Femap combine curves I don't know what version of FEMAP introduced this command. frequencies youd like the analysis to focus, it is preferable to have Femap set it up, otherwise you will most likely end up with a large amount of extraneous output. 3 it will remove automatically the offending face, the advances in geometry idealization capabilities are really impressing!!. feSet Dim PointSet are, FEMAP automatically sets up the offset from the nodes to the Shear Center on the CBEAM card, and the offset from the Shear Center to the Neutral Axis on the PBEAM card Meshing in FEMAP – 1D – Reference Point $ Femap with NX Nastran Property 3 : BEAM Property (Angle (L) Section) View our in-depth overview of all the tools in the Femap Meshing Toolbox: https://structures. This will tell FEMAP to split any quads who have a corner angle less than 30 or greater than 150 degrees, if you turn this up, 70. Then go to the Meshing Toolbox under Combined/Boundary Surfaces and select Add Surfaces. Use the copy in current model tool to copy entities c. Always remember to use a Put() call when you're attempting to place an Object into FEMAP. You can use the 'match curve' command in the mesh toolbox. Curve endpoints must be coincident at one and only one point to create a surface. If successful, all the curves sharing the original two surfaces are removed, as they become redundant. wireframe curves, surface and solid model-ing. The resulting solid has very poor curvature. You can use GEOMETRY > MIDSURFACE > ASSIGN MESH ATTRIBUTES to the created midsurfaces, then FEMAP will do the job for you prescribing properties & material to the midsurfaces. click ok then this window should appears : Dec 7, 2011 · Personally, I use the surface/non-manifold add before using this operation. modfem files, however, you can import a Femap Neutral file into an active Femap model file Import Femap Neutral files with the command, File, Import, Femap Neutral: • Entity Options specify what entity types you want to read from the Neutral file. Instead of combining these vectors, FEMAP recalculates them based on their linearly combined components (if all necessary components exist). If the curve does not exist, the starting and ending point IDs are set to 0. Merge endpoints or choose other curves. Mar 11, 2015 · 3. In version Femap V11. Oct 18, 2022 · I have an instance where I am making a Swept Blend between several sets of sketches. See attached picture for example. However, after i perform this operation, the curves do combine, but the curve turns into a blue color. Edge-to-surface glue definitions are supported in all solution sequences except solutions 144 -146, 153, 159, 601 and 701. It might be a good start in automating your task, the source code is in the API directory for you to modify. Open the Femap model file, Ex25 – Lower Left Frame. Mar 15, 2018 · The "trick" I do is very easy: I simply mesh the curve with dummy (PLOT ONLY) 1-D elements, prescribing either an element size or number of divisions along the curve, then I have the nodes location to split the curve wherever I need using command MODIFY > BREAK > AT LOCATION. Set Set CircSubSet = App. CSS Error Jun 13, 2012 · Andy - FEMAP development Code starts here: Sub Main Dim App As femap. Open the dialog box using file-merge-copy in current model b. CSS Error Jun 19, 2012 · SMC describes the Move Merge Nodes command in Femap. I just want to make an infinitely strong bond between the curve along the edge of a surface and a steel beam. The Combined / Boundary Surfaces tool works much the same as the Select “Combine Midsurfaces” so that it will combine all the surfaces it creates into one solid, allowing us to avoid any coincidental curves. Points, lines, and curves are the foundation blocks for a model. 2 new capabilities - first part of geometry editing video showing mid-surface extractionhttp://www. The long way is to delete the two quad elements, and just create a new single quad, but since I am having to do this procedure numerous times, I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for a button in FEMAP that will automate this procedure for me. Loading. You woudl select the surface to project onto and then the curve that you would like to project. This file and the second model file will be located in either the Femap 101 class files, Geometry folder or a different folder indicated by your instructor. Nov 14, 2017 · Combined / Composite Curves forces the mesher to treat a combined set of shorter curves as if meshing a single curve. The most basic element for geometry is a Point, which, like a node, is simply a point in XYZ space. This will allow you to dynamically update the curve on one surface to match another surface. Open a Femap model file of a frame. Sign up for our Femap Video of the Day at:http://structuralmechanics. The difference between the option of Extend Imprints being checked or unchecked is visually demonstrated here. Set Set FinSet = App. But every time I make a new curve and pick excisting points, FEMAP makes new points. FEMAP will automatically project the curves onto the selected surfaces. CSS Error Overview Femap is CAD neutral and can access CAD data from just about any source. But you’re probably thinking: “Isn’t creating a Dec 14, 2024 · Here is the advantage of linking Excel and Femap directly. I find a lot of femap is like that. Mar 15, 2019 · I think the way FEMap works is that each surface has it's own boundary curves. - Split the surface by the curves using command "Geometry > Curve - From Surface > Project". 0. Examples of these are Principal Stresses, Von Mises Stress, and Total Displacement. Also using The Meshing Toolbox brings most of the geometry cleanup and meshing functionality in Femap to one powerful pane. Finally (if desired) use the combined/composite curves / add by point to merge curves. Depending on what are you working with, this method may be very helpful. The sources regions are surfaces and the targets are curves (also this was adviced by femap training partner but i read on nastran help that actually the source should be the curves and present also a finer mesh because nastran creates edge elements to model the connection). Jun 18, 2017 · A geometry can be directly imported from many CAD or design system into FEMAP. This option will also remove any redundant points on the ends of the removed curves. Also, a geometry can be created directly in FEMAP using wireframe and solid modeling tools. com/about/resources/femap-tip-of-the Apr 18, 2013 · Next delete your mesh. Let me know if it works for you Is there a method to combine multiple surfaces into one surface so the mesh would look nicer afterwards. Set your view to an orthogonal view (XZ) Go to mesh / mesh control / custom size along curve / select one curve. In the selection dialog box / pick / hit Paste and OK. The If statement in line 16 determines if the curve exists. Nov 18, 2014 · Go to Surface / NonManifold Add, select the surfaces of interest to merge their common curves. In the end I used Geometry>Solid>cleanup. 4. less quads will be split. Femap is CAD neutral and can access CAD data from just about any source. com/plm/femap Next run the API from ASTRIUM or create "manually" a point at the intersection of each curve with the surface, here you are the result: You have the points, next I would perform the following in FEMAP: Command "MODIFY > BREAK" to split curve at the previous computed intersecting points with the surface, repeat one by one. FEMAP provides engineers and analysts with an FEA model-ing solution to handle complex tasks easily,accurately and affordably. • Combined/Composite Curves - In some cases, combining several smaller curves along the edge of a surface will allow you to create a higher qual ity mesh on the surface. e. Jan 1, 2022 · Simcenter™ Femap™ software is a standalone finite element modeling (FEM) pre- and postprocessor for engineering simulation and analysis. 6 along a curve or surface or the desired element size and allow FEMAP to automatically generate the corresponding mesh. FEMAP has focused on power and simplicity in finite element modeling for more than 15 years,and Sep 7, 2012 · Hi, new FEMAP user here. We will walk through a step by step process of importing geometry into Femap and creating a finite element model of that geometry. 3 COPYING TO A NEW LAYER USING MERGE-COPY IN CURRENT MODEL 1. [FEMAP] How can I make a connection between two curves in FEMAP? I'm trying to model a car chassis and making a connection between a laminate plate element and a beam element. Dec 28, 2012 · In hear, there's a parameter for meshing called "Cut Quads with Angle Deviations Above", set to 60. I am looking for a button in FEMAP where it will allow me to pick multiple adjacent elements and merge all these elements into one single element? e. So i go to "meshing" --> combined/composite curves and I "add by point" to combine the curves into one curve. feSet Dim CircSubSet As femap. There are many options in FEMAP for creating points, lines and curves under the Geometry command. 3. Nov 9, 2021 · Imprint Edges will “burn” the curve/edge into the adjacent surface of the selected pair, whereas Imprint Edges – All will “burn” all curves/edges within the list into the respective adjacent surfaces. Jun 7, 2010 · Let's say one surface is the main one. Nov 6, 2020 · In Femap, you can try to do this through the "File-Import" command, but it is very difficult to do this because you will need to track numbers (nodes, points, curves, materials, properties, etc. I've found that the Mesh>Geometry Preparation dialogue is able to clean up a very small portion of the curves, slivers, small faces. In any case, it's the nodes you need to have common between the "surfaces". Femap 11. Is there a method to combine multiple surfaces into one surface so the mesh would look nicer afterwards. CSS Error 透過Meshing Toolbox合併幾何上的曲線,並且控制曲線上的節點數量,有效控制網格品質。----- I often just mesh 1/4 (or 1/whatever symmetry you have) and then reflect the part, imprint and merge. Once the eigenvalue analysis it run, Femap will know about which frequencies to concentrate. I have a surface model imported from CAD which contains many split lines which I'd like to remove before meshing. - lets say i have two quad elements - i want to merge those two quad elements into one element. every one of theses surfaces are touching the main one with one curve. No, it's not as nice as it ought to be. Geometry editing tools that combine surfaces and curves to simplify the geometry in preparation for meshing. Powerful shelling, blending, Boolean operations, surface imprinting and lofting combine to make Femap extremely effective at creating or modifying geometry for analysis. It supports all major commercial CAD programs and data formats and kept up to date with the latest CAD product versions. aero/meshing-toolbox-femapThe Mesh Surface tool contains all the FEMAP® is the world’s leading Windows-based pre- and post-processor for engineering finite element analysis (FEA). Simcenter Femap also Jan 28, 2013 · are only edge (curves) on surfaces. ~~~~~ Blas Molero Hidalgo Ingeniero Industrial Director IBERISA 48011 BILBAO (SPAIN) WEB: [FEMAP] How can I make a connection between two curves in FEMAP? I'm trying to model a car chassis and making a connection between a laminate plate element and a beam element. 1 Composites Tutorial Defining a Laminate Material inDefining a Laminate Material in Femap To define a Laminate Material in Femap, 3 specifications must be made: • The Composite Layup that is to be used must be specified Theseused must be specified. It supports most CAD data formats. The surfaces I am working with are imported from a step file. The Combined/Boundary Conditions Tool combine selected surfaces into one boundary surface that ignores all of the internal curves during the meshing process. Femap supports all major commercial CAD programs and is kept up to date with new CAD product versions. Oct 30, 2013 · It was meshing a solid and using 'size along curve'. The software is computer-aided design (CAD) independent and can import geometry from all major CAD platforms. Predictive Engineering Femap 10. • Model Merge Options: Select two end points of your two curves and hit 'f'. appliedcax. Set Set cuSet = App. 0, 80. 1. I create a new group; add a solid to this group; then use the command to add all the surfaces, curves, and points on that solid. feSet Dim FinSet As femap. and now we have 10 perpendicular surfaces to the main one. Nov 14, 2017 · View our in-depth overview of all the tools in the Femap Meshing Toolbox: https://structures. Dec 7, 2011 · The command runs OK using the PARASOLID advanced geometry engine. Somehow i am not able to manage a geometry- curve from surface - project in Femap V12. Edit: I don't use femap but I imagine you could do something similar. This way you will select the curve with the mesh size you want and then select the curve you want matched and it will update automatically. Add Short Curves - Automatically includes any Curve Shorter Than the specified length that is adjacent to a selected curve in the Composite Curve . and now when i am meshing the program doesn't know, that for main surface there should be nodes on the touching it curves. When i import the solid, i notice the curves are broken up at each of the sides. Curve Set Cu = App. g. [/li] [/ul] Best You cannot directly import or merge Femap binary . ) One way is to draw a curve on the surface where you would like to split it and then use the command Geometry > Curve From Surface > Project. ×Sorry to interrupt. 1) there is a command that adds related entities along with the "parent" entity. Use a group merge-copy in current model a. A “Composite Curve” will be created in FEMAP, This tutorial demonstrates how quickly FEMAP can modify geometry and create finite element models using the Meshing Toolbox, and Mid-surfacing and Non-Manifold Add tools Tutorial Overview This demonstration will show how quickly FEMAP can modify Dec 18, 2013 · For example, go to Geometry / Boundary Surface / From Curves (or Alt+F11) select curves with closed loop (bounded) to create a boundary surface (it can contains holes). seems a lot better than projecting every curve I also found out that setting the mesh size on 2 identical contiguous surfaces which *do not have any attributes yet* automatically links one surface to the other - however I can only use that when none of the solids are already meshed. Apr 19, 2020 · In this video we show you how to locate an verify free edges on element boundaries in FEMAP. Nov 26, 2014 · Go to Surface / NonManifold Add, select the surfaces of interest to merge their common curves. I am trying to project curves 37, 39, 41, 43 onto surface 137 and 130. . This webinar will give an introduction to the capabilities that Femap has in creating finite element models. feSet Dim CircSet As femap. Set Set CircSet = App. Solids can be subdivided and automatically connected to represent dissimilar materials or to facilitate semi-automatic hexahedral mesh generation. These Layups are defined using the Layup Editor. Jan 28, 2013 · Instead to enter nodes, the better method in FEMAP is to select CURVES, and FEMAP will care of nodes when exporting the model to NX NASTRAN. feCurve Dim cuSet As femap. CSS Error Femap Tips and Tricks: Extend Merge Mesh Sometimes you might be faced with a situation where your model contains surfaces that don’t quite meet or match up, so how do you go about generating a contiguous mesh quickly, without having to mess around with the geometry too much? Femap’s Meshing Toolb ox can play a role here. The only problem is that the 2 adjacent sketch s Apr 3, 2008 · In the newest version of FEMAP (9. Mesh Toolbox Instructions For example, with this model you can see that the two meshed surfaces don’t quite meet up, but we can use the Meshing Toolbox to extend one of them and ensure that a final contiguous mesh is created. It differs from the standard aligned surface in that you can use any numbers of curves to define the surface, and the curves will be on the surface that is constructed. Th is tool allows you to combine curves by choos-ing the curves themselves or a point that two curves share. Powerful shelling, blending, Boolean operations, surface imprinting and lofting combine to make Femap extremely effective at creating geometry for analysis. Next apply loads & BCs. If the curve goes through two edges of the surface it will slice the surface into two. In this case I need to make another curve from 3 curves. com/resources/library-of-femap-online-seminars Thanks nicolas, I'll try this out. 6 Femap provides geometry creation and editing tools for curves, surfaces and solids, feature suppression and mid-surface extraction. siemens. The software is CAD-independent and can import geometry from all major CAD platforms and supports most CAD data formats. Simcenter Femap also works in combi-nation with a wide variety of finite ele- Using an existing CAD model to help build the simulation model simplifies the modeling process. To help prepare such a model, Femap includes a method of moving nodes to be coincident within a Solid Mesh with Beam Elements Overview Structures like reinforced concrete where steel rebar in encased in solid concrete can be represented by 1-D rod or beam elements for the rebar inside solid 3-D tet-elements for the concrete. another day in paradise, or is paradise one day closer ? Merge to Existing - When checked, each curve selected will be added to an existing Composite Curve, unless the selected curve is not within Max Tangent Angle to the existing Composite Curve. We will first be importing a step file of a sample bracket into Femap. Edge regions are edges of the shell elements CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CTRIAR, CQUAD4, CQUAD8,and CQUADR. Thanks for trying though, it seems odd that something so simple should be so difficult. (This is especially useful when there are sliver surfaces next to a much larger surface. Points are used to define Curves, which may be arcs or straight Sep 19, 2017 · A Femap tips and tricks video showing how to move nodes to be coincident without merging them together. We manage the specifications in Excel and automatically create a Femap model. If you keep having nodes undeleted this is because you have prescribed loads or constraints to that nodes, instead to the geometry, then FEMAP keeps nodes undeleted. The "Geometry > Surface > Aligned Curves" command allows you to fit a lofted surface between a series of curves. and then re-did the curves that I wanted to be there. CSS Error If you work with thin-walled solids, using a midsurface shell model can reduce the degrees of freedom in your model by factors of ten and save hours of time in your analysis and postprocessing. Furthermore, Femap’s modeling engine is based Surface and Surface Auto Curve are very similar, with the only differ-ence being that Surface Auto Curve will automatically select any number of additional curves to extend, based on the selected curve. aero/meshing-toolbox-femap/Combined / Composite Curves forces th FEMAP's Meshing Toolbox can play a role here. Dec 10, 2021 · When FEMAP reads output from your analysis, certain vectors are identified as being not “linearly combinable”. model Set App = feFemap() Dim Cu As femap. This kind of thing is possible. 0 etc. You must first select the surfaces, and then select the curve(s) which you want project. The If statement in line 15 only handles the case where the curve is a line. Regards, SN Dec 20, 2024 · Executing this code will cause the curve information to be output to the Excel sheet. Be careful with the non-manifold add because it will merge all the curves for the surfaces you picked Hope this helps. Actually with FEMAP V11. Furthermore, Femap’s modeling engine is based upon the parasolid modeling kernel, which is the same as that used by Solidworks and Solid Edge. You will have a column with curves IDs that you will copy again and go back to Femap / Delete / Geometry / Curves. CSS Error Make sure to create a NonManifold geometry or STITCHED geometry, use the option COMBINE MIDSURFACES under the options of MIDSURFACE command. Then go to the Meshing Toolbox use the combined/composite curves / add by point to merge curves. Reply reply Dec 7, 2011 · From the message box, copy all rows with the curves ID that present errors and go paste them into Excel. Using GEOMETRY > SOLID > CLEANUP in next FEMAP V11. Best regards, Blas. Figure 9. Femap makes it easy to import your existing CAD data, regardless of the source, by being CAD neutral. Within the toolbox you will find: Feature suppression and removal tools to get rid of overly small modeling details. Toggling cyclic won't necessarily put the whole where you want it, and you might need to delete/face segements you didn't expect to have to. CSS Error Simcenter™ Femap™ software is a standalone finite element modeling pre- and postprocessor for engineering sim-ulation and analysis. 5. Femap offers extensive geometry creation tools including standard wireframe curves, surface and solid modeling. The model merge manager will always copy new items to a new layer i. Aug 12, 2009 · [li]COMBINE SURFACES: uses the Parasolid kernel to calculate a new surface through the original two surfaces, which share the selected curve. • Pad and washer – offset curves around stress raisers to segment geometry for improved mesh creation • Combine curves – create composite curves to simplify geometry for improved mesh creation World-class finite element analysis (FEA) solution for the Windows desktop Features • Interactive geometry preparation and meshing Open the Femap model file, Ex25 – Lower Frame Assembly. 2 you simple remove (or simply delete) the surface, and extend the inner curve with GEOMETRY > MIDSURFACE > EXTEND command to get rid of the face. FeMap seems to be completely happy with coincident curves (as opposed to merging coincident nodes). To do this, it is helpful to understand the geometry hierarchy. CSS Error For more FEMAP resources, please visit: https://www. Then you can convert this boundary surface to surface, go to Geometry / Surface / Convert. It is Group-operations-Add related entities. Nov 9, 2018 · Upon this discovery, I used the Meshing Toolbox's "Combined/Composite Curves" --> "Add By Point" function to combine the infinitesimal curve with the main curve of that part of the surface perimeter, & the auto-remesh solution indeed created the 1 QUAD that I was hoping to see. Then, the analysis is executed, the output is automatically imported to Excel, and the report is automatically compiled. 2 this was not a problem at all. They'll be pretty skewed, but they will still be quads. Feb 6, 2016 · • The source EDGE region should be defined by PICKING THE CURVE(S), and selecting NODES as ouput. • The TARGET SURFACE region should be defined picking surfaces in the screen, and as OUTPUT select ELEMENTS (this is the default option). Check out the Help for the limitations on the CombineCurves() call, as a number of things can cause it to fail. ) so that in each file they occupy their own niche and do not intersect. To have Femap set up the table for you, you must first run an eigenvalue analysis. This command projects curves onto selected surfaces. so after meshing we have eleven plates which do not A Femap tips and tricks video showing how to view and get a fast understanding of results using enveloping, grouping and model merge. For instance, if you choose a curve on the end of a pipe, it will select any additional curve(s) needed to extend the entire pipe. I know that if I could move the edge of one of my segments in a sketch that I would get a better looking Swept Blend. Rebuild and see what this will change and Keep me informed. 2. This command will create a single "general body" and then you can split all surfaces by any point and curves as they are in the same "general body". Femap provides geometry creation and editing tools for curves, surfaces and solids, feature suppression and mid-surface extraction. CSS Error Oct 4, 2013 · (you can also delete them as you will remesh curves to match surfaces) Then create a group with only plate elements and curves (not beam elements). SN See how Femap's Meshing Toolbox can be used to extend surfaces to connect up a finite element mesh. #TUTOFemap #ModelMerge I have a solid entity with surfaces, curves, and points. Active the group and select automatic add. Mar 26, 2019 · In Femap Custom Tools/Meshing/Hole to Hole fastener there is an API that allows you to select the top hole and bottom hole, then auto creates the spiders and the beam and property for the fastener.
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