B2 conversation questions pdf Home / B2 / Vocabulary / Language in Use. Grammar Worksheets (B2) This sections provides you with downloadable PDF worksheets and keys for grammar . It may seem easier to practise speaking when you’re studying in a classroom with other students. Each page also has a free printable PDF of conversation questions along with some ideas to supplement the discussion with things like idioms. This section focuses on topics designed to help students at the B1-B2 level build confidence and fluency. Powerpoints. Welcome to our free, open resource for B2 First Listening Part 1. If all that’s not enough, extend the task by having students write their own word formation conversation questions. Although this part of the test is quite straightforward, the questions are not all predictable. To help learners feel more Feb 12, 2017 · 1. Other topic / mixed topics. This document contains 300 conversation questions suitable for teenage students. SORT BY. Suggested essay topics include ways to help the homeless and what students are willing to do B2 Listening Task 1: B2 Listening Task 2: 3. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 – Format Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets. by Jburke18. Video Lessons. Nov 25, 2022 · Watch the video related to this resource, and do the quiz to test your understanding. The questions cover a wide range of topics from favorite memories and passions to hypothetical scenarios and personal preferences to inspire engaging discussion. goodwin. [Don't memorise answers - it will give a bad impression. Nature Vocabulary Printable Worksheets; English Speaking Skills: Conversation Questions; 150 Common Phrasal Verbs Sep 12, 2023 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking - All Parts B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Format B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - FAQ B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. If you feel sad you can say you are feeling blue, down in the dumps, or feeling down . Language in Use (B2) LIU057 - Atlantis: The Lost Civilisation - One Word Too Many This document contains two sets of questions using the words "so" and "such" in the first set, and "too" and "enough" in the second set. There are also a lot more possible topics than at lower levels, so you have to be prepared to speak about a lot of different concepts. English Vocabulary Test (PDF) with Answers Dec 18, 2024 · Happy Endings Vocabulary Exercises (B2, C1) 75+ Quick Vocabulary Quizzes; Idioms Exercises; Phrasal Verb Exercises; Grammar Exercises. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Three Researching / Holiday accommodation / Lottery win. to practice a grammar point; to get things going; to practice for a job; Conversation Toolkit. Use these questions to PRESENT SIMPLE - speaking questions Author: Weronika Keywords: DAEIvE4MCUA,BADZoS9xnHA Created Date: 9/25/2020 6:09:08 AM This is an advanced conversation activity that is only suitable for high-level ESL learners. The questions are organized into topics such as daily life, education, travel, family, free time and sports. Now, we’ll start with Part 1. Conversation questions worksheets for ESL students, teachers, and general English discussion. A selection of English ESL conversation questions c1 printables. Initially, candidates are expected to answer some questions individually , providing longer and more detailed responses. This document provides 28 discussion topics for ESL students at levels B1 and B2 that focus on daily life experiences. The questions cover a wide range of topics including where the examinee is from, their hobbies and interests, family life, music and film preferences JOBS B2 conversation questions - Free download as Word Doc (. Print (on a coloured sheet) and cut into slips to go round the classroom. Topics A Care for elderly people B Important inventions C Some festivals in your country I: (Hand over piece of paper and pen/pencil. The questions aim to raise awareness about homelessness and get students thinking about ways to help those in need. Conversation Lessons. It would also be a good idea to prepare some more questions for them to answer, such as those found in the B 2 First This document provides questions for an ESL conversation about homelessness at the B2 level. Topic - Christmas, traditions, taboo topics, gifts. Form - brainstorming, discussion, or debate. Mar 6, 2016 · 40 Questions to Help You Prepare for the Speaking Test. The questions cover topics like family members, home descriptions ESL Conversation Questions – Music This content is available for paid subscribers only . With a partner, students are asked to take turns answering 16 questions about themselves and their families, homes, neighborhoods, education experiences, career interests, work preferences, social lives, and relationships. Containing questions. The document This document provides a lesson plan for preparing ISE II exam candidates to discuss six subject areas for the interview portion of the exam. Form - discussion, debate, for and against. What’s the last book you read for pleasure in your own language (ie. There are THREE parts in the Speaking Test: some questions asking personal information, a monologue about two photographs, and an informal discussion with some questions related to this. The most challenging terms in the speaking exercise include – replace, creatively, make use of, fear, task, develop, self-driving, industry, society, morals, concern, traditional, emotional relationship, virtual assistant, deepfake, and maintain. Switch the papers around and have them practise different topics. you two or three questions and give answers that are either too short, suitable or too long. 2953 uses. Spot the Grammar Mistakes! For Nature and Wildlife Lovers. The topics cover a range of issues including climate change, medicine, paranormal experiences, personal goals, language preservation, scientific breakthroughs, urban vs rural living, favorite media, role models, work-life balance, childhood memories, challenging sports, smart cities, diets Free printable phrasal verb conversation questions worksheets. by speaking topics B2 - Free download as Word Doc (. E4L_Speaking_B2_Unit3 - Free download as PDF File (. Mar 7, 2019 · This is part of the challenge of speaking at at C1 level for the ISE III conversation task. 207 B2 conversation starters English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Conversation Questions (B1/B2) Game Code: 1258439 English 38 Public This game is meant for ESL conversation classes . You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below. TIME Aug 26, 2021 · Happy Endings Vocabulary Exercises (B2, C1) 75+ Quick Vocabulary Quizzes; Idioms Exercises; Phrasal Verb Exercises; Grammar Exercises. The questions are grouped into 20 different topics, with 15 questions on each. Some conversation cards. When you answer ISE I conversation questions, give an extended, interesting answer and then ask the examiner what they think. It begins with an introduction and questions about the learner's background and experience studying English. 25 questions to prac. Computers & technology. The document summarizes a trial lesson for assessing a learner's English proficiency at the B1 and B2 levels. How does weather affect the economy and industries? 3. A score of 65% or more means you would pass the B2 level and get the Tracktest B2 certificate. Exercise Number: FCE090 Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Four Nov 25, 2018 · This document lists 20 potential speaking topics for a B2 level English exam preparation workshop. Play Study Slideshow Share AmyA B2 questions. Oct 20, 2021 · Funny conversation starters for your ESL lessons. What kinds of books do you usually read? Jimmy is a seasoned ESL teacher who has spent years traversing the globe, immersing himself in diverse cultures and languages. This guide will help you plan and respond to everyday formal and informal written and spoken interactional situations, for example: dialogues, role play, conversations and meetings. pdf), Text File (.  B2-24 Had I known ESL Conversation Questions – Reading This content is available for paid subscribers only . They include common icebreaker questions as well as more in-depth questions to elicit longer responses about interests, experiences and opinions on various subjects. Conversation questions. I use this activity when my students want Some unique conversation questions, based on posts in the AskReddit subreddit. B2 Grammar Conversations. LanguageCert Communicator B2 6 PART 4 (4 minutes including follow-up questions) I: In Part Four you are going to talk on your own for about two minutes. Comp. Your topic is (choose topic for candidate). They also ask about sufficient amounts and what is enough. Discussion Questions. dasein74. Topics covered include food, money, exercise, opinions on age limits, and personal This document lists 50 questions that can be used for ESL conversation practice between teens and adults. Download a pdf version of 120 ISE I conversation questions: Level: This is most suited to B2 level students. Nature Vocabulary Printable Worksheets; English Speaking Skills: Conversation Questions; 150 Common Phrasal Verbs ESL Conversation Questions – Relationships This content is available for paid subscribers only . This worksheet is useful for IELTS preparation and discussion classes. The questions cover a range of topics and verb tenses, including present and past experiences, current and past jobs and projects, daily routines, weekends, relationships, living situations, education, friends, vacations, and goals for the next 5 years. The interlocutor leads the discussion by selecting from the questions below. A free PDF speaking worksheet of nature conversation questions, This discussion topic is suitable for intermediate-level ESL speakers and above. English language learning lessons for speaking, reading, writing and listening English language practice. TEFLlessons In the final part of the B2 First Speaking test, which lasts about 4 minutes, candidates are asked a series of questions that are related to the topic discussed in Part 3. Subscription required. You could also ask more confident students questions in front of the class. mintsy. doc / . I’m going to ask you about your life. Conversation topic - Halloween traditions. Here are some emotions idioms you can introduce, discuss, and try to make example sentences with once you have completed the feelings conversation questions. For each topic, the document lists several example questions that teachers can ask students to spark Feb 11, 2016 · This article lists 91 questions that you might be asked in part 1 of the Cambridge B2 First speaking test. All-time. All the discussion and conversation topics for classes or online English learners. Great Conversation Questions for B1 level and above. Warmer questions MUSIC 4 DELTA Publishing 2022 www. ESL Conversation Questions. Download the free book with 25 lessons with 100 short conversations. What role does technology play in understanding weather? 4. Diet & Health A selection of English ESL b2 conversation class printables Search. Free Online Games; The Whole Language Approach; The Tell Back Technique; Mind Maps; Questions by Cognitive Skill; Good These questions have been designed with B2 First level in mind using common topics seen in Cambridge exams, but they may also be useful for a C1 Advanced group. Difficult terms you might need to go over with your class before starting the first speaking activity include – personality, appearance, grow apart, in person, risk, trust, characteristics, betrayed, and lent (lend). EXAM SKILLS: Maintaining a conversation, using a range of language appropriate for the level (B2) 10,000+ results for 'b2 conversation questions' English Conversation Cards (Conditional Tense) Speaking cards. Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. Filters. Speaking practice. ESB B2 Sample 4 9 Part 3 – Responding to Questions TOPIC 1: Clothes and Fashion A three-way discussion between interlocutor and candidates based on a new topic. Questions are provided. What is the B2 English level? ESL Conversation Questions – Ambitions This content is available for paid subscribers only . These questions provide a broad spectrum of topics that encourage learners to discuss their personal experiences, reflect on cultural differences, and engage with abstract concepts. There are 60 conversation starters in this resource. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'b2 questions' Wheel Of Questions! Conversation Starters Spin the wheel. Browse Topics: Grammar Topics General Topics. Speaking Questions C1 - Free download as PDF File (. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. I can discuss the link between technology and crime. docx), PDF File (. Ideal for A2-B2 level students. Travelling by plane can be a stressful and unpleasant experience. Each lesson features warm-up discussions, a presentation task ( video , images , or reading ), controlled and free practice activities, discussion tasks, and Topic 02 Friends 1. As an extension, you could have your students use the verb list to create their own questions. 1. With 10 questions for each topic, we have created 120 ISE III conversation questions. Remember, it’s a 2 minute conversation task, not 2 minutes to answer 1 question. This is a handy discussion topic for the end of the year. Oct 19, 2024 · Over 100 present perfect continuous conversation questions to help you improve your English. fruitful conversations arise spontaneously and there is an art to listening well and asking the right questions to in order to uncover the nuggets of universal interest which provoke stimulating classroom discussion. It includes 20 questions divided into two sets - one for Student A and one for Student B. Transport and vehicle questions along with a picture description activity. It provides conversations modeling different problems and language to ask people to repeat themselves. 5. How do extreme weather events impact infrastructure and communities? 6. Crime & punishment. Each question can lead to interesting group discussions, allowing participants to practice complex language structures and deepen their understanding of these thought-provoking themes. The topics include hobbies, time, sleep, music, first dates, work, risk, food, motivation, beauty, crime, love, goals, dreams, restaurants, cooking, money, and shopping. The interlocutor may ask for a specific Written entirely in spoken English, the conversations give you the authentic experience of reading real English in a format that is convenient and accessible for an intermediate learner (B1-B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference). These lessons are ideal for classroom , online , and one-to-one teaching settings. uk Ernst lett Sprachen mbH otebuehlstraße 77 70178 -Stuttgart In conversation B2 2nd edition 978-3-12-501559-3 1 A working life A selection of English ESL speaking b2 printables Topics. Can you describe one of your closest friends. The document provides a series of questions about daily activities, work, family, relationships, and future plans. The document provides instructions and example questions for a speaking exercise at the B2 level. com People are more aware of the environmental problems nowadays. CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 1 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 2 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 3 PDF – Advanced (download) These conversation questions are a great kick start for A1, A2, B1 level English learners. co. By clicking on one of the desired topics below you will be brought to a related page that has questions on the subject. The plan involves 1) having students recall previous questions, 2) identifying topics from pictures and definitions, 3) creating new questions for each subject area using prompt cards, and 4) practicing interviews in pairs. Each PDF has 3 activities to help students recognise and learn phrasal verbs. This is a list of questions for discussion in ESL class. Most popular. This document contains 35 questions that could be asked in an A2 level speaking exam. B2 DIALOGUE & INTERACTION - WRITING & SPEAKING GUIDE Please note that the following information should be used as a guide. ) ESL Conversation Questions – Shopping This content is available for paid subscribers only . Time: 20 mins + These conversation questions for B2 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates at the start of term. Basic-Proficiency-A1-A2; Intermediate-Upper Intermediate B1-B2; Advanced-C1-C2; Conversation Starters. Speaking Questions B2 - Free download as PDF File (. For this lesson, you could find another student who also wants to practise and: • Speaking practice. It is not necessary to use all the questions. Here's a list of questions from past First Certificate exams, Cambridge textbooks, and so on. Then discuss which they think was the best and why. For some related activities try these transportation vocabulary matching worksheets and the transport crossword printable . The questions explore experiences with extremes like being too tired, too full, or having too much of something. They provide learners with opportunities to practice forming sentences, using new words, and expressing ideas naturally. However, some days we come up empty handed, maybe our learners are tired or reluctant to publicly speak up. These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. 25 questions to practice conversation about daily routines, personal likes, childhood, abilities, dreams and travels, using present simple, past tense and present perfect. A free PDF worksheet of Christmas conversation questions for English speaking practice. Not all cultures celebrate Christmas the same way but everyone knows about December the 25th. It then discusses goal setting and the ideal frequency of self-study and lessons to reach language goals. You can practice answering these present simple discussion questions by yourself or with a partner. B1+ conversation questions - Free download as PDF File (. 216 Discussion questions English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Ideal for all levels. by U76167437. Please do not worry if you are interrupted during the test. These worksheets can be used for a variety of English levels and from large to one-on-one classes. It is very useful for a teacher to have it pr… See full list on breakoutenglish. There are 12 possible topics for ISE III conversation questions: Ambitions Independence Stereotypes Role models Competitiveness Young people’s rights The 120 ISE I Conversation Questions 27/02/2019 B1 , ISE I Speaking Dec 5, 2022 · Happy Endings Vocabulary Exercises (B2, C1) 75+ Quick Vocabulary Quizzes; Idioms Exercises; Phrasal Verb Exercises; Grammar Exercises. This list and its contents have taken several years to assemble and is ever expanding. This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. I've also written sample answers, because I'm an amazing person. Responses would require cards-conversation-questions-b2-travel - Free download as PDF File (. Feb 1, 2021 · Phrasal Verbs Activity and Exercises, Conversation Questions and PDF Worksheet Posted on February 1, 2021 September 27, 2021 By albacker I sometimes watch, or more accurately, watched (because Covid) Netflix with friends. Don’t be shy, you don’t have to be perfect, as long as you keep going, you keep learning! English Speaking Topics PDF Dec 22, 2024 · Why Use Conversation Questions in ESL Classes? Conversation questions are an excellent way to help students build confidence when speaking English. Are elderly people more concerned about the planet than the young? D e s c r i b e t h e p i c t u r e . The document proceeds to test the learner's speaking skills through For ESL and English learners, the first set of discussion questions about friendship has a few challenging words. B2 discussion questi. The ESL discussion questions are designed to be accessible to a general audience, but are open enough to allow advanced speakers to develop more complex responses. Presentation. Worksheets. 2. Advertising. D i s c u s s i n p a i r s . txt) or read online for free. A selection of English ESL b2 questions printables. B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples. Explore the relationship between human activity and weather changes. This document provides conversation questions to practice English skills related to media, facts and fiction, books and TV shows, travel, communication, the internet, business ideas, and hopes and dreams. TIME PERIOD. However, there are many ways you can practise from home, too. 2,821 B2 questions English ESL worksheets Point out that the questions in Part 1 vary and the interlocutor may ask follow -up questions based on what the candidates say. This document contains 50 speaking questions that could be asked in an English language exam.  I wasn’t able to answer all the questions. Search. EXAM PART: Conversation Task. Jun 7, 2024 · This set of 612 relationship conversation questions also used as interview questions, divided into 10 categories and six proficiency levels, is a valuable tool for ESL teachers to teach speaking skills and promote meaningful discussions about relationships among ESL students. From teaching English in bustling Tokyo streets to volunteering in rural African villages, Jimmy's adventures have shaped his unique approach to language instruction. I wasn’t able to answer all the questions. Get the PDF… Donate a coffee Discussion starters, speaking cards. You, of course, should think up your own answers. B2 discussion questions - Mixed topi…: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Unlock 500+ unique ESL conversation topics , 200+ ready-to-use lesson plans tailored for A2-C1 learners, and 50+ creative activities and fillers designed to keep your classes fun, interactive, and memorable. This document contains 10 discussion questions that could be used for an upper-intermediate English conversation class. The document contains a collection of potential speaking questions for the B2 level Cambridge English exam. Please choose from the grammar areas. B2 First for Schools Speaking Part 2 (Long turn) Top tip! Find a study buddy to practise speaking with. B2: Upper-Intermediate; C1: Advanced; C2: Proficient; Each level has 15 questions. You can browse the topics here by the thumbnail of the worksheets. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. Download the FCE Speaking Part 3 pictures pdf to print or use offline. These conversation, speaking tests includes questions that measure different aspects of your conversation skills. This unit focuses on coping with communication difficulties over the phone such as delays, cut offs, poor reception, and low battery. . Conversation questions - B2 Game Code: 2113597 English 7 Public Check the scenario and role-play! Play Study Slideshow Share Selexidiomas 58 # Here are five part 3 and part 4 B2 First (FCE) practice prompts and questions with tips for teachers and students. Discuss the scientific methods used to predict weather. English Word Skills Exercises for B2 with Answers I can role-play a conversation at the doctor’s. Calculate the result On the last page (p10), you will find the correct answers to the test questions and the formula for calculating the percentage score. detapublishing. This document contains a list of 45 speaking questions that could be asked in an interview or conversation setting. What is the longest friendship that you have had? 3. 623 Speaking b2 English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. 2,609 results for 'b2 conversation' Getting to know you Spin the wheel. 2200 uses. The questions cover topics like personal information, family, hobbies, school subjects, free time activities, food preferences and reading habits. 134 CONVERSATION QUESTIONS C1 English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. This practice makes students feel more comfortable speaking in different Discussion questions/ short writings. Downloadable PDF and online resource. Conversation questions for ESl pair work activity. Do you have any childhood friendships that are still s Learn the story behind the free grammar conversation books on English LIstening Library Online. These discussion questions are suitable for teachers to use in the ESL classroom with students at intermediate level or above. not for work or school)? Would you recommend it or not? 2. b2 questions. Nature Vocabulary Printable Worksheets; English Speaking Skills: Conversation Questions; 150 Common Phrasal Verbs CONVERSATION MG Robot mon amour (B2) Qu’est-ce qu’un robot ? Quelles actions peut réaliser un robot ? Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients d’un robot ? Quels sont les risques liés à la fabrication et à l’utilisation de robots ? Devoir : Présenter un robot inventé : rôle, avantages, inconvénients. Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for intermediate level students with a B1 or B2 level who want to improve their English conversation fluency. The goal is for students to Read short conversations and answer carefully the questions. The difficulty of each word was determined by the English Vocabulary Profile for levels A2-B2 and the Corpus of Contemporary American English for the final levels. Speaking Questions A2 - Free download as PDF File (. It includes short conversations to give you practice so you feel confident when the B2 First exam day arrives. by Jeremymills. 203 B2 conversation class English ESL B2 4 1. This resource includes a variety of practical scenarios and present perfect continuous (progressive) uses! Over 100 present perfect continuous conversation questions. How important is it to organise the Earth Day at schools? 2. They can also be used at any time to develop speaking skills. Books & reading. Advanced conditionals - Conversation questions Open the box. qcyys tjle ehcc krwsxt coinl gqez xbt hplju vueqv ney ueil bhqwmoo vjhp cmaowss wakzst