Swtor armor vendors. So far I've only seen the one on the Section X vendor.

Swtor armor vendors There are many different types of legacy-bound armor in the game, so there’s a lot of ways to get legacy-bound armors. Jun 5, 2024 · Worst case scenario, they'll add the armor to a vendor at the cost of removing the armor from both the crates and collections, meaning it'd be just another 1. The Fitted Armor of the Electric Gaze is an entirely new armor set. There will still be level restrictions, like level 37 or level 23. You can buy them from their planets respective <Specialty Goods> Vendor NPC. No special currency or achievement is needed to buy this armor, and it is meant to be an easy way for players to get a set of iconic, legacy-bound armor. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on Bluesky It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created!. Jedi Knight Armor A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order. Feb 9, 2012 · I'm at level 38 and the only Dark/Light side vendor location that I can remember coming across was on the fleets. Lower Promenade Market is an area located in the Lower Promenade on the planet Nar Shaddaa. I'm assuming that other vendors would sell the remaining items in the set, but I can't find the vendors. I read something about Ossus but it was a 5 year old thread. May 14, 2013 · No. Several people have that problem, but not all. best to try and level gear you make for your self and if by chance you get augment slot unlocked you can make it a little better if your companion makes a piece with that. Masterwork Data crystals can be used to purchase 252 gear from the Equipment Vendor on Ossus. All max-level legacy-bound armor comes from the end-game Gearing System. Thanks in advanced! Jan 19, 2022 · So unless I heard the most disturbing lie ever, they're getting rid of Adaptive Armor aka Armor that can be modded aka armor that can be modded to make you more powerful. Apr 12, 2012 · Why do they increase the cost of PvP armor vendor items every major patch? Ugh, I was 1 WZ match away from buying the bracers when the servers went down last night. As usual, PvP tokens are your golden ticket to vendor riches. These armors can be purchased directly from a vendor called the Cosmetic Armor and Weapons vendor (Z9-V86 droid) in the Supplies section of the Fleet. I suspect you have to get higher rating pieces from drops or vendors, and RE them to get the schematics, but others would know more about that. Got some mods available put them in my supercommando set and all the set bonus’s are red with 0/7. As for the Armor all it is is an additional set of social gear that the CE folks have access to. In my opinion, this armor is greatly inferior to other armor more readil Dec 25, 2020 · On the Rupublic and Imperial Fleets, there is a vendor that sells adaptive armor near the modification vendors. Hyde and Zeek, fugitive Rodian vendors that will sell you the mods, can be located in the middle alcove in the Supplies Section of the Fleet. Sometimes people will put free armor in guild bank--I do. I am referring specifically to the armor sold for credits. 4, just opened up on the PTS and its vendors have two sets of armor to sell along with a dye module schematic. Expansion . 0 Expansion; Trooper Armor Dec 21, 2011 · Just wondering, I thought the CE vendor items were at least suppose to be equivalent to those acquired while leveling. Category Cartel Market Crafting Armormech Armormech Trainer Armormech Schematics Armormech Reverse Engineer Armormech Set Bonus Schematics Synthweaving Synthweaving Trainer Synthweaving Schematics Synthweaving Reverse Engineer Synthweaving Set Bonus Schematics Retired Crafting Schematics Archived Battlemaster Schematics Archived War There is an adaptive armor vendor on DK and I assume Coruscant, inside one of the buildings at the main plaza area. Social Vendor The Social Vendor who sells Social Rewards is located in the center of the Republic or Imperial Fleet, near the cantina in the lower section of the ring. The Trooper’s Renowned armor set is a Legacy Vendor set that can only be purchased by players who have reached Legacy Level 10. Corellian Trooper Armor Set. Alderaanian Agent Armor Set. Screenshots of all Planet Vendors Armors armors in SWTOR. Some of the Adaptive Vendor gear pieces are very cheap legacy-bound gear. This vendor on the Fleet will carry all the Social items in the game, but you’ll only be able to see the ones you’ve unlocked so far – the ones you are too low of a social The Tarisian Smuggler armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Taris but needs to be originally purchased on a character on the Republic side. The "mod level" is relevant to the planet, so level 32 mods would under rate my level 35 character. I hope this suggestion is rational and agreeable and can be implemented expediently =). Secondly, with the appearance tab you can basically look how you want while maintaining specific stats on armor that may not be visually to your liking. You can only sell items or buy again items, but not click on repair. 2 of them there sell modded armor with lvl 50 mods in them. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits The Corellian Warrior armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Corellia and can be purchased on either faction. Jun 15, 2016 · Can someone tell me what is the armor on the vendor on Odessen in Admiral Aygo's area, female Sith type the armor looks like it has wings. Adaptive armor basically adapts to whichever armor type your class wears - in your case, heavy armor. Jan 4, 2017 · Legacy armor is just armor that is bound to your Legacy, meaning that you can mail it and use it on any characters in your Legacy. Cheers. You will stick to your skin tight pants and like it! Jul 8, 2017 · Buy Armor Maintenance gifts from the vendor Izzar . When you hit max level, then you can start grinding armor for real. Contact. Flexplast (Republic) Armor Set. Anyone shed any light on this. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Feb 16, 2012 · Ok, one of the screenshots has text "armor vendor". I understand that the "slave girl" look is classic in the SW universe, but isn't it on the wrong vendors? What I mean is, the neutrally owned Hutta areas IMO are better places for that armor to be sold. as well you can get heroics on fleet to get good gear that way. This is not a 50+ vendor, but has various lower-level things including orange moddables I bought a moddable chest armor there the other day for my warzone commendations. Its downstairs on Coruscant I believe. So, sadly, we will never see an "as well as" kofte companion to armor set. This set is wearable only by Republic characters, who are level 70 or higher on any Republic class . or get mod gear if you can use it Aug 6, 2012 · Looking too find out where all those armor vendors are and which ones sell which armor Buying the Scout Armor Set from the Adaptive Vendor. There are a few exceptions. use this vendor to get adaptable gear, And Modable Main Hand Weapons And Off Hand Items. The first time you right-click him to talk to him, he will not be a vendor, but a normal questgiving NPC, so don't look for the vendor icon. The Corellian Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Corellia and can be purchased on either faction. The items are bind on pickup so I can't purchase with my Imperial for my Republic char. Screenshots of all the Tatooine Vendor weapons in SWTOR and how to get them. You can get this vendor for you stronghold (ca 5mill on GTN) or see him at the fleet by entering the north entrance on the mini map. Haven't checked Makeb, or Voss yet. Bounty Hunter Armor Both infamous and anonymous at the same time, Bounty Hunters are far more than mercenaries for hire—they’re heirs to a professional legacy—an ancient brotherhood with a glorious history. Aug 1, 2021 · The vendor could have other armor sets as well, such as the ones you get from Yavin/RIshi story. The Avenger armor set can be obtained by through the S3T-BNS Vendor for 10,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits. This type of armor is typically found on the Cartel Market or from reputation, social or event vendors, as well as obtained as Mar 28, 2017 · I went to the Cartel Bazaar and found those vendors. So to keep the crying babies from reporting this thread (though I've requested one specific kindergarten student to stay away from my threads) I'll definitely curb my tongue. Here’s what’s up for grabs. Increase reputation with various factions, and purchase gear as reward for higher status. ) What other armor and weapons does he drop? 3. The Alderaanian Consular armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Alderaan and can be purchased on either faction. The Nar Shaddaa Inquisitor armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Nar Shaddaa and can be purchased on either faction. The versions from this vendor are Bind to Legacy. Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerilla fighters, and warriors for generations, with few able to challenge their legendary combat prowess. Which with the addition of a GTN, cargo hold, build bank, and mail box made it a much more attractive place to do some shopping, crafting, and sending vs the much more packed areas of the fleet. Mar 31, 2020 · This has probably been suggested before, but it would be great if the adaptive gear vendor that sells, for example, the Jedi Myrmidon and the Hellfire armor sets on the fleet could also sell weapons with empty slots as well. . Mar 24, 2012 · Yes, check the "PVP armor vendor" on Imperial Fleet. These armor sets only cost between 600 and 2,500 credits per piece, and can easily be purchased from the Adaptive Vendor on the fleet. The Tythonian Knight armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Tython but needs to be originally purchased on a character on the Republic side. They sell the boots and gloves for most of the class or dark/light affiliation sets. Are there other ones? I want to rip mods from Command crates drops and transfer them to a few alts. It can be bought from the Specialty Goods vendor, in the back of the spaceport near where you land with your ship, beside the big window at the back of the spaceport. I'm trying to find the armor set vendor on the empire fleet. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Oct 7, 2021 · You can, from the Spoils of War Vendor in the Supplies section of the Fleet (same room as Kai). It can be bought from the Specialty Goods vendor inside the cantina in the Jedi Temple on the lower floor, to the left when you walk in the main entrance. The Alderaanian Agent armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Alderaan and can be purchased on either faction. The Wraidskin (Imperial) armor set is a Retired Random Vendor armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here are all of the new Bound to Legacy, moddable, dyable cosmetic shell armor sets that will be available to all players for 200k per piece in 7. The Republic vendor has inexpensive armor sets for Jedi, Smugglers and Troopers, and the Imperial vendor has armor sets for Sith, Imperial Agents, and Bounty Hunters. Jan 9, 2025 · Are there no more set bonus’s that work when you are 80? I did my Hyde and Zeek missions. 1. Tearack Posted June 4, 2022 Nov 12, 2012 · I was wondering if anyone has found a use for the armor sold by the planet vendors. The Belsavis Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Belsavis and can be purchased on either faction. In return for turning in a single item-rating 330 purple piece, and a single item-rating 330 blue piece, you can unlock a vendor that will sell you mods and enhancements that add up roughly to Rakata item-rating 330 gear, with each modification costing 100,000 Adaptive gear vendor on fleet, also there are class specific vendors for cosmetic gear on the capital worlds but im unsure where they stand on DK. The Adaptive Vendor can be found in the supplies section of the fleet. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Jul 22, 2016 · We've already seen this armor set vendor system exercised for the vanilla sub-level-50 sets and I would simply like to see it expanded to include the Remnant sets, as well. Jun 4, 2022 · All the NEW SWTOR Specialty Goods Vendor Armor Sets and where to get them! Over 780 Bound to Legacy, moddable & dyable Gear Set pieces have been added to the game in Legacy of the Sith update 7. They sell gear, both components and complete armor pieces and main- and off-hands, and implants and earpieces and stuff, for tech fragments. Most can be transferred between factions. May 13, 2015 · Hi all, I've been watching a youtube clip where a guy goes to the Stronghold/Crew skills section and goes to where you can get Mods for commendations. That was pathetic. Once they hit lvl 75, they can use the armor that is suitable for their toon (be it class specific or generic). You need Jawa Junk to buy the gifts. If you're in a guild, they will probably have him on their flagship. The Adaptive Vendor sells cosmetic adaptable modifiable armor at very low credits prices. Is there a reason why all the armor values are 4, 6, 8 etc, when the equivalent armor value found near my level are that of 200-400? I don't think that the closest ways to obtain that armor set now is either the <Cosmetic Armor Vendor> that sells look-alike pieces for credits (only blue quality armor set on it) or it may be given to you in green quality when you do the Onslaught storyline across Onderon and MekSha. 4 million Credit Grind just to clutter up the Legacy Inventory. I wouldn't buy it if it cost millions, but it's a good looking set for starters. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits The Masterwork Ancient Weaponmaster armor set is a Reputation armor set that players can earn in Star Wars: The Old Republic by reaching Champion rank with Ossus reputation faction. Is that site outdated or is this item no longer available? Jun 2, 2022 · Companions can wear any player-wearable armour that isn't class-locked, and in fact there aren't any vendors that sell companion-specific armour. Feb 22, 2017 · the gear that can be crafted has always been better then the vendors so it is better to just buy it or craft it your self . May 29, 2015 · The Makeb vendor was changed to a level 53 mod vendor. this armor has no stat increases, and a so-so armor value. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits News. Most armor these days is adaptive. It makes mor Jul 2, 2024 · 2. The Gree rep vendor didn't get any, and neither did the fleet vendor. It can be worn by any type of character at any level, but can only be purchased by Republic characters on Coruscant, outside near the Senate tower. Dec 9, 2024 · Vendors: Tullek and Giradda the Hutt. You can use it in PVE too, of course. Jan 23, 2012 · The only vendor ive found that has high end armor is the Ilum vendors. Apr 13, 2021 · As noted above, you need gear with open modification slots (which Augmentation kits don't add) in order to add modifications. so yea keep it like its now since its also better. See full list on vulkk. Dec 19, 2011 · I've been looking for the Stabalized Speeder or Manta Landspeeder vendor in-game, but I can't find them anywhere. Expansion; Legacy of the Sith 7. The one on the fleet is at the very beginning of the vendor stalls, where the lowest level gear is sold. ) Are the armor/weapon type drops level dependent? Or, are the drops dependent on gear level? (Note: im not concerned with the item rating level of the gear drop, but rather the type of armor/weapons that drop dependent on the current IR level you are wearing. This set is wearable only by Imperial characters, who are a specific level or higher on any Imperial class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear medium armor in the normal equipment slots. I did however obtain a weapon from the (4 man) Heroic quest on Belsavis for daily comms. Toggle navigation. Level 8, Or 10 Vendor I Don't Remember! Dec 14, 2011 · The customizations didn't get taken out. There are additional customizations on the CE store. It looks beat up but it adds to its charm and you can roleplay it as some old armor you got. The currencies you need to trade in for the new gear are Credits and Tech Fragments. Tullek’s Inventory. The Scout Armor Set can be bought directly from an the Adaptive Vendor on the Republic Fleet at the Supplies section of the fleet. 0 armor sets can be purchased from a vendor on the Republic and Empire Fleets. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Mar 20, 2012 · Nobility Set - this isn't from a social vendor. Each piece costs 200k Credits and can be purchased from the relevant planets <Specialty Goods> Vendor. Apr 2, 2013 · Buying the VIP band gives access to the VIP room and the VIP vendor, not the CE vendor. There are various sources of Legacy armor in-game such as reputation vendors. You can also craft earpieces, implants and relics. Once you have a piece of the Experimental 252 gear from the vendor, you can combine it and some Masterwork Data Crystals to upgrade the piece to a 258 piece from the Masterwork Vendor, which also requires Champion to Legacy Standing with Ossus Reputation to wear. Head 600 There is a vendor named S3T-BNS that sells semi-randomized sets of cosmetic gear, and for each set you collect, you also get a title and achievement! These armor sets used to be known as the ‘Kai Zykken’ armors, as the vendor who was selling them was named Kai Zykken, a silly character from the Shadow of Revan expansion. Edited May 29, 2015 by Lewintelamon Wraidskin (Imperial) Armor Set. News. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are level 75 or higher. Category Cartel Market Crafting Armormech Armormech Trainer Armormech Schematics Armormech Reverse Engineer Armormech Set Bonus Schematics Synthweaving Synthweaving Trainer Synthweaving Schematics Synthweaving Reverse Engineer Synthweaving Set Bonus Schematics Retired Crafting Schematics Archived Battlemaster Schematics Archived War Hero May 6, 2020 · I'm a returning player and am trying to orient myself to Onslaught. Hutt Cartel Security Letta - <Smuggler Trainer> Lieutenant Cafian - <Trooper Trainer> Master Arias - <Jedi Consular Trainer> Master Halacia - <Jedi Knight Trainer> Jeerag The Alderaanian Bounty Hunter armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Alderaan and can be purchased on either faction. In order to equip this type of armor, a character must have the Armor Proficiency: Adaptive ability. As I browse sites like TOR Fashion, there are a TON of amazing looking l So the Legacy Vendors (Imperial version) are in Kaas City, and the guy selling (for example) Inquisitor's sets has two outfits you buy using credits and one or two outfits that cost armor pieces or something. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Dec 19, 2011 · Social Armor Vendors Hi all, In general I'm having a tough time finding vendors that sell Social Ranking requirement gear. Sep 3, 2023 · This catalog will show you all of the cosmetic full armor sets sold by the Specialty Goods Vendors on classic SWTOR planets! If you’re looking for some classic looks build an outfit, these vendors are a great start! Read more about these armors at the Adaptive Armor Guide page on Swtorista. Nov 4, 2024 · and this idea to have for each season there own vendor is only going to creat more a big mess in the end. Preferred players are a mixed bag on their lvl cap. They are bound to the character who does the story line, and there is no way to get them later if you skipped story on Ossus launch for the gear grind. On Alderaan, there is an "equipment mods" vendor, in addition to a mods vendor. But im still lacking all of the other droid parts. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Mar 2, 2012 · The current run of armor available on the Security Key Vendor is interesting. And Odessen alliance crates. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Aug 4, 2022 · I feel like I have looked everywhere and cannot seem to find them! Jan 25, 2024 · I`ve noticed that when you want to repair single pieces of armor at a vendor or a repair droid, the function is greyed out and you can not click on it. Jun 9, 2012 · You can also buy a moddable droid core for credits in the Old Galactic Market -- turn right after you come out of the taxi pad area, the Specialty Goods vendor sells both the sensor unit and the core, and the heavy-armor vendor sells just the core. Thank you for your time and consideration, SWTOR community. Avenger Armor Set. In the current version of the game there are 3 different armor vendors (light armor vendor, medium armor vendor and heavy armor vendor) in the Kaas city. Join a guild who does conquest and reach the personal The Tarisian Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Taris but needs to be originally purchased on a character on the Republic side. Solo. So could she have been removed when those 3 where added? The Belsavis Agent armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Belsavis and can be purchased on either faction. Adaptive armor automatically adjusts its weight to match the heaviest armor that a character can equip. The problem is that when I go to this part it's locked and no one is there? I'm a Sith Inq btw. Adaptive gear vendor on the fleet in supply section. Jul 21, 2016 · One is in the Senate market area with the level 18 mod vendor and another is in the Old Galactic Market near armor vendors that sell one white item each. Tatooine Armor A harsh desert planet off all the major trade routes, Tatooine is known for its heat, its sand, its dangerous wildlife–and little else. Hi and good evening, just wanna ask where to find this set of armor? I read in SWTORISTA that this gear is available in tech fragments vendor for 1 million per piece but i can't seem to find this set and all the other Set bonus-armor sets for level 75 listed in the stworista site. Aristocrat's Set - this also is not from a social vendor (I've looked on every planet's social vendor list, the security key vendors, armor and specialty good vendors, and haven't ever seen those. Sadly if it isn't about me I don't pay too much attention to others in the room, but if you had a picture of the person in question, we might be able to track it or something similar down for you. Adaptive armor is a category of armor available to all classes. Join a guild on alt maybe. Tullek offers exclusive Season 7 items during the season: Feathered Huntmaster Armor Lockbox – 6 PvP Tokens; Feathered Ranger Armor Lockbox – 6 PvP Tokens; PvP Season 7 Blue and Red Flags How to Get Sith Armor for Your Dark Side Jedi SWTOR; Armor; 32 Practically Free Armors! Top 10 Bounty Hunter Armor Sets; Pvp Seasons Vendor Armors in SWTOR. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Screenshots of all Legacy Vendor Armors armors in SWTOR. Also might want to check the Bounty event vendor but getting gear from that requires you to farm the event I guess. I can see them in some databases on the web, but very few have vendors linked to selling them. These armor sets were class mission rewards for each planet in vanilla SWTOR, though it should be noted that the actual planet you buy them on is one "later" in the story than it should be. I think these used to be vendor armors for credits but no longer are. How to Get Legacy-Bound Armor. This specific set does not have any class or combat style restrictions unlike most of the Set Bonus armors. Thanks for the guide and the work to compile these sets. I've looked on Torhead, DH-DB, and Google, but no luck. There is modifyable Offhand gear available for Jedi Knig Screenshots of all Trooper Adaptive Vendor Armors armors in SWTOR. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Aug 28, 2013 · Update Aug 30 : They added a new customization to HK-51! Update: There is now a drouk pet and a Strike Force Tauntaun Mount Hey everyone, Oricon, the new planet in 2. Is it all just Conquest, FP and OP armor now from the vendors in supply section? May 23, 2016 · I about barfed when I saw their attempt at Koth's armor set. Oct 23, 2019 · All new SWTOR 6. I've looked everywhere and while Alignment gear has a couple of obvious areas, social vendor items do not. Very depressing to not have the D 212 Particle Beam Saboteur available anymore. 3, Old Wounds / Shrine The Voss Agent armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Voss and can be purchased on either faction. According to the guide on the forums (see below), I should be able to find a vendor who sells armor in exchange for both credits These armors can be purchased directly from a vendor called S3T-BNS in the Supplies section of the Fleet. Voss Interpreter’s Retreat Armor; What to expect in Update 7. From what I have seen. It features one of the more eccentric helmets in the game and an overall style that’s quite reminiscent of Iokath, though it’s clearly inspired by Marchion Ro and his ship The Gaze Electric from Star Wars: The High Republic. Edited July 22, 2016 by Oct 27, 2015 · it's not the difficulty of KOTFE it's the annoying fact that people can't simply buy lvl 65 Mods because before we were able to buy lvl 60 mods which was the lvl cap but now the lvl cap is 65 meaning that there should be a vendor for the lvl 65 mods just like there was for the lvl 60 mods in the Shadow Of Revan DLC but no Ea And Bioware don't seem to want to do that at all The Balmorran Knight armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Balmorra but needs to be originally purchased on a character on the Republic side. The Battle Armor (Imperial) armor set is a Retired Random Vendor armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Social points are earned through group activites including group Flashpoints and Operations. Also went to CZ-198, Voss, Section X, Yavin IV, Oricon, GSI Vendor and Makeb. Subscribed players have all expansions unlocked and thus are limited to lvl 80 (current game lvl cap). Not high enough reputation to access the Rakgoul or Gree vendors. Dec 22, 2024 · Fitted Armor of the Electric Gaze. And you'll be seeing a lot more adaptive armor as you level up. like now we need then 7 diffrend vendors the question is where to place all of then since soon of later you and up to 10 diffrend season vendors. Unless you're looking for "Ulgo Nobel" - in which case it's on Alderaan. I often use this vendor to get adaptable gear for new characters I make, and I have noticed that there is an item called Initiate's Offhand Saber Light Dark Vendors Armors in SWTOR Dark and Light vendors are located in the Crafting & Crew Skills section of the fleet, and require your character to be a certain level of Darkside or Lightside. Only a few settlements dot Tatooine’s endless wastes, inhabited by handfuls of traders and moisture farmers. This set is wearable only by Republic characters, who are a specific level or higher on any Republic class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear medium armor in the normal equipment slots. Apr 8, 2016 · If you want to go beyond "208" level, I'm not actually sure (yet) what the process would be. Don't worry about it until you reach level 75 and just equip what you have. Mar 16, 2020 · I know of only 2 locations with vendors who accept tech fragments as payment: The fleet - There are 4 or 5 vendors in the main section where you can buy item modifications, renown boosts (a good way to unload tech frags), pets, vehicles and gear from Kye Zyken Thursday - Sunday. The Flexplast (Republic) armor set is a Retired Random Vendor armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. So far I've only seen the one on the Section X vendor. com. Speak to Hyde to Get a Mission Once you find Hyde and Zeek hiding away in the corner of the room, go through some dialogue to learn more about them and eventually tell them you are interested in their The Alderaanian Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Alderaan and can be purchased on either faction. The vendor is Darthyn for the Republic side and Captain Thanar for the Imperial side. You can also craft some non-modable armor pieces at 216 Explanation. I'm level 75 with a gear rating of 268. The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Bluesky. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Battle Armor (Imperial) Armor Set. Social Armor is a special type of armor you can wear if you are the correct Social level. The Nar Shaddaa Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Nar Shaddaa and can be purchased on either faction. You should have had a moddable weapon as part of your starter world class story, and other moddable gear can be bought on Fleet from the <Adaptive Gear Vendor> (so-called because they sell moddable gear(2)) at the anti-clockwise end of the "Supplies" section. A new type of quest was introduced attached to the NPCs named Hyde and Zeek, located in the Supplies section of the Fleet. So you're getting better (and cheaper, since the planetary prices were brought in line with fleet prices) mods. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits The Nar Shaddaa Agent armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Nar Shaddaa and can be purchased on either faction. You can tell if an item is bound to your Legacy by hovering over it and it will say. Its identical to any of the dozens of other sets you can buy from the social vendors So since this armor requires lvl 75, F2P can't use this armor. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits The Tythonian Consular armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Tython but needs to be originally purchased on a character on the Republic side. This set is wearable only by Imperial characters, who are a specific level or higher on any Imperial class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear heavy armor in the normal equipment slots. The Hoth Agent armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Hoth and can be purchased on either faction. Aug 21, 2022 · Don't forget the adaptive armor vendor on the fleet also has different sets for either Republic and Imperial side, so if you're playing mostly only imp-side, be sure to check the vendor out on rep-side, there's some interesting pieces there as well. Apr 28, 2023 · That said, there are adaptive armor vendors on fleet that offer plenty of options inexpensively. These armors do not change between factions and you can buy all the sets on either side. This quote is inaccurate though. There is a mailbox, cargo hold access, Galactic Trade Network kiosks, vendors, and Galactic Republic class trainers in this area. Jan 22, 2012 · I have seen "mod" vendors on all planets, but they only sell a few mods. Sometimes guilds will have giveaways as well. Head 200,000 Credits Chest 200,000 Credits Retired Armor Vendors White Border Armors in SWTOR Read more about these armors at the Retired Armors in SWTOR Guide page on Swtorista. Can this please get fixed! Mar 28, 2016 · On the Rupublic and Imperial Fleets, there is a vendor that sells adaptive armor near the modification vendors. Those mods are 148 blues, whereas the old Makeb mod vendor sold 140 purples. com Planetary Vendor Armors are a set of armors on Specialty Vendors spread across many planets, and cost 200,000 credits per piece that were added to Star Wars: The Old Republic in update 7. It can be bought from the Specialty Goods vendor, outside near where you load in, between House Thul and the cantina in the marketplace area, a bit past the crafting trainers. And some keep their appearance in cutscenes - not all though, it's a mixed bag. ) It's not the best, but the hellfire set from the fleet vendor is a mandalorian looking armor. LvL 40 isn;t bad, but lvl 20? The Voss Trooper armor set is a Planetary armor set from the Speciality Vendor on Voss and can be purchased on either faction. The equipment mods vendor has a wider selection of mods. Translation from art object to armor (with multiple sizes etc) is harder than most think, however, so it's understandable. Dec 26, 2021 · Hello, I have noticed that the basic Adaptive Gear Vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets, Darthyn on the Republic Fleet and Captain Thanar on the Imperial Fleet appear to be missing an item for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior characters. You can buy a lot of bronze tier cosmetic armor sets off of the GTN <1m. owd npgo hqivqdd blpbb lkojj hipuo exidijh nij acw vsnuyj iqzb cnui jvwzqmj yjshnv bol