Victoria 2 events Istanbul, the initial capital of the Ottoman Empire, is needed to form the Byzantine Empire. txt file with wordpad. Jul 16, 2023 · Victoria 2, 2010 yılında çıkmış olmasına rağmen günümüzde bile hala hatrı sayılır miktarda oyuncuyu bünyesinde bulunduruyor. There are essentially two ways an event can be provoked: Let the German Eagle rise! Tawantinsuyu Resurgent! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. How to gain consciousness? Thread starter PotatoMan; Start date Sep 2, 2013; Find an event that raises it and fire it repetitively. Dec 22, 2016 · A Comprehensive List of Victoria 2 Events and Commands By NoseFaceButt A [mostly] complete list of console commands and events for Vicky 2, cheat your infamy, militancy, change your upper house or commit genocide, do whatever with this. Event 60040 Absolute Monarchy go to steam>steamapps>common>victoria 2>common and then open up the static_modifier. Jan 3, 2024 · This will allow multiple instances of the same event to fire to one country. From a purely strategic perspective, there is absolutely no reason not to annex the territory. Then on election day the result is determined. It is not in any way covering all the events in the game, as there are 100's of them. Aug 17, 2023 · That is halved to 90 days if at least 15% of the POPs in the province support slavery. ; About Victoria 2 Wiki; Mobile view Apr 25, 2013 · Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 From Victoria 2 Wiki. the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, the fall of Constantinople, discovery of the new world, reformation, enlightenment, Waterloo, etc) could have drastic differences on Europe as we know it This page was last edited on 30 April 2020, at 22:33. 1 Decisions and events; 2 Economy; 3 Research; 4 Diplomacy. 2. The event. Event 60020 Bourgeois Dictat. Requirements. It is a medium-sized Asian nation, which can be led to a quite powerful position. Louis Riel and the 1st Métis rebellion; S. I called mine "Cheats" Oct 4, 2019 · Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Jan 2, 2025 · From Victoria 2 Wiki. event [id] [TAG] Trigger country events, regardless of the event requirements. For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive. Mar 4, 2024 · Java is today a part of Indonesia but in 1836 it was the largest of the Netherlands' colonies. Option 1: if you get the liberal events (Springtime of nations), choose the liberal event options, you should easily get around 40% upperhouse with that. 00 infamy, other nations will get a containment CB on you. This decision then leads to the event Laagers Attacked!, which gives you a cut-down-to-size casus belli on Zulu. 1 Africa; 5 According to the event code you also have to get pass the Dred Scott decision event and the John Browns Raid event has to happen, which it will. 04 patch there is a problem with launching province events via console command (event [event_id] [province_id]) - they are all country events now, and even part of them are crush the game. I have played over 20 years in game, now I am getting full of events and I don't know what I am doing with them. Those are democracy, Prussian Constitutionalism and HM's Government. The effects lasts until the end of the game. Aug 13, 2022 · event 5162 1: This command applies to province events only. ; About Victoria 2 Wiki; Mobile view Sep 25, 2022 · The Byzantine Empire is a country that can be formed by Greece. And events keep spamming to me so often. Members Online Alice v1. Most are centered around the Civil War, as this was the focus of the expansion A House Divided. 5 militancy from France and improves relation with USA by 100, but the real effect lies in the event USA gets. There are a few changes to infamy that are not in the vanilla game, here are those changes: Greater Infamy Reduction - in the early game you Aug 24, 2021 · Witwatersrand Gold Rush is an event that will happen to any great power bordering a nation owning the province of Witwatersrand (ID 2106), when gold is discovered there. I Has the best events bound to it, giving research points, a bit of prestige (though less than order and autocracy), piss off people, when you are dictatorship and the one probably known to you all of you filthy cheaters: event 18540, which gives either -2 infamy and 5 prestige or -3 infamy if you have 70% of 25 infamy. Oct 25, 2022 · Californian Republic is a country releasable from Mexico 1836 only after the war with Texas is over. txt should show you where the events should be- in this case, we're looking at the line "# Colonial Uprisings - 14500". Events in Victoria 2 can also be triggered using console commands. There's 2 types of countries: 1. Since 3. Egypt is a strong opponent, and suddenly European powers will be put on the spot to either support the crumbling Ottomans or intervene on Egypt's behalf despite the objections A quick tip: checking EventIDs. Apr 10, 2011 · They are located in DB/events in a number of different files. Country or province event? (country) country_event = { The following steps do not have to be done in this order. Jan 2, 2025 · Events. g. Save the image as a TGA file (use the dropdown in the Save box) - the default format settings are OK. If the province ID is not specified, the event is triggered in the capital province of the player's country. This one is rather nebulous, but certain events can only occur or are more likely occur with high consciousness POPs. Members Online. Which one Save this under any name you want and place it in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Victoria 2\mod\HPM\events. This will then fire an Imperial Surrender event that transfers the Imperial domain to your control, and all of the daimyos will also get an event that makes them become annexed. Open "my events. You must wait until 1905, or edit event 1003 + political parties in common/countries. In the event_modifiers. Normal events will fire whenever their conditions are met, this event will only fire once under any circumstance. Strateji oyuncularının oyunlarına sadık kalması bilinen bi gerçek olsa da Victoria 3’ten beklediğini bulamayan pek çok oyuncu tekrar Victoria 2’ye döndü. event 2001 USA: This command applies to country events only. This makes forming the Byzantine Empire virtually impossible until the Turks move their capital to Ankara with the event Flight from Istanbul. The event will give them a free conquest casus belli, which simulates The Boer Wars. Aumentar truco de militancia – militancy X = Reemplazar X con la militancia que desees; Trucos de Victoria 2 – Truco de Anexión. 84 million people in East-Central Europe. L. Now you're done! Use your image in an event To win the Boshin War as the Shogunate, you need to occupy Kyoto for 90 days and make sure Imperial Japan is at 20% war exhaustion and has no more than 2 units. So i am playing Ottomans and i am new to the game (ik not a great starting nation) and i am stuck trying to pass reforms, i do not have enough militancy for my conservatives to pass reforms, i have been picking all events that will give me high militancy and yet nothing is happening. Sep 30, 2023 · The event will have effect on a random owned non-colonial state and will decrease pop growth by 2% as well as increase militancy by 0. Aug 31, 2021 · From Victoria 2 Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This is the category of all events unique to countries with North German or South German culture, including Germany . Events during elections This is about a fictional representation of a real world event The Warlord Era began in Qing China with the establishment of the "New Army" in 1895 (later renamed to the "Beiyang Army"), a modernization of the Chinese army following the loss to Japan in the First Sino-Japanese War. Victoria 3 is like that but with none of those things I just described and also costs $20 more. Australia has 4 Unique events, two of which it shares with Great Britain. The event will give USA a modifier, which gives a staggering +500% assimilation rate and 200% immigration attraction. Event text The general strategy is to respond to the random pop-up events in such a way that militancy increases in slavery-allowed states, increasing the chance that they get the CSA core event, while simultaneously trying to keep militancy in the free states low, because your overall militancy determines how soon the war breaks out (you want to delay it 2. com Sep 16, 2021 · This is a list of events that can happen in the Greater Flavour Mod. The game requires 2 players: player 1=ORGIN event 60080 - presidential dictatorship (reform) event 60090 - bourgeois dictatorship (reform) For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive Jan 25, 2022 · 1. Apr 18, 2024 · Flight from Istanbul is an event that can occur to the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), that changes the capital from Istanbul to Ankara, the present-day capital of Turkey. Nov 25, 2024 · This is a list of events that can happen in the game. It’ll give you the event to get more liberals in the upper house For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive. Army of Darkness The description of the Military Reform in the Westernization interface reads: "This is my BOOMSTICK!" Mar 5, 2024 · One needs at least 2 prestige to do so. May 11, 2020 · Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive. A decision is different, they are things that the nation itself triggers, things that are within the control of a nation. The basis of the entire economic system is the flow of currency, the basis of all currency in Victoria 2 comes from one of 3 things. It is by no means complete. The genocide event will leave your affected provinces with a negative modifier for a few years, but after that you're good to go. X is the target of the command, and may be a group of pops, a group of provinces or states, a country, or other things; A = B is the condition, and may be limiting the pops Aug 25, 2021 · The Coronation of Queen Victoria is an event happening to United Kingdom early in the game usually within the first 4 years. Question I want to do the gold rush event but when I enter “Event 1100” my game crashes. 12 - Automatic frontlines, Macro builder improvements, and a bunch of other QoL fixes Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. 'Banjo' Patterson; Rise to Secondary power Jan 2, 2025 · From Victoria 2 Wiki. Regardless, there are a few considerations a player choosing Japan will want to keep in mind: To increase your nation's population, the "Men for The Colonies!" event is used (also known as the "Baby Boom" event). Dec 10, 2024 · Syntax and terminology. Specializing in pen and ink, he has mastered a variety of techniques, employing fineliner, ballpoint, fountain pens, traditional dip pens, and even brushes dipped in ink. Dec 10, 2024 · It requires a starting event (1) which has no trigger, so it must be triggered by another event or manually. Victoria 2 has a higher learning curve but better documentation for learning, more established mods, and is relatively cheap even when not on sale. This can happen earlier than the historical timeline (as early as 1837), or not at all, depending on POP consciousness and event decisions. Event 60010 Presidential Dictat. So, here are all the console commands and events in Victoria 2, for you For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive. The other reason is that the central focus of the story (perhaps I should have left in the 200 word summary) was how a seemingly insignificant event that occurs during the EU4 timeframe, i. See full list on pcgamesn. Reactionaries event 18060 Liberals event 18020 Socialists event 18040 Nov 23, 2021 · During the time period of Victoria 2 Japan ended centuries of isolation and westernized to join the world stage. This is more useful than a probability, because a probability depends on how frequently an event is checked: if an event has the potential to fire every month, its probability must be a lot lower than if it can only fire every year, lest it fire much more often. txt, which is in the common folder) - This is where you use the modifier effects listed on the wiki page I linked above. It is the culmination of many events and decisions related to the American Civil War that were added in the expansion of the same name, A House Divided. event 80007: adds Jingoism as dominant value to your pops. Austria is an empire of roughly 8. Yuan Shikai was appointed the commander of this new force by the Empress Dowager Cixi, and as it grew in Dec 11, 2024 · Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Events are good for unexpected . 250 Prestige Event 5000 Introduce New Sport Event 10000 Liberal Revolutions Liberal Gain Militancy Event 12000 Safety Regulations Event 12010 Safety Regulation Reform Jan 15, 2025 · From Victoria 2 Wiki. With a large population and large ethnic tensions, in order to lead Austria into the spotlight, large sacrifices must be made in order to halt her decline. Canada has no unique decisions but 4 unique events: Stanley Cup; The Pacific Scandal; Louis Riel and the 1st Métis rebellion; The Northwest Rebellion; Early Game. Looks good, I’ll try the trigger later today! Thanks again. fire_only_once. Jul 8, 2018 · This page was last edited on 8 July 2018, at 16:05. Civil war Decisions Apr 23, 2016 · Make an entry for it (usually in event_modifiers. 2. For instance, I get "Knights of the Golden Circle" event where I am supposed to choose either "Leave them be" or "Suppress the Society". The main example is the American Civil War. Reply reply Sep 2, 2013 · Victoria 2. The events can be found here: Casus Belli events First thing I did was make the event modifier in Victoria 2/Common/event_modifiers Paste this in there: immigrants = { immigrant_attract = 3 Then go to Victoria 2/Events and make a folder called whatever you want, as long as its unique from the other folders there. It has 1. This should work for Vanilla, HFM, and HPM; save before using these events if using another mod. then there is a chance that the event The Taiping Rebellion will spawn a civil war between China and Heavenly Kingdom. 1. txt" (or whatever you name it) 3. Save this under any name you want and place it in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Victoria 2\mod\HPM\events. Mean time to happen (MTTH) is a concept used by the game's engine to determine how often events should occur. Event text Jun 1, 2021 · This Victoria 2 modding lesson will show you how to create new country events in Victoria 2. By spamming this event, you can increase the population of your nation pretty quickly. Aug 14, 2011 · Event 60000 Proletarian Dictat. 0 unless otherwise noted. Equality: Does anybody know any literacy event in victoria 2 ? I would like to boost my pop literacy through events < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . Event Triggers. You need a mod (HPM, HFM, PDM, Blood and Iron), you need to sphere the country you want and the colonial conference needs to fire (somewhere around 1880). #2 Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments This is a list of events that can happen in the game. 04 prestige pr. Use the event ID with the event console command to start an event in the game. Capital Provence (Austria and Egypt only) Open the game files ( Steam > steamapps > common > victoria 2 > mod > HFM > events > CANflavour), make a copy then search the text file via ctrl-f for "annex" and "secede" and change the tag CAN to ENG. The event gives the country 10 prestige 0. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. It is very similar to a decision and the only difference is that the player (or the AI) has control over decisions while events are somewhat random. Change of government type can be achieved by political reforms (mainly Vote Franchise), events, decisions, or successful rebel uprisings. 250 Prestige Event 96150 Lowers the infamy to 25 and Gives 25 Prestige Event 18560 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige and Lose 1 Militancy or Gain 814. However it seems that the more nations in Japan are westernized the sooner it will happen, specially for Imperial Japan and Tokugawa. Varainger Jan 24, 2022 @ 7 Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Mar 16, 2024 · A CB may also be gained by an event, decision or owning a core on another nation. Members Online Does any mod has a treaty similar to the Brest-Litovsk one , after a great war of Germany with Russia in early 20th century ,after a total German win? Jul 9, 2020 · Been playing my first ever playthrough as USA. On top of that it gives +0. Only one country per game should get the 5050 event and thus the same for the child events. There are no guides that i know of, i learned myself the good old way: i messed with stuff someone else wrote, copied bits and pieces until i got enough experience to write stuff on my own. After Manifest Destiny the USA have cores in California. Dec 19, 2003 · Even if you have placed the event correctly and the event number is not used, it may simply not work because you're playing a mod instead of vanilla. For the event: Oct 22, 2022 · A House Divided (ID 16000) is a country event which begins the Civil War between the USA and the secessionist Confederate States of America. Burke and Wills - shared with Great Britain; Charles Sturt's Fourth Expedition - shared with Great Britain; A Federal Flag; A. I think the event chain for it is only applicable to UK, USA, Japan and or China, so you’ll have to use console commands; event 32509 should work, but I cant be 100% sure Jan 18, 2016 · event 14680 causes a +1% population growth per state and the same benefit for colonial provincers but also +25% assimilation rate, +100% immigration attraction, and +10% life rating. Jun 12, 2020 · It removes 0. Find a list of all events from Victoria II, including DLCs, with event IDs and names. The event Witwatersrand Gold Rush will happen to all great powers, which border Transvaal. The United States has many decisions and events relating to its historical path. These events are GFM specific and are not representative of the base game. This is the only country that can change continent. The province is initially owned by Transvaal, and the nations affected will most likely be either Oranje or Transvaal. These are references to movies, books, songs, or almost any real-world art or historical events; with a few exceptions. Thank you! I didn’t know about the scopes and the event only triggering for existing nations (the game is a bit inconsistent in that aspect). Jun 30, 2016 · Currently working on my megacampaign's alternate history conversion mod for Victoria 3, The Heirs to Aquitània. -Merging of General García's HFM Mexico submod, including decisions for assimilating Texas, mass education, renaming Mexico city, claiming the Nutka territory, introducing Reduce infamy: event 18540 Reduce militancy/consciousness: event 18180 Increase jingoism: event 18520 Victoria 2 is not a finished/balanced game, that is how I Event 4402 30. Sometime within the first ten years of the game it will rebel, and the Ottomans will likely be engulfed in a war to reclaim the Levant. This step is very important since otherwise Canada will begin with zero techs and zero literacy. Due to the effects of the following decisions Jan 2, 2025 · Austria is at her peak by the start of Victoria 2. 2 Targets of conquest; 5 Colonization. From a tactical perspective, the extra militancy might be undesirable, and in some niche circumstances the drain on Colonial Power may be unwanted. Range: Events: event 80003: -50 Badboy/Infamy event 80004: -100 Militancy for all your pops event 80005: -100 Consciousness for all your pops event 80006: 9999 Research points for you. Sure enough, checking ColonialUprisings. The campaign lasts 6 months. Jan 3, 2025 · The first event, Expedition Returns Without Success, can happen 2 years after the possible window for the entire expedition has started (so 1968, 1898 and 1908 respectively), and has a MTTH of 12 months. If you're using HPM it gives New York a 0. Might have to spam it a few times, but it works. Primary Culture 2. Copy a sample event, in this case the above. How Population Growth Works. 75 votes, 13 comments. month. B. can be found in the scenarios sub-directory. . The following 6 years, every two years, the MTTH is reduced by 40%. It might be prudent to colonize British Columbia before releasing Canada, as well as enacting the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. Here's events for filling the upper house with a certain ideology. well, events, things that are out of the nations control, where something happens and you only get to choose how to react to it. This will cause one province in your nation (random) to have a 1% increase in population. Jan 2, 2015 · event [event id] [<country_TAG/province_ID>] - Executes an event event [id] [province id] - (Province events) Trigger events with the id specified, ignoring it requirements. This is a list of events that can happen in the game. 91K subscribers in the victoria2 community. Call it with "event 80003" when you need to and hey, presto, gone is your infamy. Jan 25, 2022 · Event pictures go in the Victoria 2\gfx\pictures\events directory. Because these events and decisions are largely related, they are grouped separately. You'll be prompted to "flatten" the image from two layers to one: go ahead and do it. Let me know if you have suggestions! Let me know if you have suggestions! No longer actively working on the Victoria 2 version , but happy to maintain it or integrate changes! Trucos de Victoria 2 – Truco de Militancia. 1%, their population will grow by 1 person daily. 94 million citizens and lies on an island of the Malay peninsula. g disbanding my entire military) or results Jan 2, 2025 · Unlike for all other nations striking gold, this is not a happy event. 2% population growth bonus for the rest of the game. Scroll down until you find part that begins with "name = "EVTOPTA232000000"" (line 300) Now you have found list of countries and their lake names. Range: Usable for event triggers only. May 5, 2020 · An event is a pop-up during the game, that has an effect on anything from a single province, a nation to world politics. Feb 3, 2023 · Victoria 2 is full of interesting events and wars that would normally take a long time to reach or see. Any state that this event has happened to, will join the CSA in the Civil War, and all states, where this event has not yet fired will not. Hope this helps! Genocide away. The specific event is called "A House Divided" and has the ID 16000 A House Divided Mar 5, 2024 · Option 2 Bah, more useless territory which gives UK -2 prestige. They give some modifiers for CON and militancy. txt" 4. -2 event chains for the republic of Independent Guyana, an unrecognized state between French Guyana and Brazil with French backing in the Franco-Brazilian border dispute. Making an assimilation event would need 2 things. Dec 11, 2024 · Germany (called The German Empire under an Absolute Monarchy or Prussian Constitutionalism government) played an important role in global events during the later part of Victoria II's period and can easily become the most powerful nation in the game. Event 60030 Fascist Dictat. From 1905 to another year Aug 17, 2023 · From Victoria 2 Wiki. find the word "badboy" under "peace = {" and set it to = -0. In Victoria 2 your population growth is a percentage of the total population of each province. The mean time to happen for all the events in 3 months. If one intends to play as California, it is better to lose the war to Texas. . Pages in category "Russian events" The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total. Timestamps for this tutorial/lesson:00:00 - Video start02:29 - In Aug 18, 2022 · Unique events. Japan is considered by many to be the Tutorial Island of Victoria 2, at least in terms of uncivilized nations. There is no limit to how much infamy you can accumulate at once, yet if you have over 25. Think what you want as event, in this example I wanted to enslave non-accepted cultures. txt and searching for event id 14680 lands us right at "Colonial Recruitment". txt file, you'll see that every modifier has an icon it displays—for country modifiers, this is the icon that May 5, 2020 · Mean Time to Happen. China Rejects the Convention! M. e. Oriental Crisis (1838 or later, Common) Egypt begins the game as an Ottoman vassal. Aug 13, 2023 · The Meiji Restoration is one of two mutually exclusive and very similar decisions Japan can take; the other being Early Meiji Restoration. Event description Infamy is a mechanic in Vic2, each wargoal will cost infamy. Several different casus belli can be gained this way, but it is the only way to gain the repay debts CB. Meiji Restoration requires Japan to be at peace and in a sphere of influence, while the other decision, 'Early Meiji Restoration' requires Japan to NOT be in a sphere of influence. You can specify the province affected, otherwise it default to the capital province. Further Implications. Search "Victoria 2\mod\HPM\events" (it's most likely in steam folder) 3. 0. Jan 2, 2025 · Decisions and events. Truco de anexión – conquerall; Trucos de Victoria 2 – Truco de Jingoismo. 61 Research Points Event 4305 Provence Lose 2 Militancy Event 12060 Lose 1 War Exhaustion Mar 31, 2023 · Victoria 2 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Feb 15, 2022 · Created a new text document file in events for the 2 genocide related events, edit the national focuses text document under Victoria 2/common. 00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5. You can find the event in Victoria 2/events. Open "Exploration. The decision paves the way to the Zulu decision Attack The Laagers, which reduces the amount of Boer POPs in Durban by 40%. However, I don't know how to designate a target for the event, and so right now using these events either does nothing useful (e. Then put that in the argument immigration_focus = { Should look something like this for the event - Event 19300 is the statue of liberty event, can use that for any country to get immigration. These are specially constructed gameplay changes that the developers released in code form to let players Event 4305 Provence Lose 2 Militancy Event 4400 Trade Policy Rich and Middle or Middle and Lower Lose Militancy Event 4402 30. From Victoria 2 Wiki. That means that for a province of 1000 people, with a population growth of 0. There is a small catch though. Save the file. The player has two choices Spare no effort in relieving the local farmers which will have the effect last 6 months, but on the other hand the local population will gain 3 consciousness and the Aug 25, 2017 · Reading this forum, I have come across two events-- event 60120 and event 60130-- that purportedly allow you to annex satellites that share the same primary culture as you. 4. Since Istanbul is in Europe and Ankara is in Asia, the event also changes which continent The Ottoman Empire is on. All four of them gives Australia prestige with no drawbacks or requirements. Truco de jingoismo – event 14180; Trucos de Victoria 2 – Truco de Puntos Diplomáticos Jun 15, 2022 · Victoria 2 events. It is random when exactly is going to happen, usually at most 1865 but I had a game when it happened at 1867. It removes Hannover as a Puppet of Great Britain as well as removing all Influence and setting their attitude to Opposed. Aug 24, 2021 · Electoral campaigns can begin due to term expirations, player action or triggered by an event or decision, in the government types that allow elections. Pages in category "Canadian events" The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total. It is an existential threat to both Transvaal and Oranje. The country is the United States. Jul 31, 2022 · The likelihood of each event is affected by the press rights in the country, and in general Free press will make positive events less likely and the negative events more likely. The event itself and the modifier. Make sure its name matches exactly the one you put in your decision/event; You need a decision or event to trigger the modifier using the effect below: Nov 25, 2024 · The following is a list of Easter eggs found in Victoria 2. To see the mechanics of an event look for the Event page. 01 pr. 1 Threats and rivals; 4. It usually gives less, I think that has to do with your research tech or something like that. Cheats do wonders if you let them. Starting Cash: The amount of cash POPs and States have at the game start. Syntax: fire_only_once = [yes/no] Use: The event will fire only once in a game. You can also change the badboy modifier under "war = {" to reduce infamy during war time as well. Adam Bartosik's artistic journey in Victoria, BC, is a story of passion and evolution. Aug 24, 2021 · From Victoria 2 Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This is a category of all the events unique to United Kingdom , and the other countries with British culture: Scotland , Australia and New Zealand . When fabricating a casus belli, there is a series of events that can either help or halt the effort. Even if they are slave states and lives up to the criteria of the event. Decisions/Events: Some decisions/events cause money to generate. Some events are universal, while others can only happen to a specific nation. Make the description. Many event options are of the form X = { limit = { A = B } Y = Z } What this means is that when the event triggers, and this outcome is selected, then for all X such that A = B, Y = Z happens to X. In DoD, infamy works a little differently. This is why, with the use of console commands, most of us Victoria 2 fans can finally experience everything that we couldn’t before. You can also take the other options if you don't want to pass all the reforms. For example, the events of VIP:R e. 5. C. 2 years worth of research points and decreases militancy and consciousness of all POPs in a random state by 4. Sep 2, 2023 · The state of affairs in the colonies does not actually have any effect on the event. This community helped me multiplie times during my attempts in modding Victoria, so at least I can write something useful. ytk ngj bgwn lxajp mwfzd kjyo mzwlcuf wlkv nbdk wqfzww reis nicj cdtcl jxfknj oisy