Nsf project outcomes example.
A 1-pager should mirror the format of the NSF .
Nsf project outcomes example Reference books and periodicals only may be included on the proposal budget if they are specifically allocable to the project being supported by NSF. Training activities may include, for example, courses or one-on-one work with a mentor. ABOUT THE REPORT . " Examples include aircraft rental, space rental at research establishments away from the proposing organization, minor building alterations, payments to human subjects, and service charges. Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation 1. Final annual reports. NSF does not want to be prescriptive about the societal outcomes a project addresses. Financial statements. Dec 18, 2019 · Failure to provide the required annual or final project reports, or the project outcomes report, will delay NSF review and processing of any future funding increments as well as any pending proposals for all identified PIs and co-PIs on a given award. gov . Project Outcomes Report Award Title: Project TRACS: Empirically Investigating Transformation through Relatedness, Autonomy, and Competence Support Director/PI: Jessi L. Such outcomes include, but are not limited to: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in sci ence, technology, The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). National Science Foundation's Innovation in Graduate Education (IGE) program stands at the forefront of this transformation. NSF requires you to complete three types of project reports for your NSF-funded project: Annual reports. To win the Fellowship, the proposed research should be able to be completed within a few On March 18, 2013, NSF transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to Research. gov Application Guide. The Project Summary provides an overview of the project, a statement of its intellectual merit, and a separate statement of its broader impacts. and highlights accomplishments at (typically) the . The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields Sep 5, 2018 · NSF Project Summary – Instructions and Worksheet . January 2002 The National Science Foundation Directorate for Education & Human Resources NSF Project Reporting Format This documenthas been developedto provide Principal Investigators(PIs), co-PIs,and research organizationswith: A listing of the questions that will be asked in the new NSF project reporting format; Assistance in planning for the submission of the report; and Aug 28, 2018 · The NSF Project Summary consists of three main sections: (1) An overview includes a description of the activity that would result if the proposal were funded and a statement of objectives and methods to be employed. Recipient Organization: University of Pittsburgh Project/Grant Period: 09/01/2014 – 08/31/15 Project outcomes report. Broader impacts for NSF proposals may be accomplished through: the research itself, activities directly related to specific research projects, activities supported by, but complementary to the project. Section Contents: Describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and broader impacts of the work as defined in the NSF merit review criteria. 20). 50. Download a project report template (DOCX). gov. Learn about the reporting requirements for NSF awardees. We appreciate your patience as we make updates. Jun 22, 2008 · The NSF Strategic Plan provides further background information for Broader Impacts through the NSF Vision, Core Values, Strategic Outcome Goals, and Investment Priorities (NSF Strategic Plan for FY 2006-2011: Investing in America’s Future (NSF 06-48). NSF values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to the achievement of societally relevant outcomes. The project provides web-accessible data, simulations, and visualizations that are easy for biologists to access and compare to ongoing experiments. gov) which will be made available to the public on the outcomes of your NSF-funded work. The report is public and should not contain confidential or proprietary information. When discussing research approach and outcomes, make it clear that the project has a clear endpoint that is well within the timeline of a Ph. Handbook for Project Evaluation ) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NSF-Recipient Relationships. SRS RN could support a project that includes a sociologist or an epidemiologist who plans to quantify adverse health outcomes of people within a regional system. 1. This means that PIs/Co-PIs use Research. NSF’s list of societally relevant outcomes (broader impacts) includes: project have similar impacts on part icipants and are these impacts sustained; do new sites maintain high quality of delivery Evaluation Quasi-experimental design will inve stigate project outcomes, including looking at factors related to the effectiveness of scaling, organizational Feb 14, 2024 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). Project Outcomes Report – NSF Award# 1440646 Project Title: CC*IIE Networking Infrastructure: Accelerating Science, Translational Research, and Collaboration at the University of Pittsburgh through the Implementation of Network Upgrades. You can also access Research. It’s great if your project leads into a lifelong line of research, but the NSF GRFP only funds graduate study. The project summary is the first thing that reviewers and NSF staff read. Sep 21, 2006 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). gov: Life comes in two forms: single-celled (organisms made up of only one cell) and multi-celled (organisms made up of many cells, alike or different). Access the Project Outcomes Report by logging into Research. This report serves as a brief summary, prepared specifically for the public, of the nature and outcomes of the project. On March 18, 2013, NSF transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to Research. gov to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of Final, Annual and Interim Project Reports and the Project Outcomes Report. The documents must follow NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide Some NSF programs expect a more extensive broader impacts section than others. gov to meet all NSF project reporting requirements, including submission of final, annual and interim project reports and the Project Outcomes Report. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields The Annual Project Report requires the project to present a unified picture of progress against the milestones of its NSF-approved strategic outlines all major plan, which components of the project and includes metrics for the success of each component. It should be written clearly and concisely. We encourage you to explore the background of this program, the project. The examples provided below are organized by the set of potential considerations used in This Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Your Project Outcomes Report should: a. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields This project will advance the field by developing software infrastructure for associating the results of X-ray diffraction experiments with individual reactions, extracting structural outcome descriptors from this data, and then determining the extent to which these structural outcomes can be predicted from reaction description data. A 1-pager should mirror the format of the NSF . " (For an after-school tutor center) "Lower the amount of Malaria outbreaks, resulting in an increased life expectancy and enhanced quality of life for those in areas at risk of Malaria. What are the conditions of an NSF Phase I SBIR/STTR award? 51. Bioeconomy research resulting from funded proposals The big “need” your project is to address Who your important stakeholders are The key target group(s) who need to take action The kinds of actions they need to take (clearly state intended outcomes or objectives) Activities needed to meet those outcomes “Causal” relationships between activities and outcomes Research. It provides formatting and structure for a standard NSF grant proposal, with highlights of the most important requirements. Aug 13, 2024 · The U. Such outcomes include: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities; improved STEM education and informed the NSF approach and strategy to address this goal, as referenced in major policy documents issued by NSF. The Final Annual Project Report is due within 120 days after the end of the last budget period. Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. Be written for the general public, b. Describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and Reporting results include but is not limited to: annual/final project reports and Project Outcomes Reports submitted to NSF, as well as the publication of results from the NSF-funded projects. It is based on the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG 20-01, effective 6. NSF Project Summary Template. . National Science Foundation. Documents required for senior/key personnel. Many of a project’s goals and outcomes will relate to project management, for example those associated with initiating or completing a project activity and those associated with finishing a “product. Project Summary. Through a series of controlled experiments using naturalistic materials (geometry problems) as well as novel materials (invented math operations), we confirmed our hypothesis that the optimal learning support, practice testing or studying examples, depends on what is being learned (the May 28, 2020 · This document was created for those new to NSF proposals. The Project Summary should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields, and, insofar as possible, understandable to a broad audience within the scientific domain. NSF Program Directors use the Aug 4, 2020 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). Oct 1, 2024 · 8. A. Accessing Project Outcomes Report Directly on Research. For example, NSF supports research that examines the ecological, social, behavioral, and/or physical and engineering dimensions of systems that cause adverse health outcomes. 2. Recognizing the changing needs of STEM fields and the dynamic change in workforce demands, NSF is funding innovative projects in emerging areas of STEM research. National Science Foundation 2415 Eisenhower Ave. Project outcomes report for the general public. not all functionality available in research. Biographical sketch: This document outlines an individual's education and training, their appointments and positions, and other information that helps NSF assess how well qualified the individual is to conduct the proposed activities. However, special attention has been given to aligning the Handbook to NSF’s unique needs and experiences. What is the knowledge gap? What are the overall objectives, specific objectives and the proposed research approach? What is the research goal and how does it fit with the PI’s 3. National Science Foundation . of an NSF proposal and include: • a brief overview, • a statement of the . f National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research. 1 The recent NSF publication, Broadening Participation at the National Science Foundation: A Framework for Action (NSF, 2008), outlines the NSF-wide broadening participation plan. Content Page number Sep 28, 2021 · to the project. Complete your final report and project outcomes report. 4. “Training” activities are those in which individuals with advanced professional skills and experience assist others in attaining greater proficiency. Examples of desired outcomes include, but aren't limited to: A project outcomes report is a public document. Per NSF guidelines, Phase II progress reports must be And finally, NSF values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to achieving socially relevant outcomes. •Posted exactly as submitted by PIs/Co-PIs with a disclaimer noting that NSF has not approved or endorsed its content The Project Outcomes Report should: •Briefly describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and broader impacts of your work (200-800 words) as defined in the NSF merit review criteria May 21, 2018 · NSF Project Reporting Format This document has been developed to provide Principal Investigators (PIs), co-PIs, and research organizations with: • A listing of the questions that will be asked in the new NSF project reporting format; • Assistance in planning for the submission of the report; and •Posted exactly as submitted by PIs/Co-PIs with a disclaimer noting that NSF has not approved or endorsed its content The Project Outcomes Report should: •Briefly describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and broader impacts of your work (200-800 words) as defined in the NSF merit review criteria NSF Project Reporting Format This document has been developed to provide Principal Investigators (PIs), co-PIs, and research organizations with: A listing of the questions that will be asked in the new NSF project reporting format; Assistance in planning for the submission of the report; and Mar 11, 2024 · The use-inspired nature of the research, dened here as project outcomes leading to foreseeable benets to society, requires early involvement and integration of stakeholder groups. Certain types of This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Numbers, 1501183 and 1840856. ” However, in an education development project, some of the goals and outcomes should worked on the project or anyone who was involved in the activities supported by the project. By comparing a representative sample of National Science Foundation abstracts and project outcome reports (PORs) from 2014 to 2017, this article investigates whether scientists attain the broader impacts they propose. The following are common examples of a project outcome. Describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and broader And finally, NSF values the advancement of scientific knowledge and activities that contribute to achieving socially relevant outcomes. For example, NSF’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program emphasizes both research and education, and the solicitation specifies that the project description must include “a What are examples of outcomes expected from Stage 1? For example, should teams have collected any initial data sets on issues/problems, or should teams have conducted any pilots? Or are outcomes strictly planning related? Those are all potential outcomes of Stage 1, but NSF's priority is to identify proposals that have a clear vision for their This solicitation describes an ambitious program to fund international, interdisciplinary collaborative research centers that will apply best practices of broadening participation and community engagement to develop use-inspired bioeconomy research to address one or more global challenges identified by the scientific community. For SBIR, how much of the NSF-funded research and development must be performed by the awardee? Jan 20, 2024 · Project outcomes are often beyond your direct control and shouldn't be confused with project outputs that you directly deliver. been the impulse for further experiments by others – an example of the interplay between theory, computation, and experiment. For example, you can create a product as an output but can't directly control market outcomes for the product such as revenue. In addition to the fact that a project outcomes report is a few paragraphs (200 to 800 words) long while annual reports typically span several pages, there are three other ways a project outcomes report is distinct from a final annual report. - E The Project Outcomes Report for the general public serves as a brief summary (600-900 words), prepared specifically for the public, on the nature and outcomes of the project. A new professional development opportunity, PI 101, is providing instruction, mentoring, and technical assistance during the first year of project Search for jobs related to Nsf project outcome report template or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. When discussing research approach and outcomes, make it clear that the project has a clear endpoint that is well within the timeline of a PhD. There are multiple ways to navigate to the Project Outcomes Report tool on Research. 3 A final annual report goes to the project’s NSF program officer only. The Project Outcomes Report should: •Briefly describe the project outcomes or findings that address the intellectual merit and broader impacts of your work (200-800 words) as defined in the NSF merit review criteria What are the major goals of the project? What was accomplished under these goals and objectives (you must provide information for at least one of the 4 categories below)? Major Activities: Specific Objectives: Significant Results: Key outcomes or other achievements: What opportunities for training and professional development has the project Jul 25, 2019 · The Project Outcomes Report for our recently ended NSF grant (known variously as DEB-1723293, DEB-1457701, and DEB-1456652) is now available on grants. In addition to annual, final, and interim reports, awardees also prepare a required project outcomes report (POR) upon project completion. ” For the undergraduate student, “selecting a career in NSF-related research activity” would be a comparable outcome. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. All NSF proposals are reviewed through use of the two National Science Board Jun 30, 2021 · All NSF projects are required to submit a project outcomes report within 90 days of the grant’s expiration, along with a final annual report. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields Access the Project Outcomes Report by logging into Research. The NSF stands as a beacon of support for exploration and education, fostering innovations that impact society in profound ways. You are required to have sections titled “Broader Impacts” and “Results from Prior NSF Support,” but there are no requirements as to where they should be placed. gov is available in the project reports demo site, including: project outcomes reports previously submitted reports will not be accessible submission confirmation emails will not get sent the search performed against thompson web of science will only produce sample results the check report completeness link will produce a sample list of missing and Co-PIs will use Research. Such outcomes include: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities; improved STEM education and Some NSF programs expect a more extensive broader impacts section than others. ! into my NSF proposal? Include broader impacts in the following: • Project summary –must have own heading • Project description –must have own heading • Evaluation plan • Results from prior NSF support (include results and a list of up to 5 synergistic activities that demonstrate broader impact) • Annual and final reports Jan 24, 2024 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). To continue with the examples provided above, a long-term outcome of professional development could be “changes in instructional practice reflective of a standards-based approach. For SBIR, how much of the NSF-funded research and development must be performed by the awardee? Jan 28, 2025 · Examples of project outcomes Here are some examples of project outcomes: "Offer a safe place for students to get help with their homework. This report is public and housed on nsf. For example, NSF’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program emphasizes both research and education, and the solicitation specifies that the project description must include “a questions. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields The two-page data management and sharing plan is a required part of a proposal to the U. The Project Outcomes Report is also due within 120 days after the end of the last budget period. S. The new Project Reports Dashboard will be a one-stop shop for all NSF project reports, including the Project Outcomes Reports. Each proposal must contain a summary of the proposed project not more than one page in length. Categories of eligible proposers may be found in Chapter I. Tel: (703) 292-8050 Nov 25, 2024 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). Does NSF SBIR/STTR have a Phase III? 53. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Report are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation; NSF has not approved or NSF awards are normally made to organizations rather than to the PI and any co-PIs identified on a proposal. Content of Project Outcomes Report. gov • results of prior NSF support, if applicable (if PI or co-PI on any grant in the last 5 years). Grants will be used by NSF when the accomplishment of the project objectives requires minimal NSF involvement during performance of the A project outcomes report is required for both standard and continuing grants. At the conclusion of the Phase I award, you are also required to submit a brief (maximum-800-word) project outcomes report (via research. page in length. Explore resources for preparing NSF project reports, including examples, instructions and tip sheets. Deviations from NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission Requirements. 6, 12, and 18-month mark of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project. NSF performs a financial capability review on every prospective Phase II awardee to ensure that the organization is financially stable, has sufficient resources to complete its research program and does not expose the government to the possibility of waste, fraud or abuse of funds. Descriptions of the processes and policies for sponsored research are available on those Examples include aircraft rental, space rental at research establishments away from the proposing organization, minor building alterations, payments to human subjects, and service charges. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields 50. The project used empirical and computational evidence to demonstrate that learning depends on knowledge. Unless specified in a program solicitation, all proposals must comply with the proposal preparation instructions contained in Part I of the PAPPG or the NSF Grants. C, as well as 45 CFR Part 689. The National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) was a five-year, $10 million National Science Foundation (NSF) center grant. What if there are changes to the business model or R&D strategy of a small business during the Phase I NSF SBIR/STTR project? 52. Jan 6, 2025 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). gov is a partnership of Federal, research-oriented grant making agencies with a shared vision of increasing customer service for applicants while streamlining and standardizing processes amongst partner agencies. National Science Foundation NOTE: Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this report are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the official views, opinions, or policy of the National Science Foundation. Jan 20, 2024 · Project outcomes are often beyond your direct control and shouldn't be confused with project outputs that you directly deliver. NSF policies and rules on research misconduct are discussed in the Chapter XII. a. Research at Georgetown is managed primarily by Georgetown Research Services, which includes the Joint Office for Research Administration (for sponsored research administration), the Office of Human Subjects Protection (for IRB), and the Office of Research Oversight (for compliance and research integrity). Sep 20, 2024 · Embarking on the path to secure a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant requires strategic identification of relevant funding opportunities tailored to your project’s objectives. It is important for funding agencies to evaluate if scientists accomplish their research goals. It describes how a proposal will follow NSF policy on managing, disseminating and sharing research results. NSF will not tolerate research misconduct. Annual project reports are prepared each year. Each senior/key person involved in a proposed project must submit the following information with the proposal:. Project Outcomes Report for the General Public (POR) This report serves as a brief summary, prepared specifically for the public, of the nature and outcomes of the project. Societally Relevant Outcomes for NSF. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. Make it easier to compare the outputs and outcomes of research and research-related programs across the government. Nov 18, 2024 · Failure to provide the required annual or final annual project reports, or the project outcomes report, will delay NSF review and processing of any future funding increments as well as any pending proposals for all identified PIs and co-PIs on a given award. In addition, a range of NSF program areas have been selected to provide concrete examples of the evaluation issues discussed. and Co-PIs will use Research. NSF will send reminders every 30 days during these submission windows to the PI and the AOR and any other administrator who has signed up for notifications. A Project Summary is required for every proposal submitted to NSF. The America COMPETES Act (ACA) of 2007, Section 7010, requires that research outcomes and citations of published documents resulting from research funded, in whole or in part, by NSF be made available to. This resource, developed by the Office of Research Development and Education (ORDE), is designed to give early career faculty an overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER Award). The America COMPETES Act (ACA) of 2007, Section 7010, requires that research outcomes and Project outcomes report. D. gov through links provided in email notifications that you will receive for due and overdue reports. E. There is no prescribed format for the Project Description. gov is available in the project reports demo site, including: project outcomes reports previously submitted reports will not be accessible submission confirmation emails will not get sent the search performed against thompson web of science will only produce sample results the check report completeness link will produce a sample list of missing Sep 28, 2021 · to the project. org is currently under construction. Progress Reports are used for reporting updates . gov At the end of Epicenter's National Science Foundation grant, the team created a project outcomes report to share the impact of the center. The final project report is a vital, and required, part of the award closeout process. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields Jan 5, 2023 · Abstract. In the space allotted, it should outline the problem, the objectives and the expected outcomes, project activities, and the audience to be addressed. intellectual merit of the proposed research activity, and • a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed activity. Such outcomes include, but are not limited to: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in sci ence, technology, Mar 1, 2024 · To help new PIs learn and use project management skills within the context of NSF expectations so that they may maximize project outcomes and position themselves for subsequent NSF funding. Section Contents: a. Oct 24, 2024 · NSF awards require that the PI submit a Final Project Report to the cognizant NSF Program Officer within no later than 120 days following the end date of the grant. The Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is a required report, written by Principal Investigators (PIs) specifically for the public, to provide insight into the outcomes of National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research. Jul 26, 2021 · NSF CAREER AWARD TOOLKIT . Dec 6, 2024 · The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). NSF Project Summary Requirements. 4 million ADVANCE Institutional Transformation The agency also expects researchers' work to have broader impacts: the potential to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. A big difference between these audiences is that a project’s program officer probably has expertise in the project’s content area and is certainly familiar with the overall aims of the program through which the project Informalscience. Making changes to your project’s scope of work without NSF program oficer approval is problematic. The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields Strong research proposals say what motivates the project, how the project will get done, and what the project’s outcome will mean with respect to the motivating scientific question. Smith Federal Award ID: 1208831 In 2012, Montana State University received a $3. kxhlyrgbcogsdsfygnoguwmndkjxuakqlacwzanogpvzqdfuistwenadbwfutktytdywkvfgeyievkzssu