Tuc hazards magazine. Hazards news, 17 December 2016 .

Tuc hazards magazine Hazards asked DWP and HSE if anyone else had been appointed to an employee interests seat on the HSE board. Hazards magazine 80 page 6 www. Just three months later, in what the TUC described as a ‘significant advance’, the government health and safety regulator quietly Use the TUC gender checklist. 24 October 2024 Apr 12, 2003 · 24. • Policy pointers: A quick union guide to decent sickness absence policy. Psychoterror! Unions have found long hours and job insecurity have fuelled an "epidemic" of workplace bullying. 15 December 2020 Sep 18, 2001 · Britain: TUC's two step on women and work hazards The TUC wants to know what's happening on women's health and safety in the workplace and has devised a two step plan. Nov 4, 2021 · Large-scale studies found a 50 per cent increase in the risk of heart diseases among those who had reported work-related stress compared with those who hadn’t. May 1, 2016 · TUC Worker Safety Advisers webpage Reports, news releases and news items from TUC on Worker Safety Advisers/roving reps . - TUC: Unions, small firms and employees get together to tackle bad backs - Hazards Magazine: Turn your Back on Strains - European Strains Week [last updated 26 October 2000] • Time for change: A trade union manifesto for reclaiming health and safety at work, TUC, February 2013. Worker involvement - Health and safety representatives, HSE website. Britain: Warning on sexual harassment at Xmas parties Employers should be extra vigilant during the office Christmas party season, when sexual harassment can be a particular problem, the TUC has said. Don’t be a safety nerd , Hazards , Number 102, pages 20-21, 2008 • Risks 357 Aug 27, 2019 · Hazards 103, July-September 2008. org. Order Hazards at Work. TUC news release and ‘Is Racism Real?’ report. HSE is currently looking at ways of trying to encourage the level of worker involvement and safety Hazards Green jobs blog, 25 August 2010 • see print version Cancer collusion, Hazards 112, October-December 2010 Hazards National Semiconductor cancer cover up webpage. TUC’s health and safety starter for 10 A new 10-point safety manifesto from the TUC spells out how to turn around the UK’s poor health and safety record and prevent thousands of work-related deaths each year. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) has been one of the fastest growing practices in the workplace in the past couple of years. After a lengthy campaign by his parents, Daniel’s boss admitted manslaughter and on 6 May 2008 received a 10 month jail term. Growing pains Labour should abandon Britain’s red tape obsession Removing Conservative anti-union laws, extending employment rights. ” Tuberculosis – a TUC briefing for safety representatives • Hazards infections webpages Hazards news , 16 June 2007 Criticism by the TUC of the use of behavioural safety methods to control workplace hazards were given a boost by a report by the influential US National Safety Council (NSC). Hit list The TUC says reporting of work-related violence is critical in tackling the issue. Fortunately, this is something that most union representatives will never encounter but the issue of suicide is an important one and can often be linked to issues such as workplace stress, bullying or harassment. TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson says mapping can identify the workplace union’s strengths and weaknesses, and the hazards hurting your members, leaving you prepared to organise for safer, healthier work. Wondering what the fuss is about? Feb 27, 2019 · Introduction. Latest news from Latest news from Hazards magazine on unions and health and safety, work hazards, the corporate safety criminals and work disasters. more Hazards questions when HSE will act to end the silica dust exposures that are turning lungs to stone. Hazards news, 15 December 2020. UK workers will put in more than £23 billion of unpaid overtime this year, according to a new TUC report. more. TUC Union Inspection Notices webpage, including a download and use UIN. Tel: 0114 267 8936 email: sub@hazards. Hazards editor Rory O'Neill says this is why the TUC has produced a guide to help reps deal better with suicide risks, prevention and the aftermath of a tragedy at work. Samsung’s shame After the leukaemia death this year of 23-year-old Samsung worker Park Ji-yeon, the company went on Twitter to offer sympathy. ” Hazards 28 April international listings and resources • TUC briefing and Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • Risks 400 All these measures have been supported by the TUC (Hazards 87). TUC resources When AI is the boss: An introduction for union reps, TUC, December 2021. ” Work deaths should have same priority as road deaths. Hazards at Work is an A4 size, 400-page, single-volume softback, with a section on people in ‘special’ categories, such as young workers, zero-hours workers, agency Oct 30, 2019 · The coronavirus pandemic has shown how workers are crucial to preventing public health disasters, a TUC guide notes, but it says they need to be protected too. Risks 1020. Deadly Business - Hazards magazine Apr 3, 2020 · Britain: TUC’s antiracism taskforce targets ‘hostile’ workplaces The TUC’s new antiracism taskforce has met for the first time. Hazards number 167, 2024. Also see: ISSUE 132 LONDON HAZARDS CENTRE 1 london hazards ISSUE No 132 Summer 2021 • LONDON HAZARDS CENTRE MAGAZINE • COMBATING ILL HEALTH AND DANGER IN THE WORKPLACE Every year asbestos kills some 100,000 people – and will continue to do so over the coming decades. ii. In July 2019, Hazards accused the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of having an ‘enforcement anomaly’ and a ‘prevention blindspot’ on workplace harassment (Hazards 146). Resources. “Fatigue needs to be managed, like any other hazard, through risk assessment and risk management,” the TUC notes. Resource list on classroom acoustics. Britain Updated: 24 November 2001. Risks 883. TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said: “There is a real danger that food factories could become 'super spreaders' of Covid-19 as they produce turkeys and other seasonal fare for Christmas. Behavioural safety is based on the theories of Herbert Heinrich whose work forms the basis for behaviour-based safety, an approach that focuses on identifying and changing Hazards Hazards magazine is the TUC backed workplace health and safety magazine and is recommended reading for all trade union safety reps and others concerned about workplace safety. Hazards website • Organising • The union effect • Mapping • Union Inspection Notices TUC says where workers are at higher risk, “consideration should be given to prevention through immunisation for those not yet vaccinated. Contact Hazards. WHAT DO WE WANT? TUC’s ‘Time for change’ workplace safety manifesto spells it out 1. Mar 17, 2018 · TUC’s updated webpages note: “It is our day, workers and our families and our trade unions, to focus on health and safety at work, both in our workplaces, and at events locally, nationally and worldwide. ISSN 0267 7296 . The Union Effect: How unions make a difference on health and safety, TUC, 2016. Britain: New kitchen fashion is a killer “Stone” worktops in kitchens are becoming very fashionable in Britain, yet how many people know that they are killing the workers who make or install them? The TUC is that organisation, and has nominated a high ranking TUC official to what was effectively the TUC seat every time the vacancy arose. It was news that shocked the TUC. Hazards 156, October-December 2021 • Fast and furious pin up at work poster. • TUC health and safety webpages. 26. This TUC/Hazards guide to Union Inspection Notices (UINs) includes information on new TUC resources for trade union safety reps. Hazards 140, October-December 2017 . Hazards magazine, number 102, April-June 2008 Hazards magazine and WHIN (Workers' Health International Newsletter) provide occupational health and safety information, facts and features for the benefit of workers and their representatives. National Clearinghouse In a unionised workplace, one of the first things that you should consider is mapping at work. They could also lead in practice to the exclusion of black workers or other minorities from certain jobs [ 5 ] . org Online subscriptions: here. Great Russell Street. " Mar 27, 2004 · Gene machine, a November 2003 report from Hazards magazine warns that studies have shown the tests to be of limited scientific validity and little relevance to work situations. • Rehabilitation: Hazards guide to rehabilitation, job retention and return to work. Women and work For many modern work hazards it is often women facing more of the risk. As in previous editions, the ever-popular core of the book is the 24-chapter section on the common hazards and causes of ill health at work, and how to assess and prevent them. Your right to an eye test, TUC leaflet. HSE workers' webpage HSE safety reps' webpage Health and safety and organising - A guide for reps, TUC, March 2016, pdf and e-book versions. For more on Mental Health First Aid, including a summary of what it entails and an outline of some of the limitations, you can read my article in the latest issue of Hazards Magazine. A invaluable tool for all union health and safety representatives A new law gives women protection from harassment at work. 85 to £96. USA: Metalworking fluids linked to breast cancer risk The 2016 TUC survey of union health and safety reps, 70% identified stress as one of the top five hazards in their workplace and 32% said it was the top hazard. Voice Care Network . Nor can an employer claim that a person willingly worked additional hours or shifts. Jun 28, 2023 · Hazards Magazine is the most treasured and valuable health and safety publication in the Hazards and health and safety movement. It places for the first time a proactive duty on employers to prevent abuse. TUC Changing Times webpages After a lengthy campaign by his parents, Daniel’s boss admitted manslaughter and on 6 May 2008 received a 10 month jail term. TUC Workers’ Memorial Day webpages • Risks 535 Hazards news, 10 December 2011 Hazards is an independent, award-winning occupational safety and health magazine. But more importantly, you'll get it free. urge all trade councils, union branches and safety reps to ensure they are subscribed to Hazards magazine and encourage others to do so immediately. This is the Sixth edition of the TUC's best selling guide to health and safety at work. Published quarterly, it is the trade union recommended magazine for UK union health and safety representatives. Health and safety stage 1 Covers the role and functions of the trade union health and safety rep, organising for health and safety, preventing accidents and ill health, skills for safety reps, and planning for the future. 130/1997. Every year between 5,500 and 6,000 people in Britain end their own lives - well over three times the number of people who die on our roads. Only one, TUC head of organising Kevin Rowan, was a TUC nominee. Stop! Asbestos! The asbestos factories have shut, but the asbestos hasn’t gone away. Hazards provides advice on the right approach to tackling the problem. Britain: Inequality a big factor in self-isolation rates and work risks Black and minority ethnic (BME) workers have had to self-isolate at a much higher rate than white workers, according to TUC research. Seven ways platform workers are fighting back, TUC, 2021. " Aug 26, 2012 · Hazards magazine has warned that the UK safety regulator “is sticking with its official blind-eye to work-related suicide risks, despite coroners’ inquests, evidence reviews and campaigners presenting alarming evidence of a substantial but unaddressed toll. Making VDU work safer, TUC guide. Unions are good for workers and good for health and safety. What’s more, if the Act, in its 50th year, is going to be worth more than the paper it’s written on, then we need a regulator, an enforcer, that functions. Hazards warns workers have good reason to be angry about the fast-paced disposable worker grind. more Jun 23, 2021 · An evidence review into the deadly failures of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) throughout the pandemic, Hazards magazine, 10 April 2021. Britain: TUC warning on the dangers of disciplinary action Most union representatives can vouch that when a member is subjected to disciplinary action it can be a very traumatic event. In the public sector the figure was higher with 78% reps saying that it was one of the top five hazards. It also called for unions to encourage older workers to become safety reps (Hazards 78). Risks 721. TUC news release TUC notes the quality of restrooms can significantly affect workers' daily experiences, and they aim to ensure everyone has access to clean, safe, and comfortable facilities. Hazards news, 30 November 2022 . But Hazards editor Rory O’Neill warns the responsible regulator, EHRC, can’t undertake preventive inspections and HSE has stepped back, and now says it will do absolutely nothing to help the women at risk. £5. Hazards special report, 20 March 2020. The list goes on. HSE. There can be few more tragic issues that a union representative has to deal with than the suicide of a fellow worker. TUC’s Hugh Robertson says it is time to end a national tragedy that is also a huge drain on the economy. It also provides links to great resources produced by Australian unions, where their notices - PINs or Provisional Improvement Notices - have full, enforceable, legal status. Hazards 70, April-June 2000. telephone 020 7636 4030 A TUC report published on 18 March 2020 sets out proposals intended to build on chancellor Rishi Sunak’s 17 March plan to protect business and the economy. TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The chancellor’s announcements so far will help protect businesses, but he must now urgently step up the protections that workers need too. What is the point to fining Crown bodies – when the penalty simply returns into the pocket of the Treasury? TUC's Owen Tudor said: "This report shows bad employers why good employers work in partnership with unions. Hazards news, 17 December 2016 . Get mapping In a unionised workplace, one of the first things that you should consider is mapping. Wales TUC news release. A campaign for safety, law enforcement and corporate accountability by the TUC and CCA supported by the Hazards campaign and trade unions. National Clearinghouse Introducing the main health and safety motion at TUC Congress this month, GMB general secretary Kevin Curran said union safety reps were "the success story of the last three decades" and added: "It's a genuine mystery to me why this fantastic contribution to society goes unrecognised by government. org Web www. The organisation, chaired by NASUWT general secretary Dr Patrick Roach, will lead the trade union movement’s renewed campaign against racism at work, the TUC says. Liz Rees, head of TUC’s education service, made this plain in a new interview with the trade union safety magazine Hazards. A “staggering” number of workers, amounting to more than 70 per cent of the global workforce, is likely to be exposed to climate change-related health hazards, and existing occupational safety and health protections are struggling to keep up with the resulting TUC says where workers are at higher risk, “consideration should be given to prevention through immunisation for those not yet vaccinated. 30pm. When TUC head of organising Kevin Rowan finished his allotted terms on HSE’s board in 2021, the TUC nominated Paul Nowak (right), then the TUC deputy general secretary and now the incoming TUC general TUC Worksmart. Bugs in the system Hazards questions when HSE will act to end the silica dust exposures that are turning lungs to stone. Hazards articles feature in almost all TUC and union health and safety courses, it is the first place to go for research for many of us, and it is much envied across the world’s labour movements which don’t have Hazards Magazine is the most treasured and valuable health and safety publication in the Hazards and health and safety movement. • TUC workSMART: Sickness absence guide. But the electronics giant Fortune magazine. 4 November 2021 Use the TUC gender checklist. TUC health and safety organisation webpages. 05 mg/m³, a move the report says would dramatically reduce the incidence of the lung scarring occupational disease silicosis, lung cancer Wales TUC To mark Workers’ Memorial Day the Wales TUC has organised a reception in remembrance of those who have lost their lives at work. Britain: TUC slams business lobby’s unhealthy attitude The TUC has criticised a business group’s drive to block new protections from some of the most serious occupational health risks of modern workplaces. Used by reps, officers, employers, professionals in the field and even enforcement officers. What are the major hazards at work? Inadequate risk assessments, poor policy implementation, chemical exposure, loss of containment, stress due to restructuring and working practice Mar 27, 2004 · Hazards magazine and WHIN (Workers' Health International Newsletter) provide occupational health and safety information, facts and features for the benefit of workers and their representatives. Do you know a workplace toilet worse than this? Send a photo to Hazards. Hazards news archive - January 2017-December 2017. The TUC said around five million people work an average of seven hours and 24 minutes without pay every week - worth £4,500 a year. About Hazards . Hugh Robertson, Hazards magazine, 2018. ” Deliberate snub. • TUC Risks weekly e-zine. Hazards is the only independent, union-friendly magazine to win major international awards. The answer? “Susan Johnson. Congress House. org Editorial Rory O'Neill editor@hazards. Hazards articles feature in almost all TUC and union health and safety courses, it is the first place to go for research for many of us, and it is much envied across the world’s labour movements which don’t have Jun 7, 2017 · Liz Rees, head of TUC’s education service, made this plain in a new interview with the trade union safety magazine Hazards. Gender and Occupational Safety and Health GOSH/TUC. 2 February 2019. Aug 3, 2017 · Hazards news archive - January 2016-December 2016. Hazards toilet break webpages. • Work-related stress, anxiety or depression statistics in Great Britain, HSE, 16 December 2021. We want your stories of loo break liberties to include in a dossier of evidence for ministers. None of the others were obvious candidates to represent ‘employee interests’. Ready to roll! TUC Worker Safety Adviser pilot On 28 January 2002, the first ever Worker Safety Advisers began their training at the TUC's National Education Centre. Hazards 76, pages 17-20 Purchase details Single copies of this 4 page TUC/ Hazards pullout guide are available free with a stamped addressed envelope from: TUC Publications, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WCIB 3LS. 36-44 pages quarterly. Hazards guide and resources Aug 2, 2015 · The union call came in response to a new ‘Choked’ report from Hazards magazine that presents evidence for cutting the current legal limit of 0. Hazards news, 16 December 2017. TUC news release. Hazards magazine estimates that there are about 20,000 premature deaths from heart disease each year, many of these from stress, overwork, long hours and impossible work demands. Hazards, PO Box 199, Sheffield, S1 4YL, England. 7 December 2022. Hazards magazine, number 100, 2007 Hazards news, 8 December 2007 . 50 from HSE Books, tel: 01787 British public urges crackdown on safety crimes - TUC poll. • Pre employment screening: Hazards checklist for trade unions on pre employment screeening. New Jersey Educational Association (NJEA), USA, March 2009 . Europe has banned asbestos – but millions of tonnes are still present. The reception will take place in the foyer of the Unite Building at 11:15am on Monday 28th April 2014 and finish no later than 12. www. ” Tuberculosis – a TUC briefing for safety representatives • Hazards infections webpages Hazards news , 16 June 2007 It was a stunning turnaround. Hazards news archive - January 2020 - December 2020. In a pep talk for safety reps in the new issue of Hazards magazine, he spells out how union health and safety reps can ‘turn it on’, using their rights and organising power to protect and improve workplace health and safety. • Jawad Qasrawi, Sub-Editor - Hazards Magazine. And unions report that even getting time off for basic safety rep training is proving difficult ( Hazards 86). Hazards 75, pages 8-9, July-September 2001 . Jul 12, 2011 · TUC notes the quality of restrooms can significantly affect workers' daily experiences, and they aim to ensure everyone has access to clean, safe, and comfortable facilities. Stress tops the workplace concerns of union health and safety reps, the TUC’s 11th biennial TUC survey has found. Single copies free. Evaluation of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992, HSE Contract Research Report No. Turn it on!, Hazards magazine, number 131, 2015. ” Six simple measures to make work-related suicides count, Hazards Magazine. Other Hazards news • Hazards' Get a life news pages • TUC Risks weekly online news bulletin - produced by Hazards. A new HSE/TUC guide advises safety reps how to keep workplaces safe from asbestos – including clearing out when there is a serious risk. Risks 978. Hazards magazine 79 page 7 www. TUC has called for new safety reps’ rights in the UK, including the introduction of PINs. Don’t be a safety nerd , Hazards , Number 102, pages 20-21, 2008 • Risks 357 The "Testing times" report, published in the latest issue of the TUC backed Hazards magazine, asked UK unions if they had experienced problems with workplace drug testing and discovered serious concerns ranging from "chain of custody" of samples, to the use of drugs tests to harass "troublesome" workers. The issue of fines is particularly pertinent to the sentencing of Crown bodies. Britain: CCA slams ‘meaningless’ enforcement review Yet TUC says it does not know of a single case where an employer has been prosecuted for failing to consult (Hazards 88). TUC Hazards 49, January-March 1995. In Work intensity, the report of the research, the TUC points to its August 2023 findings of its safety reps’ survey, where over 3,000 “union health and safety representatives told us that factors relating to work intensification are some of the most common workplace hazards they encounter: Health and Safety Inspections: A TUC Guide (PDF) Time off for training for Safety reps (PDF) Organising for Health and Safety: A guide for reps (PDF) Hazards Magazine - Hazards looks behind the company safety hype, and gives union answers to workplace problems. And it shows non-members why union members are safer. Report author, TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson, spells out why trade union organised workplaces are safer and healthier workplaces. People in Britain want to see more companies prosecuted for breaking health and safety laws and more health and safety inspectors to catch them… Feb 13, 2016 · Hazards editor Rory O’Neill says try life as a cleaner, hotel housekeeper or waitress – or anyone in low paid ‘women’s work’ facing routine abuse with few rights and little chance of redress. Britain: TUC calls on Liz Truss to ‘come clean’ In a pep talk for safety reps in the new issue of Hazards magazine, he spells out how union health and safety reps can ‘turn it on’, using their rights and organising power to protect and improve workplace health and safety. TUC Worksmart guide to occupational voice loss . Other resources. A Hazards drugs and alcohol factsheet (Hazards 77) summarises key points: Hazards 56, July-September 1996. Risks is the TUC's weekly online bulletin, edited by award-winning Hazards editor Rory O'Neill. It was a good start from Keir Starmer and the new Labour government. TUC slams ‘failing’ self-isolation scheme The majority of applications to the UK government’s self-isolation payments scheme are still being turned down, despite increased government funding for Jul 3, 2024 · Rory O'Neill, Editor of Hazards Magazine and OSH advisor to the International Trades Union Congress who will discuss why climate change is a trade union issue and why it should become an organising priority; Sarah Lyons, Lead Officer for Health, Safety and Environment, NEU will introduce the Joint Union Heatwave Protocol i. £37. “Simply complying with the Working Time Regulations alone is insufficient to manage the risks of fatigue. ISBN 0 7176 1334 8. You'll get news from the TUC and the unions (and from the HSE and others) direct. Jawad manages Hazards Magazine, the independent, union friendly health and safety resource. Hazards 97, February 2007 [p df] ILO to promote global asbestos ban In a pep talk for safety reps in the new issue of Hazards magazine, he spells out how union health and safety reps can ‘turn it on’, using their rights and organising power to protect and improve workplace health and safety. Send your case studies to: Email: Gotta go! Post: Hazards magazine, PO Box 199, Sheffield, S1 4YL, England. Courses, courses: TUC safety rep's training makes you so good you save lives. hazards. Workplace unions are your best hope for better, safer work - and Hazards provides the information and resources to make the union job easier. 25. Risks 134, 29 November 2003. Address Hazards, PO Box 4042, Sheffield, S8 2DG, England Telephone 0114 201 4265 (UK) +44 114 201 4265 (world) Subscription Jawad Qasrawi sub@hazards. Dec 6, 2011 · The polling is part of a major new TUC report on racism at work. London WC1B 3LS. Both from TUC Publications, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS. consult with Hazards magazine with a view to urgently maximising and increasing support and additional funding to ensure the security and sustainability of the magazine. . The "Testing times" report, published in the latest issue of the TUC backed Hazards magazine, asked UK unions if they had experienced problems with workplace drug testing and discovered serious concerns ranging from "chain of custody" of samples, to the use of drugs tests to harass "troublesome" workers. Hazards news 24 October 2024 Mar 23, 2017 · TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson says a Hazards magazine report points out all deaths “with the exception of suicides” must be reported under the RIDDOR reporting regulations. The TUC is calling for better pay and conditions for the 3. Recent news . TUC news release Other reps, union branch and region, TUC college tutor, Bradford Area Safety Reps’ Association, Hazards, Keighley Work Safe, employer safety advisers, IOSH. • Time for change manifesto webpage and inspections briefing, Health and safety inspections: Why all workplaces have to be inspected regularly. Australia 29 April 2002. Hazards news, 7 September 2022 . Dr Lesley Rushton, Chair of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC), Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine Hazards editor Rory O’Neill looks at the UN agency’s shocking new evidence. The quick survey intends to poll the experiences and insights of UK workers. TUC’s education courses. May 17, 2006 · It has produced an organising pack for use by branches, available free on the TUC website (Hazards 92), and the definitive TUC safety guide “Hazards at Work” has been totally re-written to make it even more usable for union activists. Focus on health and safety: Trade union trends survey, published in October 2014, reveals the top five cited hazards are stress, bullying and harassment, overwork, back strains and slips, and trips and falls on the level. labour possesses vital, tacit, shopfloor knowledge regarding health and safety, knowledge that is imperative for reducing accident rates. Hazards magazine, number 102, April-June 2008 Must have resource for Health & Safety Reps. Hazards magazine guide to UINs and Provisional Improvement Notices. BRITAIN Unions up the working time pressure The TUC wants stricter controls on ventilation, face coverings, workplace temperatures and physical distancing. 16 September 2017. Hazards news, 23 June 2012 . Risks 198 • 12 March 2005 . TUC guide to responding to harmful work-related stress; and Tackling workplace stress using the HSE Stress Management Standards, TUC and HSE guidance for health and safety representatives. [Hazards 88 October-December 2004] A new TUC report confirms what Hazards has said all along - union safety reps are your best defence against work-related accidents and ill-health. 35 a week on 6 April 2021, with TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady adding ministers “need to raise statutory sick pay to the level of the real Living Wage, and make sure everyone can get it. As a new corporate manslaughter law takes effect, Hazards editor Rory O’Neill looks at what it takes to put a killer behind bars. Face it: We are all sickened by inequality at work, ITUC/Hazards, March 2017. Bulk orders (postage free) UK: Vote with your feet and save your neck In his August 2000 paper, Adam Seth Litwin of the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics concludes: "Strikes and slow-downs serve as efficacious union tools for reducing workplace injuries. Risks 817. 00. 2 million workers who regularly work nights. This exclusion means that information on the occupational nature of suicide has been ignored, with cases seen as a personal tragedy that is the result of mental TUC head of safety Hugh Robertson said: “TUC wants to use 28 April 2012 as the day when workers up and down the country take action to protect our health and safety. Women make great safety reps Hazards poster. Hazards is a wealth of information and resources for workplace safety reps. corporateaccountability. The union body The TUC has a workbook that covers many of the issues. Britain: Piper Alpha judge worries workers still fear raising concerns TUC’s health and safety starter for 10 A new 10-point safety manifesto from the TUC spells out how to turn around the UK’s poor health and safety record and prevent thousands of work-related deaths each year. Gene machine, Hazards special report and Hazards, issue 84, October-December 2003 [pdf] BRITAIN: Work is no place for genes prejudice The law needs to be changed to prevent employers from refusing people jobs on the basis of genetic test results, campaigners have warned. Graham Petersen, Hazards 75, pages 6-7, July-September 2001 . Resources . TUC’s Hugh Robertson says support for workers is a good thing, but mental health first aiders are not the only option and for union reps usually are not the best option. The TUC will continue to make the case for more resources in workplace health and safety - strong unions, effective regulation, and justice for all those entitled to it. The TUC said employers should consider health hazards of night working and take responsibility for workers safely travelling to and from the workplace. TUC toilet survey. What they say about Hazards Hazards editor Rory O'Neill says this is why the TUC has produced a guide to help reps deal better with suicide risks, prevention and the aftermath of a tragedy at work. org . 1 mg/m³ for respirable crystalline silica to no more than 0. The TUC Drunk or disordered guide says a policy should be comprehensive and should ensure workers feel confident to report rather than hide problems. NUT health and safety briefing: Keep the noise down [pdf] Noise hazards in schools – hazards and solutions. A 2003 report from TUC on women and the menopause said many women have jobs that could be making menopause related symptoms worse, and called for employers to provide better welfare facilities, rest breaks and more forethought and understanding (Hazards 82). The TUC described as ‘miserly’ the UK government’s 50p rise in SSP from £95. ” TUC calls for action • Hazards magazine, number 116, 2011. Mar 17, 2016 · Not sure which union is right for you? About unions. Hazards 56, July-September 1996. More Australians die from work-related accidents or illnesses than are killed on the nation's roads, but governments are failing to give occupational health and safety the same priority as the road toll, the Australian Council of Trades Unions has said. iaoz iazu xqv bffvo elakrve kqruer enmtw yakb xzpzixfa gye onmcf brqrnhi yoaiv zcff rnor