Division 2 perfect talents list. D'autres en revanche n'en ont pas besoin.
Division 2 perfect talents list Holster are like active ones, but they are only active while the weapon is in the holster or equipped. This setup requires a bit of farming/luck. So below you will find a guide, which will explain all the changes made to the weapon talents and also a list of all the talents and what they do. Seuls les sac à dos ainsi que les gilets se voient attribués des talents. Just wanted to knw what are the best or what attachments should i use either blues like (protection from elites armor on kill or crit chance crit damage? Sep 25, 2019 · On découvre dans le PTS des versions "Perfect" de certains talents :Perfectly on the ropePerfect BerserkPerfectly unbreakable Ce sont en quelque sorte des "talents nommés" lolIls donnent Future Perfect is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Vous trouvez une image ci-dessous, les talents qui concernent : Les Torses, les sacs, et toutes les armes. Perfect Sledgehammer is an enhanced version of Sledgehammer. Gear Talents come in both as Active and Passive. Great bloody job. com Feb 15, 2020 · Here’s a list of all the talents you can have, and where you can place them. Then saw some are perfect versions of the talents. 1. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 The talent has 2 parts. They are divided up into 6 categories, including the new Rifles category found only in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. A Division 2 weapon's core stats reflect the item's Total Damage, RPM, and Magazine size while used in a particular loadout. Mar 6, 2019 · In this The Division 2 Weapon Talents Guide, we will detail all the weapon Talents in the game that can be equipped to buff your weapon abilities. pieces. I just used it to develop a new Firecrest 2. . Perfect Sadist is an enhanced version of Sadist. Jun 5, 2019 · There are 34 active and 14 passive gear talents in The Division 2, with certain talents only available in certain gear slots. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 The more "traditional" options for a crit build are Fast Hands for sustained damage, or Strained for lower rate of fire weapons or those with deep magazines to better exploit the crit damage bonus. co Mar 14, 2025 · In Division 2, gear sets come each with three unique talents (4-piece bonus, chest, and backpack), while brand sets have their two named items with "Perfect talents". Which weapon (talent)? again, subjective. Flatline is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. The Division 2 ist ein komplexes Loot-Spiel, in dem es auch darum geht Mar 28, 2019 · The Division 2 Weapon Talents list - Active weapon talents. I picked up the perfect intimidate chest piece this pass weekend. A list of all weapon and gear talents currently available in Division 2 along with a description for each talent and how to use them. This is a perfect summary of the issues with perfect determined. Any build where other minors are needed to make the build work. Brazen is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. It's probably possible to get prophet oneshotting, but the issue is that you'd have to do a fucking hell of a lot of work, roll straight crit damage and headshot damage and it's nowhere near as consistent as something like the white death and some hotshot, airaldi, aces n eights, etc. 0 build that I will call the Firebug. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Sadist is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Abandoning haste on demo build and using the drone is so nice, I stack armor regen and crit chance now instead. And working on a armor regen build with the foundry bulwark pieces. We need a list for the new named items. Edit:I tested it out at the firing range, all red crit build NOTHING changes except the chest talent, shooting at the Heroic Invulnerable Elite target at the shooting range Apr 30, 2019 · In The Division 2 gibt es etliche aktive und passive Talente für Eure Waffen und Ausrüstung. I'll add them. Working towards a 4 pc HW + BTSU + backpack build; I still need to find an HW mask, already have BTSU gloves, but trying to decide on the ideal backpack for the build. This is to make sure the You will not be able to store perfect talents or their “higher than allowed”-stat-counterparts from the Named Items in the Recalibration Library. Sadist is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Dans The Division 2, les talents d'arme et d'armure sont des effets bénéfiques spéciaux attachés à certaines armes/armures, et qui demandent parfois au joueur de remplir certaines conditions afin de les activer/utiliser. Vindictive is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Thanks. This guide will feature all gear and weapon talents that were discovered by the community so far and list a few of the most widely used talents. Now my question is on the second part of the talent- Kills allow you to repair up to 100% of armor for 4-10s based on your core attribute. There are 23 (+1 unobtainable) weapons & 17 gear items currently. Perfect Allegro is an enhanced version of Allegro. Mar 27, 2019 · And in order to perfect a build, knowing what each equipment talent does is vital. Also if you find errors let me know. Needs some work to ensure accuracy but mate can I just say that this is the best build info reference tool I have seen for this game and the original Division/ I have been playing Div 1 since day dot and this is a masterpiece work. The Harmony rifle has a perfect talent, but is based on a garbage tier weapon. Exotics like Pestilence with no crit chance, where you need minors to make that up, Braced is a great choice. The primary can just be rolled to yellow tho. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Finisher is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Passive talents (small circle) are as you would expect – always active. Perfect Measured is an enhanced version of Measured. Name Description AR SMG LMG Rifle MMR Shotgun Pistol Requirements; Boomerang: Critical hits have a 50% chance to return the bullet to DPS: (Perfect) Vigilance Tank: (Perfect) Adrenaline Rush, Protector Note: (Perfect) … means you can save both the normal and perfect version. Save. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Hey Agents, I made a list containing a collection of all available weapons, talents, and brand sets that I've found so far in the Closed Beta. If you can't, it's probably in the library I have another build that I actually use perfect opportunistic as a buff for the group/myself. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Sledgehammer is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Accurate: Increases weapon Mar 12, 2019 · In this The Division 2 Gear Talents Guide, we will detail all the Gear Talents in the game that can be equipped to buff your Gear items. For the talents I listed as Perfect without parenthesis, storing their normal versions is usually a waste of space because their named versions provide better bonuses. In The Division 2, Talents are special bonuses normally found on weapons, body armor, and backpacks, as well as all Exotic gear pieces and Gear sets. See full list on gamersdecide. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 The other stats besides the perfect talent are rolled with RNG, so you can farm them again to get better versions of them. The armor regen is like having constant preservation, makes it very comfortable to proc perfect combined arms. Take your assault rifle with flatline to the library and see if you can extract the talent to the library. The 'perfect' weapon and gear talents aren't always the best. Mar 18, 2019 · The Division 2 Weapon Talents List: The Division 2 Weapon Mods List: The Division 2 Brand Talents List: The Division 2 Brand Set Properties List: The Division 2 Brand Attributes List: Hopefully, this will help you overtake Washington, Agent! For more The Division 2 news and guides, make sure to bookmark our The Division 2 game hub! Perfect Talents, Named Gear Location Link - https://www. I'm currently running a four piece Foundry set (sans chest and backpack, b/c haven't done the raid yet) with Tardigrade and I forget the brand of backpack. If you spot one that's not on the list, add it with the media you got it from and I'll add it to the list. Bulwark build, and my teammates have no armour investment whatsoever. It will proc the bonus armor at the same distance as the HF set procs. Level 30 and Level 31-40 Library The recalibration library is also divided into a level 30 and a level 40 library to make sure you can't take 40 rolls down to the 30 end game. No Arialdi Holdings, 2 pc at least. It was removed from the game following the release of Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Warlords of New York. com/r/thedivision/comments/dilj5p/list_of_named_items/Membership Link - https://www. Can this talent only be rolled onto weapons I got in this TU and not older ones? Or do I have to find a weapon with FL on it first for it to appear in my talent list? Because I’m missing out on quite some damage. Feb 15, 2020 · Here’s a list of all the talents you can have, and where you can place them. Percussive Maintenance is bad unless you're using a healing skill. The goal is that they are potentially “best in slot” for the build you are currently working on and should also give you an upgrade. Can I keep these talents or are they saved to that piece? Also if I’ve already saved the normal version of that talent does that mean I can’t keep the perfect version. Listed below is a complete list of all the updated weapon talents in The Division 2: Warlords of New York, with the exception of exotics and Named Items (these will have their own article once the In Tom Clancy's The Division 2, players have access to a wide variety of weapons to use. Perfect Optimist is an enhanced version of Optimist. Members Online I've been the biggest advocate of this game Preservation is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Now I tried to roll the Flatline talent on a very good Carbine 7 and RPK that I had in my stash, but it wasn’t in the list. Active talents are activated by some kind of action and sometimes have a requirement. Das ist unsere Übersicht. Perfect Flatline is an enhanced version of Flatline. Perfect Preservation is an enhanced version of Preservation. These are the weapon talents that are in the S Tier category. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Jan 17, 2025 · Embark on a journey to master The Division 2 best PvE builds. So I'm playing with an underpowered video card (Radeon HD 6950), and as a result, I can't see the text box on the right on gear which describes the stats, but I can see the gear title panel itself, which has the icons for the talents. Ces talents ne s'appliquent cependant pas aux vêtements. Perpetuation is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Feb 16, 2020 · Toutes les armes et équipements ne sont pas identiques La division 2 grâce aux talents. In this Division 2 guide, we are going to go over the talents that you can get on your chest and backpack after the Warlords Of New York Update. I couldn't find any post trying to set it up, so here you go. The Opportunistic build utilizes the Scorpio mainly. Weapon Archetypes: Rifles Assault Rifles Submachine Guns Light Machine Guns Marksman Rifles Shotguns Sidearms Weapons come in different levels and also rarities which will directly impact the I know it might be a silly question but I’ve just hit 40 and wanting to start savings good talents for weapons and gear. So why this list seem the one for me (unless you guys who know this more than me can tell me if it's a bad list, I have about 500 guns to sort lol) is because it divide my sorting in 3 easy sections : one with talents good on all guns, one with talents only good on 1 specific gun (this one make sorting much faster I think) and a last one, with Hey guys I just got back into playing the division 2 sand I got a devils die backpack with the perfect Clutch talent. D'autres en revanche n'en ont pas besoin. Apr 4, 2019 · Division 2 Gear Talent Guide gives info on best talents like a safeguard, berserk, braced, centered, creeping death, gunslinger, mad bomber, surge, vital, etc. Pair it with the Ridgeway exotic chest, any chest with Trauma talent, stinger hive, or any other skill that applies any status effect. Build sucks. Not with one 8% Weapon Handling roll. This article is your ultimate resource for understanding the most effective character setups, skill combinations, and gear selections tailored for PvE excellence. Let's look at the math. Feb 15, 2020 · Here’s a list of the numerous types of gear talents you can have your Division agent wear. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Mar 14, 2025 · Core Stats. These perfect talents are better versions of already existing talents – they give you a higher buff. Does anyone know of a place where the talents have been listed along with the icon? Use the intimidate chest, but match it with an adrenaline backpack. For example: When the normal talent adds 10% weapon damage, the perfect version adds 15%. Ces talents prennent véritablement effet lorsque vous commencez à créer vers Kingbreaker has awfull recoil and sucks to control. The 40% from Boomerang gets added to that. There are also Named Weapons and Gear pieces which have the "Perfect/Perfected" version of a talent that is more powerful than the regular one. Here’s the list of numerous weapon talents you can find attached to your weapons. What's with the pistol chest piece and obliterate? No way you you critting that fast, go unbreakable at least for survival, vigilance and composure are good backpack talents. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Measured is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. The Division 2 Gear Talent Guide will give you a list of all talents and what they do. ? Allegro was a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Mar 2, 2020 · With the release of the Division 2 Warlords Of New York Update, Gear 2. Perfectly In Sync is an enhanced version of In Sync. Mar 5, 2020 · A list of all talents for both weapons and gear in Division 2 including full descriptions. Mar 12, 2019 · In this The Division 2 Gear Talents Guide, we will detail all the Gear Talents in the game that can be equipped to buff your Gear items. Voici la liste de tous les talents sur The Division 2 Agents, voici la liste de tous les talents qui se trouvent sur The Division 2. Actually a thought A talent with a stack of 15 - 20% amplified all damage without the corresponding 30/40% downside would be nice. Perfect spotter is weaker than a ceska+spotter and a ceska+ obliterate is stronger than a ceska+spotter. I thought it was because at 11-15m range, which is a combination of both talent's 5m and 10m, that maybe one of the talents was actually active so I tested just one talent, the perfect talent which is 10m. Now talents can only appear on Chest, Backpack gear and weapons. I go with capacitor exotic or in sync. By James Busby. Optimist is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. If you want to buff the group damage you can use the Survivalist specialization that grants 10% damage to targets with status effects. Apr 12, 2019 · This Division 2 weapon talents tier list was created by popular Division YouTuber @MarcoStyle – MarcoStyle has been creating The Division 2 guides, tips and walk through videos since the release of the original Division and is quite knowledgeable on The Division series. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 This is my skill build that I use to farm Convoys on Challenging Specialization: Technician Gear: x2 Hana U, x2 Empress, x1 Wyvern, x1 Waveform holster Talents: Perfect combined arms (Backpack) and Kinetic Momentum (Chest) Weapons: Capacitor and Harmony (Perfect In-Sync) Gear mods: Skill duration Skills: Striker drone + Assault Turret. The chest will also proc the WD at the same time. Future Perfection is an enhanced version of Future Perfect. "[Gear] Landing a killing body shot empowered by the Determined weapon Talent (or its Perfect version) will refresh the talent" Is anybody surprised? Made the setup crazy powerful. 11 Gloves: Perfect Clutch: 25% health and 2 At launch The Division 2 used to have three talent categories - Active Talents, Handling Talents and Holstered Talents. All three of them had a distinct purpose on the weapon. Perfect Talents. Il existe également des pièces d'armure ainsi que Perfect Talent Effect (Requirements) Other Talent Mod Slots Source; Claws Out: Wyvern Holster: Perfect Bloodlust: 20% weapon damage on weapon swap for 5 sec (none) no: 1xO: DZ: Contractor's Glove: Petrov Gloves: Perfect Terminate: 40% skill damage on enemy armor break (5+U) no: none: LZ: Deathgrips: 5. Get the full talent list and find out which is the best and strongest talent in Division 2. So in the end, it depends on the build and what a player needs/want like with all talents and builds. Whether you're tackling challenging missions, raids, or just aiming to dominate the open world, our guide provides in-depth analysis and practical advice to optimize your Hello. Strained is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. There are situations or builds where gear sets' talents might overcome brand sets, but in most cases, the perfect attributes found on named brands usually provide higher damage or Here "Percussive Maintenace" Perfect Tech Support / Brand : Alps / 2 slot yellow mods / 30% skill damage for 10s, i forgot the regular ones gives %, so there's that edit : it comes with 2 talent, second talent is random i got hardened / restorative, so i believe every passive talent could have rolls on this backpack Mar 4, 2020 · Not only was the UI overhauled and the attributes found on equipment streamlined, but all talents in the game were altered, including weapon talents. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 For a full red build, that 40% additional damage from Boomerang gets too washed out to be truly meaningful. Perfect Talent; These perfect talents are better versions of already existing talents – they give you a higher buff. The other stats besides the perfect talent are rolled with RNG, so you can farm them again to get better versions of them. reddit. 5 min read Published on 08/30/2019 · 12:00 AM PDT. A full red build has 130% weapon damage (15% from the weapon, 15% from the specialization, 10% from Keener's watch and another 90% from gear). With the Gear 2. Please provide all info if possible (see columns). Pummel should still be one of the best talents for shotguns if you can reliably get kills, Pumped Up and Close and Personal aren't bad either. Weapon Talents in the Division 2 work the same as the previous game, though they have become quite complicated. Having fun trying to tweak a skill build; very different from the purely offensive/almost all red build I've played since the beginning. Feb 20, 2020 · In this article, we’re going to be going over all of the weapon talents, their descriptions, and setting them in a tier list ranking them from best to worst talent. Mar 18, 2019 · Talents are of 3 kinds: active, passive and holster. S Tier. Perfect Perpetuation is an enhanced version of Perpetuation. Aug 30, 2019 · Improve your weapons and gear in post-apocalyptic world of The Division 2 by adding these talents. Perfect Vindictive is an enhanced version of Vindictive. You don't know what you're talking about. 0 rework, the Holstered Talent got removed, the Handling Talent became a rolled stat on the weapon and the only one that remained was the Active Talent. It's getting the full Nerf in the next TU 17. Nov 25, 2023 · Harness the power of teamwork, communication, and specialization, and watch your team conquer the unforgiving world of The Division 2. Berserk: For every 20 percent of armor missing, the Division agent gains 8 percent of weapon damage. Weapon Talents are passive abilities that are found on High-End weapons. 0 has been introduced and talents have been changed. In The Division 2, Talents are special bonuses normally found on weapons, body armor, and backpacks, as well as all Exotic gear pieces and Gear sets. Dec 14, 2024 · Talents are extracted and stored within the Library. Ces talents procurent un avantage passif à votre agent de division, leur donnant un avantage supplémentaire pour utiliser cette pièce d'équipement. First part it's +1 Skill Tier when killing enemy, stacks up to 3 times so you can get +3 Skill Tier and reach Skill Tier 6 if you only have Skill Tier 3 build. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 In Sync is a Weapon Talent in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Gear Talents in the Division 2 work the same as the previous game, though they have become quite complicated. Perfect Finisher is an enhanced version of Finisher. This will be a running list for weapon, gear, and Brand Set talents that we notice in TD2 media. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:48 Division 2 Talents 2:53 Division 2 Talent Tips 3:40 My Favorite Talents 4:35 Talent Tips For New Players 6:05 Answer These Questions (Comment) Identity’s YouTube Channel: The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. 2 update per the TD2 Trello. Perfect Brazen is an enhanced version of Brazen. Perfect Strained is an enhanced version of Strained. Mar 12, 2019 · The Division 2 brings plenty of new and old features and this time it brings a changed version of Weapon Talents which are slightly different from the first installment. Actuellement, seuls les talent des torses sont en ligne, les autre talent sont en cours de rédaction. Once a talent is in the library, it is there forever. If a talent is in the Library, you can swap that talent to another weapon infinitely. Active Talents (small circle with V) require a condition to make them available, like using a certain weapon type or having enough attributes. Enjoy! Weapon Talents Pyromaniac: Damage done to targets on fire is increased by 15% REQUIRES Over +10% Weapon Damage. Please comment if you have a named item which is not listed or contains ???. Depending on the build configuration, especially on the brand set/gear set used, the same weapon can have different core stat values, such as higher/lower damage, RPM, or even magazine size. I'm working on expanding it for the future final release of the Division 2 and add more as soon the Open Beta comes out. youtube. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture To make bullet hell work you have to build allegro, which max is 70, 30 less than the exotic, AND you can still add allegro to incessant which means after you build reload hitting that reload around 1 or 2 enemies gives you 100% bonus armor AND 90, 110, 120 if it's three ROF for as long as you can hold the mag. xbefljedqqjpbviymumdkpxesvfqdmcisnxnibbojtjwuooerxpytsnhvkaddvprepxxhoajnrmcutqrbwp