Space between body and html using css. At the minute in the browser they are flush to each other.
Space between body and html using css The drawback of the collapsed border model method is that you can no longer use the table's border or cellspacing attributes to separate the individual cells. Dec 15, 2018 · This indeed helped with the big space in between but now I got a problem with, if I resize the screen to lets say for mobile, the footer comes up and floats under the content but in the middle of the screen and not at the bottom. To fix this, you can set the font-size to 0 on a parent element. Since there's whitespace between the anchor elements, which as always collapses to a single whitespace, what you see is an actual 'space' in between in the current font size just like between words in a sentence. (Please note: this is a screenshot of a preview; it isn't actually live). This depends on the size and content of the page and how many css rules there are. I've used this article, but I've got empty space between footer and bottom of the page. Without We can use tons of : for instance - <p>Text Text</p> But we have a tag provided in HTML itself named as <pre></pre> Using this we could have as much required space as we want between the text. or. If you're wanting to only add a space between the first and second span elements (ignoring the empty one in your example), you can make use of the :first-child selector to apply margin-right to the first span only: Nov 4, 2020 · take that off and you get a space between main div and footer, but the footer stays visible in the end of your page. 120px) which should work cross- body, html { height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; } However my browser is always showing the vertical scrollbar even if the content is not as hight as the window. border-bottom-width: 1px and border-bottom-style: solid. Dec 6, 2011 · I'm trying to reduce the vertical space between two sections, however, being a knob at CSS doesn't help. So thank you much for the help. Your answer does not respond user's question. How to remove margin space around body or clear default css styles (7 answers) Closed 5 years ago . Apr 25, 2012 · This is the simplest possible way, since CSS operates on elements, not on what’s between elements. Apr 15, 2013 · I've got CSS issue with footer on my webpage. Jun 13, 2024 · The following methods demonstrate multiple ways to strategically employ CSS for spacing elements vertically, horizontally, in two dimensions or based on responsive conditions – all without adding extra markup purely for spacing purposes. It is clearly seen the orange'ish top-margin is set on it. but it does not work What's the point using this syntax div. For example: <html> <body> & Oct 24, 2016 · table{ border-collapse: collapse; } table tr td{ padding:5px; } . However it turns out there is an easy fix. The following is a view when you inspect the right nested element. Explanation: If you use wrapper, then it would be simple to separate the background from border. I'm a beginner, just learning. a (the fixed one) to the top of the page, add top: 0; and if you want it to stay on top of the rest of the content, include z-index: 2;. It can be a factor in slowing rendering of pages. I would recommend giving it an id though if you only want it to affect this p tag in particular p { line-height: 0px; } Oct 19, 2014 · I have been working with CSS and HTML to create basically a banner and navbar. The possible solutions are: 1) Change your p style to have zero top margin. I've added DIV#button-container around the buttons and a style for it showing the font-size Jun 28, 2017 · Hello i am new for css and html. Thank you for whoever answers. Is there a way of making equal space between the headers? HTML CODE: Oct 15, 2021 · The header is in an external page which I include using the tag. If I set the background to transparent, the first column of the above tr > th elements shows its own color (green in my case) making about the first 1 cm of the ::after element green too. Feb 5, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Here is the code: body { height: auto; May 23, 2021 · I try to create a Button with icon and text inside of it and set up CSS using flex. I know that this question sounds dumb to experienced users. Feb 17, 2010 · How do I remove the extra space between the rows and columns in the table. HTML heading tags have some default CSS values applied in most browsers. table { border-collapse: collapse; } HTML Feb 8, 2018 · Lets assume I have the following layout (see image below) I have a header (A) at the top, footer (C) that is always at the bottom and container (B) that is in the middle and should fill the space left between the header and the footer by 100%. When displayed, there is a 4px gap between each list item. Apr 4, 2016 · I am attempting to make a standard website layout with a header, a navigation bar a body (on the right of the navigation bar) and a footer. To be more specific - how do I reduce the bottom margin/padding of the p tag ONLY when followed by an unordered list. . Sep 19, 2024 · The margin-bottom property in CSS sets the space below an element. Oct 9, 2017 · Please help me remove this unwanted space between body and footer. #myTbl { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px; } Fiddle. Jul 7, 2017 · How would I go about editing the HTML/CSS to create spacing between each checkbox/value pairing? Right now each checkbox and each value are spaced evenly. HTML: May 27, 2014 · Give your span elements left and right margin:. To add spacing between elements in HTML, you can use CSS margin or padding properties. Note that p { margin: 5px 0; } (mentioned in the question) would create vertical margins of 5px, not 10px, because adjacent vertical margins collapse. body { margin: 0; } Share. Using flex layout we can achieve this while allowing for natural height header and footer. Sep 12, 2018 · Is there a way of defining the line spacing between headers. I tried to do margin and padding but they didn't work. It interrupts inheritance between other elements within body, and may force you to write more css rules to compensate. css for my current project, and I faced the follow issue. but does not seem to help. here is my html code for navbar and the content. 45px = 45) for spacing between frame a and frame b. Mar 4, 2012 · If you have two divs without padding and margin one near another there are two cases: a) if the html is minimzed (no space between tags) then the divs will be adjacent. If you really dont want any space or want to control it change in the container. May 5, 2017 · I've tried to remove the white space between the header and body but can't get it to work. There is an apparent space between the html and body element that I cannot seem to eliminate with the CSS below (and dozens of variations upon it. The best way to solve this is to set all the margins and paddings on the html and body tags to 0: html, body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } @ZoltanToth, that is because you're using normalized CSS (additional styles are applied that aren't on by default). extra space with h1 tag. how to put margin between p and h1 tag? 0. By default, a block-level element expands horizontally to fill the entire parent container, and also extends back behind any floated content. Like there is no space between the text and an image. In this test page, the element has a strange extra amount of space on the top: Nov 14, 2009 · No, but you could go with something like border-bottom: 1px solid #000 and padding-bottom: 3px. Any help ? I want to add an image at the same lines with paragraph <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"&g Jun 6, 2018 · Basics. Flexbox solution. https://css-tricks. I'm sure this is an easy solution. html; css; or ask your own question. I'm also struggling to upload code, please advise. com Can't put a white line in between head and Such css code creates an empty white space between the thead and the tbody of the table. Types of Spaces in HTML. Or you could add vertical-align: top to the #example to move the text to the top - div stays the same size here. Syntax:. name What's the difference between this div. You can adjust the 2nd parameter (24%) accordingly for spacing between frame b and frame c. I want the pictures to all be right next to each other to look like one big image. yellow div { // Apply margin to every child in this container margin: 10px; } . I've tried changing the margin, padding, and various border properties on the table and tr and td. b and appropriate padding to it. Feb 11, 2017 · How do I make a nice header/nav section? This is my code: body { margin: 0px; } . Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. All you need to do is give your HEADER tag a 1px border, aswell as setting the BODY MARGIN to zero, as shown below. I've looked around here in stackoverflow and google but nothing worked. How can I write CSS so I can set up space between the Text inside of the button and border of button? In my attached image, I want to change space on left from 16px to 4px without changing the margin from icon. name Feb 8, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 16, 2016 · I'm just looking to get a Space between the <nav> tag and the <section> tag. As you can see in the title I have white space between body content and footer on website I am creating right now! I am using wordpress and coding throught editor and I tried to remove padding and margin from site body and footer. CSS margin and padding properties are preferred for layout spacing over excessive use of ` `. top: 190px; You can also put the footer out of the container, that way you can control them independent. container element should wrap around all the other elements in the body except for the footer. Can't think of any way how to achieve this using pure css. How do I get the items to be next to each other? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4 I tried everything with margin-bottom and margin-top on both header and div class, but nothing happens. Mar 14, 2014 · No matter what I seem to do, there's always a space from like 10px between the footer and the main body. The reason why the normalized CSS works is because it sets the margin of the p element to 0 as I mentioned in my answer below. It's a little bit hard to explain but i'll try. 2) Add padding-top: 1px to your div May 22, 2009 · Is your 'Item 2' dd truly empty or does it have a in it? If it is empty, it will be hard to get the dt/dd to line up correctly because the other dd's will have a height of 20px (for example) and the empty dd will have a height of 0. You can fix this many ways, an example of which is: body #container #wrapper { margin: 0px 15px 0px 15px; padding: 67px 0px 0px 0px; background-color: white; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 5px #969696; overflow: auto; } body #container footer { margin: 0px 15px 0px 15px; padding: 0px Oct 7, 2014 · In order to keep div. Below are some examples demonstrating how to add space in HTML elements using CSS: 1) Using Margin for External Spacing: Apr 28, 2013 · This is caused by your <header> element being displayed as a floated element. I have want to keep the HTML as simple as possible and only plan to have 3 three links that I will put in once the space has gone, as I'm sure I can apply the solution to further divs. I also tried it to the wordpress on image slider there are space between the navbar and the image slider how caan i get rid of it? Thankyou in advance. Similarly, to add spacing between two divs, you can add the following CSS code: Nov 26, 2016 · Use border-spacing property:. E. Normalize. Code here: Mar 2, 2013 · The . container element as well, because it's height of 100% means it will take up the height of the viewport. a and div. Here are part of html and full css: Jul 31, 2024 · Setting it to space-between will evenly distribute the space between the buttons, pushing the first and last buttons to the edges of the container. I find it more elegant as it doesn't require use of extra html markup nor css classes : W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Jun 9, 2023 · To go more in-depth, CSS spacing refers to how you insert space within and between CSS elements on a web page. Following are the values of h1 and h2 that are applied to them by default, so you need to override the margin-bottom of h1 and margin-top of h2 if you want to decrease the spacing between your h1 and h2. I'd like value1 to be close to checkbox1, but checkbox2 to have some distance from the value1. Also, you usually should not use HTML entities to create space between text which is not part of one uniform sentence. Jul 11, 2014 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I tried many ways but couldn't fix it. In all of the following examples I've included an extremely basic HTML-template by only using three divs: header, content and footer. Nov 6, 2015 · Using CSS to create a horizontal navigation I want to use a divider between the elements. I gave the main div margin and padding and even a border-bottom. Aug 29, 2013 · But if I remove the <!DOCTYPE html> tag, the 'whitespace' between the two lines will be remove But I'd like to use <!DOCTYPE html> tag, it's recommend, but I can't find any CSS rule that can remove that whitespace, I have used margin:0;outline:none; etc but it not work , anyone help me. Adding space in HTML using CSS can be achieved using various CSS properties like margin, padding, text-indent, etc. See full list on geeksforgeeks. Using tables (heh) the spacing she is gone, but with CSS I'm pulling my hair out. yellow div:nth-child(3n+1) { // Remove the margin on the left side on the very first and then every fourth element (for example) margin-left: 0; } . For example, to add spacing between two paragraphs, you can add the following CSS code to your stylesheet: margin-bottom: 1em; /* adds 1 unit of spacing after each paragraph */ . I am practicing by designing some pages but I got a problem. I have made many webpages without this issue. May 16, 2013 · I'm trying to use HTML5 Boilerplate + Normalize. padding is inside the element, and often acts funny with input elements because they are rendered using the OS's native input components, and are a mess to customize in general. Jun 24, 2024 · Inserting spaces in HTML involves using the non-breaking space character (` `). Jan 27, 2025 · Add Space in HTML Using CSS. In your example, you need to add: h2 { margin: 0; padding: 0} body { margin: 0; } as well as remove the padding of I am learning HTML and CSS. CSS. I want to have a space between them, but i'm not sure how. Worth noticing: you will need this hack only if you have both borders and grid-gap CSS:. For example, say you have a dialog that has a paragraph at the end of the content area, and the next element is the footer area of the dialog (with action buttons). I advise you to always use a CSS Normalizer in order to harmonize and set reasonable defaults for your elements. Right now the image and text are tight together. Problem: Can't make space (at least 1cm) between menu items. I also tried to set it both to relative and move it to one another but as I move them gap just move position. Now I have so far done this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " Apr 23, 2016 · I want to get rid of space between the content and my navbar how can i do it? Give me idea how to do this please im new to css and html. There are properties for setting the padding for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left). The grid-template-columns rule creates two grid columns, one which takes up 1/4 of the total horizontal space and the other which takes up 3/4 of the horizontal space. You are creating fragment of HTML in your code above. Mar 28, 2015 · I wanted to find out how to make space between my image and text. using: li:before { content: " | "; } I get a divider. With CSS, you can control the color, font, the size of text, the spacing between elements, how elements are positioned and laid out, what background images or background colors are to be used, different displays for different devices and screen sizes, and much more! No sign of top margin here and you have resetted all the browser-scpecific CSS properties as per answers above but that unwanted white space is still here. b you are going to have to put a container div around div. Apr 2, 2022 · You can do that by simply applying margin-right: auto; to the img-logo-container. I know using various header tags(h1, h2, h3) have various line spacing and I was wondering if there's a way of defining a line spacing for all of them, so that they are consistent and fluid throughout the page? Since I see that there is a newline that puts "Discount" and "$500" on different lines I assume it will print on separate lines, and to get a little more room but not an entire new line you can use line-height. It ensures spaces are displayed and not collapsed by browsers. This creates the desired Feb 12, 2015 · To fix that tiny issue is easy, to use a global reset framework is probably easy too. I added your suggestion to my code *{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;} and it worked. How should I fix this? CSS. yellow div:first-child, . container { width: auto; height: 1920px; background-color: #514367; } header { width: Sep 12, 2013 · You are seeing the classical behavior of collapsing margins between the p tags in the content and footer. But if you want to style the same element, which has a background, no matter how much padding you would add, there would be no space between background and border, unless you use background-clip or outline-offset Nov 17, 2008 · Of all of the answers given above, only djenson47's answers retain separation of presentation and content. All the options are minified but should work fine on more advanced websites. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Oct 18, 2016 · What you are seeing is the body element. It plays a very important role in web design and is used to enhance readability, usability, and the overall aesthetic of a webpage. Any white-space (line breaks, tabs, spaces) between the buttons will be rendered as a single space by the browser. With CSS, you have full control over the padding. Note that this will affect the parent containers justify-content: space-between;, so I would suggest applying another CSS-property such as gap: 10px; to navBar-wrapper. For controlling "cellpadding" in CSS, you can simply use padding on table cells. May 4, 2011 · do not use * universal selector and it is not a standard way ; body background applies only full body background and * background means apply same background to all element inside body ; now a days in css3 uses reset css and main style css separately Dec 21, 2016 · Spacing between paragraphs likely will match the line-height of the paragraph itself (or be close), which may be different from the spacing to the next type of element. One is remove height: 75px so the div takes only it's natural height (the height of the text). In the following screenshot you can see that there is this little spacing on top if I inspect the body. ) there also seems to be some bonus padding on the overall document height, as if some aspect of padding or margin is not being reset to 0. But i wanna use a margin between the text and the Jan 20, 2010 · The problem is the white-space between the two buttons is being rendered. What I would suggest, you should study the basic default browser stylesheet rules, that will bring you CSS skills to the next level. Creates four spaces between the text-   Creates two spaces between the text -   Creates a regular space between the text - creates a narrow space ( similar to regular space but slight difference - "&thinsp"; spacing between sentences - "</br>" This link might help you. Thanks! Aug 19, 2020 · You can use margin to remove the space between body and stuff inside the body not padding. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Oct 25, 2013 · I am using pixels instead of percentages (e. #header span { margin: 0 10px; } JSFiddle demo. I want to remove space between header and next element but to keep white border between them. for 10px of "cellpadding": td, th { /* table cells */ padding: 10px; } For "cellspacing", you can apply the border-spacing CSS property to your table. Oct 16, 2013 · How do i remove the vertical space between paragraph and the list. They all suggested checking my margins, and I did check all of them but to no avail. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. JSFiddle here Apr 17, 2015 · If you have a BODY element that doesn’t take up all the same space as the HTML element and you set a background-color on the BODY and no background color on the HTML element then that background color will fill the whole page (which presumably is the same dimensions as the HTML element), meaning that this quirk causes the background color set May 20, 2016 · I'm having some trouble with an area of space between the top of the browser window and my 'head' element, and the 'head' element and my 'body'. my-td-left{ background: white; margin-bottom: 30px; width: 50%; height: auto; vertical-align: top Oct 6, 2011 · You can do the following: Assuming your container div has a class "yellow". Hope that helps! I have an alternate solution to get rid of the big spacing between word first you should know one thing that text-align:justify is used only when you are rendering your text component on wider screen so in my case I was using it on card custom component so I simply increase the width of my card component and this helps me hope it will help you to. css is a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. e. By applying a negative value to margin-bottom, you can eliminate extra space between elements, such as reducing the gap between a heading and a <form> tag for a cleaner layout. All the answers I see here remove the space after all p tags - that's not what was asked. I want to centre the title automatically so that it is even space between the end of the logo() element and the logout() element. Feb 26, 2017 · Here is a list of different Unicode spaces you can use. If you look at the TechNet article for ConvertTo-HTML you will see that you cannot combine -Head and -Fragment parameters as they are from different parameter sets. org The justify-content property aligns the flexible container's items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis (horizontally). To add space between rows and columns, one can use grid-gap: [vertical] [horizontal]. The CSS padding properties are used to generate space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders. 10. The design program will say that the space between the bottom of the top nav and the top of the headline textbox 24px. Jan 19, 2016 · I looked at the other questions to this topic but the answers doesn't help me. Sep 6, 2012 · put this in the css folder or in the header section of your html file. Thus far, adding the following class has not resulted in any improvement: Apr 10, 2014 · How to add space using css? 2. I tried margin-left or padding-left but it doesn't do what I want to achieve, it creates the space from the begging of the containe Aug 20, 2013 · I get the line appearing between "header" and "site" divs. See without normalized CSS . container { margin:0 auto; /* this will center the page */ width:960px; /* use your width here */ } Nov 26, 2016 · I am currently creating a practice website for my Arma 2 Unit (88th Airborne Divsion), I have created a simple navigation bar using table headers hyperlinked, however the space between the table headers is dependant on how long the word is. If you want the same color of the "underline" (which in my example is a border), you just leave out the color declaration, i. g. Such that: LOGO< equal spacing >TITLE<equal spacing>LOGOUT. I am new to CSS and am trying to set up a page so that there is always a fixed margin / space between the page's main content (sidebar / sections) and the footer (e. Tip: Use the align-items property to align the items vertically. The issue is the margin on your p tag is pushing your div down. Here is what my code looks like right now: Dec 1, 2015 · I created a web page with 3 div tags with some content in each div and with background colors set to the div elements I found some white space appearing between the div elements. Applies to all elements except elements with table display types other than table-caption, table and inline-table. Nov 10, 2016 · There are two things you could do. Oct 25, 2013 · The problem is in display:inline-block - it reduces the elements to inline blocks, meaning they behave like all other inline content in HTML. I need to remove the space between body and footer. How can I remove that space? Always use a css reset Apr 15, 2020 · A modern solution to create a table would be using CSS grid or flexbox. Sep 6, 2012 · When the browser size make to small I get a space in right side between div and the browser window margin. I have included the HTML and CSS from what I have created. I then have a title in the HTML file under the tag. yellow div:last-child { // Remove the right side margin on the last Apr 18, 2022 · I added a footer to my page but for some reason there is a gap between the footer and the ending of the body. 0. I cannot find any issue with the code I have. Both the header and footer will stick to the top and bottom of the viewport respectively (much like a native mobile app) and the main content area will fill the remaining space, while any vertical overflow will be scrollable within that area. Any idea what could cause that? Jan 11, 2017 · I've looked through my theme's CSS and haven't been able to find how or where to get rid of this white space gap between the body content and my footer. Here is my simple code - HTML Use margin-right. The whole point of inline layout is for whitespace to do what it does best: separate words, or in this case atomic inlines. Extra space before and after H1 tag. site-header { padding-bottom: 0; } You could also try like this: #page { margin: 2em auto; } CHANGE: 2em to 0em and you’ll have removed the space. May 15, 2014 · This means that if you don't set a margin and padding on your body and html tags, you could get inconsistent results on the page depending upon which browser you're using to view the page. , depending on your specific spacing requirements. I've been trying to get it to stick to the very top, but after I saw it in chrome, I noticed both the body tag and the Or if you wanted to use a master reset stylesheet you could use Jonathan Neal's Normalize CSS via Google CDN. To prevent "too thick / double border" with zero grid-gap, one can add margin: -1px to the cell styling. However, when you measure from the bottom of the nav to the top of an Ê accent mark, the spacing is actually 20px. I've inspected with Firebug, went through the CSS and the html. container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 3fr; } When using css grid, by default elements are laid out column by column then row by row. Any ideas would be appreciated! What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to format the layout of a webpage. This means you have to place the header in the . Jan 27, 2021 · I am attempting to remove some white space around an :after section, but for some reason there is always a tiny bit of white space between the red border and the part saying "copy" on the CSS Padding. Mar 3, 2017 · I've got the following test page and css. For instance: For example, say you have a really boring top navigation that is just a rectangle, and a headline beneath it. There seems to be a gap between my HTML tag and my BODY tag. This is the one that causes the white space on top of body element. If your putting this in your html file in your header section, it should look like this: <style type="text/css"> input[type="radio"]{margin: 10px 0};} </style> Hope this helped! Sep 14, 2012 · If you are looking to center your web page and you are using a fixed width on your main container this can easily be achieved. Oct 28, 2015 · This will provide one space between the buttons. Ι want to have 5px space between the image and its description. Now that I have it fixed and working could you tell me WHY it worked and why resetting defaults is something you should do? Here is another solution using css counter and pseudo elements. And I want my text not to be under the picture but for it go downwards not under the image. So you need some way of distinguishing the first p element in a sequence of p elements. Sep 20, 2017 · I have been browsing about it but i cannot relate any answer, basically there is a white gap between Header and Body, see below: I read somewhere that some elements have default margins or padding Feb 22, 2011 · @Christopher Alun Lewis: That's because the premise of the question (not this answer) is fundamentally wrong to begin with. Here is a screenshot of the issue. H1 extra whitespace. margin property:. In order to add spacing between div. card > div. Using the background-color; Set for both the body and footer the same background-color. Probably better not to use the Universal Selector * in this case. Since there is no content in the body of my page the empty spac Nov 15, 2013 · Thanks for your answer. Jan 20, 2016 · Try adjusting the line height property using CSS. card div. Sep 22, 2021 · To do that, go to Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS and enter the following code:. I am writing a quiz in HTML and I would like to insert a consistent blank vertical space between questions (like one would use vspace{3 cm} in LaTeX). Imagine there are 'holes' in your layout through which you see what's behind. I found this problem continued even when setting the BODY MARGIN to zero. It changes something, but the space still remains. Dec 31, 2013 · Lastly, you do not need to call classes on each of your element, you can leave it up to CSS selectors to select them So get rid of all the classes, and just assign a class to the parent element, and use the selectors below. Multiple ` ` can create fixed-width spaces. I try to use padding. 1. I want to add a space between the icon and the text so that they lock Jun 20, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. I am not sure how to fix this issue. So I have a footer: #fußzeile{ width: 100%; background-color: # Apr 18, 2015 · I created a set of four div tags with a background-color of yellow, and specified a width and height and then I set its position to absolute and bottom to 0px as shown in the code below : #. The htmldoes not have this spacing. b) if there is a single space/tab/enter then the browser shows a small space between those divs. Documentation. This is because in this case, the better solution is to use margin or padding to separate the two, and keep each in its own element. container {display: flex; justify-content: space-between;} Example: This example describes the simple way to group the buttons with space evenly using the display & justify-content property Oct 3, 2016 · As I have read through the book CSS Mastery Advanced Web Standards Solution, 3rd 3, the book has mentioned in ch9 that using border-collapse: collapse; can result empty spacing on vertical border using IE/Edge. At the minute in the browser they are flush to each other. moybaw qvotc lnn zftjy xmurxr vrzdjqwu crcz reyvn okoo uls tfy zistvs qxgink kiqmdj nzu