Python get variable name Apr 17, 2022 · Case you wanna wrap your function to something more usable and easy to remember u have to retrieve frame 1 like sys. This can be useful for debugging, introspection, or when working with dynamic code. Let’s explore them in detail: Method 1: Using the inspect Module Jun 1, 2009 · Variable names don't get forgotten, you can access variables (and look which variables you have) by introspection, e. items() Parameters: It is important to know that this method does not take any parameters. Dec 16, 2011 · Im baffled as to why someone would want to try and create variable variables in python? To me it seems like you would just have no handle to the variables your just made and would have to go digging through global or local to find them. getM()" function. In a shell script this would be something like: Lambdas are anonymous, which means they do not have a name. – Apr 21, 2024 · This comprehensive overview of the methods to get variable names in Python highlights the versatility and flexibility of the language in enabling developers to manipulate and access variable information dynamically. s ^ help to rephrase the above line. needed type has to have age attribute) for inputs by testing a function with multiple (potentially wrong) inputs. format(name="qwerty") I know that the variable name is name and so I can fill it. Here’s how you can utilize getattr for accessing variables dynamically: Jan 19, 2014 · I was wondering if it is possible to use the return function and get the variable name. Detecting next immediate attribute name, using will; Fetching argument names/sources passed to a function using argname; Other helper APIs (built based on core features): A value wrapper to store the variable name that a value is assigned to, using Python 获取变量的名称作为字符串 在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Python中获取变量的名称作为字符串。 def get_variable_name(variable . threading. However, several clever techniques and workarounds can be used to achieve this. Nov 25, 2010 · On some systems, the hostname is set in the environment. This is a modified, shorter version of the accepted answer from a closed 2009 duplicate question found here, (which was also copied with a mistake in the below Aug 14, '15, the mistake being the re contains the hard coded function name 'varname' instead of the function name shown 'getm'). Jul 2, 2023 · For those who are not using python 3. First, create a new module called billing that has two functions: calculate_tax() and print_billing_doc(). 8+) # Define a variable variable_name = "age" variable_value = 30 # Print variable name and value using f-string print (f"Variable name: {variable_name}, Variable value: {variable_value} ") Aug 23, 2018 · I want a function that can return the variable/object name as str like this : def get_variable_name (input_variable): ## some codes >>get_variable_name(a) 'a' >>get_variable_name(mylist) 'mylist' it looks like silly but i need the function to construct expression regarding to the variable for later on 'exec()'. How can I access the global variable name when I import a class? I have multiple lists of numbers with variable names. See Python PEP 8: Function and Variable Names: Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability. py", line 11, in foo print undefined_variable NameError: global name 'undefined_variable' is not defined Nov 12, 2015 · I want to write the last line such that I can add the name of the class variable ('lensA') to the list self. How to Retrieve a Variable Name. copy()): """ Get Variable Name as String by comparing its ID to globals() Variables' IDs args: variable(var): Variable to find name for (Obviously this variable has to exist) kwargs: globalVariables(dict): Copy of the globals() dict (Adding to Kwargs allows this function to work properly Jan 30, 2024 · In this article, we will explore some simple methods to obtain the variable name as a string in Python. Unlike many other programming languages, Python variables do not require explicit declaration of typ This is being run in a Django environment, which seems to be putting some of it's class instance variables in the read-only __dict__ variable; a feat which I can't find a way to replicate. py", line 15, in <module> m. items() if v is target_variable] The real challenge here is that you are not guaranteed to get back the variable name by itself. items(): if value is unknown_variable: do something with name Note that you don't need to import anything to be able to access locals() and globals(). In addition, add a statement that prints out the __name__ variable to the screen: Nov 20, 2018 · Then in your function call (the newly named) df. A variable is essentially a name that is assigned to a value. (2) This is incorrect. Code I have any string. However, printing the variable’s name is a bit tricky. Usually, you don’t need to print a variable name when developing a Python program. stack() # How to know the original variable names i. right using a variable? Mar 18, 2012 · python get module variable by name. Improve this question. Conclusion. Python: How to get all of the local variables defined in another module. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. ''' return [k for k, v in globals(). + with the Signature object at hand, an easy way to get a mapping between argument names to values, is using the Signature's bind() method! For example, here is a decorator for printing a map like that: The "name and value" idea in python means that variables in python behave differently from variables in languages like C and Java. Mar 7, 2025 · In Python, variables are used to store data that can be referenced and manipulated during program execution. Using the str() […] Feb 2, 2016 · data = "var1 = {'id': '12345', 'name': 'John White'}" Is there any way in python to extract var1 as a python variable. But what if the word inside the {} always changes, like this: "My name is {name}" "My name is {n}" "My name is {myname}" I want to be able to do this: "My name is {*}". How to do that? May 12, 2015 · Python Get Variable Name Inside Class. p. The trick is changing the attribute names from func_code to __code__ and func_globals to __globals__. – For example, locals() will return a dictionary mapping a function's variables' names to their values, and globals() does the same for a module. :param var: variable to get name from. Have a look at it. Cannot start with a number: Mar 27, 2024 · In Python, getting the name of a variable as a string is not as straightforward as it may seem, as Python itself does not provide a built-in function for this purpose. Since globals() return a dictionary contains the names and the values and builtin names have a format like __builtins__ you can filter them: Jan 14, 2021 · Thanks for the help. distance = distance def hits_further(self, other): if self. _getframe(1). Apr 9, 2024 · Learn different ways to get a variable's name in Python using formatted string literals, globals(), locals(), and dictionaries. The only thing that you should be aware of, is that by default this is not the name of the variable, but the original name of the function/class This article will examine various Python techniques for generating dynamic variable names and offer helpful advice and recommendations. apples=[1,2,3] bananas=[4,5,6] coconuts=[7,8,9] I want to call from a helper class function that I call from an external file called funk. Here’s a breakdown: 1. However, if you import a file as a module, Python sets the module name to the __name__ variable. – jasonharper Commented Aug 27, 2018 at 11:55 Aug 14, 2017 · For global variables you can do: def magic_method(obj): return [name for name, val in globals(). mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e. Thus: for name, value in globals(). This will create two variables: a = 4 A = "Sally" Jan 8, 2014 · The alternative solution is also to access __name__ attribute of passed variable, which will result in obtaining the name of function, class or name (or anything else that will have this name defined). Which variable name would you expect in those cases? What you're asking for is generally not possible (though you might be able to get what you want by inspecting the stack), and shouldn't be used even if it was possible. name to get the name you previously assigned to the dataframe. 4. Use string variable in Python dataframe function. distance: return True else: return False Oct 7, 2009 · def get_bound_names(target_variable): '''Returns a list of bound object names. startswith('g_')]) This gets the dictionary associated with all local variables, picks out the ones that have the g_ prefix, and finds the variable whose value has the highest number associated with it. Each button is part of a class "Space" with several attributes. If that is the case for you, the os module can pull it out of the environment via os. Jan 18, 2025 · Pythonでは、変数名を直接文字列として取得する標準的な方法はありません。しかし、変数名とその値を含む辞書を作成することで、変数名を文字列として扱うことが可能です。 例えば、globals()やlo Retrieving names of variables a function/class call is assigned to from inside it, using varname. f_code. 0. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as logging, debugging, or dynamically generating code. If you want a mapping from a "name" string to an instance, use a dictionary. Apr 29, 2022 · When working with Python 3 programming, there may be situations where you need to obtain the names of variables as strings. Jul 18, 2019 · As Barmar commented below, what I am looking for is how to go from a value to the name of the variable it came from? python; variable-names; Share. left or this_prize. def _caller_param_name(pos): #The parameter name to return param = None #Get the frame object for this function call thisframe = inspect. 7): my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] var1 = 'my_list' And my objective is to iterate through this list using for loop without using name of this list in command, only the variable's value (which is list's name). Whether you prefer the simplicity of the locals() function, the structured nature of the inspect module, or the advanced Apr 30, 2014 · Can a Python instance get the name of the variable which is used to access the object? This example code shows what I need: foo=MyClass() foo. However, you can use a workaround by examining the globals() or locals() dictionaries to match IDs. getouterframes Aug 4, 2015 · If I were to do what you were doing, I would change your class to do something like: class GolfClub: def __init__(self, size, distance): self. How to pass the name of a class variable to a function? Hot Network Questions In Job 1:5, ברך is usually read as a When working with Python, you may come across situations where you need to convert a variable name to a string. It looks like this (I use python 3. 7, and 3. Feb 13, 2010 · I would like to insert the value of a variable into the name of another variable in python. b = 2 # Instance attribute self. print undefined_variable. Jul 31, 2015 · To get the variable name for a DataFrame in Python, you can't do it directly using native Python or pandas attributes. It will be a list, but that list will contain the variable name you are looking for. If you don't understand some of the points Ned covers, bookmark the presentation and come back to it later. Using the built-in globals() and locals() functions Jun 9, 2022 · Using retrieve_name by juan Isaza from Getting the name of a variable as a string. Example. Each button has the same command associated with it: "move()". Therefore, I would like to use **kwargs only if a variable name needs to be Apr 17, 2022 · Case you wanna wrap your function to something more usable and easy to remember u have to retrieve frame 1 like sys. In addition, add a statement that prints out the __name__ variable to the screen: Jan 9, 2025 · python 中获取变量名,##如何在Python中获取变量名在日常编程中,我们可能会遇到需要动态获取变量名的情况。尽管在Python中,变量名通常被视为对象的标签,但有些特定场景下确实需要获取变量的名称。 Sep 15, 2015 · I am currently programming a game with a field of buttons, each with a unique variable name. Aug 27, 2018 · Those values happen to come from variables in this case, but that's completely irrelevant - the values know nothing about any names that have been used to refer to them. items() Sep 25, 2023 · There may be situations where you want to convert a string into a variable name dynamically. items() if val is obj] If you want local names too, you can use the inspect module: Sep 6, 2018 · There are many ways of calling a function, where you won't even get variable names for individual values. Get Variable Name As String In Python. This is simply an attempt to claim a distinction for python which does not exist. An object in Python can be referenced by many names - when the reference count of an object goes to zero, Python frees the memory for it. You can always assign a name to __name__ if you feel they should have one anyway: myfunc_l = lambda: None myfunc_l. In Python, variable names must follow certain rules and conventions to be valid and meaningful. Sep 21, 2008 · import inspect class A: d = 4 # Class attribute def __init__(self): self. Aug 25, 2013 · def getVariableName(variable, globalVariables=globals(). Load 7 more related questions Show I concur with @JamoBox' comment. Using locals() Function; Using globals() Function; Using a Custom Function; Using inspect module; Print A Variable's Name Using locals() Function Aug 27, 2023 · Learn how to extract a variable name as a string in Python using the locals() and items() methods. May 1, 2010 · #Specifically return the name of the variable passed as parameter found at position pos in the parameter list. For example, if HOSTNAME is the environment variable containing what you want, the following will get it: Apr 12, 2023 · As you can see, the get_name() function returns the parameter name instead of the actual variable name. Does it from the out most frame inner-wards. sys. Mar 25, 2009 · A variable name is just a name--it has no real meaning as far as the program is concerned, except as a convenience to the programmer (this isn't quite true in Python, but bear with me). Variable names are case-sensitive. __name__ = 'foo' Note that Python cannot know that you assigned the lambda function object to a specific name; the assignment takes place after the lambda expression was The thing is, I have one list with elements and one variable with name of this list in form of string. get_name() --> 'bar' I know that this is black magic and not clean code. In this article, we’ll explore how to convert a string into a variable name in Python with four simple examples. Mar 10, 2024 · 本指南详细介绍了在 Python 中获取变量名称的两种有效方法。利用 inspect 模块,您可以直接从源代码中推断变量名称。使用 eval 函数,您可以动态执行代码以间接获取变量名称。该指南还讨论了这两种方法的区别、效率考虑以及使用其他库和工具的可能性,同时强调了潜在的局限性。掌握这些技术 Apr 20, 2017 · Such variables have a forward reference to the object, but the object does not maintain a back reference to the potentially-many variables. Sep 20, 2023 · Example 1: Using f-strings (Python 3. In this article, we will explore various ways to get variable names as strings in Python. That name must be either in the co_names or co_varnames tuple. Mar 11, 2009 · You do get a list of the variables, which answers the question, but with incorrect types listed beside them. Print A Variable Name In Python. e 'arg1, 'arg2' & 'arg3' arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = None f(arg1, arg2, arg3) Now I would like to know the original variable names that were used to invoke f() As in Alex Martelli's answer we can get the frames using inspect module. While **kwargs can be used to get the variable names easily, it seems really unconvenient if I just want to use the original variable names. getenv. In Python 3, there are a few different approaches you can take to accomplish this task. Aug 3, 2022 · Here is one function that would return a dataframe with variable names and their respective classes, Python Get Variable Name Inside Class. foo("Test") File "test. Rules for Variable Names: Must start with a letter or an underscore (_): The first character of a variable name can only be a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore. Second, the __name__ of a function is the name used during its definition (if it's not changed manually later on), so this will print myfuncname, not myvar, even if the variable myfuncname no longer exists or refers to something different. All we have to figure out is which one. You need to use the globals() function when creating a custom function to extract variable names. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned coder, this article will show you how to utilize Python’s dynamic variable names to their full potential. import inspect def retrieve_name(var): """ Gets the name of var. Here's a function that can find the name of a DataFrame: How to access (get or set) object attribute given string corresponding to name of that attribute (3 answers) Closed 6 years ago . modules and you can scan those for your object. >>> i = 1 >>> locals()["i"] 1 However, because there are no pointers in Python, there's no way to reference a variable without actually writing its name. Unlike many other programming languages, Python variables do not require explicit declaration of typ In Python, a “variable” is used to reference an object in the program. items(): if value is var: return name a = 10 b = "Hello" c = [1, 2, 3] var_name = get_variable_name(a) print(var_name) # 输出:a 在上面的示例中,我们定义了一个函数 get_variable_name,它接受一个变量作为参数。然后我们遍历全局变量的字典,判断 Jan 14, 2023 · In Python 3. 8 yet, here is an alternative. 6, 2. – Mar 7, 2025 · In Python, variables are used to store data that can be referenced and manipulated during program execution. The getattr function can retrieve a variable’s value if it is declared in a specific module. You can use globals() function to get all the global names in your module, and since python has some global names by default like __builtins__ you can escape them :. When I click a button, I want the code to get the attributes of that specific button using a ". For example, what would the names when you use literal values in the call, so: my_function('foo', 10 - 9, [1] + [2, 3]) or when you use a list with values for argument expansion with *: args = ['foo', 1, [1, 2, 3]] my_function(*args) def get_variable_name(var): for name, value in globals(). Double underscores at beginning and end are different - those are reserved for python and are not private (e. All languages that use boxed types have variables like python (except that their variables may be typed). This is being run in a Django environment, which seems to be putting some of it's class instance variables in the read-only __dict__ variable; a feat which I can't find a way to replicate. __component_class). c = 3 # Instance attribute def method1(self): pass def method2(self): pass @staticmethod def static_method1(): pass @staticmethod def static_method2(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': # Create an instance of A instance = A() # Get all members of the class Dec 9, 2017 · Python Get Variable Name Inside Class. Dec 12, 2009 · Now the function has no single name, and as such, you can't find out "the" name of the function. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as debugging, logging, or dynamically generating code. a = 1 # Instance attribute self. Python __name__ variable example. Variable names are not data. – Sep 18, 2021 · # create a dictionary >>> kwargs = {} # add a key of name and assign it a value, later we'll use this key as a variable >>> kwargs['name'] = 'python' # an example function to use the variable >>> def print_name(name): print name # call the example function >>> print_name(**kwargs) python Without **, kwargs is just a dictionary: Jan 3, 2020 · I have a class that zips the given values to perform calculations and it returns a dictionary with the results per variable. py), to retain backwards Creating Variables. See code examples, explanations, and tips for debugging. The variable’s value can be printed in Python using the built-in print() function. – Jan 10, 2019 · def f(a, b, c): import inspect stack = inspect. Rules for Python variables: A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character; A variable name cannot start with a number; A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9 Jul 30, 2021 · As mentioned in another answer to this question, Python scripts that were converted into stand-alone executable programs via tools such as py2exe or PyInstaller might not display the desired result when using this approach (i. 1. However, if you're not able to change the existing code, you can do this: num, var_name = max([(v, k) for k, v in locals(). I've tried the following code snippet - Jun 14, 2020 · class CodeObject: co_code: bytes # the bytecode instructions co_varnames: tuple # names of local variables and parameters co_names: tuple # all other names If some code produces a NameError, it failed to load a specific name. Method 1: Using inspect. Here are some effective methods you can use to retrieve the names of variables in Python. get_name() --> 'foo' bar=foo bar. Imported modules are listed in sys. If you do not understand, here is the code: def foo(): return <get variable name here> a = foo() Therefore, it will return 'a' to the variable a, 'b' to the variable b and so on, which means Feb 4, 2009 · @EduardLuca Double underscores at the start only are similar to a single underscore at the start, but even more "private" (look up "python name mangling"). For example, the expression [int(s[i:i + 3], 2) for i in range(0, len(s), 3)] should return a singleton list with the variable name s like [s]. 8. items() if k. To get a variable name as a string in Python we use the iteritems() or the items() method. In this article, we will explore the concept of obtaining variable names as strings in Python 3 and provide […] However, if you import a file as a module, Python sets the module name to the __name__ variable. Python has no command for declaring a variable. See examples of how to find the variable names in different scenarios and the limitations of this approach. 34 Python code examples are found related to "get variable name". This is basically a process of searching for a variable name with the help of a reverse approach. This is basically a process of searching for a variable name with the help of a reverse approach . And when you get there, you get a stack trace like this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "test. Can the OP change the question to "why would anyone create variable variables in py?" so I can see an answer? – Variable Names. g. co_name, so you can define a function like get_func_name() and expect to get the desired name of the function who invoked. I just want to know if it is possible. Using locals() Function; Using globals() Function; Using a custom class; Using inspect Module; Get Variable Name As String Using locals Jan 31, 2024 · In this article, we'll explore five simple methods to print a variable's name in Python. getouterframes Python 获取变量的名称作为字符串 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Python获取变量的名称作为字符串。 def get_variable_name(variable Aug 4, 2015 · If I were to do what you were doing, I would change your class to do something like: class GolfClub: def __init__(self, size, distance): self. This was not obvious in your example because all the variables happened to be strings anyway; however, what it's returning is the type of the name of the variable instead of the type of the variable. Retrieving Values from Module by Name? 0. Variable Names. argv[0] would hold the name of the executable rather than the name of the main Python file within that executable). As far as the Python interpreter is concerned, the name dict1 is just the programmer's way of telling Python to look at memory address 0x1234 . 1 Access all variables by their names of specific object in class. Python 获取变量的名称作为字符串 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用Python获取变量的名称作为字符串。 def get_variable_name(variable Nov 6, 2024 · Let’s delve into the available solutions: Method 1: Using getattr. Below, are the example of Get Variable Name As String In Python. How do I reference this_prize. python Get a Variable Name as a String. Syntax: dictionary. Dec 21, 2010 · This strategy works in both CPython and PyPy, across Python 2. format(*=get_value(*)) Where * is what ever word was given inside the {} In Python, a “variable” is used to reference an object in the program. Below are the example of How To Print A Variable's Name In Python. Nov 25, 2012 · What?!? globals()['myvar'] is, barring shadowing by a local variable (which is not the case here), equal to just referencing myvar. py in order to put these into a pandas dataFrame() Jul 15, 2021 · I'm using the Python ast module to obtain a list of variable names in a Python expression. currentframe() try: #Get the parent calling frames details frames = inspect. distance > other. Python includes the inspect module, which allows you to access the local variables in the frame of the caller function. magic methods like __init__ and __add__). Dec 5, 2024 · This post explores practical methods to access a variable’s name in Python, providing insights into various code snippets and alternatives. Here's what I'm seeing while playing with it, any suggestions beyond trimming out the __* from the dir() or manually listing them? Apr 3, 2014 · "My name is {name}". A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age, carname, total_volume). __component_name, but not the location of the instance (which is done in self. e. A value given to a variable can be accessed using the variable’s name. Nov 23, 2024 · In Python, it is often necessary to access the names of variables in a program. More specifically I am interested in the dictionary variables so that I can get value of vars: id and name. size = size self. Here's what I'm seeing while playing with it, any suggestions beyond trimming out the __* from the dir() or manually listing them? Oct 5, 2018 · @Aran-Fey, what I am trying to do later is some form of type reconstruction, where I try to collect constraints (e. Dec 5, 2024 · Your goal is to create a function, let’s say retrieve_name, that returns the variable’s name as a string. like 'buffalo', x='buffalo' I want to convert this string to some variable name like, buffalo=4 not only this example, I want to convert any input string to some variable na (1) You do not explain the statement that python lacks variables. Variable names follow the same convention as function names. There's an excellent presentation by Ned Batchelder on this. siuvvy yvakk xhadoh yyybol uqw zmip yycg vgjk ckxzv dgrpn sfelle evt kmyu vuxt mnzoizk