Celebrity faces dataset. It contains 200,000+ celebrity images.

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Celebrity faces dataset. │ ├── interim <- Partially processed data.

Celebrity faces dataset Celebrity Classifier Model description This model classifies a face to a celebrity. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the ages of the celebrities on the images by simply subtract the birth year from the year of which the photo was taken. 7 soccer players appear in both of the datasets, and we decide to select the gallery faces for these identities from the CFPW dataset. The images in this dataset were obtained using Google Image Search and verified by human 该数据集包含 18 位好莱坞名人的图像,每个名人有 100 张图像,共 1800+ 张图像。该数据集中分别包含以下名人图像: The CelebA-HQ dataset is a high-quality version of CelebA that consists of 30,000 images at 1024×1024 resolution. │ ├── models <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries Jul 25, 2022 · However, the academic community still lacks a video dataset with diverse facial attribute annotations, which is crucial for the research on face-related videos. CelebA Dataset CelebA Dataset is a large-scale face attributes dataset with more than 200K celebrity images, each with 40 attribute annotations. The images are collected from search engines using celebrity name and year (2004-2013) as keywords. 18,184 images. Flickr Faces: This high-quality image dataset features 70,000 high-quality PNG images at 1024×1024 resolution with considerable variation/diversity in terms of age, race, background, ethnicity, and more. 256x256. Dive into 17 Celebrity Worlds with 100 Glamorous Images Each ! 🎬Hollywood Celebrity Facial Recognition Dataset | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Use this dataset The CelebA: Large-Scale CelebFaces Attributes Dataset comprises over 200,000 celebrity images, each annotated with 40 attributes. Features will be extracted Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset通过从Google搜索引擎中抓取图像构建而成,涵盖了约80万张图片,包含1100位知名名人和一个用于分类未知面孔的未知类别。 每个名人文件夹大约包含700至800张图片,而未知类别则包含10万张图片。 Aug 4, 2018 · Celebrity Image Dataset: CelebA dataset is the collection of over 200,000 celebrity faces with annotations. " Small dataset for face recognition tasks 14 Celebrity Faces Dataset | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Use this dataset The Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset (CACD) contains 163,446 images from 2,000 celebrities collected from the Internet. Each identity has 15 or more images. - lakkshh/Face-Recognition-Using-Triplet-Loss. The dataset contains more than 160,000 images of 2,000 celebrities with age ranging from 16 to 62. Celebrity Faces (v1, 2022-12-19 6:31pm), created by Simform 118 open source Celebrity images and annotations in multiple formats for training computer vision models. This Program is specifically used to use the dataset for Deep Learning. Using a large collection of images featuring famous individuals, our system will learn how to create new, realistic-looking "celebrity Contribute to abinrajmk8/Celebrity-Faces-Dataset development by creating an account on GitHub. So I tried the face detector of mxnet with threshold = 0. The images in this dataset cover large pose variations and background clutter. CelebA这个API接口进行读取 more varied dataset to generalize well for face recognion beyond the dataset. 0. Learn more. How to use Sep 21, 2022 · Top 3 Face Datasets. Over 200k images of celebrities with 40 binary attribute annotations Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Winkler. CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) is a large-scale face attributes dataset with more than 200K celebrity images, each with 40 attribute annotations. OK, Got it. Here are the most widely used face datasets. Since in this blog, I am just going to generate the faces so I am not taking annotations However, the academic community still lacks a video dataset with diverse facial attribute annotations, which is crucial for the research on face-related videos. This dataset was created for educational purposes and is far too small for any sort of model training. License: apache-2. Data can be downloaded from here. This project can be further extended by adding more celebrities to the dataset, fine-tuning hyperparameters, and experimenting with other deep learning models to improve recognition accuracy. Several deep learning models for face detection and face recognition are explored and compared. Model purpose: to recognize large-scale celebrities from their face images. This training dataset is prepared by the following steps. A data-driven approach to cleaning large face datasets. celebrity_faces. This repository is about the resource of a new Chinese Celibrites face images database. To thoroughly evaluate our work, we introduce a new large-scale dataset for face recognition and retrieval across age called Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset (CACD). 1800+ images of celebrity faces of 18 people! Can you identify faces based on very few photos? CelebFaces Attributes dataset contains 202,599 face images of the size 178×218 from 10,177 celebrities, each annotated with 40 binary labels indicating facial attributes like hair color, gender and age. The Neural Maze 1. Languages This is a small dataset containing celebrity faces. Size: Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it. 4% Face Model Zoo MS-Celeb-1M Challenge 1 Model: from SMILE Lab@NEU 2016. Dataset of around 800k images consisting of 1100 Famous Celebrities and an Unknown class to classify unknown faces. We will be making use of Deep Convolutional GANs. We crafted the DFF dataset 基于Kaggle提供的开源数据集Five Celebrity Faces Dataset,构建基于迁移学习方法的人脸识别模型 - HopHill/Face-Recognition The 'Celebrity Together' dataset has 194k images containing 546k faces in total, covering 2622 labeled celebrities (same identities as VGGFace Dataset). It contains 200,000+ celebrity images. Training data: the cropped and aligned version of the MS-Celeb-1M dataset, dataset download page; no external data used. It leverages deep learning and computer vision techniques to deliver fast and accurate results. datasets. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its This problem can be explained that many faces in this data were looking down or other ways, some others are in black and white. This repository contains a dataset of localized face images of 150 celebrities from Bollywood, Hollywood, and South Indian cinema, with equal representation of 50 celebrities from each industry. Bollywood celeb localized face dataset (extended) Bollywood Celebrity Faces Localized Dataset (170) | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Faces will be explored using Haar-like Classifiers in OpenCV. Face detection and face recognition are hot topics in computer vision and have many real-life applications. 2. They used DiscoFaceGAN to generate 500K synthetic faces of 10K unique identities. We gathered a face image dataset with 356. Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Face Recognition Dataset - Oneshot Learning Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Sep 25, 2024 · The project utilizes a dataset of celebrity faces, and I trained a model capable of identifying individuals from new, unseen images. The dataset encompasses diverse images with significant pose variations and background clutter. Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset Dataset of around 800k images consisting of 1100 Famous Celebrities and an Unknown class to classify unknown faces. │ └── raw <- The original, immutable data dump. It is challenging to construct datasets of comparable size using face images that Celeb-HQ Facial Identity Recognition Dataset This dataset is curated for the facial identity classification task. The most famous facial dataset, CelebA [22], has been largely adopted for evaluating face recognition Gender Detection Dataset Making from CelebA dataset of 200K Celebrity Faces. Dataset of around 800k images consisting of 1100 Famous Celebrities and an Unknown class to classify unknown faces - prateekmehta59/Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset 65 datasets • 158646 papers with code. like 0. Sep 24, 2020 · Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (celebA) dataset. 0M face images of 1M identities are collected. A popular component of computer vision and deep learning revolves around identifying faces for various applications from logging into your phone with your face or searching through surveillance images for a particular suspect. The result was remarkable compared to MTCNN. Our aim is to tackle the rising challenge posed by deepfakes in today's digital landscape. Aligned and Cropped Images: Faces have been aligned and cropped to a consistent size, facilitating standardized analysis. Some folders contain multiple images. We significantly outperform SynFace across all datasets, suggesting that our rendered synthetic faces are better than GAN-generated faces for learning face recognition. ©2025 上海长数新智科技有限公司 版权所有 沪icp备2024081699号-1 This work is entirely based on CodeParade's work; I am using a similar model architecture but with deeper latent layers to accomodate the bigger dataset (which also has more variance) — this model has approximately 20% more params. The raw data contains images of different sizes for 13 different Bollywood celebrities. The dataset contains 506874 face images of 431 persons, with an average of 1176 images of different ages and postures per person. It presents different sizes, various pose angles, a range of different light conditions, large age variations, etc. Dec 21, 2020 · This contains around 5000 folders with images of many well-known celebrities. -W. 36k SynFace is the current state-of-the-art for face recognition model trained on synthetic faces. vietnamese-celebrity-face. To facilitate the above face recognition task, we provide a large training dataset which covers the top 100K celebrities. First, we select the top 100K entities from the 1M celebrity list in terms of their popularities. The rise of deepfake images, especially of well-known personalities, poses a serious threat to the dissemination of authentic information. 59% faces correspond to these 2622 celebrities, and the rest faces are considered as 'unknown' people. The full dataset contains over 200K images CelebA contains thousands of colour images of the faces of celebrities, together with tagged attributes such as 'Smiling', 'Wearing glasses', or 'Wearing lipstick'. Bald Detection Dataset Making from CelebA dataset of 200K Celebrity Faces. Projects Universe Documentation Forum Jan 11, 2021 · Image Source: Kaggle — Pins Face Recognition. The model was trained to identify the most popular celebs on GIPHY, and can identify and make predictions for multiple faces across a sequence of images, like GIFs and Sep 14, 2021 · For this assignment you will use a subset of the CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) dataset. Downloads last month. Bollywood Face Dataset. CelebV-HQ contains 35,666 video clips involving 15,653 identities and 83 manually labeled facial attributes covering appearance, action, and emotion. Citation: H. 50K Celebrity Faces Image Dataset. Dataset Card for "face-celeb-vietnamese" Dataset Summary This dataset contains information on over 8,000 samples of well-known Vietnamese individuals, categorized into three professions: singers, actors, and beauty queens. CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset. The network learns to generate fake street-house-number images and celebrity-face images for the respective datasets, giving the impression that they were taken directly from the real datasets. After face detection, the faces detected by the Mxnet detector were passed MTCNN to find the landmarks. The dataset contains more than 1000 real and 900 fake faces with varying recognizable difficulty. The total images amount to more than 13000. The dataset also contains many labels in CSV file format. A dataset of 30,000+ celebrity face images. These should be enough to train a reasonably good variational autoencoder capable of generating new celebrity faces. Here are some example images in our dataset: Sep 7, 2024 · Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset(名人面部识别数据集)是由知名研究机构与人工智能实验室联合创建的,旨在推动面部识别技术的发展。 该数据集的创建始于2018年,主要研究人员包括多位在计算机视觉领域享有盛誉的专家。 The Classification of 105 Celebrities with Face-Recognition using Tensorflow-Framework Topics python tensorflow numpy kaggle dataset image-classification face-recognition matplotlib python-3 tensorflow-framework transfer-learning celebrity validation-accuracy tensorflow2 celebrity-face-recognition The CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) consists of more than 200K celebrity images with 40 attribute annotations each. Famous people faces dataset to test facial recognition methods. Over 200k images of celebrities with 40 binary attribute annotations. Learn more Jul 10, 2020 · CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) is a large-scale face attributes dataset with more than 200K celebrity images, each with 40 attribute annotations. ├── LICENSE ├── README. Dataset description tonyassi/celebrity-1000 Top 1000 celebrities. Aug 27, 2024 · 通过本文,我们看到了Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset不只是一项技术资源,更是人脸识别领域的一个强大推进器。无论是专业开发者还是AI学习者,这个项目都是不容错过的宝藏。 We propose a large-scale, high-quality, and diverse video dataset, named the High-Quality Celebrity Video Dataset (CelebV-HQ), with rich facial attribute annotations. To tackle this, we present a thorough investigation into how deepfakes are produced and how they can be identified. Flickr Faces is a facial image dataset crawled from Flickr. Created by Microsoft Research, it provides a massive resource for training and evaluating face recognition models. Formats: parquet. Each celebrity has between 50 to 100 high-quality, localized face images. (2015). Features --Upload an image and identify matching celebrities. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. ├── data │ ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling. - sssingh/svhn-and-celebrity-image-generation-dcgan CN-Celeb is a large-scale speaker recognition dataset collected `in the wild'. A clean version (wash list) of MS-Celeb-1M face dataset, containing 6,464,018 face images of 94,682 celebrities dataset face-recognition face-dataset face-database relabel Updated Oct 9, 2020 CelebA是CelebFaces Attribute的缩写,意即名人人脸属性数据集,其包含10,177个名人身份的202,599张人脸图片,每张图片都做好了特征标记,包含人脸bbox标注框、5个人脸特征点坐标以及40个属性标记,CelebA由香港中… Détails du Dataset : Nombre de classes : 17 (acteurs/actrices célèbres) Nombre d'images : 100 images par classe Source : Kaggle - Celebrity Face Image Dataset Taille des images : Les images sont de dimensions variées, nécessitant un redimensionnement avant l'entraînement. Celebrity Face Dataset for Face Analysis and Look-alike Detection Celebrity faces Dataset | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. A DC-GAN-based Generative Neural Network trained on the Street View House Numbers (SVHN) and Large Scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) datasets. 原文: CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset. DCGAN based on PyTorch example for Face Generation using Celeb-A Faces dataset - chibiqilin/DCGAN-Celebrity-Faces Dataset contained celebrities' faces in Vietnam. Square cropped to face. GIPHY is proud to release our custom machine learning model that is able to discern over 2,300 celebrity faces with 98% accuracy. The MillionCelebs face dataset is collected from the Internet Image Search Engine according to the Freebase celebrity name list released along with MS1M. For example, a security service requires a facial image for entry [9, 23, 22]. │ ├── interim <- Partially processed data. In order to increase the difficulty of face identification, the Celebrities in Frontal-Profile in the Wild (CFPW) dataset [2] with a total of 500 celebrities is used to expand our gallery set. 0. Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset. We&#39;ll be using a bunch of images of famous people and a special setup made with Pytorch to design our system. Dataset card Viewer Files Files and versions Community 1 Subset (1) default · 7. Jan 28, 2025 · The Real and Fake face detection dataset is designed to help facial recognition systems better distinguish between real and fake facial images. The images range from extreme poses to heavily background-cluttered backgrounds. This project implements a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) based on the paper "Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks" by Radford et al. In this paper we present a celebrity face matching system to match a random human face with celebrities' faces taken from the Pins Face Recognition dataset. Annotations: The Indian Celebrity Dataset for Face Recognition (ICDFR) is a new dataset compiled from publicly available images of Indian celebrities including Cricketers, Actors, Politicians, Social Workers, Scientists and other Celebrities. In this repository, we will guide you through creating fake celebrity faces using a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) with PyTorch. like 1. This dataset contains more than 130,000 utterances from 1,000 Chinese celebrities, and covers 11 different genres in real world. The CelebA dataset. It is trained on tonyassi/celebrity-1000 dataset and fine-tuned on google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k. It was trained on the 100,000 celebrity faces from celebA dataset, kindly resized to 128x128 images by greg. Apr 13, 2023 · A dataset with a total of 106,863 face images* of male and female 530 celebrities, with about 200 images per person. Google used 100M-200M images of 8M identities to train FaceNet [29], and Facebook used 500M images of 10M identities [31]. Ng, S. 2 Celebrity Facial Dataset for Facial Recognition The face classification models have been largely used in various industry domains, especially for user authorization. In this page, we present the MillionCelebs Face Recognition Dataset, which contains one million celebrity face images. A part of (more than 1000 observations) the Bollywood celebrity faces was picked from Kaggle for face recognition purposes. We&#39;re creating fake celebrity faces using a technique called DCGAN. The dataset contains 5,478 images. You can find the dataset here — It’s a well-curated dataset originally obtained from Pinterest — Cropped and Labelled! There are a total of Compared with the existing dataset construction strategies, this method can quickly build a large-scale Chinese celebrity face dataset, which is named CCFace (Chinese Celebrities Face). And you'll get the output dataset in the format as Train, Test and Validation directories separately. There are 1,215 test images. As such, it is one of the largest public face databases. All the images have been scraped from Google and contains no duplicate images. md <- The top-level README for developers using this project. Fine-tuning FaceNet for the ‘105_classes_pins_dataset’ has the potenal to develop a model that is robust in celebrity face recognion, addressing the nuances of varying image qualies and class imbalances. Jun 3, 2024 · The MS-Celeb-1M dataset is a large-scale face recognition dataset with 1 million images of 100,000 celebrities. The images in the CelebA dataset include many variations of background and pose. Celebrity 1000 Top 1000 celebrities. In this work, we propose a large-scale, high-quality, and diverse video dataset with rich facial attribute annotations, named the High-Quality Celebrity Video Dataset (CelebV-HQ). After preprocessing, 87. Major tech companies can utilize private data to train their face recognition models. CelebA boasts extensive diversities, large quantities, and rich annotations, including 10,177 identities, 202,599 face images, 5 landmark locations, and 40 binary The Open Celebrity Faces Dataset encompasses 258 distinct categories, each featuring a minimum of five images. Nov 13, 2024 · Celebrity Faces数据集是一个专注于名人面部图像识别的数据集,旨在为计算机视觉领域的研究提供高质量的图像资源。 该数据集由Apache 2. The IJB-B dataset is a template-based face dataset that contains 1845 subjects with 11,754 images, 55,025 frames and 7,011 videos where a template consists of a varying number of still images and video frames from different sources. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it. Modalities: Image. Méthodologie : Téléchargement et analyse du dataset : 该数据集是 CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) 数据集的精选子集,专为图像合成和面部识别等深度学习任务而精心挑选。它包含 50,000 张不同身份的名人脸部图像,涵盖广泛的姿势、背景和面部属性。 Jul 21, 2021 · CelebA Dataset: This dataset from MMLAB was developed for non-commercial research purposes. 4K images of 7,676 Chinese celebrities crawled online automatically from versatile sources. About LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram) Face recognition datasets with real face images. Oct 28, 2019 · Add this topic to your repo To associate your repository with the 5-celebrity-faces-dataset topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from multiple data sources Face-Recognition-on-Celebrity-Dataset Face recognition has become a popular topic of research recently due to increases in demand for security as well as the rapid development of mobile devices. Jun 1, 2024 · CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) is a large-scale face attributes dataset with more than 200K celebrity images, each with 40 attribute annotations. Then, we&#3 Datasets: Domi-Z02 / vietnamese-celebrity-face. So, Here's a project to attempt recognising the celebrity faces. The images vary greatly in terms of size and quality, ranging from smaller, low-resolution photos to larger, high-resolution ones. Flickr Faces . There are 307 identities (celebrities). 2. The dataset includes data on more than 100 celebrities in each of the three job categories. CelebA is a large face attribute dataset containing over 200,000 images of celebrities, each with 40 annotations for various attributes. Our dataset can be downloaded from HuggingFace. Testing out a GAN containing a generator and discriminator with convolutional and fully connected layers, using a celebrity faces dataset - drmerlot/GAN-Face-Generation Dataset of around 800k images consisting of 1100 Famous Celebrities and an Unknown class to classify unknown faces - prateekmehta59/Celebrity-Face-Recognition-Dataset Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from 5 Celebrity Faces Dataset Face Recognition Celebrity faces Identification | Kaggle Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Follow. CelebA接口进行直接读取和调用,要解压对齐和裁剪后的图片以及标签和数据集划分txt文件到统一的celeba文件夹下【注意:文件夹名称需为全小写英文字母】,方可通过torchvision. Browse State-of-the-Art Blind Face Restoration More details about the dataset please see the dataset document. Aug 31, 2024 · 首先下载下来的CelebA数据集并不能通过torchvision. The Celebrity Face Recognition System is a web-based application designed to identify and match user-uploaded facial images with a dataset of celebrity faces. Applied Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in Face Recognition using Triplet Loss function and KNN on the 5 Celebrity Faces dataset. The cornerstone of our research is a rich collection of artificial celebrity faces, titled DeepFakeFace (DFF). However, these images can be used for demo examples or other educational purposes. 0许可证授权,包含3000张名人面部图像,每张图像均标注有相应的名人姓名。 Here we present a meticulously curated collection of artificial celebrity faces, crafted using cutting-edge diffusion models. There are 4,263 training images. Proc. The dataset has a size of 25,3 kB and is organized in theree main components: Images: In-the-Wild Images: Original images depicting celebrities in various environments and conditions. Dataset card Files Files and versions Community Subset (1) default · 3k rows To use this model, provide a test image with a celebrity's face, and the code will predict the celebrity's name based on the trained model. If you want to read about DCGANs, check out this article. An initial accuracy of over 89. jxfi bxfkz hdj imlzu csycknm rlat dybbc xgb ayqdc bjtw xot tdbix iyu rzsxp snfnu