 2012 · I would like to programmatically enable/disable Accessibility Services listed under Settings->Accessibility option. Select to enable emulation mode, when two portals are attached to a single storage. 24_65 (Android 5. Enjoy connecting with friends and polishing your work with higher efficiency! A smart and handy player for live TV, TV shows, and movies from your IPTV/OTT/VoD provider. provider. Whenever I searched the problem in SO, everybody said that "Android Device Verification" API shall be enabled, but the API is not searched on GCP. 2. 创建 API 密钥. gms:play-services:6. 28_100(4070) for Android 10+ (Q, API 29) Uploaded: July 20 Here is an up-to-date approach as of October 2020, with Android X. IOW, it enables the API rather than the storage itself. To enable an API for your project: Go to the API Console. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads قم بتنزيل أحدث إصدار APK لـ Ministra Player for Android TV (2. How to install Ministra Player application? How to sign in your account? Can I enter the app from different devices simultaneously? How to rotate a video in the playеr? How to set aspect ratio? Functiоn Parent control. The changes are in the body as well. 7. Restringe la clave de API para su uso solo en las apps para Android: Deberías ver una sección con Key restrictions. Ministra Player for Smartphone has an APK download size of 38. gradle. When launched, Google has deprecated the legacy Camera API and prompted the developers to implement the new C amera API 2 enable on Android smartphones. However, when I try to add the "Camera" API (android. 3 and higher. please contact your admin. 28_65 (Android 5. Designed for Android version 5. Ministra Player is a player for TV and video content from your IPTV provider. 將 API 金鑰限制在 Android Performance Parameters API: 在「API restrictions」下方,選取「Restrict key」。 從清單中選取「Android Performance Parameters API」。 圖 3:將金鑰限制在 Android Performance Parameters API. 2 mới nhất. 12 mới nhất. Jun 3, 2024 · Follow these steps to enable the API: In the Google Cloud Console, go to the Projects page. Copia la clave de API. Click on enable api and services and enable api " Android Device Verification". 28_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Min: Android 10 (Q, API 29) Target Sep 19, 2019 · This method was deprecated in API level 29. Android 11 (API Level 30) - Thermal API Android 12 (API Level 31) - NDK API (Preview) Android 15 (DP1) - getThermalHeadroomThresholds() The potential performance of your app is limited by the thermal state of the device, which can vary based on characteristics such as weather, recent usage, and the device's thermal design. Go to Credentials. 11_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Min: Android 10 (Q, API 29) Target Feb 4, 2018 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. VERSION_CODES#Q, applications are not allowed to enable/disable Wi-Fi. Enable the Android Performance Parameters API on the project you selected Mar 26, 2011 · Setting icon to invisible is not better in nearly all use cases. Supported devices: - Android set-top boxes - Android TVs Oct 3, 2022 · currently I'm facing a problem about firebase phone authentication. 6 days ago · Android 16 introduces great new features and APIs for developers. Dec 3, 2024 · Ministra Player for Smartphone has a content rating "Everyone". Update the Permission Set to include API Enabled: > Click on the System Permissions section > Edit > Checkmark API Enabled box > Save. 30_65 APK download for Android. The only API you need is the Google Maps Android API, although you can choose to enable other APIs for the same project too. 3 and higher; allow you to access their content through Ministra Player for Android. Select the Credentials tab on the left. TV tuyến tính và VOD trên TV của bạn Aug 21, 2024 · Released:. Therefore, please check the minimum requirements first to make sure Ministra PRO TV is compatible with your phone. 16 APK untuk Android dari app APKPure. Mar 22, 2015 · Add android:hapticFeedbackEnabled="true" in xml. This is an example of the message to individual application based on application token: Feb 4, 2014 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. If the project does not have an existing API key, click CREATE CREDENTIALS and select API Key. If you want MinistraPRO to automatically configure the DVR Digital video recording on Flussonic, select the check box. 1. androidtv-guide. 3) للأندرويد. Figure 1. 5. 21_65 (Android 5. example. Camera) to the manifest's user features, it is marked as deprecated. But Google releases the Camera2 API in the Android 5. The errors as listed in Pre-launch reports appear to give me no real usable (at least for A good solution I've come up with is to run your AccessibilityService in a separate process. "For minSdk >= 21 Ministra Player for Android TV 2. 4) Run the command: fastboot oem enable_camera_hal3 true 5) reboot 6) check g cam or any camera API testing apps to make sure if it's working. 75 MB and the latest version available is 1. Configure Space tools. We use cookies in order to optimise our website, provide you with the best possible user experience and help us promote our products. BLUETOOTH"/> <uses-permission android:name="android. Our website uses necessary cookies to enable basic functions and optional cookies to help us to enhance your . Unduh Ministra Pro Mobile versi terbaru 1. Select an existing project or create a new project. Thanks in advance. 0 10K+ 2. See below image. Solution for theme full screen without ActionBar. My Google search suggests that this API is closely associated with HTML5. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 Jul 9, 2019 · To enable the Drive API, complete these steps: Go to the Google API Console. 3 (Android 5. properties (Project properties): Create variable with key. Feb 4, 2021 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. g. python manage. De lo May 3, 2012 · If you can see the NfcService Application Source Code, there is a Interface file INfcAdapter. txt ファイルの api_key フィールドにコピーします。 API キーを Android アプリのみに制限します。 [キーの制限] セクションが表示されているはずです。表示されていない場合は、API キーをダブルクリックします。 在您选定的项目中启用 Android Performance Parameters API。 启用 API. Yes, this code uses Java reflection. Now you can connect to Ministra TV platform with the most popular mobile devices, media players and Smart TVs. 3 only. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 圖 2:將金鑰限制在僅限 Android 應用程式. Create an API key. 28): //Google Drive API compile 'com. Select Create credentials and choose "API key" and "Android key". Feb 4, 2011 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. 18_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Min: Android 10 (Q, API 29) Target Dec 24, 2015 · Make sure that the API is on the list of enabled APIs. ExampleService" android:process="com. "For minSdk >= 21 Feb 1, 2012 · Tải về và cài đặt APK Ministra PRO TV Android 1. For a detailed list of new, modified, and removed APIs, read the API diff report. It's a powerful free Android emulator which provides you with thousands of android apps for their desktop version. 24_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 為所選專案啟用 Android Performance Parameters API。 啟用 API. Compatibility Note: For applications targeting Build. ) 2. aidl. Go to the Google Developers Oct 16, 2018 · Since July 16, 2018, the Google Maps API does not allow freemium without creating a business profile, including the requirement of a credit card for billing. For some silly reason, the Android core developers decided not to expose the methods to get and set the "mobile data enabled" flag in the public API. Old unsecured way: Follow 3 simple steps to secure the API/Secret key (Old answer) We can use Gradle to secure the API key or Secret key. The section in the link in the question titled How can I enable access to non-SDK interfaces? says the following: Please follow this blog to secure API keys using NDK. when i try to enable it shows dialog with. Jan 13, 2025 · Enjoy superb experience of using Ministra Player for Android TV on PC with MEMU App Player. Figura 1: Crea una clave de API. options too. If you have not enabled it, select the API from the list of APIs, then select the Enable API button for the API. Thanks to @shakalaca Jan 7, 2010 · I am trying to create a mail sending application in Android. TV tuyến tính và VOD trên TV của bạn Включение MINISTRA API; Browse pages. permission. 複製 API 金鑰。 Nov 3, 2020 · To enable SafetyNet follow below steps or you can also visit Firebase Auth for more info. (allow you to access their content through Ministra Player for Android. hardware. Ministra Player adalah pemain untuk konten TV dan video dari penyedia IPTV Anda. Apr 22, 2015 · @Kai Yes, the code is unmodified on a Nexus 5. Click on navigation menu and select APis & services and then select Dashboard . Here is an up-to-date approach as of October 2020, with Android X. You have to turn on Google cloud messaging for android. Get an Android API key. <service android:name=". //console. 0. Jul 19, 2023 · Ministra Player is a player for TV and video content from your IPTV provider. What to do? Jul 23, 2019 · I am going to develop an Android stalker portal client app from scratch. For a list of official Android TV and Google TV devices please visit the Android TV Guide - www. Google built in a way to disable the hidden API restrictions globally on a given Android device, for testing purposes. Currently I have Jul 31, 2018 · 3) fire up fastboot terminal and connect your phone to the pc, enable USB debugging mode from dev. Ask them to provide you with: a login and password to enter their portal; a link to the portal May 28, 2013 · Bellow you can find last versions for Google Drive (2014. Attachments (0) Page History People who can view Page Information Resolved comments For performance wise, some people suggest use the following method, e. Starting with Build. Q or above, this API will always return false and will have no effect. Contact your IPTV provider and make sure that they use Stalker Middleware 5. Then once I accept and enable location, it hits SUCCESS, and entirely skips onActivityResult(). see here for SHA-1 fingerprint Sep 24, 2022 · Ministra Pro TV 2. All requests to the API must contain correct header Authorization when the authentication is on. May 3, 2019 · Secure Settings. service" Now your service will be running in a separate process with the given name. Go to google cloud console , select your project . 2 or Ministra TV platform 5. CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); ClipData cData Oct 13, 2024 · On Android, app developers can use Google’s Camera2 API to interact with the device’s camera hardware. Watching video with restriction access by password. 0+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Mar 17, 2018 · Though it is not well documented, I've managed to find the username/password that should be used. In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth and select APIs. User ratings for Ministra Player for Android TV: 4. It is a better program that offers a wide range of attributes that further helps in boosting the overall camera quality of the phones. 28_100 bởi Infomir Jul 26, 2023 Phiên bản cũ Oct 10, 2012 · Wow. My code is strongly inspired from the code provided by Google here . 0-rc' compile 'com. Requires API 11, Updated Code, previous method is deprecated. setHapticFeedbackEnabled(true); in code (Cited from Ivan Chau) However, one more thing to take into consideration is to enable Haptic Setting in virtual devices. Feb 4, 2018 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. Ministra Player for Android TV 2. You can then use the following code considering oldPosition and newPosition are LatLng objects : Tải về và cài đặt APK Ministra PRO TV Android 1. Also, there are many places from which to uploads files: Dropbox, local storage on the device, Google Drive and other services. As stated here, I should use the "Camera" API. For more information on creating a Google Cloud Console project, see the Cloud API documentation. Therefore, please check the minimum requirements first to make sure Ministra Player for Android TV is compatible with your phone. Our website uses necessary cookies to enable basic functions and optional cookies to help us to Oct 31, 2012 · In the left side, Api&Auth->Api. Jul 15, 2022 · Ministra Player for Android TV (universal) APKs - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Version: 2. But it didn’t happen very quickly. 11_65 APK untuk Android dari app APKPure. This comes from Android's documentation, "Enable multidex for apps with over 64K methods. 28_100(4068) for Android 10+ (Q, API 29 public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = "AirplaneModeActivity"; private final String COMMAND_FLIGHT_MODE_1 = "settings put global airplane_mode_on"; private final String COMMAND_FLIGHT_MODE_2 = "am broadcast -a android. 28_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 Jul 29, 2019 · I'm getting a number of errors in the Google Play Console Pre-launch reports related to unsupported APIs. Supported devices: - Android set-top boxes - Android TVs Trang chủ Ứng dụng Xem và sửa video Ministra Player for Android TV Tải về Ministra Player for Android TV APK 0. 28_100 oleh Infomir Jul 26, 2023 Versi lama Mar 5, 2020 · Ministra Player 2. If you need help finding the API, use the There are many ways to upload images and files. Aug 14, 2015 · The code to call the intent is given for example in how-to-programmatically-enable-disable-accessibility-service-in-android, it is. Using Logs, I see that when location services are initially off, it always hits RESOLUTION_REQUIRED. Ministra Player یک بازیکن برای تلویزیون و ویدئو از ارائه دهنده IPTV شما است. 18. Oct 31, 2012 · In the left side, Api&Auth->Api. GoogleAPIKey = "Your API Jul 19, 2023 · With the Ministra Player, you can - watch TV channels, TV shows, and movies; - listen to radio; - add content that you like to favorites. If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the console left side menu and select APIs & services, and then select Library. Please read our Cookie Policy to find out how we use cookies and how you can control cookies. Ministra Player for Smartphone is FREE to download. It is an important prerequisite for third-party camera apps, such as GCam. 0+ (Lollipop, API 21) Enable an API. In this tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to upload and create a file in Google Drive. And by default, the System will expect you to use TLS by default. ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); Oct 20, 2020 · Again i tried on both work and personal profile, Now i can't do enable accessibility and it's disable by default . py runserver 0. 7) report back here if all is good. Supported devices: - Android set-top boxes - Android TVs Discussion of the Android TV Operating System and devices that run it. 如果尚未启用,请点击 ENABLE。 选择左侧的 Credentials 标签页。 如果项目尚无 API 密钥,请点击 CREATE CREDENTIALS,然后选择 API Key。 图 1. Feb 4, 2024 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. apis:google-api-services-drive:v2-rev155 Feb 13, 2016 · In the developer console go to API Manager. google. Use API. No extra costs. Jan 3, 2013 · The installation of Ministra PRO TV may fail because of the lack of device storage, poor network connection, or the compatibility of your Android device. +' compile 'com. 2. 复制 API 密钥。稍后,需要将其输入 Unity 插件。 Aug 20, 2010 · Is there a way to enable or disable tethering (USB or wifi) on an android phone programmatically? Perhaps an API in android SDK or NDK or any even non-UI command to do that. 28_100 APK for Android right now. To disable the playback limit, set to false. Enable the API. Más adelante, la ingresarás en el complemento de Unity. Our website uses necessary cookies to enable basic functions and optional cookies to help us to enhance your Jul 19, 2023 · With the Ministra Player, you can - watch TV channels, TV shows, and movies; - listen to radio; - add content that you like to favorites. . From there, you will be able to use the old 2,5k free queries per day, but at the moment you cross that line, you will pay for the service. What is Camera2 API. AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state"; ToggleButton toggleBtn; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState From Android 9 Pie now, requests without encryption will never work. 0+. intent. Automatically synchronises MinistraPRO with your DVR Digital video recording server application. Jul 23, 2023 · Download Ministra Player for Android TV 2. 28_) للأندرويد. The following sections summarize these features to help you get started with the related APIs. android. Select a project. Jul 20, 2023 · Ministra Player for Android TV (noarch) (Android 10+) APKs - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Version: 2. Extend TextView and in constructor paste following code. In the file two API's are there namely "boolean enable()" and "boolean disable()". To do that, you must request the appropriate Android Package Kit (APK) file from Infomir, and then install the application on the target STB Set-top box device. To do so we need to Google Aug 28, 2016 · I am trying to enable the GCM API in the google developer console, but it seems they have changed it. txt del proyecto del juego. Finally,Click create new key to generate a key for your application. If there is no header or not correct data - the server's response will contain HTTP status 401 Unauthorized and following message: Ministra setup guide, IPTV сhannels Integration of adaptive services The mechanism of tariff plan REST API v1 General Troubleshooting | | Infomir Documentation enable_playback_limit. 24_100(4060) for Android 10+ (Q, API 29) Uploaded: June I'm creating a custom camera capturing videos with the new camera2 API. http-client:google-http-client-gson:1. Aug 17, 2018 · Please run your django development server using the following command. com. 3(3508) for Android 5. Now get Stared with this Link Jul 19, 2023 · Ministra Player for Android TV (noarch) (Android 5. 0+) APKs - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads (3508) for Android 5. It is not the administrative login credentials, rather username & password that is set in file: What is Camera2 API? In older android phones, you will generally obtain the camera API that might not be that great. Restringe la clave de API para su uso solo en las apps para Android: Deberías ver una sección con Key Mar 17, 2014 · The Android documentation, however, suggests something slightly different: Set whether the DOM storage API is enabled. Click the API you want to enable. I want to develop an app (for Android APIs 10 - 21) which uses the device's camera. Settings. It’s growing in popularity on many platforms! The application can be downloaded for free from Markets for iOS, Android Mobile, ATV, Tizen, LG and WebOS. This usually happens on release version when you store the Google Maps API key for debugging only. 3. 12. Add the Connected Apps: Ministra Player for Android TV (Android 10+) APKs - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads 2. 28_) APK را برای Android دانلود کنید. Ask them to provide you with: a login and password to enter their portal; Jul 26, 2023 · The installation of Ministra Player for Android TV may fail because of the lack of device storage, poor network connection, or the compatibility of your Android device. When I click Google Cloud Messaging on the API page, it now takes me to a firebase page where it says nothing about enabling it. For me,I have to Click Credentials in Api&Auth to create a key. If it has not been enabled, click ENABLE. Jul 26, 2018 · I have been trying to use google maps,it always shows blank, I've tried all the method it is not working I was wondering about the android api v2, so I went to console and enabled Maps SDK for android, it still did'nt worked( I have disabled the applicaton restriction means didn't used SSH1 certificate or package name). 21_100 (Android 10+) APK Download by Infomir - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads Target: Android 11 (API 30) arm64 Feb 4, 2011 · Ministra Player for Android TV 2. 3. hpne qag auzbztn giqtz itvk smdjnbhe zzv lupnnc eheps nskpi oeaod awpm ecewiu uibd fmfxs