Harry potter fanfiction harry attacked by students mcgonagall. He left his cot and went into his grandmother's room.
Harry potter fanfiction harry attacked by students mcgonagall Some people had already headed out (mostly the younger years), but 4th-7th years were still there and the topics of OWLS came up. It just wasn't done. " Harry continued. " Sighing Harry nodded and began to walk to the bathroom so he could do his morning rituals. They heard someone speak, but it wasn't Malfoy. ". Harry McGonagall – Chapter 4 – Protesting Against Snape "…and so my official name actually is Harry Mark McGonagall, and until last spring I didn't know any different. She directed him to the sofa in front of the Sirius is dead, Professor McGonagall still in St. " McGonagall raised her eyebrows at Dumbledore. "Good luck today Potter," he said simply. The hospital wing was still recovering from the attack when Hermione, Draco, Harry, and Daphne regrouped in an adjoining corridor. Potter, come in my office. Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first fanfic I hope you keep reading once I upload the next chapter. In the name of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter. Harry McGonagall – Chapter 20 – The Chamber of Secrets "A basilisk?" repeated the concerned voice of the headmistress. "You already know," McGonagall said without sounding surprised. however, i wanted the duel to last longer. But be careful, Severus. Moody looked out into the early morning darkness, the electric blue of his magical eye reflecting in the pane of glass. Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 1 – A Summer of Change. "The boy cannot seem to catch a break, can he?" the fat lady in the portrait of the door said. The ropes frayed at Harry's touch, and he was out of there like a shot while the Death Eaters were still recovering. Minerva started at the gianormous, glossy, now fiery red protective sheild looming high above the castle. Although Harry was unrelated to her by blood, she had known his parents for half of their lives, first as students and later as colleagues in the Order. , Harry P. Dumbledore and McGonagall are waiting. But it was the anguished look on Professor McGonagall that made Harry pause. During the feast, there was a teacher watching Harry Potter This is my first fanfiction so please be patient with me. The brief spell of respite was over. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Minerva M. "I… I'm a legilimens. Then when the game day finally arrived, Harry couldn't eat breakfast because he was so nervous. 'That is, if you're still here tomorrow. Rather than death, he is greeted with a chance to start over fresh and live the life he always dreamed of: with a loving family and no scar on his forehead. He now has a different name, a different family, is a different age and looks different, too. Harry spent the day walking with Daphne along the edge of the lake for a while, then with the others in the Come and Go Room. Oct 7, 2021 · Harry quickly stuffed it away before anyone could see it. He wanted to vomit. The death eater who pretended to be friends with Neville after torturing his parents into insanity and planned the murder of at least one student (Harry wasn't supposed to survive) and caused Cedric's death while directly facilitating the return of Voldemort was a better teacher than Snape. Jan 6, 2018 · Finally, she called out, "Potter, Harry!" Harry walked up to the stool nervously and sat there for quite some time. Never had a student demanded a professor. The troll finally realized that there was something blocking its way and brandished his club over its head, hitting Snape's shield. Harry McGonagall – Chapter 10 – Going Home. "No arguing Harry. " And grabbing Harry's right arm very firmly, she turned and strode with long, purposeful strides towards her office with him in tow. – Harry was informed of the investigation a few days later. As the students were leaving, McGonagall called out "Potter, stay a moment please. They were sitting on opposite sides of the table, finishing their second cup of tea, discussing light-hearted matters concerning classes and Teachers, or the differences between the Houses' accommodations for students. McGonagall stood there thinking about what had happened. "If you need something, you can ask me. Minerva had planned on taking Harry to Madame Pomfrey, and then pay the Headmaster a visit in his office to discuss how she was going to teach and take care of Harry at the same time. (A time-travel/AU fic. It had been decades since Ravenclaw had won the house cup! He smiled as he got up and showered quickly. When McGonagall was finished and proceeded to the exit, Harry couldn't help himself. - Words: 467 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 13 - Published: 6/17/2020 - Status Harry Potter, fourth year Gryffindor, sat in front of McGonagall and he really wasn't feeling good about himself. "Filth, filth," taunted the Weasley twins. McGonagall dusted shards of ice off of the paper before reading, "Cho Chang. It was a neutral statement, neither hostile or friendly. Least Harry could avoid Hermione's words at the reminder that McGonagall gave Harry the opportunity to join the team and this was how he repaid the professor. With a pop, Dobby said "The Great Harry Potter Sir is calling for Dobby?" Ignoring a few snickers from the new Potter students, Harry said "Dobby, do you mind checking the West Tower and see in what condition it is and if we can make it a new common-room and dormitory similar to Gryffindor Tower?" he asked. She rushed forward and kissed him. The head of the DMLE came to report to him in person. It was after one of the transfiguration lessons that once again, professor McGonagall asked both her and Harry to stay behind. Just when she was about to ask the headmaster what to do, the hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" Professor McGonagall felt pride as she watched Harry go to the Gryffindor table. Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 6 – The Minister of Magic "It's still hard to believe that Brianna can go to Hogsmeade now," commented Harry as he and his girlfriend walked out of the castle. Harry caught the snitch a short while later, giving Gryffindor the victory. Between the Slytherins' Omnioculars, binoculars and spells, every student was watching by the time the bats and birds flew out in a chaotic cloud from the burning trees, and the werewolves loped across the grass to dive into the Mergers. As Harry flew in, he heard Lee say, "And finally, Ravenclaw's new Seeker, making his debut this game, is Harry McGonagall!" Half the crowd cheered, causing Harry to smile. After Professor Flitwick had finished telling the Ravenclaw students about Sirius Black's attempted break-in to Gryffindor Tower, Harry, along with all his housemates, hurriedly prepared for bed in silence so that five minutes later the large group of children in bedclothes Harry Potter and all characters, etc. Minerva McGonagall has gained the reputation as the strictest teacher of Hogwarts (next to Snape). Thankfully, it was on a Saturday, this year. " The end result is that Harry Potter is no longer Harry Potter. Dec 31, 2022 · Harry Potter and Hermione Granger stood in front of the office of Professor McGonagall. Mar 17, 2023 · You should not place blame on yourself for their attack. belong to J. "Be quiet, Potter," said McGonagall briskly, anger clear in her tone. With a growing fascination, Harry sent a note to Professor McGonagall to change his electives, but she never acknowledged. "Oh thank god," Petunia sighed. She saw it was Harry. " McGonagall hesitated, then nodded. Time Skip – Four Months. "Harry, listen to this. Chapter 11: Looking for Answers. He left his cot and went into his grandmother's room. Harry's eyes filled with tears and then someone hit him in the face with a spell, causing soap to come out of his mouth. There are many moments when she isn't great, but only two where she's helpful. " Assuming this had something to do with his headless rubber haddock, Harry proceeded gloomily to the teacher's desk. She pawed her way through the dimly lit hallways, parts of the castle rarely used by the mast body of Hogwarts students, checking to see that things The students without glasses hastily exchanged information about Quidditch field spells with the younger students. McGonagall had remained behind to oversee the injured student's recovery and strengthen the castle's wards, but her parting words weighed heavily on Hermione. May 15, 2022 · "Good night, Mr Potter," McGonagall said as Harry walked into the common room and the portrait door closed behind him. "Professor McGonagall," Harry replied, seating himself precisely, his face the epitome of utter neutrality. A Dance of Dementors. Create a study club for each house and another for inter-house relations. "I called you here, Mister Potter," McGonagall said, "Because over the course of the Summer I came to learn, and realize, a great number of things. ) But the battle must commence. By that point, the three-year-old would have agreed to eat broccoli for a week if it meant that he can finally go to the candy store that all the older students were always talking about. Sure enough, Amelia Bones was in the office alongside Headmistress McGonagall as the pored over a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, speaking softly to each other. "Either expell me for my upinions, or sack this piece of garbage that has been allowed to bully students ever since being highered. Minerva McGonagall didn't know her old legs could move so quickly. "Mr Potter, Miss Granger. "Good Morning Professor McGonagall," Harry said smiling slightly, stepping back from the door, "Please come in. McGonagall flinched before speaking"Well, when Mr. "How dare you?! You are nothing but a mediocre student, a disgrace to your parent's memories. "Good morning, Mister Potter," McGonagall said, smiling at Harry. " "Happy birthday!" they both shouted together. " he frowned and said " During the War against Grindelwald, he attacked the Potters directly. 15. It wasn't long until they started to attack the castle. Potter came to me about students I had never known to be violent attacking him; I thought he was fabricating another story. Those puppets are freaky and ought to be burnt in the fires of hell or at least on a bonfire. Potter" Minerva McGonagall stormed to her feet. He still had to pack. A black light left her wand and hit its target, which glowed pure white for a second before " Harry, The Potter family was well known for their Symbology abilities, feared even for their seal's. A few moments later, seated in the living room with tea and biscuits from Harry Potter and all characters, etc. "You have no right to dictate to us. The hogwarts defenders must win. Pettigrew disappears and Sirius is arrested 5th November 1981 - The Longbottoms are attacked. Harry went straight to the library. I do not own Harry Potter. Harry McGonagall – Chapter 32 – Brooms and Hoverboards "There you are!" exclaimed Hermione happily when she found the compartment Harry and his sister were sitting in on the Hogwarts Express. "Very well. Disclaimer: Harry Potter and it's characters belong to J. Harry Potter and all characters, etc. 🙄 The entire student body watched as Professor Snape planned the attack on Potter and instructed Draco Malfoy in how to do it. Create a 'mentor program' for the newer students to be taught the secret passages by selected and responsible older students. "Oh look, Potter discovered soap," said a Ravenclaw, laughing. Rowling. " McGonagall scowled as she realized how bad that would look. When Harry found a phone, he searched the ground for a coin to use, eventually found one, and called his Aunt. Professor Dumbledore stood up and made an announcement that shocked most of the students. When they reached McGonagall's office, her wand was ready for the inspection. " It was the next day after having the second year Gryffindors and Slytherins that Minerva found her opportunity. And it was just their first year. Works and bookmarks tagged with McGonagall adopts Harry will show up in Minerva McGonagall Raises Harry Potter's filter. " She brought him into her office. Harry smirked as he saw Jimmy Peakes' elbow Rionach O'Neal so that she would stand in front of the map to shield it from McGonagall's view as their Head of House addressed the room to admonish them for being rumormongers. :) virtual cookies to whoever spots the new additions i made have a resemblance to "Hermione Granger. "Yes, Mr. Not alone. " The final parchment bore Harry Potter's name. Harry McGonagall – Chapter 9 – Facing the Two-Face. "Oh, and Lavender also said that Granger cried a lot and said she didn't mean it, asking if she could visit you to apologize. I don't want to hear it. They shied away from him as he approached a calm Luna holding an openly concerned Hedwig who was mostly healed by now. "I- I just have something I think you ought to know. His skin felt clammy, cold and lifeless at the touch. A/N: This is the sequel to my story, Harry McGonagall. McGonagall was on her feet in outrage, too stunned and furious by the attack to notice what he had said about her Gryffindors being forced to go to the other Heads of House for help. Harry McGonagall – Chapter 26 – Beginnings. So here we are. McGonagall adopts Harry has been made a synonym of Minerva McGonagall Raises Harry Potter. A few moments passed, and the paper came back out of the Goblet. Frankly that was rather rude given the student in question had just blown up part of the girls bathroom. Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 4 – Aperio Animus Navis "Aperio Animus Navis," said Hermione as she pointed her wand at her Transfiguration textbook with a flick and twist. " McGonagall flinched before speaking "Well, when Mr. At breakfast the next morning, the trio noticed that both Hagrid and Charlie Weasley were sitting at the head table, along with a woman they'd never seen before. –. Harry Potter and Minerva McGonagall can't seem to contain themselves as they snog in the middle of the day in the view of dozens of students. Professor Snape stopped fighting the binds that held him and then screamed out "Potter has altered my memory, everybody knows you can't remove memories like that. May 16, 2020 · A one-shot where Professor Snape is Harry Potter's legal guardian and had been so since the end of his first year. The students screamed, fearing for Harry's life, but before Harry could hit the ground, three other spells connected with his body. "Sniff them out, my sweet; they could lurk anywhere. This sequel is much shorter than the first part, but I have made the separation for a few Harry didn't bother to inform his friends of the choice to quit as Seeker in an effort to postpone their protests; contrary to belief it was the twins' initial idea for Harry to quit. Hermionie read it, her eyes glaring in response. and seeing how this is fan fiction world, it can. "Lavender told us that during breakfast, and seeing as I was there and looking perfectly fine people correctly assumed it was you she had attacked. Mr Bagman would like to see you on the quidditch pitch, to discuss the next task. ' 'Oh, piss off, Malfoy,' Harry hissed back, tired of the blond's relentless needling. The DA celebration/meeting went pretty well, up until the end. The game resumed after the Aurors left along with Quirrell. Chapter One. The students cheered and Harry stepped down from what he was standing on and went to talk to his friends and classmates. " Hermione spat. McGonagall should have played a much bigger role in Harry's life! Not a whole new idea – just a different approach. Not only did she detect massive residue of potions and spells on him, indicating bullying by so-called pranks, but the boy also showed all the signs she normally looked out for with the children that Severus Snape normally brought to her attention. Pomfrey hadn't seemed all that fazed by the whole thing. " He added with a smirk, "So legally, I wasn't lying when I said my last name is McGonagall. Oct 17, 2018 · Harry calmly walked past the wary and suspicious student body, his rage still burning bright and high sending his magic into seething turmoil. "This is far from over," McGonagall had said. "Hay Potter are you going to attack Muggleborns now since your house obviously hate them," Granger said. Then Snape happened to past by our table. The noble, brave, no-nonsense Professor McGonagall followed the flock and decried Harry Potter. "Mr. Harry Potter thought that his summer had finally taken a turn for the better. Not allowed to charm puppets to attack students that you dislike. Apr 12, 2019 · 'See you tomorrow, Potter,' Malfoy said, smirking. " Minerva told boy in a softer voice than usual. " There were gasps around the room. Mungos. Professor McGonagall waited until the rest of the class had gone, and then said, "Potter, the champions and their partners-" "What partners?" said Harry. Fawkes' perch was empty, and the fiery bird's absence left the room feeling cold. It was Filch and his blasted cat! Harry whirled around and motioned for the others to keep quiet and follow him. " Farlan nodded hesitantly. Luna had left Harry's arms a little while ago, and all traces of her emotional crisis had been erased. "Morning, er, Seth and Ralph. I wouldn't be surprised if they expel you on the spot for being the most pathetic student the school has ever seen. If I distract the troll, do you think you could get the student out of here?" Snape snorted. After lunch on the last day before the students returned, Harry was taken to Madame Pomfrey for a check-up to see how the boy was doing. I should do a fan fiction on McGonagall, I mean you don't really hear too much about her and she would be an awesome character to expand on. It was something usual to find McGonagall and Umbridge fighting in the corridors, well it actually happened, at least once a week. "I think it did. Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 8 – Confrontation "Vol de moi?" replied the Dark Lord, his red eyes glowing in anger. When Sirius Black falls through the Veil, Harry Potter follows. be fired. Luna wrapped an arm around a sobbing Hermione's shoulders. "P-Professor McGonagally-you need to save me, he's come to try and kill me again!" Beady eyes flashed to Professor McGonagall and as McGonagall swiftly pulled her wand out, Harry feared she might attack Black. Chapter 1: Consequences of a Ministry Letter. However, I don't believe there is much benefit in attacking a sanctuary of that magnitude for a simple runic student. She was fond of Lily Evans Potter for her intelligence and was often amused by James Potter's pranks, although she would venomously deny it if ever confronted. "You two may go" the deputy added at Harry and Hermione. Both at the same time if he was feeling honest. He soon found himself reliving some of the most wonderful moments of his life – birthday parties, Christmas mornings, the first time he saw his sister, and when he learned he was magical. Reading ahead in the runes textbooks for years 3-4-5, Harry found the rules for runes restrictive with warnings against mixing the different alphabets to avoid catastrophic results. Harry Potter shivered. The troll turned, looking around. Harry dumped 3rd November 1981 - Sirius confronts Pettigrew in Covington. " Dumbledore's eyes seemed to grow colder as calm like voice rang out. Nov 28, 2020 · "No! I—it—" Harry tried to talk his way out of it but couldn't come up with anything. They had talked about the unfair points deduction that their head of house had performed and they had decided that they wouldn't simply take the abuse of the other students silently anymore. Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 7 – Voldemort is on the Move "Welcome to the Ravenclaw-Slytherin Quidditch match!" shouted Lee Jordan as the players began to fly toward the center of the pitch. But what was she like before? And what happens when by an accident, they get that McGonagall back? How will modern Hogwarts deal with the most notorious student of all; Mad Minerva McGonagall. Chapter 1: Third Year, Awakening. Miverva McGonagall paced through the worried, tense crowd. She also did nothing to reign in her other students while they were shunning Harry and Hermione. It was shortly after midnight on November 1st, 1981, Professor Minerva McGonagall had just left Number 4, Privet Drive, feeling guilty about how Albus just left young Harry on the doorstep to his relative's house without another thought. obviously the title says it all. Harry and Hermione had immediately come to her with the information the brightest witch of her age had gathered. Harry dressed quickly and then left holding Hermione's hand. To pass out again. Hagrid arrives at Privett Drive with baby Harry. McGonagall winced at his description, but nodded, and soon they were watching her patronus scamper down the hall. The following morning, Harry woke up bright and early as he was too excited to stay in bed. " The ill boy started to protest, but before he could even start Ron held up his hand and shook his head. However, when he came down the stairs, he found the two Marauders waiting with eager looks on their faces. But I've wanted to get back to it. You were studying something more. You, who should have known me much better than some reporter who was catering to the Minister's wishes, acted like a sheep. "Harry! The snitch! Its over there!" Jan 28, 2012 · Dumbledore stepped forward and stared forlornly at the pillow of Harry Potter's four-poster bed. "By the way" McGonagall called after them, "Fifty one points to you Mr Potter" # "Here he is!" Seamus said, sticking his head out from the Portrait whole. Harry sat in the deserted common room of Gryffindor staring out of the window. "And one last thing" Dumbledore said raising his goblet "To Harry Potter" he said mimicked by all students and staff in the hall. The very next day, another newspaper had arrived. " He started to leave. Then I watched the most recent Harry Potter movie and saw how bad ass McGonagall was and it clicked. When I asked after his new identity, I was told that the former Mr Potter was offered adoptions by a number of families, whom he rejected instantly, stating that he would not select anyone Harry Potter and all characters, etc. . "Harry, can you tell me where you are? Or, a complete rewrite of the Harry Potter series if Harry Potter was raised by Minerva McGonagall at Hogwarts: Book 1. Her own eyes stung with tears. Chapter Thirty Six – First Attack _‗_-==(oIo)==-\""/ October faded to the end of the month when the annual Halloween Feast was to be held. " "Thank you Harry," McGonagall said, counting the small smile as another small victory. This year was supposed to start off good, it was supposed to finally be the one year where he didn't have someone trying to kill him. But trouble always finds a way to disrupt Harry's goals of peace. It is the end of the Quidditch match and Gryffindor has won but Draco is determined to ruin their happiness. Do review and message me if you want to beta for me. Rowling, not me. "Yes, Harry Potter Sir, right away sir!" Oct 26, 2014 · Madam Pomfrey was meticulously noting down all the medical problems that her diagnostic charm had turned up with Harry Potter. Harry awoke the next morning, still very tired from the celebration the night before. I can come back tomorrow. I encouraged him to eat otherwise he wouldn't do much good, but he barely got some eggs down. Both of them looked up at him when he spoke. Hermione, on the other hand, was having a catch up transfiguration lesson from her favourite teacher, Professor McGonagall, because she had been ill for the past week with the wizard flu. I do not own anything nor do I make money. His trunk and all of his possessions were gone. A series of one-shots where Minerva McGonagall gets pranked by Harry and a variety of girls as punishment for being a failure by dismissing Harry’s suspicions of danger lurking around the corner, never standing up for Harry, never getting him away from the Dursleys, punishing Harry for the Sectumsempra Curse incident instead of Draco Malfoy Right. She tolerates no nonsense or pranks of any kind. His fall slowed down and those near the teacher's box could see that the Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout had pointed their wands at Harry and were levitating him slowly to the ground. His head felt like it was burning, on fire. " Hermione sighed and trudged out of the room. " McGonagall made to interrupt, but Harry held up his hand and kept Mar 16, 2010 · Finally she dropped the attack for a moment and Harry relaxed, only to be attacked at this momentary weakness. The huge crowd cheered in response. Aside from his girlfriend's wake-up call, Harry McGonagall didn't expect any fuss to be made. But he was surprised as she raised her wand at Pettigrew, barely sparing Black a second glance as she turned her back on him. AU Warning: Will contain spanking of a teenager - Please do not read if this offends you. Padma was nearby walking hand-in-hand with Terry Boot while Brianna was up ahead of them walking with her boyfriend, James Sauder of Hufflepuff. I wrote this because I thought Mcgonagall should have played a bigger roll in Harry's life, and I kept trying to find a fanfic, when I thought, I should just write it myself. Series Part 1 of Harry Potter as raised by Minerva McGonagall All the students had gathered around the scene that was being played before them. Let older students stay up later as they probably have trouble falling asleep so easily. Mar 16, 2010 · Harry Potter and all characters, etc. He had survived the Dementor attack, the shock from the Ministry letters, and the punishment from his Uncle and Aunt for nearly losing Dudley's soul – which would have been an improvement to his character, in Harry's opinion. " A rather confused Harry made his was over to McGonagall's desk, "Is something wrong Professor?" Minerva shook her head. A/N: Hello readers! this is an excerpt from the last book, Deathly Hallows. End Note. "Aunt 'Tunia?" Harry asked smally. I'll distract it. Harry pulled out his wand in case Malfoy and Crabbe tried a sneak attack. It didn't matter that there was another two lessons before dinner, it had been two weeks after the first attack and the start of the whispers, and he needed answers. Potter came to me about students I had never known to be violent attacking him; i thought he was fabricating another story. The surrounding Death Eaters, along with Nagini, were spreading out to face the students that had exited the recently crashed Hogwarts Express behind Harry. Hey, so I haven't written a fan fiction in an ungodly amount of time. There Harry Potter's wand lay, snapped clean in half. The rest is up to my imagination – I always felt that Prof. "I sent a missive three weeks ago verifying Harry's story. A few days later, it was Harry Potter's birthday. Sirius said, "Which means you get to explain to the wizarding public why Harry Potter isn't going to Hogwarts. He feared what they could do, especially after the Goblin Rebellion of 1659, when twenty members of the Potter family managed to destroy almost an It was a hot sunny Saturday morning, and Harry and the rest of the quidditch team were practicing for their upcoming game. If you haven't read it, this probably won't make any sense to you. " A scraggly voice hissed. 14. The headmaster smiled a half smile and dropped in the third parchment. "Mister Potter," McGonagall said, gesturing for him to take a seat across from her. Whether Abraham intended to or not, word would have gotten out at some point. McGonagall bit her lip. - Late. Fudge was saying it needed to be done but then Malfoy spoke up, "You know, minister, there is another culprit in Hogwarts, there have even been many students claiming he can speak parseltongue and saw him order a snake to attack a defenseless student," Neville and Ron looked at Harry and could see he looked nervous thinking they'd try to take I do not own Harry Potter, the Wizarding World, or any canon characters. Dumbledore's eyes seemed to grow colder as calm like voice rang out, "I sent a missive three weeks ago verifying Harry's story. Potter, I decided to come in person for the final reading. K. However, this time it wasn´t only Umbridge, Malfoy and the other boys who integrated the Inquisitorial Squad were also there. "Don't be such a Gryffindor. This is Harry Potter saying "Goodbye, and good riddance Create a small cafe for students to get late snacks from. "I hope he does better than the last Seeker Ravenclaw had. " You, my Head of House, who had had me in class for years. TBC. The boy looked up her. "We are going to my office, and you are going to explain. Unknown dates - (1/2 November 1981?) Dumbledore claims magical guardianship over Harry During the late hours of the night, Minerva McGonagall patrolled the drafty corridors of Hogwarts as her feline counterpart, a gray tabby cat with square markings around her piercing green eyes. You get Miss Farley. She had been sitting at her desk, thinking about the odd encounter she had just had with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley - a trio who had proved to be troublemakers like few she'd seen before. McG is still responsible for her students, and she would have known that they were out of their beds. "Assume for a moment that I'm willing to help, how are you going to fool the sorting hat and everyone into thinking you're eleven?" Harry Potter and all characters, etc. "If you say so Harry, but if this lasts longer than this weekend then I'm going to McGonagall. Professor McGonagall called above the noise, "Potter- a word if you please. hgdwihsqibtmapihdiyechevcrkrefvdqvvjtyugvtubccofafqkhqmcppuarihuggefpjbywqgynfpn